MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1748 Fairy lord

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"An dare to swear to me, find death!"

Seeing the flow of the emperor and the Jinwu team, shouting the fat sheep rushed over to themselves, Yan Zhao song clearly saw a contempt from their attitude, the heart is also furious, he just temporarily pulled back, just be careful For the above, but in the eyes of some people, it is undoubtedly a timid act. Yan Zhao’s song clearly feels that everyone’s eyes are different, and the heart is also somewhat shy. Now I’ve seen the manic look of the great Red Emperor. I couldn’t help but think, "Is it really impossible for the Emperor to deal with you?"

When this thought flashed, it was already running the avenue, and drank his hand: "Look at this emperor to break your evil law!"

A bang, in his body, has already bloomed a boundless arrogance. At first glance, his figure has not moved, but it seems to have been above nine days, coldly overlooking all beings, everything under the sun. In his view, it is all ants, even in the starry sky behind him, there are nine ancient and desolate portals, which are far away from the stars.

"Xuan Tian Shang Jiu Dao!"

Yan Zhao’s song burst into bursts, and the endless seals were formed in the palms. There were air-powered tractions on the hands. The nine portals actually opened up a suspicion. Within the portal, there was a violent violent flow, one after another, one after another. Constantly blessing to Yan Zhaoge, actually caused his air machine to increase nine times in a moment, even the airflow around him turned into a mad wind, tearing the clouds in the sky, and then his right palm held high, virtual In the air, among the nine portals, in the middle of the portal, there was a stream of light flying out and flew straight into his palm. It was a golden scorpion, and it was a sacred fairy...

"I have nine sly, you are not dead!"

Yan Zhaoge never spoke, but there was a voice in the void behind him, and it sounded like a whisper.

When the sound began, he also swooped down, and the gold smashed out a golden mang, and smashed the smashing of the heavens!

In the void in front of him, there are countless battlefields in the battlefield. Before this, whether it is supernatural power or fairy scent, or the magic weapon of the ray, it is all broken, biochemical and biochemical powder , have been swaying!


Fang Xing's heart is also a glimpse, thinking: "Tai Xuan Tian Emperor, really some skills!"

He has already smashed out, and Yan Zhaoge now counts the essence of his sacred heavens. This is the supreme inheritance of their sacred heavens. The avenue could not be inherited, nor can it be passed on, but Tai Xuan The ancestors of Tianyimai have created such unique methods. Although they practice a avenue, they can open the door of nine heavens. That is to say, Yanzhao can still cultivate the cultivation of his father. Famen, do not seek to understand the essence of the road, as long as that power bless...

Simply put, this is the way to the avenue of great power!

"When you just fought against Xiao Lao Mo and Song Lao De, the Emperor had already seen your flaws. Oh, although you can control several avenues at the same time, each avenue can only exert 70% of its power. There is no limit to the strength, but the power is limited. Ordinary Da Luo Jinxian may be invincible in front of him, but this Emperor directly collapsed your fake avenue, seeing what other scenes you sing well..."

In the sound of screaming, Yan Zhao’s song was stabbed, and Fang Xing rushed to the face. The road to kill the avenue and the two roads inherited from the Qingxie Xianwang swayed the past, which was originally a general force, but In front of the nine-way scorpion, all of them broke apart, and Fang Xing’s heart was shocked. The nine-point gold scorpion had already stabbed him in front of him, and he noticed the amazing power on this squat. Xiao Yan, bullying the tyrannical knife and slanting toward the sky, picking up the cockroach, and taking the opportunity to fly!

"Where to escape..."

Yan Zhaoge found that his own countermeasures were correct, and his heart was also a big joy. However, he felt that he did not retire that one time. This big red emperor was just a silver-like wax gun head. When he first saw it, he was really stunned, but he saw his secret. There is nothing terrible, and now seeing him want to escape, he rushed over, the boulevards around him, his body shape like the wind, nine roads continue to stab down!

"Ah, I thought you were a little bandit..."

Dajin Wuxing rushed over with the party line, and thought about hitting the water dog, but he didn't expect that this trip would be chased by the nine scorpions of the emperor, and it was scared. , full of cold sweat, complained in the mouth!

"Haha, I was very powerful..."

Fang Xing was chased out for thousands of miles, heard the sound of Da Jinwu, and turned around and laughed.

Then he looked at the Yan Zhao song who had been chasing him. His eyes were cold and he said: "I thought I was doing this thing?"

"Then you are too young to go to the seventh passage..."

When he spoke, he had already faced Yan Zhao’s song, and then he took a hand up and slowly rounded it.

"Fucking ghosts, looking for death!"

Yan Zhaoge was also somewhat troubled by the strange body method of Fang Xing. He had the sinister power of the supreme power, but he couldn’t catch up with it. He couldn’t help him. It’s easy to see him stop, and his heart is overjoyed. A stabbing over, fierce and unpredictable!

"Chaotic big grinding disc!"

However, facing the fierce glimpse of Yan Zhao Ge, the party was quietly speaking and screaming.

At the same time, push your hands for three weeks and push back for three weeks.

In his body, the killing avenue of the white corpse and the avenues from the Qingxie Xianwang were all rotated along his hands. The rotation was first rotated around him, then Expanded to the domain of a thousand miles, once again expanded to a field of 100,000 miles, where the power is everywhere, only the world is fascinated, all the laws and avenues have become a mess, uncontrollable with the general The rotation turned into a chaos, and even on the nine days, there were endless clouds of smoke, covering the stars!

Covering the starry sky, it covered the nine portals above the nine days!

"Well? My avenue... Why are you not driving?"

Just a few thousand miles away from the square, the Forgotten Devils originally smashed the avenue and smashed the past toward the white shawl, but when they were on the road, they were surprised to find that their avenues of power were out of control. The scared heart is cold, the subconscious shot is weak, the power of the avenue is weakened by at least 40%, and he is so shocked that he looks up and screams...

"This... what is this **** method?"

The poor and the demon Lord Song Yu was even more embarrassed, and the hurricane that he was driving was directly shattered by the chaotic power. The partial Xiao Xue’s sword came over and there was no defense. A head was almost cut off by her. , the cold sweat that scares straight...

The most crucial thing is the Tai Xuan Tian Emperor Yan Zhao Ge!

His fierce glimpse, already stabbed in front of the side of the line, was about to break his boulevard and the body at the same time, but suddenly felt a shadow on the top of the head, the power of the body disappeared at the same time, at the same time The golden scorpion in the palm of the hand also stabbed the front of the party. It was originally a nine-way shackle that did not dare to resist the tyrannical knives. However, he grinned at this moment and directly explored the five fingers. I grabbed it on the tip of the cockroach, then hugged my arms, and slammed it back, and laughed while taking it...

Yan Zhaoge in this moment, the shocking cold sweat has flowed out!

He didn't think that Fang Xing actually displayed the strange methods. What kind of chaos is the source of the chaos? It is simply taking the avenue as the source, disturbing the law of the heavens and the earth, affecting a domain, in the land of this domain, within the interest rate, he The power of the avenue cannot be exerted, and the power of others' avenues is also affected. What is more crucial is that his nine heavens are also obscured by the chaotic air, not only the force of blessing on his body, but even his The nine-way scorpion also dissipated Shenwei at this time, and it has become an ordinary weapon...

And the big red emperor, even took the opportunity to hold the golden dragonfly with both hands, to take it away!

If this shackles are lost, then after these turbulences have dissipated, he also lost the greatest reliance, and it is impossible to kill the big red Emperor. This shocked, his subconscious hands hold Jiu Dao, Pulling hard back

He is the great Luo Jinxian, the power is endless, but the great red emperor, the strength is not small!

The two of them are each holding one end, and they are more difficult to separate from each other!

At this time, another important instinct is reflected in the high level...

At the sight of Fang Xun, he won’t get it, and immediately shouted: "The thief crow comes to help..."

You can only see the two emperors in the Yanzhao songs. At this time, they are very shameful like a child grabbing a bare tree. If they see others, they will be more embarrassed to cry out and wait for him. When the subordinates saw this, when they rushed to help each other, there was already a golden flash in front of his eyes, but it was a big gold ugly wing, and he laughed and slammed it!


Dajinwu Na's body is so strong, although it is still only Taiyi on the fairy realm, but this wing is not for everyone to eat, plus Yan Zhao song and Fang Xing each holding nine end, it is not the same At the time of the encounter, the power of the wings of Dajinwu was manifested. The sorrows of Yan Zhao’s songs were shifted, and the blood was pouring up. The strength of the hands was already a little bit loose...

The party laughed and took a hard shot, taking the opportunity to step on it!

However, he only heard "Boom" and he was arrested by him. Yan Zhao song was empty-handed and he retired!

In this case, the influence of the Chaos Grinding Disc has passed, the clouds in the sky have dissipated, and the laws of heaven and earth have returned to their place!

On the nine days above, the nine-door portal was once again manifested, and that one shot was on the ninth road, and it was once again a golden light!

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Fang Xing holds nine gongs, and the evil Zhao Zhao sings the past: "...Xian Yi Yizhu, this time you can't die!"

Read The Duke's Passion