MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1744 Lively

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If it is too big, it has become a vast battlefield, and the demon gods will move this up. It really makes the water around the Taige plain where the Sendai is located, and the sounds of the fairy are like the sea. It is like a deadly situation in the square, but no one expected it. At this time, there is a black armor The mighty slaying came over, the number of black armored soldiers was not much, but the maximum number was only three hundred, but everyone was brave and the strength was extraordinary. The mount was actually a fat, hopping, jumping. Caught up...

This fairy talc around the plains of Taige, although the number is huge, the strength is horrible, but it is too scattered, and some defenses are inadequate, and there is no flaws surrounding the big array, actually they are so hard and teared by them. The mouth, the generals who ruled the sects of the sects of the squadrons, hurriedly condemned the army in the past when they nested around the nest, but they were skipped over their heads and rushed to the front!

"Hey, is this the Yiliu who used to be in the position of the Emperor Duobao and the emperor to compete for the emperor?"

The devils were not the occupants of the news. When they saw the appearance of the three hundred black armor, they remembered something about the emperor. The heart immediately sneered: "This emperor does not know when to hide the army." Too e, just, what can you use?"

In the heart of a flash, forget the devil of the Lord Xiao Bei, the festival will be a few flags, high hanging in the air, pointing the direction.

Forget the sorrows of the heavens and the demon army, they immediately smashed the group of squadrons!

"Fast, rush to the big array, go and meet the Taoist!"

The former head of the black armor is the two of Luhan and Wen. Now they are also the right-handed Taiyi Shangxian realm, followed by dozens of Taiyi’s immortals, riding one and one fat. The squadron, leaping high, and smothered it, the area of ​​three hundred black armor, but there are more than 30 Taiyi Shangxian, which is placed in other domains, it is simply unimaginable, ordinary fairy The soldiers could not stop them. Anyone who rushed to the front of the body directly slashed and cleaned up, and the speed was extremely fast!

"Who is so bold, stay!"

But when they rushed to half of the army's heavy encirclement, they only heard a big drink on the top of the head. With the emergence of several magic flags, there was a magic soldier who was killed and the head was actually a Da Luo Jinxian, who led the eight hundred magic soldiers, suddenly squatted in front of them, shouted, and the two convenient wars were in one place, and the front of the squadron was immediately blocked...

"Oh, forget the days, the poor days, the extremely bad days, the too **** days, plus my great heavens and Tai Xuantian two emperors, here, the strength can simply sweep most of the fairyland, this Waiting for Tianluo to be on the top of the ground, it is such that hundreds of squadrons can influence the general trend. The emperor flows with the emperor. If you only prepared such a reinforcement, it would really disappoint me!"

The little heavenly emperor Lu Xiaojun just looked at it from a distance, and then he no longer cares, and his expression calmed down again.

"This group is stupid!"

In the midst of numerous encirclements, Fang Xing also noticed that Lu Han and others had killed him, but his heart was slightly emotional.

Duobao Xianhe, the group of squadrons worried that the party would reveal their identity in the big red days, they did not know where to go to hide, but did not think, now they are stirring the wind in the six magic days, this The group 听到 heard the news and came to save...

Now in their eyes, they can be described as a major disaster, nine deaths, and actually dare to show up and save, it is rare!

"The imperial priest, the general trend has gone, let it go!"

In the week of Fang Xing, there were countless squadrons who commanded a large array of squadrons. When the squadron rushed, the heart was slightly cold, but it was found that there were only a few hundred people in the squadron, and they rushed in half. After being stopped, it was also a loose heart, and the war was even more high. I don’t know how many people drank, and at the same time, the big squad was getting stronger and stronger, looking far away, it was like a row. A row of big waves, the mad wind of the gods and arrows, all the waves of the square to suppress the past...

The emergence of the army, the environment around the square has not been alleviated, but suddenly it has become more severe.

"Dragon is fierce here, who dares to hurt my brother-in-law?"

However, when the hearts of the demon soldiers were slightly slower and the war was steep, they heard a violent sound and resounded through the four domains.

Taigetian Dongfang, golden light, actually has a real dragon appeared, soaring in the wild, Wei can not be invaded, mighty, straight into the army, rushing into the East I don’t know how many people died, panicked and ran out!

"Master, let's save you..."

What is even more curious is that the real dragon flies in the air, rushing four times, and the fierceness is difficult to resist. At the bottom, there are still dozens of fat and big pigs, and it looks like a domestic pig. Looks like, but even more fierce than the wild boar, with a heavy armor on the body, one by one, endless, screaming, rushing over, blocking in front of them, whether it is the fairy soldier, or the pivot Pagodas, all of them were arched to the ground, before this power, even if the strength is stronger than them, they dare not stop!

"Where is this group of monsters coming?"

Over the plains of Tai'e, a group of magical soldiers, was really shocked, and some could not understand.

"It's you……"

Only forget the Lord of the Devil, and suddenly turned around in this moment, and saw the golden dragon at a glance, immediately murderous, as if he had thought of something hateful, even the Emperor of the Red Emperor ignored it for a moment, and hurriedly sacrificed The magic soldier, who led his own subordinates, rushed to the past, and screamed in his mouth: "Hey animals, this seat is a plastic material in the year, this is called into the Forgotten Magic Palace, good health training, I did not expect your wolf ambition, actually saved. That batch of Dancai, fled into the dragon world, and now dare to appear, see where you are going to escape?"

"Forget the old devil, you eat my people, and glimpse my creation. Today, when you come here, you will take your life!"

Looking at the hall and forgetting the evil master, the golden dragon is not afraid. The body shape is hovering for nine days. It has turned into a young man with a golden armor and handsome pride. He holds a golden dragonfly, roars and vomits a golden mouth. Shine out...

"Chaotic Dragon Breath?"

Even the existence of the Forgotten Devil Lord, I saw the golden light blowing in the face, but also shocked.

Actually, I didn’t dare to pick it up. I turned back to dodge and shouted in my mouth: "You have even completed this magical power, and it looks like you have made it!"

After the talk, the figure was transformed, and after the golden light disappeared, the soldiers were once again confronted!

The people around me heard this, but it was a slight return to the taste.

"The Six Devils days have been rumored that after the Dragon World was destroyed, many descendants of the Dragon descent hid in the Six Devils, but were forcibly imprisoned as a resource for alchemy, but years ago, However, there is a descendant of the dragon who has invested in the sorrowful demon, and he did not know how to deceive him. He eventually saved all the dragons and then fled into the dragon world. The biggest laughing stock of the devil, is the golden armor over there?"

"If it is that dragon, why did he call the big red emperor as his brother-in-law?"

"And... what a bunch of fat pigs are, and it looks very fierce..."

Between the arguments, the devils have already greeted the past, and the demon soldiers and the dragons have been killed in one place, which is difficult to understand.

"I didn't expect the Dragons to have a real descendant, but why did they come to die?"

Xiaojun Emperor Lu Xiaojun saw this scene, but just glanced at it, then turned his head and said: "Chaotic Dragon Breath is the most powerful talent in the world, destroying everything, even the king can kill It’s a pity that the dragon’s descendants are only just glimpsed, and they’re far from the real chaotic dragon’s interest. Now they’re coming in, only one dead end...”

When she spoke, she couldn't help but look at the big red emperor surrounded by heavy encirclement, her eyes flashing: "I didn't expect you to collude with the dragons, the emperor flowed, the emperor, what are you doing? Are there any surprises for me?"

She talked to herself, looked up and looked around, and then when she glanced across the north, she suddenly felt a glimpse.

Because in that direction, a black man with a wide robe and big sleeves came over, she actually felt a little familiar!

She just watched, the black robe man came slowly, clearly there, but the people around him could not see him. He slowly walked to the end of the Taihe Plain, then waved his hand, but there was a The black Jianguang, and then exhausted all his strength, suddenly slammed into the void, but he heard a bang, and took out a hollow hole in the void, in which there was an indescribable horrible roar It’s up, the next second, there’s a big army rushing over...

...that is a real army!

Ukrainian pressure, rushed over from the collapsed void, one by one, terrible, strange, worms, demon and demon, all the soldiers in front of them, They were all killed by them and they were unstoppable!

"Protoss creatures?"

This time Lu Xiaojun’s face was really ugly.

"The area of ​​the Protoss ants, when it is so bold, dare to intervene in my thirty-three days..."

I noticed the change in the north, and immediately there was a very embarrassing elder who reacted and roared. The commander of the evil squad rushed to the past. The fierceness was unpredictable, and the roaring sound swayed in the wild, but the words never fell, but suddenly There was a black light from the sleeve of the black robe man who came over and went back to his sleeve in the air. The voice of the great elder was suddenly cut off, standing in the air. Without a word, I didn’t move, after a while, suddenly my head rolled down...

"That is... the sword ancestor?"

Lu Xiaojun looked at this chaotic battlefield and was not particularly noticeable, but his face was a little scared.

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