MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 768 Tokyo fog sea

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Pei Ziyun looked around. I didn't know why. I felt a little tired. I couldn't help yawning. At this moment, a meow called "Meow"

猫 The meow was very quiet. Pei Ziyun moved over, and a cat suddenly appeared. Lu You's glance came over, but he looked at it with a deep exhaustion.

Almost at the same time, only a "snap" sound was heard, and somebody struck.

This is the slash of a knife, and the sound is still familiar.

Pei Ziyun frowned, didn't fight back, broke the window, and banged down. Zhimei's house had no courtyard, but was not small, planting a mulberry tree.

"Evil, let's die!" The chaser did not stop, holding a wooden knife in his hand, and cut it with another knife: "Xia Xing Yue-Cut!"

"Sister-in-law, stop." A little farther came the sound of anger from Sakakami Miyako.

"Are you looking for me?" Almost at the same time, one hand was silently placed on Pei Ziyun's shoulder, and the hand carried a chill, making people instantly stiff for a moment.

"Stupid!" But the next moment, "Boom", a flame suddenly ignited in the air, the cat and the figure behind him suddenly screamed, and it turned into ashes within a few seconds.

A gust of wind passed by, a leaf fell, and the wooden knife cut to the ground.

"Don't!" Pei Ziyun didn't avoid looking at Xunzi's stab, but there was a flash of light in his eyes, just a loud drink, and Xunzi fell down on the floor in response.

"Be fascinated?" Pei Ziyun picked up the leaf, and saw the leaf, the veins were completely separated.

"Yamada Hall, what's going on?" Sakakami Sanko rushed straight forward, a little bit embarrassed, how could he be here?

"It's not clear. It seems that Xunzi came earlier than us and it was affected." Pei Ziyun bounced his shoulders and blasted off the ashes: "Maybe, she saw me, is it a ghost?"

Pei Ziyun glanced at the unconscious 冴 子, and then looked at the leaves carefully.

冴 "Sister-in-law, how is your present level?"

"It's really amazing, you touched the edge of the Grand Master faintly!" Pei Ziyun was surprised. Xunzi's talent is so good?

At first, Xunzi's mother, Shidu Mako, wanted to teach Xunzi to learn sword by herself. Pei Ziyun discovered that she had talent, but there were many talented people and she didn't take it seriously.

I just stunned Pei Ziyun just a moment ago. How good is Xunzi's talent?

How long did it take for me to reach such a state, this is still with my system assistance!

And how long does it take to reach this level?

Pei Ziyun was a bit shocked. Even if she taught top swordsmanship, but in just one and a half years, Xunzi could reach this level. The talent of kendo is really scary!

It is a pity that she has no supernatural power, so even if she has sword skill, she is still fascinated by evil spirits.

Pei Ziyun thought about it, and listened to Sakakami Sanchi's inspection. Ansong breathed out: "Xunzi is fine, but the sword skills are really good!"

"When we grow up, we will have a real samurai at the Sichuan Shrine." Sakakami Sanko watched his sister-in-law holding a wooden sword with sweat on his forehead, showing a satisfied smile and greeting the driver: " Hold her in the car and don't stay in this room. "

"Hi!" The driver opened the door.

Ayaka Sakami watched with a thousand eyes, and she witnessed the growth of Xunzi step by step.

When Xunzi first began to learn swords, she made a lot of mistakes. For the first time, she hurt herself because she accidentally applied too much force, but since she started, some characteristics of Xunzi have awakened.

Each time Pei Ziyun teaches Xunzi some moves, Xunzi only looks once and asks again. It takes up to three days to master Pei Ziyun's teaching.

Ayaka Sakako thinks that Xunzi's understanding and talent are far better than her father Shidu Chengren, but now she feels that the evaluation is more than that.

How old is Xunzi, and how long has she learned sword?

I'm terrible!

There is a Yamada Hall and a sister-in-law first. Is it God who wants to revitalize Jinchuan Shrine?

The three thousand sons of Sakazaka could not help but be choppy, turned to Pei Ziyun and said, "Look, is there a samurai ceremony for Xunzi?"

Pei Ziyun didn't answer immediately and was silent.

Ritual of samurai, this is actually a gift from Jincheon Shrine and supernatural power, but the **** of Jincheon Shrine is dead!

代 God came, the flesh is not far away.

He has no God's gift. He can also reach the Grand Master through swordsmanship to form the so-called sword heart. He can also cut and kill evil spirits.

If a guru is useful, why should he cultivate what kind of **** and become a god?

This is the essential gap in energy levels.

I'm still saying that, if it weren't for myself, Xunzi would have grown into a superb samurai, and now her chance was cut off for herself.

Pei Ziyun was thinking, seeing the driver coming over, and suddenly smiled, stretched out his hand on Xia Zi's forehead, then put his hand away, then his expression became cold.

"Those people are idiots. If there were no such evil spirits, I could not find them for a while. Now the technique is broken and the other party is backswept. I can feel their whereabouts."

"Catch up, the other party did not go far." Pei Ziyun said quickly.

"Hi!" Pei Ziyun entered the car, and as soon as the driver stepped on the accelerator, the car started at the fastest speed and caught up.

After crossing the highway, Pei Ziyun closed her eyes halfway and reached a crossroads, directing: "Turn left!"

The driver did not hesitate to turn the steering wheel to the left.

"Don't worry, go straight ahead!" It was another fork in the road, and Pei Ziyun also ordered, and the driver did not speak, and silently executed.

"Turn left!" Pei Ziyun continued.

"Hi!" The driver turned the steering wheel and ran into a fork.

Gradually, the road was a little hard to see. The driver pressed the car brush and found that it had no effect. He still couldn't see clearly. Looking closely, the fog was rising unknowingly outside.

Looking at these faint mists, Sakakami Sanchi felt familiar. She thought about it, and her face changed. She immediately said to Pei Ziyun, "Yamada, something is wrong, it is foggy outside, and you were at the shrine inheritance ceremony last time. The fog appeared to be similar. "

Ayaka Sakami is a little worried.

"Rest assured, three thousand sons, it's okay, let the driver continue to drive, everything has me!" Pei Ziyun's expression remained unchanged, slowly speaking, Sakakami three thousand sons met only once, but he encountered many times.

Seeing Pei Ziyun's calm look, Sakakami Sanchi didn't know what to do, and his original nervousness gradually calmed down.

Banqian Sanqian has actually been following Pei Ziyun for a long time. In her opinion, Yamada Shinichi is actually not an ambitious person. In the past, he has had many opportunities to deepen his connection with the nobles. Besides, let ’s say that Bandong Ayako is very promising , But it's all dispensable.

But these cannot hide the indifference and domineering of Yamada Shinichi, "everything is not at heart"!

This convinced Sakakami Miyako.

The driver turned on the fog lights and still drove the car according to Pei Ziyun's instructions.

When passing a mountain road, Pei Ziyun suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "Stop!"

In fact, the mountain road cannot stop, but the driver still made a sudden brake and stopped steadily.

"Yamada, what's wrong? Did you spot the enemy?" Sakakami Sanchi asked immediately.

"No!" Pei Ziyun didn't explain. After jumping out, he jumped on a rock and looked at Tokyo.

The whole Tokyo is shrouded in the night, and the lights are bright. It originally looked like a night city, like a sea of ​​lights, but when you look carefully, the mist is spreading. Although it is only a thin layer, the whole Tokyo is shrouded.

No, it's not just Tokyo, it's all night in Japan.

Pei Ziyun's eyes flashed a strange light.

I am going on, I am afraid that the living person is governing the day, and the evil spirit is governing the night. Seeing this scene, Pei Ziyun is thoughtful.

Sakazakami Sanchiko didn't see anything, a little puzzled. Pei Ziyun didn't explain. After thinking about it, he said to Sakakami Sanchiko, "Go back, you can't intervene below!"

记住 "Remember, when you go back in danger, go to the Shrine."

尽 Although the **** of Chuan Shrine has been killed by himself, he still has his own divine power.

"Hi! Yamada Hall! I wish you good luck in martial arts." Banshang Sanqian looked at Pei Ziyun's solemn expression, bowed and said that she had been trained to know the scene of evil spirits, and she could not hold back.

况 Not to mention the driver and sister in the car.

Pei Ziyun smiled, turned and left, and walked across the mountain road to the opposite side.

It wasn't until Pei Ziyun's back disappeared that Sakakami Sanko got up and got off.

Not far from the hillside, Naosaki Nozaki holding his binoculars with his eyes narrowed and watching Pei Ziyun enter, finally relieved: "Yamada Shinichi, you finally entered!"

在 At this moment, a "didi" sound sounded, and it was the phone.

直 Nozaki Nozaki, who had been careless, saw the phone on his mobile phone ~ ~ and immediately shocked, pressed the answer, and said respectfully, "Hi, lord, are you awake?"

Nagasaki Nazusaki could not help but smile excitedly.

"Hey, it's the meeting of the halls? Yes, I'll be there right away." I received important news below, and Masao Nozaki calmed down, leaped forward, crossed a few meters, and a car stopped in the shelter. .

"Sasaki, let's go down the mountain." The driver is actually Sasaki Heiji. His car skills are good. Soon, Nozaki rushed to a house.

住宅 The house is ordinary and not special, but at night, in this area, the house looks particularly deep and dark.

直 When Nozaki reached the door, someone bowed and opened the door. Please enter.

Naozaki Nozaki was not surprised. He went straight into the house, and before he entered, there was a sharp voice: "Nozaki Nozaki, what is your physical name?"

"You are late!"

"Accurately, you are the latest of us. Is this really rude?" A teenager, wearing earrings, said coldly.

"Hum, I'm much better than some people who just woke up and did nothing!" Nasaki Nozaki said with a sneer.

"You?" The boy with earrings was about to refute, a voice came, "Don't make noise!"

"Hi!" The boy bowed his head respectfully, and did not dare to make any sound.

Naozaki Nozaki straight down on his knees, obituary toward the person who made this voice: "Master, thank you for your disgrace, Yamada Shinichi has been led to Kaiki-mura!"

Several teenagers were sitting in the house.

Read The Duke's Passion