MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 759 0 Toyama

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"咚咚咚" The next morning, a sound sounded, Naomi Hayakawa awakened in the bedroom with sleepy eyes. She sat up and rubbed her eyes hard, opened her eyes, took the alarm clock on the bedside, and found that now It's time to get up to school.

Yesterday was a rest day. Naomi Hayakawa was able to stay at home for so long, have time to prepare food and learn some dishes, but now her learning career has begun again.

Hayakawa Naomi gently squeezed her face with her little hand, exhaled, took a deep breath, rolled a half on the bed, lifted the quilt, and got up.

刷 Hayakawa Naomi always brushes her teeth and feels that something is wrong. Today, her head seems to be especially painful, much worse than before.

I do n’t know why, I feel very tired today and I want to sleep.

Isahaya Takako looked at her daughter, her face was not right, she touched her forehead with her hands, felt the temperature, and asked, "Naomi, what's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Is it a cold or something? But there doesn't seem to be a fever." Hayakawa Tatsuko felt the temperature coming from the palm of his hand, and was a little relieved.

Hayakawa Naomi brushed her teeth, rinsed her mouth, and smiled at her mother: "Nothing, rest assured, mother!"

不用 "Don't worry, just a little headache just now, it's okay now."

Looking at her mother's worried eyes, Takako Hayakawa, Naomi Hayakawa did not want to tell her about her situation, because she knew the real conditions in her home.

A few major things have happened in my home in recent years, which cost me half of my savings, and it is not easy for my mother to read for herself. Even though Naokawa knew that she was a little uncomfortable, she kept it hidden.

的 Naomi Hayakawa, who had breakfast, went to school with a backpack.

On the way, she still had a slight pain in her head. It seemed that she had dreamed something very important last night.

Isahayagawa Tomomi didn't know why she had this idea, but she had a gut instinct to tell her that it was the case. Last night she had a dream that might be very important to her.

Now, Naokawa Naomi is full of memories of last night's dream, but she is very frustrated that no matter how she remembers, she ca n’t remember what was in her dream last night?

Only remembered a sparkling water and a very familiar face.

On the tram, Naomi Hayakawa was still struggling to remember.

At this time, there are many people on the tram because of the peak of school and work.

I was trying to think about Naomi Hayakawa, who was too focused. As the tram dangled, I accidentally confiscated my feet and stepped on a leather shoes of a middle-aged man in a black suit.

Hayakawa Naomi felt different under her feet. When she stepped on someone else's shoes, she was pale and scared, and apologized again and again: "Sorry, I accidentally stepped on your shoes. If you don't mind, I'll wipe it for you!"

Hagi said, Hayakawa Naomi took out a tissue from her pocket and was ready to wipe it for the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was a little unhappy, but when he saw that he was a middle school student, his unpleasant face gradually became gentle: "It's not necessary, it doesn't matter, let's go to school with peace of mind."

Hayakawa Naomi bowed again and again, thank you, got off the tram, patted with a small hand, relieved, the place to get off is the school gate, there is still a long way from the classroom, Naomi Hayakawa needs to go a long way.

The road was full of students.

Even if I accidentally stepped on someone else on the tram because I was too immersed in my own thing, Naomi Hayakawa is still remembering last night's dream.

She walked in small steps and murmured in her mouth: "Waters, which waters are so troublesome, where are they?"

"Oh, I seem to remember a clip ..."

In a palace, a person is reading a book, and he can actually approach, Hayakawa Naomi looked, and suddenly its face became clear, it turned out to be his own face!

"Ah!" Naokawa Naomi screamed and fell down. It turned out that she was so focused that she didn't look at the road and accidentally slammed into the tree. The surrounding classmates stopped to see what happened to her.

Hayakawa Naomi, covering her head, looked so red that her classmates had paid attention.

男 A male student asked enthusiastically, "Classmate, are you okay? Do you need any help?"

Hayakawa Naomi shook her head embarrassingly: "I'm sorry! No, I just didn't sleep well last night, I'm a little embarrassed, I accidentally lost my mind, thank you for your concern."

I waited for my classmates to return to normal, Naomi Hayakawa no longer dare to be distracted and left for the classroom, but she walked a few words and suddenly felt that her brain was blank: "Oh, what did I think about just now, why do you forget now?"

Dominate the nation

Pei Ziyun went to the club at noon, and then opened the door: "Well? Someone is there?"

Someone opened the door. It was Murata Seiichiro. After one year, he was taller and stronger, saw Pei Ziyun, and bowed immediately: "It ’s the minister, good noon, hot outside, fast forward Please rest! "

"Ah, it's Seiichiro!" Pei Ziyun went in, with air conditioning inside, and saw that it had been cleaned, and the floor was smooth. He said casually, "It's really hard for you. Is there anything wrong recently?"

"No, nothing is wrong. If you have something to say, Hayakawa Sang, the situation this morning seems a bit wrong." Seiichiro Murata still respects the Minister very much, and respectfully answers.

Pei Ziyun's eyes were slightly condensed and he asked, "Is that so? What's wrong?"

Sumichiro Masamura bowed slightly and whispered, "Today, Hayakawa Sang is a little pale, and he fainted briefly during class in the morning, and now he is in bed in the infirmary."

Pei Ziyun listened and immediately stood up: "In this case, I must go and see."

"What's going on, is it a cold in summer?"

At this time, the sound of "didi" sounded, and Pei Ziyun took a step. He frowned and took the call.

"Hey, Yamada-don, are you there?" The voice of Emperor Sakakami's solemn voice came.

恩 "Well, what am I doing? What's the matter?" Pei Ziyun asked hurriedly.

"That's right, Yamada-miya, now there is an urgent matter, that is, we have received a commission from the Shogunate, asking you to rush now."

"Someone is waiting outside."

"Are the requirements of the shogunate? Okay, I'll be right there." Pei Ziyun frowned. Although he entered a democratic society, the shogunate was still not small and was still a nominal government.

I couldn't refuse this request, and I said to Murata Seiichiro now: "Go and see Naomi on my behalf, I'm really sorry, something happened."

"Hi, Minister, just go and I will tell you."

Pei Ziyun came out of the school. Not far away, a middle-aged man in a light blue suit was ordinary in appearance and was no different from an office worker.

He was looking around, and quickly recorded with his pen. At this time, he met and greeted him, "Master Yamada, please come here, the car is here."

An inconspicuous car came over, Pei Ziyun went in, and then sat down. The middle-aged man said, "I'm Hirotsu Miankai. This time, I'll contact you."

Hiromi Mitsui bowed slightly: "This convening is really troublesome for you. Please look at these photos and information for specific information!"

On the mobile phone, Mian Jing Hongtong sent the information to Pei Ziyun.

Pei Ziyun glanced, nodded, and sank into it, the car passed smoothly and quickly until it reached a building.

Hongmian Jing Mianjing led to the elevator. The elevator was smooth and silent, and the silence was a little dull. On the twenty-first floor, there were people in suits in the corridor.

"It's a soldier!" Pei Ziyun just smelled it, and he had fought many soldiers and commanded the army. He was too familiar with this.

These men were all fierce and obviously armed with guns. Hiroshi Matsui did not say a word, showed his pass, and entered one place.

"Ah, Yamada-kun, you're here!" In the room, Ayako Bandong watched Pei Ziyun come over, greeting with a smile on his face.

Pei Ziyun also bowed his head slightly to show politeness, and said straightly, "Xunzi, the shogun came to me. What is going on? What is the situation now?"

Ayaka Hagiko smiled slightly, and led Pei Ziyun forward, which was full of screens, and several of them were nervously operating.

On the screen, Pei Ziyun can clearly see that all of these pictures are the scene of the arrest, and the people who were arrested, if no accident, it is ...

He didn't wait for his thoughts to finish, and Bandong Ayako turned sideways slightly, reached out and pointed her finger at the screen, and said to Pei Ziyun, "Yamada-kun, look, these are the scenes where arrested people were arrested."

"There are eleven places in total. We made an appointment and arrested at the same time to avoid concatenation."

Pei Ziyun looked closely and saw these scenes, some in the apartment, some in the commercial building, and some in the villa ~ ~ nodded and praised: "It is indeed a sister-in-law, amazing, in such a short Within a short period of time, so many backlit people were found! "

Ayako Sakae pouted, her eyes turned into a crescent with a smile, and said softly, "In fact, this is not the credit of our Banto consortium. It is more the power of the Shogunate."

"Also, your role is very great, it is you who struck this clue."

Ayako Sakazaka said, a staffer rushed in, shouting loudly: "Report, Lord Hime, an emergency has happened!"

"His husband realized our intention and made preparations in advance and fled to Qianhushan. What's more, he carried his men, possessed a large number of weapons, and killed hundreds of ordinary travelers."

"Our people are now heading up the mountain."

Ayaka Sakako's face changed. Without hesitation, he immediately ordered: "Get on a helicopter immediately and let's direct us nearby."


This is a flame mountain, more precisely a volcanic group, and a large area of ​​wild forests are kept around. Many wild animals live here, bringing many agility to Qianhu Mountain.

Though Qianhu Mountain is not high, it has a rugged terrain, known as "Five Steps, One Mountain and One Scenery". It has spectacular scenery and is a tourist attraction.

Because of the dangerous terrain, Japanese tourists are injured or killed here every year. Even so, they can't stop the countless tourists who come to Qianhushan.

At this moment, there was a solemn, densely packed police vehicle arriving at the mountain. It seemed that there were already hundreds of police surrounded, and the military police still shouted with a loudspeaker: "You are surrounded, surrender!"

A little further, the helicopter approached quickly.

Read The Duke's Passion