MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1720 Disgusting

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At the time of the party and the Yuan family freak drinking, blissful is a bleak cloud.

Inside the bliss magic palace, Mo Chier slanted on the couch, her hair was scattered, and Jun Yi stood behind her and was combing her hair, and next to it, there were two handsome, gentle men. One holding a bronze mirror and one holding a copper basin on the side, Mo’s slumber was lying slantingly, letting Jun Yi take off her accessories, smashing and smashing, and then combing it one by one. It seems to be fascinating, and I don’t know how long it took before I sighed softly. It seems to have endless depression.

"Mrs. I am thinking about the future of bliss?"

Junyi took her hair well and took the bronze mirror for her. It seemed to be intentional and unintentionally whispered.

"Do you want us to think about the whereabouts of bliss?"

Mo Chier looked at him lazily and faintly opened his mouth.

Junyi smiled softly: "The big red-day emperor was really welcome. He did not reasonably blame Bai Hujun, but he also took advantage of the ecstasy to push it to the road. Now I want to come, it seems that we only have to return to the big red. It’s a pity, but it’s a pity that the big red sky is very overbearing, the area is small, and the style is old-fashioned. I’m afraid that after the lady’s visit, she will be martyrdom under the imperial edict...”

"Oh, what is the meaning of this?"

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Jun Yi slightly whispered, whispered: "Mrs. Don't be too swearing." These days, the emperor has been sending sent immortals to ask for help. It is nothing more than trying to get a message from your mouth, but such a big thing, He refused to go to the door himself, but he only drank alcohol all the time, but he could see that he was not sincere. Perhaps this emperor thought that after he married Bai Hujun, we are already not his own..."

"Oh, the emperor is a man, and it’s really arrogant, and people can’t let it continue..."

Mo Chier smiled a little and looked at Junyi: "But, don't we have any other way to go now?"

When Junyi fixed his mind, he whispered softly: "This is the direction of the optimistic, but I want you to decide, but I have also considered it. Originally, the Three-Party Palace, the division of power in these six magic days. It is balanced, we have a good relationship with the big red sky, and the sky is good with the big prison day. Tai Xuantian, it is good with the bad days, but whoever thought, the situation suddenly changed, extremely evil The demon Lord was assassinated, and life and death were unpredictable. The prisoner’s main white body was killed again, and the reputation disappeared, so..."

He seems to be a little embarrassed to smile, and this continues to say: "... Now it is the most obvious advantage of the big red days. After all, there are many people who think that we are only happy to go to the big red sky, but First, I feel that the great red emperor's character is bad, not necessarily fulfilling his promise, nor will he respect his wife too much. Secondly, in this situation, I think that we still have a lot of bliss. The choice of room does not have to be mixed with the big red sky..."

The bliss Lord seems to feel more interested, laughing: "That doesn't mix with the big red sky, what choice?"

Junyi chuckled and said: "There are many choices. The current situation is nothing more than a plan for a big red sky. This white corpse is dead. It makes us blissful and we can’t say clearly. Heaven is resentful. If it is an alliance with Tai Xuantian, it is also worried that Datian will take the opportunity to make a living and find trouble. It seems that there is no choice but to be a big red sky, but in fact, it is also This is not the case. I have heard people say that the big heavenly emperor Lu Xiaojun, although a daughter, is as far-reaching as his wife, and you are very embarrassed. If you want to, we will have an alliance with the Great Heaven. , isn't it..."

"Yeah, if it is an alliance with the Great Heaven, then the death of Baihujun, I think it will be difficult to mention it again. I even have people who have used Lu Xiaojun. I must have believed that this emperor should always believe me and the White Tiger." The death of Jun has nothing to do with it? Oh, then I will say that when Bai Hujun died, then it would have been empty in the position of the Great Heaven. I used to replace him. It is really appropriate!"

After waiting for Junyi to finish, the bliss Lord has taken over his words and smiled.

I could hear it, but I didn’t smile at all. Instead, I looked a little scared. I hurriedly sang a ritual and said: "Mrs. Do not blame, Junyi really does not have the feeling of blistering. I just think that my wife has been depressed for a long time. I just got a daring idea..."

"Oh, it seems that you have not forgotten what I said!"

And Mo Chier, the look really seems to be cold, cold and stunned Jun Yiyi, cold voice: "If you are a man, you should do the service of the internal affairs, it is better to practice this leisurely Your waist strength, do you really think that you are a visionary and visionary person? Oh, if you really have this vision, I am afraid that you are not in my door, but I am married to you!"

"Yes Yes……"

In the face of these shy words, Jun Yi did not dare to come out, but even claimed to be.

But after sinning, but some of the meaning of the song turned to Mo Chier children, whispered: "For the husband naturally do not dare to say anything, just ... just the lady you have not entered me for some time Dongfu, I’m so good at training...”

"It’s just disgusting to say that the man and the man are talking in this tone!"

The bliss magic master Mo 狠狠 狠狠 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥 瞥

When she was angry, several men in the room stunned and shouted silently.

Jun Yi is full of sweat, and he does not dare to scream on the ground, but his shoulders are slightly trembled and he seems to be crying.

After the bliss of the bliss, the lover of the bliss, but cold and cold sleeves, swept the king, and whispered coldly: "Well, go back and change clothes, clean the cave ten times, then bathe ten times, ready Happy Tan, I am going to live with you tonight..."

Junyi heard great joy and raised his head violently. His face still had tear marks on his face, but he was full of joy. He said: "Good, good, good, I will go here..."

Saying that he jumped up joyfully, and rushed out of the temple with a robe.

Just looking at it from a distance, I can feel the joy of his heart.

"Hey, little goblin..."

The bliss Lord swept him far away and said coldly.

"Madam, please change clothes..."

The monarch jumped and jumped, and the two male waiters had to continue to serve the sorrowful sorrow.

"You said, which side is better?"

Mo Chier let them buckle their **** on their soft chest, locked the whiteness, and the brows were just wrinkled, but after standing up, they seemed to think of something, suddenly I asked a question without a head or tail.

"We... don't understand..."

The two male waiters were shocked and hurriedly squatted.

Junyi and other identities have just reprimanded, and where do they dare to say anything?

But Momo’s idiots seem to turn a blind eye to them, silent for a while, saying: “You are right, which side is not good!”

And the joyful rushed out of the magic palace of Junyi, all the way back to the bottom of the magic palace, in a series of temples, in the top, the most exquisite decoration of the cave, the people encountered on this road, all He felt his ecstasy, and the smile on his face seemed to be rushing out of his heart, and the pressure could not be suppressed, but when he entered Dongfu, the door of Dongfu’s door closed, he The smile on his face is like being wiped out by a life, and disappeared completely!

Instead, it is boundless hatred and anger!

This kind of hate is so powerful that almost twists his handsome face!

"How is it?"

Deep in the cave, suddenly there was a sound, and there were people here.

"I have already braved the risk of her anger, and she seems to have made a big deal. But it shouldn't be decided. She is now swinging between the sky and the big red sky. indefinite……"

Jun wiped his face and faintly opened his mouth.

"Oh, is there anyway that we are too mysterious?"

The shadow of the cave in the depths of Dongfu slowly emerged, and it was a dignified and luxurious Tai Xuantian Emperor.

Junyi looked up at her and nodded slightly. He said, "Yes, according to me, she will not choose Taixuantian!"

"Oh, that's what she found..."

The Tai Xuantian Emperor’s body is faint, and it seems that it’s not true. He’s a little bit, faintly said: “You are ready!”

"That... that's her..."

Jun Yi’s heart glimpsed, and he saw that Xuan Tiandi’s son had to leave, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

Tai Xuantian Emperor Xiaowei stopped at the first stop, faintly said: "The girl is still in my palace, I have already married her. When the big event is certain, I will let her go with you, to me too. Xuantian is also a fairy official, just find a little fairyland happy, it is your business, I am too mysterious to talk, always count, you should not worry that I am jealous of you?"

"You... you are jealous of me, I also recognize it!"

Junyi’s face was clear and a little anxious, but there was also some fear, but the heart was horizontal, but it’s awkward, he said.

"Ha ha……"

Tai Xuantian Emperor smirked and sighed, but wanted to leave, but before she left, she seemed to think of something. Suddenly she was curious and looked at Junyi, whispering: "My sister Mo is born. Tianxiang Guocai is the first beauty of the 3,000 years ago. It is also the master of your practice. You don’t say that you are as good as a mountain. It’s just regenerating, why are you...”

"Have you seen me in front of her?"

Junyi seems to know what she wants to ask, coldly replied: "It is simply disgusting, disgusting!"