MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1 Apprentice Qingyun

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"This grandfather, I beg you, please accept me into the mountain gate. The small one is also the home of Ding Shi, but it is miserable by the wicked, and the three hundred people in the family are killed, only a small one and a young child. The sister is so bitter, swaying the rivers and lakes, because of the sound of the gates of the gates, all the way to beg in front of the mountain gate, just want to ask the teacher to seek the way, subdue the Tao, your veteran I earn the door wall, small must..."

Nanxun State, Chufeng Dynasty, under the Taihang Mountains, one of the nine great spiritual veins in the world, in front of the Qingyun Damen Gate, hundreds of young people lined up and waited for a fat person in front of the mountain gate to inquire. At the front of the team, there was a crying cry of a boy in his teens. The boy’s face was dirty, his eyes were bright, and his voice was sad and pitiful.

The fat man looked at the little boy impatiently and asked with a slanting eye: "Do you have a recommendation book?"

"No..." the boy replied slyly.

“Can there be a treasure to offer?”


“Can you have a rare constitution?”


The fat man asked, the boy replied, and the three questions had passed. The fat man narrowed his eyes and kicked the boy two times in a kick. He said: "There is no recommendation, it is a monk, no treasure, It is a poor ghost. There is no rare physique. It is waste. You are a poor man like a flower, and dare to come to the Qing Dynasty to come to the teacher. You have a big eye, here is not almshouse!"

The long queue behind me saw this scene, and suddenly laughed.

All of them feel that this boy is really ridiculous, and there is no penny, I want to come to Qingyun Road to worship the teacher?

It must be known that this Qingyun Daomen Gate is the gate of the Chu State Road. It has been inherited for three thousand years, its status is respected, and its foundation is profound. Anyone who is a disciple in the door is a top-notch master. Take one thing that happened not long ago, there is a nest in the northwest of Chu. The bandits are rampant and arrogant, and even the official government can’t help. The Qingyun Daomen’s true disciple, Xiao Jianming, learned that he would smash a sword and sneak into the gangster’s old scorpion, and the top ten bandits in Chu’s domain were smashed by him. Nine, only one escaped, and immediately became a shocking domain.

It is precisely because of this incident that Qingyun Daomen’s time has grown stronger among the civilians in the Chu area, and it has no reputation. Now it’s the tenth anniversary of this door, and I don’t know how many people are honored. At all costs, we must send our own children into the Taoist temple to practice. For this reason, we have a relationship with the treasures, and we have to pay for all the thoughts but not the door.

And this child is empty-handed, like a flower girl, just want to come to the teacher, it is really whimsical.

The little boy squatted, but did not say a word, silently walked after ten feet, suddenly jumped his feet and shouted: "I put your head on the top of the sore, the fat pig and the nose of the pus, just by your five short stature. The ugly appearance of the nose, but also dare to marry your grandfather is sour, I am coming to see you, Qingyun Zong is to see you, today you have eyes that do not know Taishan, change the grandfather to burn your eyes..."

"Little bastard, you dare to marry me!"

The fat man was furious, and when he raised a long sword at hand, he rushed over. The little boy saw the situation and fled. He drilled in the crowd, his body was flexible, and the fat man could not catch up with him. The ground, the sword is smashed.

Originally a dignified and solemn Qingyun Daomen apprentice ceremony suddenly appeared such a scene, suddenly attracted everyone to laugh.

"The wizard who is like Xiaoye comes to you. You can afford to win the door. You are better to take me into the door. Otherwise, the grandfather will go to other gates and become a supernatural master. You must win the screams of your nose and cry... ..."

When the little boy saw the fat man, he couldn’t catch up with himself, and he immediately became smug, and he yelled at the fat people.

The fat guys suddenly breathe seven cigarettes and want to catch up. There are too many people here. They are fat and can't easily break through, but he suddenly turned his eyes. With care, he shouted: "Who helped? I took this kid and let him register first..."

After listening to this statement, the little boy was shocked and turned to slip.

But the people waiting for the registration were listening, but suddenly many people rushed forward to marry him. These people are waiting for registration. It is a pity that there is a narrow mountain road, but there are no fewer than a thousand people to sign up. For a long time, they have not seen the team move forward. After listening to the words of the fat priests, they naturally can’t help themselves. I can help you to smash this little slick, but you can save yourself from queuing.

Some people even think that even if it is difficult to save the queue, it is the most important thing to pay this disciple in advance.

The little boy’s figure was so slippery that four or five young people didn’t catch him. He saw a drill here, and there was a jump, and he had to escape from the crowd. Suddenly, the crowd was white and thin, and the young man with a cold eyes was shining. Jumped out, sneered: "There is still a lot of effort on the body, but unfortunately not enough!" said the detective grabbed, carrying the little boy's back collar to lift him up.

The little boy struggled and struggled in the hands of the young man, as if he had been pinched by a seven-inch snake.

"Hey, thank you this brother, I don't know what to call?"

The fat man ran over and panted, and he was very happy. He thanked the young people with enthusiasm.

"The brothers are polite, waiting for the next, but for the brothers to catch a little monkey, raise their hands, why not hang their teeth..."

The young people are very polite and respectfully told the fat people.

"Well, let me say, I have learned this little **** first, and I will lead the brothers to go to the front to sign up..."

The fat man said with a smile, then his eyes turned to the little boy, revealing a hint of coziness: "Dao Ye is the outside disciple of Qingyun Daomen, and you dare to marry me with your little sister? Today, Dao does not want you." Life, you have to give you a lesson!"

Said to jump over, punching and screaming.

But in the end, as a disciple, he naturally can't hurt anyone, even if the other person is a small sister, and at most give him two words to let him remember the lesson.

"Don't... don't hurt my young master..."

Suddenly, a little girl was drilled out from the crowd next to him and stopped in front of the fat people.

She is as dirty as this little boy. It looks like she is only seven or eight years old. She is thin and thin. The facial features are very delicate. The eyes are very smart. The most amazing thing is that her ears are sharp and look like foxes. The eyes are also faintly visible in the blue color. It looks a little demon. It seems that it is not a pure blood human, but a mixed blood man.

"Smell, how do you run out? Isn't it for you to hide?"

The little boy was still shackled in the air, but he immediately sipped.

"Young Master, I won't come out, he will hit you..."

The barbaric singer said that he still stubbornly stretched out two small hands to stop the fat people.

"Master, I am very big, I am still using you to take the lead for me? Hurry and roll to the side..."

The little boy's teeth and claws make people want to laugh when they look at them. Although the ability is not big, the tone is not too small.

"There is such a small scorpion, and there is a barbarian doing it?"

The fat people are amazed, looking at the pretty look of the barbarians, it seems to be a bit sloppy.

In this world, this kind of person is called "barbarians", but it is the most savage race in the world. The Yaozu does not recognize them. The Terran is not even looking at them, either one or two, or the same. Or it is a servant. However, it is a servant, and it is not something that ordinary people can afford. This little boy is like a scorpion, but he has a servant.

"Oh, dirty squats..."

With a little boy screaming, his eyes were cold, and he flew up and kicked the little girl out.

"The bastard, dare to bully my family, the little man is not slaughtered, you can't..."

The little boy screamed in general, screaming and punching his teeth.

The barbarians were kicked by the young man who was waiting for the surname of a dozen feet and hit a tree. Although this young man did not go to the dead, but still fell full of blood, squatting on the ground, the onlookers were horrified, but no one blamed anything. After all, it was just a little demon, even in the world. In the same time, it is also the life of an ant, and no one has ever asked.

"The younger brother of this life, the most hateful demon, and called the brothers to laugh..."

Hou Qing also felt that he was a little heavy, and he was embarrassed to laugh.

" defense..."

The fat man said, deep down, I also feel that waiting for this person to be ferocious, just not convenient to say.

And the little boy who was struggling in Hou Qing’s hands let him drink his voice and no one even paid attention to him.

"Ah, the blood of the little demon girl... How could this be?"

Suddenly someone screamed low, and everyone looked around, but saw the blood of the little demon's forehead flowing out, soaked in the surrounding weeds, and found the few weeds that had been yellowed by the fall and winter chill. Suddenly, the new leaves slowly grew out, and the green leaves drove, like green jade, almost dripping water, very surprised.

"Mu Ling blood... This little girl turned out to be a rare wooden spirit..."

Among the people who worship the teacher, the non-rich is expensive, most of them have some knowledge, and immediately there are people who scream low.

For a time, the crowds were bustling, the arguments were endless, some were amazed, some were despised, some were envious.

The blood of Muling is one of the strange bloods of the world, and it has a miraculous effect on the growth of vegetation.

This kind of blood is the rare blood of the competition in the world.

Between the questions and answers of the right-beauty and the little boy, you can see the difference between the door and the teacher.

Either you have a recommendation letter, but it is recommended by someone who has a relationship with Daomen. You can worship.

Either, you are a wealthy family, and the acquisition of treasures is sent to the gates, you can worship.

Either, there is a rare constitution, so even if there is no penny, it does not matter, you can get the same value!

This little boy, nothing, caused a big joke for everyone.

But who can think of this little boy's demon is quite small, even with such a strange wooden spirit?

Not long after, the voices of the people had already alarmed the inside of the door, and not long after, they alerted a big man in the door.

About half an hour or so, but I saw a cold white woman, riding a huge white crane flying on the volley, this white crane said that it has more than ten feet, and the wings are blowing, almost in front of the mountain gate. A hurricane that was devastated by the sky was obviously a demonized demon bird. On the back of the white crane behind her, she stood with two girls in the corner.

"Ah, the outside disciple Yu Sansou, I have seen Lingyun Shijie..."

When the fat people saw it, they rushed to the ground and bowed.

The young people waiting for the teacher next to me, although they did not know the woman, also hurriedly followed the worship, and called the sister.

The woman who called Lingyun seemed to turn a blind eye to them. When she saw her eyes, she saw the demon squatting between the grasses next to the road, indicating the whereabouts of the white crane. She came to Xiaoyan and picked up the grass next to her. Look, I took a little bit of blood with my index finger, gently sniffed at the nose, nodded, smiled, and seemed to determine what was going on.

"In this time, the disciples of the division, plus this one!"

The Lingyun master picked up the little sister and stood up, not watching the fat priests telling him.

" teacher of Lingyun, the younger brother understands..."

Although it is only a demon girl, but Lingyun Shijie made a speech, no doubt even if it is the right disciple of Qingyun Daomen.

Everyone sneaked into the eyes, envious of envy, from a demon to a true disciple of Qingyun Daomen, can be described as a step into the sky.

Even the little boy in the waiting room was still watching this scene, and his mouth widened in surprise.

When Ling Yun’s sister was holding a small donkey, she would step on the back of the crane and fly away. Suddenly, the little body in her arms moved and whispered, “Don’t hit the young master... don’t fight... the young master...”

Lingyun’s sister gave a slight glimpse and asked with a blank expression: “Who is the young master?”

The little boy stayed and immediately raised his hand and shouted: "I... I am the young master, you give me my gimmick..."

Lingyun sister looked at him and said faintly: "From today, she is not your fault!"

Said, waved, even thrown a small jade porcelain, porcelain is purple, small and exquisite.

"Innate purple gas pill..."

The fat man screamed out and couldn’t help but scream.

In order to help a demon smug from the servant's identity, even directly shot such a panacea?

The people around the teacher saw the situation, and many eyes showed a radiant glow. It seemed that they could not swallow the little boy.

Congenital purple gas pill, good things for easy tendon cutting, how can you easily give a small flower?

I do not know how many people, at this moment, moved the idea of ​​grabbing.

The little boy looked at this congenital purple gas pill and couldn't help but swallow a big saliva. However, the woman who saw Lingyun was holding Xiao Man to leave. He suddenly reacted and shouted: "You can't Go, who's answering this application? What is the use of medicinal herbs for my little girl? I don't change, you take the medicinal herbs and leave people to me..."


Lingyun’s sister’s gaze turned back, and Senran’s killing made him suddenly shut his mouth.

"I... I don't want remedies..."

The little boy still had the courage to stutter and said: "Unless... unless you take me to the gate..."

The person who was blaming the little boy for not knowing what to do was suddenly realized, thinking that the boy was waiting here.

Lingyun’s sister is also a slight glimpse, and she laughs and laughs. She said to the fat people with a little disdain: “I count him, but I see that his qualifications are also general, and the temper is also wild, so I will put it in the medicine field. Something!"

"Amount, the younger brother respects..."

The fat man bowed and agreed.

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