MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 697 Shanmen Li

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Hayakawa Naomi looked around and did not know if she trusted the minister. She seemed to feel the faint breath in the air permeating, as if something was dying and something was being reborn.

This feeling is fleeting.

At this time, when Pei Ziyun reminded Wen Yan, Naomi was unwilling to fall behind. She immediately shook off her feelings, and immediately followed Xunzi, saying, "Please rest assured, I will definitely cheer!"

Welcoming the two witches respectfully and taciturnly, they will greet a courtyard surrounded by ancient woods, bow down and retreat. In the quaint house, the faint aroma of faint appears, take a break, and some people offer some sushi.

I was used to Naomi's craftsmanship, and then tasted the sushi here. Pei Ziyun found that the sushi tasted good in memory, and it looked a lot faint.

Sister-in-law was appetite by Naomi, and was originally a little curious about the specialties here, but now she has little interest.

Naomi thought of what Pei Ziyun said just now, and she was afraid that she would be busy all night tonight, so she said to Pei Ziyun, "Yamada Jun, let me prepare some dishes. You have to work overtime. What do you want to eat?"

Xunzi's eyes flashed suddenly: "Naomi sauce, can you eat pork chop rice?"

After fighting for a day, she didn't want to eat light food, she wanted to eat meat!

"Yes, Yamada-kun, Rinako, what would you like to eat?" Naomi suddenly felt that she had value. Crescent eyes were full of anticipation to look at Pei Ziyun. Obviously, Rinako was incidental.

Pei Ziyun said warmly, "It's also pork chop rice, you worked hard, Naomi."

Rinako stood up with great interest: "It's getting late, I won't disturb. If anything, Jun Yamada can contact me at any time."

He said to Naomi, "Naomi, the things you need for cooking. I will send them directly when I go out."

"Thank you." Naomi thanked Rinako, and Rinako left. After a while, the witch brought the ingredients for the pork chop rice.

This courtyard has a kitchen. Although the courtyard and the building are antique, it seems that time has stagnated a hundred years ago, but the kitchen has a lot of modern kitchen utensils. Once you enter, it seems to return to the city.

Hayakawa Naomi went in, and Xingyan became Crescent. The whole person was energized. Although she could fight, but she didn't like it in nature, and the kitchen could make her feel at ease.

With a smile, she started to make pork chop rice. Pork chop rice is not only of good quality, but it also requires a proper cook and the right method to fry the best pork chops.

Pei Ziyun lay down, Xunzi turned on the TV, peeled the sweet super honey orange, and offered it to Oni Sauce from time to time, and Pei Ziyun was very satisfied with it.

Looking at the cheerful sister-in-law, Pei Ziyun was also slightly infected, with a smile on his face, took a bite, and turned his eyes to look at the void.

In the shrine (the world of the spiritual world), the Torii, which is gradually reborn, is slowly turning into an entity due to its own strength. It is slow and unstoppable.

And in the filth and darkness, some shadows struggled to squeeze out from deeper places, they reached out to the faint glowing torii, yearning and hating.

"Time is important. Although you already have a godhead in this world, it takes time to grow."

"The infantile form of God is as dangerous as the infantile form of the big monster. Before it grows up, the infantile form of the monster will attract the covetousness of the monster, and the infantile form of God will not only provoke the monster who wants to devour flesh, It will be suppressed by hostile gods. "

"The more powerful a **** grows up, the greater the danger of juvenile growth."

"It looks like there will be more than one battle in the coming period."

But for Pei Ziyun, he has long been used to it. The reason why the strong are called strong is because they tend to grow in sharpening. Those enemies who are defeated are stepping stones on the road to growth.

For a long time, a few black shadows gathered courage, touched the torii, burst a little white light and burned in their hands. This white light went up instantly, and the black shadows only screamed, and they turned into ashes. .

But this kind of divine power makes the darker things in the dark more coveted.

"Pork chop rice is here." Naomi's pork chop rice was ready at this time and brought to Pei Ziyun and Xunzi.

The steamed pork chop rice, the aroma was pungent, and Pei Ziyun was not really hungry at this time, and some index fingers were moving. He took a sip and couldn't help narrowing his eyes. He praised: "The beauty of straight beauty is getting better and better. Now. "

"The pork chop rice made with Naomi sauce is the best pork rice with rice dumplings ever!"

Seeing this, Hayakawa Naomi is happy. Although she has the strength and can help the minister kill the enemy, such a killing is still too reluctant for a girl who has always been an ordinary middle school student. She In fact, my heart has been uncomfortable and nauseated.

But for the minister, she also endured this kind of discomfort, hoping that she could become stronger, and the fact that she was not as good as her sister-in-law was always hitting Naomi.

Now looking at the satisfied expression of the Minister, Naomi is very at ease. No matter what, she always has value to the Minister and will not only give him trouble.

The sister-in-law quickly ate her own portion, and she kept her sword away, touching her wooden knife, and making gestures from time to time, seeming to realize.

After drinking tea, Pei Ziyun looked at the unknown thing in the dark outside the wooden door, flashing a hint of coldness.

"Since you've used dinner, it's time to work."

"Sister-in-law, Naomi, you follow."

The two followed in accordance with the words, and as soon as Pei Ziyun raised his hand, they had disappeared into place, and in the common world, the three appeared quickly.

At this time, even the sister-in-law could not help but widen his eyes slightly.

There was a gloom in front of me, no sky in the whole world, haunted by gray mist, very low visibility, and darkened land. In the darkness, a huge torii loomed, and there was white light on it. Inside, it was looming out of the palace. It's just a ghost.

And outside the torii, it is endlessly defeated. This breath makes the executioner's unique wooden swords tremble slightly, which is the instinct to want to fight.

"Here is the eternal life of the Chuan Shrine. The shrine has been established for so long. It is so filthy. It cannot be eliminated immediately by pure purification. The remaining ghosts may be hiding in neighboring corners. We need to work overtime to get rid of it." Wen Yan said in a light tone.

As if for him, taking people into the perpetual world of Jinchuan Shrine is not an uncommon thing.

Naomi and Xunzi didn't know much about Changshi, nor did they hear Pei Ziyun's unsatisfactory words.

But at this time, they could all see that this shimmering shinning shrine was outside the boundary of the shrine, and there were countless eyes in the dark, all watching silently.

Some were so excited that they couldn't restrain their instincts and rushed towards them, while others were examining it, and even more distant places, watching silently.

Q The vinegar shadow weeds said that it was very difficult to rob the lawsuit due to the theft of chlorine, and it was difficult to let the locusts recover. What is the punishment?

This head slowly rises, revealing his body, and gradually, more black mist emerges from the ground, densely, forming an army of demons and ghosts.

As they condense, dark clouds are born and cold rain falls.

Naomi is naturally sensitive to water. She frowned slightly and whispered, "This rain has problems."

"Ghost rain!"

"Don't kill them?" Q vinegar glaze bath?

"No, wait for the big future, and kill them together so that you can get it done once and for all." Pei Ziyun's expression was cold and cold, when the rain fell, the whole shrine and the outside seemed extraordinarily quiet, and then, a scream came from a distance The crackling noise, but no one can see.

In response, Pei Ziyun ridiculed his face and raised his sword: "Still pretending to be a ghost."

The words haven't finished yet, just listening to the sound of "噗", a sword turned into a phoenix and chopped it in the past. When this appeared, dozens of the army of black mist were seen, and the chest and abdomen were separated!

If people die early, but these demons are divided into two halves, and the wounds are squirming like mud, it seems to be recombined, but then, with a buzz, white flames rise, and they are swallowed up immediately, turning into a trickle of trickles.

"Kill!" In the face of this situation, the other party finally couldn't bear it, and saw the demons separated, revealing a cavalry in armor, a black banner spread out behind them, and it was really built into the army in the cold wind and rain. The blood of the army was pervasive.

"A red ghost rides?"

"It is a pity that I am the least afraid of this."

Before he finished speaking, Pei Ziyun gazed at him, gradually showing a neat row of cavalry, closed his eyes gently, and the original Jin Ge iron horse remembered again.

"How similar, it's just me. It's different."

"If in the Yang world, I am still bound, I am already here and dare to be crazy?" Pei Ziyun took a deep breath ~ ~ Raised his hand, there was nothing in his hand, but he seemed to be pulling a bow. string.

The demon cavalry has rushed into the front and came on, fast and thunderous, headed by a general, and even raised a spear and threw it!

After the demonstration, dozens of spears were thrown at the same time, and the rain came.

Pei Ziyun opened his eyes, his hands loosened, white light flickered in the void, and for a moment, there seemed to be hundreds or thousands of arrows coming out of the string.

With a buzz, the arrow rain fell, and when I saw the cavalry rushing up, I heard a clear sound of piercing, bursting blood flowers, it looked like a bright red, and then fell under the horse!

Then, just listen to the "bang", these cavalry turned into a pool of blood and mud!

This is not the power of the arrow, but it is reduced to zero. I want to avoid damage. The flesh trembles and trembles. It seems to form a new body. But then, "Boom", white light burns. Thousands of arrows turned into thousands of fires and quickly connected together.

"Booming" white flames soared into the sky, turning this shadowy realm into a sea of ​​fire. The demon behind him did not have an arrow, only a little contaminated, but it burned like a fire.

As the flames burned, white light continued to gather, turning from a little bit to a stream, and rushing into the shrine. As a result, the torii quickly stabilized, and even the illusory palace became gradually clear.

"Kill, kill the demon ghost, leave no one." Looking at the attack, more than half died, the demon ran away, and Pei Ziyun waved his sword.

"Kill!" The sister-in-law swooped up first, and Naomi didn't hesitate anymore. She fluttered her hands and saw the new rain falling down in the sky with a snoring noise.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe who did not escape immediately died, but could not help screaming.

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