MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1763 Tied up

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It’s broken!

Thirty-three days, after the Battle of the Immortal King, it ushered in the annihilation of one side of the world!

In a glimpse, the glazed dome in the sky began to collapse, and then there was a fire that fell from the sky. On the ground, there was not much left in the air as if the fireworks were going to the nine days, it looked extremely magnificent. Like the purple scent of the earth, it is extremely wide, and this piece of land is like losing the original power that originally condensed them together. There is a great gap, the celestial beings All understand that this kind of fissure will eventually become bigger and bigger, and finally become divided and smashed, and it will also annihilate all vitality. In the end, there will be no more births and no eternal death.

"Heaven... my embarrassment..."

In the distance, there was a voice that burst into tears.

He is crying for this side of the sky!

In this chaos, the Magic Army's celestial army has been chaotic, fleeing, fleeing the chaos of the last day, and the loss of the celestial domain no longer exists, they can escape from the singularity of Muller. The celestial beings who came to help one side of the party did not agree with it. The chaos between the heavens and the earth seemed to be terrible, but they were formed by the possession of Da Luo Jinxian, or they were close to the Da Luo Jinxian. The threat is not big. At this time, they are full of eyes and are paying attention to the side...

"The emperor is flowing, it’s too much to deceive, we fight with you!"

In this chaotic field, Yan Zhaoge and Lu Xiaojun are as crazy as they are, and they are shot out. The two gods’ swords and emperors have been stopped by the party, and they have completely dispelled their hearts. The last hope of escape, but they are emperors, after all, there is no fear at this time, but it has stirred up the bravery of the heart, the two men joined hands to rush to the side, their respective magical avenues, Xianbao The law, flocking to the side of the line, came over, and actually put out the posture to be with the same!

"Oh, at this time, I still want to call me the emperor?"

Fang Xun heard the words but hehe laughed, his eyes were shot in the air, his body was like a raging wind, his left knife was right, his murderous, and the two men.

These two emperor emperors, by their heart, their strengths are good. To some extent, their personal strength has even surpassed several other devils except Wan Hai, even if they don’t On their God's sword and emperor's character, the individual's ability has also been similar to the devil's devil, Xiao Beiming. At this time, the two gave up all the hopes of escape, and joined hands to attack, the show's fierceness is even more tyrannical. In terms of strength alone, I am afraid that it is the existence of Ling Xianxian, and I dare not care about them...

But nowadays, the body is booming, and in the world of knowledge, there are squares of changes that have changed dramatically. However, it has revealed the strength of crushing everything. Now, the vast magical power of Wanhaohai is still not dispersed, endless. The magic gas is constantly being turned into the source, and then it is filled into the literary world of the square, which leads to the power of the party itself, and the stronger it is, the stronger the body is, the more it is between the law and the law. Both the knives and the nine knives reveal the fierceness of crushing everything, and the two are pressed underneath!

What is even more terrible is what he said!

At this time, there are no restrictions on the side of the line, where to hide what identity, directly cold out!

The two men heard the ear, and immediately gave birth to a stormy wave...

"You... you really are not the emperor..."

Yan Zhaoge yells at the exit, and there is endless hatred and fear in his voice: "Who are you?"

In this great war, he and the great heavenly emperor Lu Xiaojun both became suspicious early. The more they saw the big Chitian Emperor, the more doubts they had, but they did not get the exact evidence before they He still regarded him as the great red-born emperor. At this time, when Fang Fang said this, it undoubtedly confirmed the doubts in their hearts and made them deeply scared!

If this is not the emperor, who is he?

If he was not an emperor, how did he survive so many people in the big red sky?

Can it be said that behind all this, there is a collusion between the big red sky and the mysterious enemy?

"Who am I?"

The party laughed coldly, and his arms twitched. Suddenly, the one behind him seemed to have some illusory shadows. It suddenly became clearer and clearer. At the end, it was not like at all. It is a shadow, and it seems like there is a real world. It appears behind him in this embarrassment and appears in the sky above the ruins. The rumble is suppressed!

At the same time, this piece of collapsed Taitian Tiantian and the cracked earth deep, there is a rush of air!

It is an ancient atmosphere that I don’t know how long it has been buried!

That kind of breath has been deliberately erased, and there is no trace left!

It was only then that someone discovered that the breath still existed, but it was hard to be noticed!

"He has a sword to bury the heavens, but I am too eleven..."

There is an invisible cry, and with the appearance of that breath, it is resounding between this chaotic domain!

At the same time, in this chaotic field, there is a strange illusion that seems to have a sacred mountain, which is endless. It seems that there is an ancient Taoist system built on Cangshan Mountain. There are countless people who are old and calm, who are in the mountains, looking for friends to talk, asking for chess and tea, and worshipping the heavens and the earth, discussing the avenue...

... After that, suddenly the day fell and the robbery, countless purple thunder descended from the sky, killing everything!

The earth is faint, dead and withered, and unwilling grievances wander on this piece of ruins, for a long time!

Nowadays, all these grievances have been turned into an old cry: He is the one who is obsessed with the sword, but I am too eleven!


With that screaming, the breath, and instantly blessed the world phantom behind the square!

The blessing of this breath immediately caused a series of stunned thunder in the body of Fang Xing!

That is the sound that the number of lives is broken!

Too Shangdao, the Taoist priest who was annihilated thousands of years ago, still left something hidden under the scorched Tai’e plain, where no one can detect it, and now, with Taigetian The collapse, these inheritances, all reappeared in the sky, and then attracted by the saga of the square, and continued to bless him, unraveling his heartless doubts!

"Too on the road, too on the road, is this what you pre-feeled, and the final decision made?"

Even in the square, when the breath appeared, there was a moment of confusion in both eyes.

Then he muttered to himself, his eyes were amazed, there was a sigh, and there was even a sense of fear that could not be concealed...

"You... you are a disciple, you are the one who is buried in the prophecy!"

Even more frightening, it is undoubtedly Yan Zhaoge and Lu Xiaojun. At this moment, how can they still not see the connection between Fangxing and Taishangdao? This is more shocking than discovering that the imperial stream is not the emperor, shocking countless times...

They found this, they simply don't know how to confess their fears!

The head of the world that has been suppressed by the head has also caused them to lose all the minds that they have resisted. They can only watch the world and suppress it. They know that in the face of such strong suppression, all magical powers and magic weapons. They have no help, they can't resist, they can't escape, they feel the crisis, and then they rise to the sky, subconsciously resist the avenue of the crisis. Under the suppression of this world's illusion, they can't support the half-time. It has been annihilated...

boom! boom! boom!

The smoke is rolling, the heavens and the earth are dark, and all the chaos is being down...

Tai Xuantian Emperor Yan Zhao Ge and Da Cang Tiandi female road Xiaojun, while losing all the power of resistance, they were suppressed by the invisible but seemingly real world of the party, until the party regained the power At the time, even the station can't stand up!

"It turns out that you are a disciples too..."

Yan Zhaoge looked up in a difficult way, and his eyes looked at the side of the hate, and there was even more horror that could not be concealed.

"You seem to be very reluctant to believe this?"

Fang Fang bowed his head to see him, and there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"No, I believe..."

Yan Zhaoge shook his head heavily: "There is only a disciple who is too good to make me lose so badly. It is impossible for the emperor to flow. It is absolutely impossible for us to be our opponent. It is because we underestimate You, think that you are just a district emperor, so it will be so miserable, huh, huh... Hehe... If you know that you are a disciple, then you..."

Fang Fang listened to this, but it was a slight glimpse, and then sneered.

In his view, the identity of this too disciple is just to make him a dog like a funeral dog. He always thinks about life-saving, but he did not expect that this Taixuantian emperor, from the bottom of his heart, thinks that the disciples should be so strong, it should be Have these skills!

Probably the prophecy, circulated for tens of thousands of years, the brand left in their hearts is too deep!

"You set these big plans, get involved in the three-party palace, and put the six magic days into the bag. It must be a small picture. Now we have become your prisoners, and there is no threat to you, then, is it not? Can you tell us your true intentions?"

Lu Xiaojun seemed to be a lot calmer, sitting up and speaking quietly.

"My true intentions?"

After a while, I realized what Lu Xiaojun said. The emperor thought that he had a big plot to bury himself for thirty-three days. This sentence made him laugh and passed. After a while, I turned around and shouted to the group of squadrons in the distance: "Come a few people, tie these two fat sheep to me, and then write to the two emperors, and take the money to redeem..."

Read The Duke's Passion