MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1760 limit

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At this time, the demon Lord is even too lazy to pay attention to what he is saying...

...and he is indeed invincible in this literary world!

That magical spirit is raging in the world of knowledge, and the scent of the scent is attracted from all over the world, and then it is constantly turned into his heritage. In this situation, his heritage is in a kind The unspeakable speed has exploded, even surpassing common sense, and this is why he doesn't even look at the devil. After all, he is like a hungry mouse that falls into the rice tank. Then no matter who is going to persuade him to give up filling his stomach and turn to the rice in the rice tank, it is a joke in his eyes. Compared with the outside world, through various killings, the gods are swallowed up, and the enemy is swallowed. Is it easy now?

And at this time, he is not afraid of the suppression of the square...

The fairy tales in this literary world are endless, but the master of the literary world has not yet taken the step. Without the Da Luo Jinxian, there is no strongest magical power, just like a baby facing one. The giant man who is tied to the body, the soft fist can not hurt people, unless he has completed the avenue, with the strongest magic, can threaten himself...

Just what he didn't expect was that Fang Xing did not face him!

Looking at the madness, laughing and absorbing the knowledge of the world, I can't wait for a very evil old devil who took away the Doji. The square line was low and sighed, then slowly, picked up a The law and the seal, within the boundaries of knowledge, immediately floated countless fairy lights!

At this moment, the evil old demon Lord is also a meditation, and looks cold to him!

This old devil obviously thought that the party would shoot at him at this time, but he could do it, but it was just a stamp...

This printing method is pinched up, and the boundaries of the world have changed greatly. I don’t know how many Baoguangxian medicines have risen in the corners of all directions. It is like a rainbow hanging together in the world. Most of the main medicines are soon. The fairy medicine that had just been robbed from all over the six magic days, and the others, which were usually robbed from the party, and produced in the Chaos Fairy Garden, accumulated in his knowledge, and did not end up Vulgar, at this time, around the circle of the evil old devil head, the treasure is infinite, the fairy rush!

"What do you want to do?"

Looking at this indescribable fairy resource, even the most evil old devil can not help but give birth to a hint of greed!

He apparently did not expect that this literary world of the Taoist sect had such a rich reserves of fairy resources!

This is even stronger than the end of his tens of thousands of bad days!

It’s just that he doesn’t understand why this preacher’s preacher wants to reveal this...

"Do you still want to use this fairy medicine to crush me?"

This feeling made him want to laugh a little, it feels like a urchin takes out the golden leaves of his family to show off!

"Of course not to crush you..."

At this time, the party also smiled happily, and then sighed: "Just want to kill you..."

When he said this, his voice suddenly became cold, and a long scream filled the world: "Zhu Wu Twelve..."


The world of knowledge is the altar, the earth is the stage, and all the resources of the immortality have released a strong immortality!

These are the fairy medicines prepared by the ancestral rituals of the ancestors behind him, but they are used in the wicked old devil's head, especially in the outside world. It takes a long time to refining, but in this world of knowledge, the party is in charge of everything, and the speed of the ancestral sorrows and twelve sacrifices is accelerated, and all the drums are filled toward the evil old devil!

The ancestral sacred twelve sacrifices were originally rude and simple for the blessing of cultivation!

Under the blessing of the square bank, this time, the experience of Wanhaihai is even more rude and simple.

The indescribable treasures, like the volcanoes, broke out, and the indescribable details were rushing toward the sea of ​​Wannian, making the magic of Wanhaohai constantly changing, and instantly A muddy scorpion turned into a giant crocodile, and it was transformed into a giant python from a giant crocodile. Then the giant python changed and became a dragon.

...... But this change has not stopped, the dragon is changing, it has become a... fat dragon!

In terms of size, the magical power is just a dispensable aura compared to the literary world. At this time, it has become like a continuous hill, full of tenths. One of the world of knowledge, in this world of knowledge, can hardly turn its head, and the world of great knowledge has become bleak and withered at this moment. Almost all of the treasures have been taken away by Wan Haihai!

"you you……"

Wan Haohai also had a moment of panic, apparently scared by the changes just now. .

But with the madness of his own power, his panic is getting weaker and weaker. At the end of the day, suddenly he laughed and laughed. The laughter shook the whole world and it was shaking. It seemed to be at any time. Because he couldn't bear the power of his laughter and collapsed, and his voice was full of ridicule and excitement: "This... is this the way you want to deal with me?"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

He laughed wildly, and the magic suddenly converges. At the end, he has become his original appearance, but his body is incomparably powerful, compared to the Qingxie Xianwang who appeared in the square. It must be strong, and it is powerful and numerous. The Wanhaihai, which was just in the literary world, just made people wonder if he has reached the realm of Xianwang, but nowadays, no one thinks this because he is distinct. It has already surpassed the foundation that the general Xian Wang can have, more like... Xiandi!

"Childish, childish..."

Wan Haodi also bowed his head, sensing the change of air in his body. There is an irresistible joy in his voice: "Do you want me to die? Haha, it is like feeding a person to eat food far beyond his ability, then Let them burst into life?"

"You are too small to look at me!"

Accompanied by this sneer, he couldn't help but sigh. It seems to be stupid in feelings: "This kind of reason may be used by others, but it is not used by me. The Emperor seeks royal power. The Emperor wants everything. The Emperor’s cultivation is the method of devouring everything. When all the food comes into my mouth, it will be refining by me. In front of the Emperor, there will be no boundaries. You gave me All of them will be swallowed up by me and turned into my heritage in the shortest time. You are miscalculated..."


When he said this, he suddenly swung his hand, as if he was proving what he was doing. He actually took the initiative to put a few points into the celestial sensation, and then his body's breath also rose again. The bottom is invisible, and it is a strong point...

And this action has indeed proved his words!

He really won't be killed!

If a person eats something far beyond his food intake, he will be killed, but this old devil has the method of refining and refining everything, and all the food can be refining in an instant, which avoids him. The possibility of being killed is never ending...

"Of course I know you won't be killed..."

At this moment, the party whispered, then looked up at Wan Hai.

At this time, he also looked awkward, apparently close to the limit, but looking at the fierce appearance of Wan Haihai, he sighed low, as if looking at a fool, smiled: "I said to die This is not the meaning of this. If a person eats a pig, he will of course be killed, but a person like you who can swallow everything is like having a belly bigger than the sky, of course, it will not die. The result is that the pig has been refining you and become a part of you!"

When it comes to this, he makes a slight meal, and then he looks at the madness of Wan Haohai to the smell that he can't even drive himself. He sighs: "And the result is naturally that you keep growing and growing. Big, but don't forget, your cultivation is limited. You can always gain weight, but after fat to a certain extent? When you are under control, you have achieved your personal cultivation. What is the limit? Just when you have a bottomless pit, but when this bottomless pit is filled?"

"You...what do you want to say?"

When Wan Haohai heard this, the bottom of her heart was inexplicably a little scared, and she asked her.

"I mean, you have reached the bottleneck of repair, but you can't break it..."

The square line swayed gently, and then the two palms pressed down. Within the circle of knowledge, there were only a few invisible immortals, and they gathered again. It was like a frenzy, rumbling toward the sea. In the past, like Changhe directly caught him...

"No... this is impossible..."

Wan Haohai was shocked, and he was furious and shouted, trying to escape!

However, within this circle of knowledge, there is a square between heaven and earth. Where can he escape?

Those immortals are still blessed on him, and they become part of the magic, but as a result, he gradually feels more and more that he can’t hold the magic, and those who are like the fingers The magic of the movement, like a mountain is heavy, he can not control, just like a fat man beyond the limit, can not control his own hands...

And the result, that is, his demon body, actually began to collapse, shattered...

"I don't believe, how can this be, it doesn't make sense..."

Wan Haohai, such a veteran old devil, at this time, actually had a child-like panic.

He was scared of everything, but he didn't know how to stop it, so he could only panic and yell...

"All of this is of course justified..."

At this time, in the strange tower, the sound of the demon sounded, but he covered up his panic: "I used to practice from the outer magic road, to the inner magic road, and even took the raw spirit, but I found out. The flaws of this method are therefore abandoned, but you are different, you are too stupid, too persistent, so I can only let you personally experience the consequences of this defect..."

Listening to this voice, Fang Xing also sighed: "It is not good to offend anyone, not offending your grandfather..."