MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1767 Taihang Road (2)

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"The road to the road, do you still have a face to mention the road?"

When I heard the words of immortality, the party suddenly became very angry: "There was no one in the people who had destroyed the Taoist system?"

“More or less participated!”

I don’t know how the immortal man calmly replied: "The idea of ​​being too embarrassed was too radical and terrible. It caused opposition from almost everyone in the world, even panic, so they had to join forces to destroy them, not even I hope that their Taoist system will be handed down, but there are also some people who are faintly aware that there is merit in the concept of Taishang Dao, and therefore, Taishang Road is left in the Taoist system and can be preserved. After that, the heavens and the world, the Taoist demon, all used their own methods to find a way to fight against the catastrophe, but unfortunately, we all failed, so we had to..."

"There is no way to pick up the road too much?"

In the words of the party, with a bit of anger, more, it is depressed!

"Yes, only that road can deal with the robbery..."

The words of the demon are as calm as the ancient wells: "It’s said that the number of robberies that occurred in thirty-three days is not very different from that of the days. The people who practiced are the most selfish people, pursuing longevity, pursuing power, pursuing authority, they are using Everything is done to satisfy their greed, but they can indeed do this. However, the world is limited, but when his claim has exceeded the tolerance of the heavens and the earth, it will come when the robbery comes. At this time, if you don't let go, there will be only one dead road!"

"Let's let go..."

Fang Xing said with some anger.

"They can't let go..."

The demon is much lazy to explain this, just calmly said such a sentence.

The party naturally understands that it is only a subconscious rebuttal, and he is lazy to ask.

"Tai Shang Dao had already foreseen the coming of this day 10,000 years ago. Therefore, the ancient Taoist system of this side was prepared early, and they pushed out a road that did not have to use the immortal life to practice. Immortal life, everyone can not live forever, will fall sooner or later, then, his own everything, will be attributed to the heavens and the earth, and then reincarnation, so that the world can last for a long time, but unfortunately, the fairyland at that time, there are Whose body has no immortality? Whose cultivation is done, not by immortality?"

"Too much to ask others to give up their own destiny, that is to say that they want to give up everything they have..."

I don’t know if the immortal whispered: "So, the road that started from the roots will not work. The idea of ​​this concept is too high. Almost overnight, it has become the public enemy of the heavens, but if only So, everyone is only when he is a madman, don’t care, but everyone knows that Taishang Road has begun to push a new road, ready to forcibly cut off all the immortals, promote reincarnation, and take that road. The power of the power, when it is really possible to do it, no one can tolerate them..."

"And then join hands to kill Taishang Road?"

Fang Fang looked up and asked coldly, but it was hard to understand: "Why are they so convinced that too much can do it?"

"This question, probably no one is better than you!"

The devil looked at the party and his voice was calm: "When you arrived, can you still feel your own change?"

Fang Xing was a little bit stunned, and smiled a bit. He said: "I feel it, I have already felt it, huh, huh, I am feeling that it is too easy to beat them. I say that Wan Haohai is a magician and can be someone else. The refining of things into their own, but I even refining this old devil, then what is this? The most important thing is that I just realized that the truth of the Taoism is too much, if it is too What is the true meaning of the heart? What is the true meaning of the self-satisfaction?"

"Tai Shang Jing, it is heaven!"

The demon faintly said: "In the beginning, in order to show the powers of the practice roads they pushed, to the celestial beings, the sky was sealed from the sky seals as a living being, which really shocked the heavens and the world, and frightened all the sects. Dear Kings, because they can seal God's will as a living being, naturally, they can also let the souls cultivate into heaven. This is simply the law of invincibility. Other ways, all kinds of ways to practice the road, just to seek the heavens and the people, and to be on the road. It is the law of straight repairing the heavens. It is inherently superior to the magical powers, above the 3,000th avenue. Now, you have come to the most critical place of this practice, take that step, and enlighten the sky... ”

"At that time, am I still a person?"

At this time, the voice was a little trembling.

This question does not answer the demon. It seems that I am waiting for the immortal to answer, but I don’t know that the immortal is silent.

However, the Qingxie Xianwang sneered at this time: "Oh, heaven is ruthless, you will break the seven passions and desires, but at that time, the world will be cut off forever, and fate will be between you and even thirty-three days. It will collapse forever, and then you will refine it. Your literary world will become the only great fairyland in the world. The world will run in your palms, the fate of all races will work in your eyes, and you will become the emperor Is it not enough to be the only immortal eternal life?"

"I have no desire for seven emotions, then am I still me?"

Fang Xing replied indignantly: "Who knows what is the high thing at the time? Anyway, I am definitely dead. I am not a girl. I am not a me. This is a dead end. From the beginning, I know that this is a dead end. Now, listening to what you said, I am more certain. There is no more thorough death in this world than this road. Even if I cut my head, it will be a sweat after 18 years, but it will change. It became that stuff, I was really dead, and I will die forever and ever!"

"The scorpion can't teach!"

Qingxie Xianwang was furious and screamed: "If you don't want this opportunity, it is better to give it to me!"

Fang Xing is also furious: "You want to be beautiful, what is my thing for you?"

"you you……"

It’s hard to maintain your own demeanor.


The demon suddenly sighed low, and the scared young evil king was still unwilling to close his mouth.

Then the devil looked at the party. After a long time, he whispered: "You also said, you have already felt this road long ago. So after such a long time, are you not ready?" You have also set the heart of the big circle, and now what is hesitating about this catastrophe? When you have stepped out of this step, you can only take this step!"

Fang Xing refused to answer, but his heart was suffocating.

I don’t know if the immortal waited for a while, and when he saw that he refused to answer, he had to smile with a smile: “The more critical question is, if you don’t take this step, who will be the opponent of the three emperors? All three of them are in the process of customs clearance. There is no doubt that they are enlightening something that is vital, and they don’t know if they can break the nine. Hey, they can break the realm before the nine, we can understand, but if they If you break through nine, you will enter a new realm, a realm beyond my imagination..."

"At that time, we don't know how terrible they will be. With your friends, those who are based on Tianyuan, can't be the opponents of the three of them, or even the opponents of the sages." After the big battle, I don’t know if they can defeat the imperial concubine of the three-party palace and the hidden big immortals before the robbery..."

Speaking of this, I don’t know if the immortal sighed long and smiled bitterly: "This is also the reason why we are not willing to promote bullying. One is because the bullying can only solve the problem of the moment, and secondly... we don't Think they will succeed!"

"But if you take that step, it will be different..."

The atmosphere in the void has become somewhat oppressive. I don’t know how the eyes of the gods look at the square: "The old man does not know what kind of realm you will have after you have learned the heart, but by then, you should be qualified to be with the emperor. First World War? More importantly, by that time, you should have the ability to reverse life and death. All of us will be born again in your literary world, truly reborn, and when we have our support, you will be true. There is hope for the three-party palace, your friends, you don’t have to die..."

Reverse life and death?

When I heard these four words, I couldn’t help but be shocked for a long time!

The reversal of life and death referred to here does not mean that, like the rescue of the nephew, the life of the flesh is evoked with the new life of the immortal, but the real will have been dead for thousands of years, and the flesh has turned into nothingness. The person re-summoned to this world...

If a person has the help of monsters such as the demon, the immortal, and the evil king, what would it be?

But all this can only be done after he took the step!

But I took the step, that is, he recognized the road to the road, and really took the road!

Yeah, I really took the road, maybe everything looks perfect...

But why do you always feel that you are not practical?

Knowing the silence of the world, it seems that even the wind is still, the whole world has reached the limit...

In fact, even if the demon and other people do not bitterly say this, he must also go to the time of choice, because he does not take that step, the force of the literary world will not increase, and Wan Haohai If it is repaired, it will not be able to continue to return to this world. In the end, this circle of knowledge will be interrupted by change, leading to its own annihilation and withering...

... that is to say, not only should the party take the step, he must also take that step!

The strange tower is quietly suspended in the air, silent, and the demons and other people are quietly silent, waiting for his answer quietly. Although they did not speak, the gaze seemed to have an endless pressure. Waiting for silence, it makes the party look a little distracted. It seems that even this piece of the limit of knowledge has its own knowledge of God, asking what...

"Don't worry, don't worry, let me think about it, think about it..."