MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 756 Please never come back

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Harajuku Wooden Cemetery

It was not too early, and there were not many worshippers in the cemetery. At a glance, it was full of white tombstones. The entire cemetery was empty and slightly cold.

日本 In Japan, according to the shape of the cemetery, it can be roughly divided into general cemetery, lawn cemetery and wall cemetery. According to the nature of the cemetery, it can be divided into public cemetery, folk cemetery and temple cemetery. Harajuku wooden cemetery is temple cemetery.

Japan has a large population density and a very serious aging rate. These factors have led to a large number of areas, especially in some big cities such as Tokyo, where there is a serious shortage of cemeteries, so Japan generally holds cremations.

At the entrance, a car stopped, and a woman slowly got down in the car before she got off. She removed the veil. This mysterious woman is Hansuke Satoko who has not appeared for a long time!

Bando Satoko was alone and went to the shop. This section of the road was two minutes on foot, but no one, after a while, saw someone running over and bowed: "Sorry, please forgive me, I was not here just now-you have been waiting a long time ?"

Sasaka Tosuke turned around and looked over. Xiangguo was not old, he was in his forties or forties, but he was very plump, and he was very kind.

The management of the temple cemetery is a monk, and the Japanese monk can marry. Doing business in the temple cemetery is related to the monk, not the monk itself, or his friends and relatives.

"No, I'm here, too." Satoko Bando's face was a little embarrassed. He took out some money and handed it to Xianggou, and took a handful of white flowers from her.

This is Xiangyue, the monk's wife, looking at Hanto Satoko's pale face and staring at her, bowing slightly to her as a tribute, and at the same time she thought, "Hey, a poor man, It's a pity. "

At this time, because it was not normal to worship time and did not feel this way, Satoko Bando walked directly to the graveyard ahead.

If you follow the normal steps of worshiping your loved ones, Satoko Sato will first go to the main hall to worship the Lord Buddha, and tell the monks to disturb themselves, and some will have to pay a little "heart fee" before going to the cemetery.

此时 But at this time Satoko Sato would not care about these.

The cemetery of Keiji Betsufu Keiji is here, which was also specially placed by Satoko Sato.

The Bando Foundation has no shortage of high-level cemeteries. Besides, there is a special family cemetery in Hokkaido. It is located in the holy forest of Haruhime Shrine. It is located on the mountain. It seems to be a park (in fact), and the trees are covered with thick trees. The snow is where the locals choose to take a walk.

Quiet and serene, footsteps and crow calls can be heard along the way, which can give the dead a very good rest.

Therefore, the Bando family was surprised that Bando Satoko was going to bury his husband in this temple cemetery, and they were buried here at the insistence of Bando Satoko.

"Maybe, it is Sachiko who considers that Niji Beppu is only a son-in-law and has not made a contribution?"

In the past, according to the rules, only the people of Bandong's family or those who made significant contributions to the Bandong Foundation can be buried in the cemetery.

And Keiji Nishibetsu is a member of the Bando Consortium. His ability is mediocre and not particularly outstanding. The only praiseworthy place is that he particularly likes his wife, Satoko Bando.

According to tradition, it really shouldn't be entered, but now it is not ancient. It has been relaxed a lot in this respect. If you want to enter, no one will object, let alone Jingbei of Xibeifu.

Sakisaka's family respects Sachiko even more.

At this time, Satoko Hanto came to a tomb. The tombstone was very simple, but there was a picture of Keiji Nishibetsu. Looking at the man with a thick smile on the photo, Satoko Hanto reached out and touched the tombstone, and there was a hint of tears in his eyes. .

敬 "Keiji, I will not leave you alone!"

"I will be with you soon!"

Satoko Tosaka said, he was caught in the memories, not knowing what was remembered, and a smile appeared.

At this time, a person came over. She was wearing a long dress, with a solemn look, and bent down gently, and presented flowers to Jingbei, the second pair of tombstones, but it was Bandong Ayako.

It's getting late.

The light illuminates the tombstone and shrubs with a long shadow, but Ban Dong's body reveals a kind of peace. In this atmosphere, people don't feel gloomy at all. On the contrary, they feel a kind of peace, and they are alone with one person. Imagine being in the garden with peace.

Satoko Satoko stood and ignored Satoko Satoko, and only touched the gravestone with his hand more gently.

"Saochiko, my dear aunt, I really didn't expect that you were really a soldier of the curtain!" After a long silence, Bandong Ayako slowly raised his head and said babblely: "This is really unthinkable. The young lady of the previous generation will be a curtain-down army, and even now, I cannot find your discord! "

所以 "So, aren't you evil spirits taking the body?" Bandong Ayako said lightly.

Tomohan Satoko kept silent.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it." Ayako Banto was not surprised at all, smiled and said, "Let me guess, you are actually reincarnation!"

"Everything is reincarnated, even if it's the downfall, it doesn't matter. You are Satoko Sato."

"But you were forcibly awakened, so you have a period of time, the nerves are a bit abnormal, went to the nursing home for a while."

"The killings are just a cover up, or when you get into chaos."

"When you come out of the nursing home, you will no longer be Satoko Sato-right?" Satoko Sato slowly spoke to Satoko Sato.

"Now you want to come, you completely replaced the original Sachiko, but the same origin, so there is no abnormality."

Sakazaka Tomochi still didn't say a word, and it seemed that he was not shocked by these words.

"Actually, this is understandable. The two armies are struggling to do everything they can, but I have a question." Bando Ayako approached Satoko Banto and stepped forward slightly, staring closely at her eyes, Q: "Sachiko, do you really love Nishi Beppu?"

Listening to these words, Satoko Tosaka said, his body trembled, and the original expression of silence revealed some cracks, and the shadow of Keiji Nishibetsu appeared.

记得 She remembered that she was in chaos, seeing that she was going to be destroyed-if reincarnation was so easy to wake up, it would not be so difficult.

And a man saved her with love.

One day on her birthday, Keiji Nishibetsu made a kite by hand and gave it to her, because she once said when she was awake that her favorite thing to do when she was a child was flying a kite, but now that she has grown up, she has no chance, and No one accompanied her.

Ryoishi Beppu Keiji specially prepared this gift for her that day, and Satoko Sato received it at the time, and was not happy. Instead, he cursed Nishibeppu Keiji, saying that he would not even give a gift with no vision.

Despite the bloodshed of the dog being scolded by Keiji Nishibetsu, he didn't feel any grievance, but just looked at Satoko Sato with a smile.

At this moment, Keiji Nishibetsu's silly smile kept appearing in front of Satoko Sato, and she could not help but smile, nodded, and said, "Yes, I love him."

"I did not love him before, but in the past ten years, I have been moved by him."

Satoko Tosaka said, wiping his photo of Keiji Nishibeppu with his hands, his eyes blurred, and he fell into memories.


既 "If so, why did you kill him?" Ayako Banto asked suddenly.

Bando Satoko's smiling face appeared a complex, sweet, remorse, decisive, seemingly all in it, she smiled slightly, and said to Bando Ayako, the tone is gentle, listening to it is a famous lady, just It sounds a little creepy.

因为 "Because, Jing Er is not only a good husband, but also a good man, loyal to his duties."

敬 "Keiji knows that he can be mediocre, and feels sorry for me, and sorry for Bando's family, so he actively wants to perform-especially to revive your key career!"

Satoko Sasaki said here, his voice finally brought some sharpness, and his speed increased: "Even though I have hinted many times, unfortunately he ignored it."

"Stupid Keiji!" Teased in the eyes of Satoko Sato!

"I've hinted at him many times !!!"

"How can he not understand?"

Sasaka Higashi Satoko flushed in the corners of his eyes, and his face was heartbroken.

"Really, in fact, you want to kill me, I understand that, after all, we are enemies!" Ayako Banto understood for a moment, and her expression was unbearable, and she said anxiously.

"Just for the ideal, so kill the husband who loves himself and loves him?" Sakako Ban sighed, showing compassion rather than hatred: "You know, what have you lost?"

"No one loves you like Keiji anymore."

"It's not just women, it's the same for men, it's in the Seven Samurai."

"Nanako met the undercover warrior." Ayako Banto sighed slightly. "How is she who is just kind? How could you think that a man who loves himself and devotes his life is determined to sacrifice his family? What about people? "

"Reading this paragraph, I can't bear sadness when I think of it now, even if it's not me-Satoko, do you understand?"

Do I not understand?

Your organization teaches her principles and tells her that only love for the organization is the highest and everything can be sacrificed for this.

And the West Beppu King Er did not ask for anything in return, let her know how beautiful it is to be loved unconditionally, and let her know the man who is the difference between "home" and "organization"-so dead ~ ~ Or she told the organization herself.

多少 How many times she shouted "Kingji" in the night, and only a cold echo knew how heavy the love was and how regretful it was to lose it, she recognized a fact.

With this love, she will never get a second time.

那么 "So, how will the family deal with me?" After a while of silence, Bando Satoko calmed his mood and wiped the corners of his eyes with his hands, dripping tears: "Now that you have discovered that I am a fallen curtain army."

"That's why I said to you that there is no second Keiji West Beppu." Ayako Banto gave the answer without the slightest hesitation: "Maybe Keiji Sebetsu will forgive you, but in the Seven Warriors Morimoto said to the matter-don't listen to the voice of Ishimaru Yuji (Naoko's husband), don't understand him, just execute it. "

"Put Ishimaru Yuji out of the family, do not record his deeds and names, erase all his traces, and do not let it affect himself and future generations."

"To someone like you, you can never say your righteousness and die silently, and being forgotten is the best punishment!" Satoko Ban said cold words, but her eyes were pitiful: "Because when you When you have made a choice, when you choose righteousness and annihilate your relatives, you don't want to think about your loved ones anymore-you are completely a downsider! "

"Your home is no longer known as Hanto, but Meiji, please go back to your house, and don't come back!" Bandong Ayako bowed slightly and said: "I think so, and Grandpa thinks so Of course. "

"Soriko, sorry, please never come back !!!"

Read The Duke's Passion