MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 674 degenerate

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Okayama Castle

Gaocheng is a typical mountain city on the mountain. Under the clear blue sky, you can see the Tianshou Pavilion. At the foot of the mountain is a large plain with the largest arable land. Chengxia Town is also the most prosperous.

"Hey, have you heard?"

"The Lord Lord is sick, and he is very sick!" A middle-aged uncle, Jiu Lu, who is selling vegetables, has anxiety on his face and handed the vegetables to the guests.

"Isn't it? The Lord of the City hasn't been out for a few days, and I've heard that it is seriously ill, and the situation is very serious." 黒 O took the dish, and his face was full of worries.

"A good man like Lord City Lord, don't be troubled!" Ayumi glanced at the Lord City Hall not far away and prayed.

"However, I heard that this disease is related to outsiders!" Listening to the river fish who picked vegetables, she said angrily. She also heard the dissatisfaction of the village below, but for them, in this world, they became the lord Straight collar, with the strongest samurai guardian, without monsters, is pure land.

"Oh! This alien from Hell!" Jiuru spit on the ground.

"No, you see, notices are posted everywhere." 黒 Tailed his finger to the notice not far away: "As long as you catch the outsider and give it to the city owner, there will be a reward!"

"Jiulu, if we caught outsiders, give it to the master of the city." 黒 tail 黝 dark skin glowed red at this time, with a look of hope: "If there is such a thing, look at the reward on the notice, think about it all Excited to sleep! "

"Come on! You don't have to dream anymore, how can good things come to you and me?" Jiulu chuckled and paid the change to 零 尾.

"Anyway, I really hope that the Lord's body will get better as soon as possible!" He Yu took the vegetables he picked, paid for it, thanked Jiuluka and left.


The Xieshan-style city tower has two floors, with three floors on it, with corridors and barriers, and the eaves boards intersect with the eaves. At this time, the lowermost floor, the owner of the city, Jiuluduzhi, is a woman wearing a black mask. Standing behind.

Jiuluduzhi is one meter seven, and he is already very tall at this time, with long hair, hawk nose, small eyes, sharp eyes, and standing there is a feeling of self-esteem, and no The outside body was weak and lying on the bed.

On the contrary, Jiujiluzhi was ruddy, but his face was a little bad. He slammed, the tea cup fell to the ground, and the splash of tea wet the valuable floor. He didn't look at it, stared at a map, his face was full of Anger, flashing fierce light in his eyes.

地图 This map is not big, but it is very delicate. It is made of the fur of unknown animals. It is very smooth and looks green in the distance.

What ’s even more weird is that there are many red dots on this map. Now one by one, any red dots are off, and the fog is full, and the map is not clear.

"Another one goes out, and the speed is getting faster and faster." Hisaji's expression became cruel and growled angry: "What's going on?"

"Your Highness, please be angry, this thing may be related to outsiders!" The woman in black said hoarsely.

"Huh!" Jiulu Zhizhi looked at the map, a little green light flashed in his eyes, thinking, then turned to look at the huge pool isolated by the screen, his anger disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face: "What's going on inside?"

"His Royal Highness, her metamorphosis was very smooth, but she encountered resistance at the end, but she could not support it for a long time, and she would soon be completely metamorphosed."

"You must take care of her without any neglect. When she wakes up, we have to salute her." Jilu Zhizhi said.

"Hi, I understand." The woman in black said, turning behind the screen.

The pool in the hall occupies four-fifths of the area. The entire pool is beautifully structured, and there are various unknown sculptures on the wall. Although it is very simple, it is extremely sacred.

There was a person lying inside, the crystal clear liquid, a little bit of light shimmering, immersing the entire body of the person, leaving only his head floating on it.

When I come closer, I will find that this person is an extremely beautiful girl with a delicate face and closed eyes, but exudes unparalleled temptation. She is Naomi Hayakawa.

As I approached, I saw that Hayakawa Naomi's body had undergone tremendous changes, her legs had become fishtails, and her body was still flickering with waves like waves.

Nagisa Naomi, who closed her eyes tightly, heard a very kind voice.

"Naomi, come on, let's get together!"

"Don't resist, I'm you!"

"I am your immortal nature, your sacred source, the eternal self!" A voice rising in her heart continued to persuade.

Isahaya Naomi could feel that she was right, she did not deceive herself, her body became more relaxed and looser, and her body light became more intense.

But 蓦 a face came to mind.

"No, I'm Naomi, not you!" Nahagawa Naomi shouted, "Shinichi, come, come!"

Her spirit was tight, and she was about to give up her body of resistance and reactivated.

"No, why did you fail? Did n’t you say that this time, you will surely succeed?" Jiu Lu Zhi, who was outside, heard it, his face was somber, and he wanted to throw the tea cup, but found that his hands were empty, and the tea cup had already shattered to the ground. The previous step, stopped again, did not enter.

"City Lord, this time it was about to be transformed, but in the end it failed. The influence of Nobuyuki Yamada interfered with her transformation!" The woman in black came out with a gloomy look: "City Lord, the order above, as long as her transformation is successful, even if she wins ! "

"Killing Yamada Shinichi is still next."

"But now she clearly sees Yamada Shinichi as a obsession!" The woman in black approached, bowing deeply and suggesting: "Now that Yamada Shin is immortal, it is difficult to transform, and he must be killed!"

There was a ferocious tone in the tone of the woman in black.

"It's just a little bit, only a little bit last, Yamada Shinichi, it must be dead!" Hisaji Toku face twisted, cursing: "Who can you solve him?"

"The way of martial arts is to fight more with less and fight with weaker ones. Do our four heavenly kings dispatch together?" The woman in black asked respectfully.

Jiuluka turned his head, glanced at the pond, and looked at the red lights that were constantly on the map, sneer: "No, wait, when Yamada Shin is going to be the savior, let him be, let him go and spend power with the demon ! "

"Also, saving the village may not be rewarded, don't forget, we still have a killer!" Jilu Duzhi sneered.

Uh ...

"Kill!" Pei Ziyun's swords were united, he slashed a knife, and a headless corpse flew down and turned into ashes.

The enemy is getting stronger and stronger!

The wooden sword in Pei Ziyun's hand trembled slightly and felt a little pressure. The more he walked towards Okayama Castle, the stronger the walking dead and monsters appeared.

Pei Ziyun flashed this thought.

But the killing, the faster the replenishment of power, in fact, the world can't draw power at all, if it can't kill the demon, I'm afraid that he will be more and more decayed, and then culled.

The fog around became more and more dense, and the temperature gradually decreased, and Putian Mayumi couldn't help snoring.

Pei Ziyun stopped and looked at the woods in front of him, with prudence in his eyes. A dark cloud seemed to flow slowly, but the rapids were down.

Pei Ziyun raised his hand, and the wooden knife was immediately plated with a layer of black inflammation, stepping towards the woods step by step.

呕 "Spit!" Before approaching, Pei Ziyun couldn't help covering his nose, and a thick stench blew. This smell was like the corpse fermenting for a long time, and it was mixed with all kinds of pungent odor.

Pei Ziyun's face was a little green, and he hurried back. The taste was really indescribable, even he felt unwell.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, several trees fell to the ground, and an army of corpses rushed out.

"Wind Thunder cuts!" Pei Ziyun held the wooden knife slightly to the right, swiping forward, only listening to the sound of "噗", an arc moon blasted out on the knife, flying out with the wind.

Pei Ziyun's martial arts are amazing. This arc light is twice thinner, flying into the air at high speed. The enemy even heard any sound before death!

At this moment, Heiyun was pressing towards Pei Ziyun. In the heiyun, there were dense walking corpses, but he was already holding weapons. This was a fierce corpse that transcended instinct.

在 At this moment, a thin arc of the moon passes through.


The arcs of the moon passed, and I don't know how many filthy atmospheres formed into an array, and suddenly two points. In a string of crackling sounds, fifty walking dead were broken into two pieces, and a thick black mist was sprayed in front of the eyes.

The half of the corpse fell to the ground and did not cut off the vitality. They got up and grabbed their hands, but then, a white flame ignited, and a final mourn came out of their mouths, and then it went out.

This is far beyond everyone's imagination. Even seeing the habitually dead monsters, we can't help but take a breath. This is exactly what Pei Ziyun wants.

Pei Ziyun has been in the battlefield for a long time. Of course, he knows that once the encirclement is made, the power of the array will increase greatly. Now, at the expense of power, it is to break the opponent's organization in one fell swoop.

撼 The shock of just a few seconds has given ample time.

死 "Dead!" Pei Ziyun leaped, with majestic armor emerging from his body, and killed directly towards the enemy general.

"Spitting" Sumida Mayumi took in her heart, suppressed the disgusting emotion, and a little light gathered in her hand: "The thorns of the mountain!"

The invisible thorns in the air made the rest of the corpse certain, but there were powerful ones among them. Regardless of the flutter, black blood splashed.

Do not look, Pei Ziyun turned with his right hand, and it was a dazzling arc from the moon!

Dozens of the walking dead intercepted in front of "噗" were suddenly broken, and Pei Ziyun felt only loose and rushed to the opposite general.

This is a real monster, and suddenly made a scream like crying instead of crying. Sumida Mayumi listened and groaned, almost paralyzed to the ground ~ ~ This voice has a deterrent power.

But Pei Ziyun had no influence at all. The long sword was cut off, and there was a sound. He had penetrated the monster's chest half a foot, and made a sound of gold stones like iron. There was faint black blood seeping out.

Peer Ziyun sneered, looking at the black blood slowly leaking out, "ridiculous!"

I saw a little red light at the wooden sword, and then, like cutting into tofu, "Beep", pierced by a long knife, and then a small spark burned on the monster's body.

"No!" The monster felt the horror of this sword, shouted sharply, and wanted to escape, but at this moment, the huge body became a burden, and then he took a few steps back, his whole body shrouded in the flame of terror.

"Hoo!" The monster's nose and nose burst into flames, burning like a torch, and the scale was huge. Then, for a moment, the deprived Pei Ziyun felt a force pouring into his body.

Killing the monster, the corpse suddenly became chaotic, without rules, Pei Ziyun ignored the exhaustion, killing one by one, suddenly a lot of candles in the forest.

After waiting for all the killing, Pei Ziyun said, "System!"

梅 A plum quickly appeared in front of the eyes, and quickly zoomed into a data frame with a faint light feeling.

任务 "Quest: The legend of literature is not strong, use the flesh and blood of ghosts to reshape the door of legend (55/100)"

"55, progress is fast!"

"But the nearby demon army is almost killed, it's time." Pei Ziyun thought, breathing a sigh of relief, and at this moment, Putian Mayumi quickly took water and rice balls.

The wolf swallowed three, and Pei Ziyun turned and said to Putian Mayumi, "Go, let's go to Okayama Castle and fight the enemy!"

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