MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1770 Xiao Jia Erzu

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"You have a hard time and caused a lot of trouble..."

Within the Zhongtang of Yu’s vein, Yu Zhao’s wife, Yu Zhao’s wife, was trembled with anger, and the feather duster in her hand had dropped a chicken feather. Only a bare pole was left, and the rest of the room was full of people. Scared to hide aside early, even the old housekeeper did not dare to persuade, in the empty nave, only inside and outside, inside and outside the young master Yu Huairou!

"I am not wrong!"

The reluctant Yu Jiaxiao, the young master, was quite squatting in the courtyard, but still stalked his neck and snorted: "The credit is in front of everyone, gibberish, making things, saying that Fang Zuye No, I was just angry, but I learned a lesson. He broke two ribs and beat his mouth in the public. But with his cultivation, there is no danger to life. Hey, Xiao Zhiyuan is really The more you come out, the more you pretend to die, you must deliberately deceive me, want to see my good play..."

"I also said that people are crediting things, you are the credit!"

Mrs. Yu was almost angry and couldn’t come up with a sigh of relief. The surrounding hurriedly rushed to hold her chest for her. For a long time, she hated and said: “The people who are going to practice in Daxueshan soon, how to do things like this, smashing, mouth Growing on him, he wants to say that you let him say, your family's grandfather died for three hundred years, can he be said that he can't make a piece of meat? Then again, how long does it take for the ancestors to pass on the spirit? Do you control the weight? This is a good thing. If you really kill someone, Xiao Jiafei can’t fight with us..."

"My father didn't go to Xiaojia to verify it. You know right away, that grandson is deliberately scary..."

Yu Huairou said nothing: "But the mother said what you said is not right, just rely on Xiao Zhiyuan's ability, of course, the broken sky can not lose a piece of meat of Fang Zuye, but he is arrogant, it is annoying, Fang Zuye in the Spirit of Heaven, will angry!"

"Fang Zuye is not so stingy!"

Mrs. Yu hated the swearing, and my heart was slightly loose.

Just after the news, Xiao’s young master was killed by Yu Jia’s young master, but she really scared her. Huairou’s father also rushed to watch it, but Yu Huairou said so sure, let her slightly Rest assured, after all, just some of the gossips that have just been sent, no one has seen it with their own eyes. Maybe it’s really people who exaggerate their words, but they are worried about their own white!

"Master is back..."

At this time, suddenly heard and shouted, the public looked up, but saw a team in the sky will protect a middle-aged man riding a flying horse from the far air, came to the vicinity, directly press the horse First, as the sacred gods will be in general, the path falls straight into the courtyard, and a follower sprints out, pulling the horse's horse, stepping on the foot, and even Yufu trots out and rushes. Supported the arm of the Yu Clan, Yu Tiejun, and anxiously said: "Master, how do you say that the Shao family's young master..."

"He...he is dead!"

Yu Tieyu, the Yu clan, took a deep breath and replied in a deep voice. He turned his head and looked at the son who was lying on the ground. He turned and walked to the middle hall. But this step went out, but it was soft and almost When she fell, Mrs. Yu hurriedly picked him up, only to find his chest, above the armor, there was actually a black-and-black palm print, like a life being beaten out...

"The lord just started with Xiaojia's family. The lord endured it and was beaten by the Xiao family."

The next door will look back low, and the faces of each one will look dignified and resentful.

" are a shackle, you are going to kill you together..."

Mrs. Yu was shocked and anxious, and looked back to Yu Huairou’s head.

Yu Huairou was shocked at this time. After a long while, he cried: "I can't, I didn't kill him..."


Yu Tiezhen took back the hand and hit his son's hand. Shen Sheng said: "At this time, it is useless to say anything else. You all come in. This time, Xiaojia really furious, I am afraid this is not the case. It’s easy to end...”

A group of people surrounded Yu's family and entered the hall. Mrs. Yu was almost in a mess, and she was treated with the medicinal herbs. She was worried about her son. After a while, she waited for a while, and finally waited until Yu Tiezhen’s breath calmed down. I was anxiously pulling the arm of Yu Tiejun: "What can I do? This is a shackle that killed people. What Xiao said?"

"I didn't, I really didn't kill him!"

Yu Huairou is still reluctantly shouting, but there is also a sigh of relief in his eyes.

"Xiao's family was angry, and they insisted that they should pay for their lives..."

Yu Tiezhuo sighed and whispered.

"life for a life?"

When Mrs. Yu heard the scared soul fluttering, she hated and looked at the same somewhat sluggish son. The tone suddenly became tough: "Why, what is it? We have a family of more than 300 years in this Bohai country. The ancestors used to kill the enemy in the frontal battlefield with the protoss. In the land of the south, who is not respectful? The Xiao family is just a second master, who entered the dojos a hundred years ago. This swayed and became mad, let my son pay for it? He dared to think..."

"Their two masters came back from the dojos..."

Yu Tiezhen just sighed and said a word.

Mrs. Yu’s face suddenly became iron blue, and she did not say a word for a long time.

"Xiao Jia Erye is back..."

This sentence is like a curse, and the same thing makes the shadow fall on the head of the Yu family!

Everyone knows that today’s Taoist doctrines represent what it means. That is the existence of the supremacy of Tianyuan. The Xiao’s vein is originally a small tribe of Tiannan, and its ancestors are only a golden turn. However, because a hundred years ago, Xiao Jia Erye entered the dojos of the philosophers, and immediately became rich and profound. In just a hundred years, he emerged as a behemoth comparable to the shoulders of the Yu family. Even in many things, even the tyrants Yu Haiguo’s three hundred years of Yu’s must make concessions...

On the Xiao family, of course, there is no way to let Yu Shi’s pulse, Yu Huai-ru pays off...

But what if Xiao Jia Erye made a speech?

If this is big, who can dare to disobey the words of Xiaojia Erye?

"Fast, go and tell the ancestors..."

Mrs. Yu was shocked and hurriedly said a word.

"Oh, I already knew..."

The words still haven’t fallen, and the family’s back hill has already sighed, and everyone will see that the ancestors of Yu’s ancestors slowly swayed the clouds and swayed from the back hills, the legendary day. The first master of the South, Jin Dan nine turns, half-step Yuan Ying's ancestors, it seems that only fifty or sixty years old, the body is round, wearing a blue robe, a big belly is conspicuous, by his side, Then followed a wild boar with white flowers, slowly drifting down, slowly stepping into the hall...

"Old ancestors..."

Master Yu Jiaxiao had long been wronged and hugged the ancestors' legs, and cried with a cry: "I really didn't kill!"

"Well, my baby is crying, my ancestors just knew what happened..."

The old ancestors smiled and licked the head of Yu Huairou. Wen Yan said with a smile: "The ancestors believed you, and for three hundred years, Yu Jia did not have a kind of thing to do. If you say that you are not killing, then it must not be you. Kill, and even if you kill it?"

Yu’s ancestors said that the sound was a cold, and the cold voice: “The children of Xiao’s family are talking nonsense, it’s time to kill!”

Yu’s family and his wife listened to this and couldn’t help but stay.

The good temper of the ancestors was notorious. In the past three hundred years, he was good with people and his reputation was quite good. He did not expect that it was related to the grandfather, but he rarely revealed the temperament, which made his son’s son Mrs. Yu is a little bit stunned...

"The ancestors, the Xiao family insisted that they should pay for their lives, and this thing may not be good!"

Yu Tiezhen’s face was also a little dignified. He gasped a few breaths and said: “The Xiaojia Erye just had to buckle the baby, but the Xiao’s ancestors said that they would care about the old feelings and would not tear the dough. Only the child was driven out, but Xiao Jia’s second brother just gave a death order and told the child. If the rest of the family didn’t immediately send Huairou to Xiao’s family, he would...”

Yu Jia’s ancestors’ face was slightly cold and faint: “What is he going to do?”

"The Xiao family is talking about..."

Yu Tiejun hesitated for a moment, still said: "He will hit the door to grab people!"

"Hey, this Xiao family has a big tone!"

Yu Jia’s ancestors heard this and his face was a little angry: “They don’t ask for it clearly? Is this a matter of whether or not the children are doing a good job, they have to go to the door to grab people? What did they make me Yu's pulse?"

"Hey, this matter has been ruined by either the children, and too many people have seen the children and the younger brothers fight the law. This is not a room for discrimination. The child has just tried hard. Arguing, saying that there may be some misunderstandings, but the Xiaojia Erye’s words, relying on the soft children and the remote action, they need to pay for their lives. If there are other misunderstandings, they will find out clearly, but no matter what, The young Shao family can't die in white, and the Tao of the family has paid for his life, and he is barely strong!"

When Yu Tiejun said these words, his face was a bit ugly, and he was obviously tempered by his good temper!

"Git! Git! This Xiao family is bullying to my home!"

The fat on the face of Yu’s ancestors is in the air!

"Old ancestors, do you want to have a message with the beast?"

Yu Tiezhen asked carefully.

"No, the beasts can't deal with the Xiao family, but they are humiliated!"

Yu Jia's ancestors bowed their heads for a moment and decided to make a decision: "Now, you will take my letter and send it to the snowy mountain in Chubei. Please ask the elders of Daxueshan to protect him. Hey, Guan Xiaojia The two princes are so embarrassed, and they dare not go to Daxueshan to ask for people. As for the other, the old man waits here, but they must see that they are afraid to hit the door..."

After saying such a loud voice, Yu Tiezhen and his wife were shocked, and they did not dare to speak.

"Not good... Xiao Jia, Xiao Jia came to the door..."

But at this time, I heard that a family outside the door would shout, and stumbled into the ancestral hall.

All the people in the temple were shocked and stunned. They jumped out of the door and jumped into the air to look at it. Under this circumstance, they were immediately furious, but at this time, they were centered on the Yujia Academy and surrounded by the void. In the middle, there are soaring dark clouds rolling over, as if the black clouds are urging the city, all the clouds are surging, there are hidden soldiers in the armor, and there are not many people hidden, but in front of the Yujia main entrance, there is also The team practiced, pulling a banner of "Shaw", and Sensen appeared in front of Yujiazheng!

"Xiao Yueting, what do you dare to surround my family?"

The Yujia family saw a group of monks in front of the main entrance, and the Xiao family, who was wearing a green robe, shouted loudly.

"What is the intention?"

The owner of the Xiao family also shouted: "Killing and paying for life, righteousness, Yu Tiezhen, handing over your son!"

"They are coming so fast..."

Yu Jia's main face was iron and blue, and his heart turned sharply. He said: "Xiao Shixiong, I have already asked about soft children. He just learned a few tricks with Zhiyuan. The draw ended, and it did not harm the distant life. At that time, Zhiyuan had a good end to leave from the restaurant. Everyone has seen it. Since Zhiyuan is harmed by others, it must be someone secretly picking it up. We must check it out clearly..."

"Suddenly picking?"

The Xiaojia family heard the words, and they were extremely angry. They shouted: "At that time, my son was beaten by the good son of your family. He was vomiting blood. Everyone had to see it. In a blink of an eye, the neck was crushed in the dark alley. What else can you tell? Hey, I have already asked people, my family is in front of the restaurant, saying that the devil is not, even if you don’t listen to it, it’s the truth, how can you do too much in your homework? Is it because you can’t get rid of it? Maybe it’s not your son, but your hands...”

"This matter... This is impossible, there will be a misunderstanding!"

Yu Tieyu has been rushing to decompose, but there is already a feeling of suspicion.

"Do not talk nonsense, surrender your son, you will know the first trial!"

Xiao Jia’s family is drinking and looking fierce. It’s already overbearing!

But when he screamed loudly, he wanted to wave his hand and ordered to attack Yujia, and suddenly his face looked awkward.

In the air in front of him, above the Yujiazu Temple, a fat figure appeared, carrying his hands and looking at him coldly, but the ancestors of Yujia appeared, coldly toward the Xiaojia family. I looked over and said nothing, killing the machine!

"Yu... Yu Laos!"

It was the owner of the Xiao family. At this time, I met the legendary figure of the Bohai State. I couldn’t help but feel cold in my heart and called for a meeting.

"You want to take my grandson to pay for it?"

The ancestors of the Yu family were cold and open, and there was a chill in the voice.

The Xiao family’s heart sank, or bite his teeth: “He killed my son Xiao Zhiyuan...”

"Why did he kill him?"

Yu Jia's ancestors interrupted his words and asked coldly.

The Xiaojia family was again a stagnation, or replied: "But these two children have quarreled because of trivial matters..."

"What is trivial?"

Yu Jia's ancestors followed one another and refused to give up.

Xiao Jia’s family screamed: “Because of the devil head three hundred years ago, my son just said a few truths...”


Yu Jia's ancestors suddenly drank coldly and sighed: "My teacher is the hero of the heavens and the earth. It is also a great hero of Tianyuan merit. If it is not him, now Tianyuan may have a birthday birthday? Tianyuan can still be with In the thirty-three days of the war, it is a little cheaper? These merits, you wait until you see, but the words behind you are only destroyed, shouldn’t your son kill?”


In this remark, the Xiaojia family’s face changed greatly and was full of anger. It was just a matter of how to stop.

"The old man has twenty-three grandchildren and fifteen grandchildren. The most painful thing is this one. The reason is that he is not because he is most like my teacher. This time, don’t say whether your son died or not. He is still between the two, even if it is really killing him? My son, I still can't dare a yellow mouth child who dares to talk nonsense to the ancestors?"

Yu Jia's ancestors screamed and raised his hand: "The old man is here, you Xiaojia really has the ability to attack and try!"


The family of Xiao’s family was furious, but the ancestors of Yu’s anger, who was full of anger, couldn’t help but feel a little cold. In front of him, this is the ancestor of Yu’s ancestor who has dominated the sea for more than three hundred years. It is said that he once had the same friendship with the demon head, and he was very sympathetic with the golden generation of the three hundred years ago. He also gathered the power of the beasts and the front of the protoss. After the chaos of the Protoss, most of the old people who practiced in the Yuan Dynasty fell on the frontal battlefield. Most of the rest, and most of them entered the starry sky. Today, above Tianyuan, this is the top-ranking old man. ......

On the status, on the generations, and even on the cultivation, it is a rare sight. He made a fire, how can he not fear?

Not only him, but even the family of the Xiao family, and the guest of the Xiao family, at this time are frightened and afraid to speak!

"Oh, who is the fart?"

But when I dared to be at this moment, suddenly a sneer sounded, everyone was shocked and looked back.

However, I saw it in the far east. There was a man with a black sword wearing a sword. The man was young and looked like Shouyuan was not big, but he was a little angry, but it was already Yuan Ying. The cultivation of the realm is stronger than the ancestors of the Yu family who turned the Jindan nine. It is his sneer, and he has swept to the front, and looked down at the ancestors of Yujia, and he is not good at it!

"It’s the Xiao family’s two grandfathers..."

Someone whispered and their eyes became awe-inspiring!

Xiao Jia's two grandfathers, the first talent in Tiannan, and a hundred years of practice, they have married Yuan Ying and entered the Wizards of the Taoist Temple!

If there is still one person in the field, dare to disrespect the Yu family ancestors, it is estimated that there are only people of his status...

"You are Xiao Jianzhi?"

Yu Jia's ancestors saw him, his eyes were cold, and he asked quietly.

"What about me?"

The two grandfathers of Xiao’s family smiled coldly and said proudly.

"That is to say, Xiaojia’s gibberish in the restaurant is all taught by you?"

Yu Jia's ancestors were quiet and asked faintly.

"Oh, of course, I taught, the devil is ruthless and unruly, the evil is done, the betrayal of Tianyuan, the selling of friends and the glory, this kind of goods, clearly is a villain who everyone has to swear, call him a demon The head is to lift him up, but he can only hate that the elders of the Fengtian League have held the right to speak. Jiusheng is also blinded. He actually described him as a hero who bears the burden of humiliation. It is really ridiculous. Although I have never seen him, I have listened to me. The teachers in the Xiangxian League mentioned that now they only tell the truth and what is the problem?"

The Xiao family’s two grandfathers laughed coldly and turned around in the air. The voice was loud and spread throughout the four fields. At the end, they turned back and looked at the ancestors of the family. They said, “Don’t think I don’t know. The rest of your family is still for the spirit of the scorpion, always saying good things for him. This time, I will not only tell the truth, but also dismantle the cards that you have set up for him. ?"

"Oh, I wonder why you stumbled in black and white here. It turned out that you want to go all the way to the Xianmeng..."

Yu Jia's ancestors sneered a sneer, murderous, cold channel: "Little, old man, I am not scaring you, I dare to assure you, just rely on your words today, let alone climb up, your identity of the dojos It doesn't necessarily keep you..."

"You... are you scaring me?"

There was a sneer in the face of Xiao’s second ancestor, but he sighed and shouted: “I have the lord of the North, and I am afraid that you will not retaliate afterwards. Moreover, it’s up to you. Some micro-capabilities, I want to secretly retaliate, what is my fear of Xiao Jianzhi? Come and call me, I will split the spirit of the demon head, but it depends on what you say!"

"Oh la la..."

Listening to him, I immediately did not know how many practitioners attacked Yu Jia, and the situation was like a tiger.

"If you think of my family as a soft scorpion, then it is a wrong calculation!"

Yu Jia's ancestors sneered, no fear of the face, a wave of sleeves, and a body shape.

"The ancestors were angry, so don't bother to do it with him..."

Yu Jia’s family and a group of elders have appeared at this time, and they have tried hard to persuade them. However, they know that the ancestors of Yu’s ancestors are not low, but after all, they have not been married, if they really move their hands, how? Will it be the opponent of the Xiaojia Erye of the Taoist Daochang?

"Who said that I want to start?"

The rest of the family's ancestors was a glimpse, and the robes shook them aside and sneered: "I am going to move a rescuer!"

Speaking, a paper note has been taken out of his hand, and it has been turned into a light in his hand.

"Rescue soldiers?"

The rest of the family and several elders stayed for a while: "The elders of the beasts are coming, fear is useless, and the snowy mountains are far away from Chubei. It is impossible to come over in a short time. I want to rescue the soldiers, but I don’t know who to ask for?"

The rest of the ancestors of Yujia, sneer, proudly said: "I have a younger generation, and now I am practicing in the South China Sea. With her cultivation, it will take a long time to get to the Bohai Kingdom. Oh, that Xiao family is getting mad. The wolf ambition, especially the Xiao Jian straight, actually dare to say this, wait for my younger generation to come, let alone his Xiao Jian straight, it is estimated that even Xiao Jia can not keep it!"

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