MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 702 Sakata Kinshi

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The blood splattered, and a few drops even splashed on the Prince's face, smelling a stinky gas, and the Prince was nauseated for a while, he couldn't believe his eyes!

Not long ago, the situation inside the house was still suppressing the monsters, but the enemy and me turned upside down in an instant.

Not to mention that although you are the prince, you really haven't seen desperate fighting.

But he couldn't think about it. He broke the shackled monster and knew that the thief would capture the king first. With one claw falling, half of the samurai's face was torn off, the bones were exposed, and he fell over to the ground, not even shouting screaming Out, just twitching.

Then the monster glared at the prince.

"Ah!" Screamed subconsciously for the Prince.

It ’s just the prince, or he can avoid it, but the house is not big, the princess and the maid are crowded together. In this case, everyone cries and pushes away, he is more powerful, and he ca n’t help Out of the chaotic wall.

I'm dead!

Seeing the paw with flesh and blood residues, the prince was hit by the evil wind. At the moment of life and death, the prince flashed a flash in his mind for the first half of his life, only to feel that he lived mediocre and wacky.

It's a pity that he is a descendant of Aizhao, who is going to die in the hands of a monster!

As soon as he closed his eyes and waited for his death, a glimmer of light flashed in front of him, and then the monster screamed louder than everyone else.

The prince with a sore ear, realizing something, opened his eyes sharply. "Yamada-kun ..."

"Prince's Palace, protect the Prince's Palace!"

"Don't squeeze any more!"

Only then did people react, and they hugged the Prince and Princess back.

With the joy and complex mood of the rest of the life after the disaster, the prince did not forget to look back and saw the place where he was standing. Pei Ziyun stood with a knife, calm, and in front of him the monster screamed, It's not deep, but the white flame adheres to the wound and burns it. It can't be extinguished even if it rolls.

"It's amazing!" Someone couldn't help but sighed in a low voice: "Just a knife, the monster will burn up. Is this the means of the mage?"

The surprise in his ears made the Prince quickly understand what just happened.

It turned out that when he was about to be killed by a monster, Yamada Nobu saved the shot before and shot again, killing the monster with one shot!

"Yamada-kun ..." The prince, who had always been easy to touch, looked at Shinichi Yamada, and his heart was mixed with jealousy.

Of course, looking at the monster being burned by the fire, the prince was also puzzled.

Although there are some powerful samurai in this era who can slay monsters, but never heard of them, a samurai sword can be used to make monsters burn.

Or does the other party know the spell?

Or will the monster itself burn itself if it is seriously injured?

This is not impossible.

Looking around, they saw that everyone looked different, surprised, grateful, envious, jealous, and the prince looked at Yamada Shinichi again, thinking in his heart.

Orange has declined, let alone Orange Taozhen, can such a warrior be taken over by himself?

Pei Ziyun didn't bother to look at all the complicated eyes around him. He looked calm and stared at the burning banshee, thinking in his heart.

"I thought it was a monster, but it turned out to be a female ghost who was a human, or a female officer with a canon in front of her."

"It is easier to give birth to evil spirits in humans than to cultivate a monster. I have not found it before. It has the power to cover up the breath. No wonder you can approach the prince and want to poison the prince."

"However, by looking at it with my own eyes, I know that the prince ’s birthday has arrived. This is why the demon can approach and be harmful."

"But the court will decline again, and the prince of the prince will not be able to kill the demon-even the dying prince!"

"If the venom kills the prince, there will be a counterattack. This demon is just cannon fodder? But what is the purpose? Maybe, there are other intentions?"

Pei Ziyun thought for a while, but smiled. The reason why he protected himself as a prince was to avoid snapping the hat on himself to fight for the time for recovery.

As long as the two big monsters are beheaded and killed, they can also obtain the identity of God in this world, and then they will have no regrets.

However, even if the plan for delaying time is unsuccessful and the world is the enemy, it is just a little more trouble.

Thousands of calculations, one-size-fits-all.

Only contemplatively, a strange smell filled the air as the female ghost burned.

Unlike the smell of burning off the flesh, this is stranger, dirtier, and more unbearable.

But even in this way, the prince and other people did not escape the courtyard, fearing that there were other monsters lurking in the darkness.

"Nanwu Bhagavadva, Vishashya Kulupli, ..." is different from everyone's point of view, the monk clearly saw something deeper, looking into Pei Ziyun's gaze with fear, in his true voice, with his body A little light invisible to the naked eye.

"The truth that the pharmacist Liuliguang is here?" Pei Ziyun looked at it, and was shocked in his heart. He had been in the world for the first time, or was exposed to the real Buddha light for the first time, and secretly evaluated.

"This Buddha light is too meager, but what about the essence behind it seems to be equivalent to artemis?"

Just then, there was a riot outside. Someone shouted the name of the prince. Hearing was not from the people in the house. Accompanied by that, there were noisy footsteps.

Someone is here again.

Looking at the princess for the prince, he whispered, "Who else did you notify?"

"No," replied the princess. "It may be that what happened just now, someone outside came over."

Although the Prince's Mansion is a royal mansion, in Heianjing, it is not a mansion where the iron barrels can't pass through.

What's more, the news that the "Prince" is dead is definitely a major event. As long as there is someone else's eyeliner in the house, it is impossible to pass the news immediately.

Not to mention a caring person, an ordinary aristocrat. Knowing it, I will probably send someone to inquire about the situation.

If the prince is really killed by the country warrior because of his love and hatred, it will surely attract the samurai to encircle the murderer, and it will surely harm Orange Daozhen and his Yamada family in Izumi.

Between the two of them, people outside came to the courtyard. When someone stepped into the courtyard, they saw the scene inside, especially when they fell on Pei Ziyun holding a wooden knife, and immediately expressed his anger: "Bold!"

With scolding, more than a dozen warriors behind him immediately rushed in and surrounded Pei Ziyun.

Pei Ziyun looked at the house that was going to be full, and smiled, and then went out, as if he did not keep the samurai looming in his eyes at all.

Due to Pei Ziyun's actions, the samurai surrounding him did not take any action and slowly retreated.

Of course, the samurai did this with the intention of drawing people out.

Hands inside the house can easily hurt innocent and noble people.

"Hey! You country warrior, but Yamada Shinichi? Do you want to hurt the Prince's Palace? If you don't let down your sword and surrender, you can give you a decent belly!"

The samurai drank, his face was serious, his lips were tight, and his tall cheekbones had a pair of slender and calm eyes. With a strong killing spirit, he obviously killed many people.

Although I saw that the prince was still alive, the facts and the news received were incorrect. But Yamada Shinichi held a wooden knife in front of the prince and looked disrespectful. It was a fact of sight!

With that said, the samurai's feet touched the ground and approached slowly.

"A master."

I saw the man holding the knife in both hands, the blade pointed upwards, although he approached slowly, his feet only raised an inch, and his shoulders dropped slightly. This was an attackable and defensive trend.

"Every fight in the world is very similar in skill!" Pei Ziyun is as stable as a mountain, sighing slightly, and seeing his opponents are constantly accumulating momentum, he remains indifferent.

When I saw the fifth step, the momentum of the samurai's accumulation arrived, and he screamed and chopped it down.

The sword fell off, and it seemed that the entire courtyard was dark.

Pei Ziyun held the knife in his hand and waved it.

Daoguang came into the air, hitting the wooden knife and making a soft noise, but the other side did not hesitate. Daoguang turned in and attacked seven swords in a row.

Although it is a wooden knife and an iron knife, with the attack, the "swish" continuous sound, the gold whine is deafening, the two of you come and go, and the body movements become extremely fast. Some of the samurai around can not even see the two. action.

The snow fell a thin layer again. As the two of them staggered, the mud became muddy. The new snow fell under the knife light and even avoided this area.


This country warrior is amazing.

The onlookers all looked intently, forgetting their responsibilities for a moment, only when the snow fell into the neck to stimulate them, they shook their eyes, their pupils shrank, they watched the scene with vigilance, and approached slowly. This was not a duel between two warriors. In the face of the enemy, it has always been swarming.

"Sakada-kun, stop, don't fight!" Seeing the situation worsening, a **** conflict will occur, wake up for the prince, pale face, wave his hand to stop: "Don't fight, Yamada-kun saved me, not a murderer! "

Sakada Jun?

He can be called "Sakada-kun" as his prince, and his status is not ordinary.

Staring at the opponent's samurai badge, Genji's samurai.

In this era, except for Sakata Kim, Pei Ziyun can't think of a second person, which really is one of the people who guessed!

Bantian Jinshi, Yuan Laiguang was one of the four heavenly kings.

This man is among the best in contemporary warriors.

Many people also agree on this point. This can be seen from the sight of Yamada Shinichi fighting with Sakata Kinshi and not being able to fall.

Although Bantian Jinshi was quite war-fighting, the prince's order must not be ignored. He jumped backwards and was silent for a while ~ ~ Bantian Jinshi said to Pei Ziyun, "Yamada, you are strong."

As if verifying, a stab sounded, and a gap appeared in Sakata's clothes, revealing the muscles inside.

This is due to the blade!

The two played against each other from the beginning to the end, but for three minutes, the audience was horrified.

Pei Ziyun faced everyone's gaze, calmly like water: "Sakada-kun, you are also very strong."

It is indeed very strong, but if the samurai around are not timid, and they may shoot at any time, this knife can pierce the human body and give Bantian Jinshi a serious wound.

"If you lose, you lose," Bantian Jinshi said with a calm face. "Since you saved the Prince's Palace, I was offended."

After a pause, he asked in a deep voice: "What happened here, why did Yamada-kun appear here?"

As a member of the Genji warrior who flies to Fujiwara's house, he has the right to ask questions in this Heian capital!


Read The Duke's Passion