MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 5 shelter

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In the past life, even if the original owner knew that there was no way, Ye Suer sneaked into his house and wept bitterly: "Brother Pei!"

Suddenly, the original owner was helpless and could only watch her crying. In the early morning, the voice started to rise, she gritted her teeth, removed her shyness, and undressed: "Brother Pei!"

In fact, in retrospect at this time, she had a sense of death, and thought carefully, it was the fawn's eyes.

The most troublesome thing is that the original owner did not dare to possess her at this time because he was afraid of trouble. The original owner couldn't forget the look after her rejection. It wasn't even dead, only a hollow.

She will be dedicated to a mountain thief, and her beloved will not have the courage to possess her.

Her heart has become ashes.

Later, in the previous life of the original owner, she is a key figure in contemporary Daxing. She has three leaves and two fruits and many clocks. It is difficult for the original owner to distinguish the night of clouds and rain in the mountains behind the Zongmen.... ?

Ogasawara owns plum blossoms. It took five years to realize the plum blossom effect. She had mistaken her for a long time, but Xie Gongzi got her.

Even though she opened the gate of heaven and became a casual repair, things were not secret, and plum blossoms were seized. It was only after she pleaded with Xie Gong several times to live before the celebration.

These memories passed quickly, and Pei Ziyun's eyes were quiet. No matter what, it all started to change. At this moment, he took hold of her and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, it's all right, it's all right."

"These thieves have been killed by me all."


As soon as this word came out, the arms were wet, and for a long time, Ye Suer in Pei Ziyun's arms answered. With this response, Pei Ziyun only felt his eyebrows brightened, and a small white plum appeared in front of him, and quickly zoomed in. Into a semi-transparent data frame.

姓名 "Name: Pei Ziyun

Permission: None (parasitic)

种族 Life Race: Human

Occupation: Tong Sheng

Skills: Introduction to Four Books and Five Classics (Incomplete), Introduction to Songfeng Sword Technique (Incomplete) "

Next, a line of red text appeared on the data frame: "Task: Save Ye Suer (80% complete), skill point +1, the moment an eye of Pei Ziyun moved past, a message came to mind.

"Can this be added?" Pei Ziyun rejoiced.

In this strange world, even if Pei Ziyun couldn't help but feel insecure, it was just suppressed, but with the fight, the sense of urgency became heavier.

Now, he finally relaxed a little, and now he doesn't think about it, and it is just a little on the introduction (incomplete) of Songfeng Sword Technique.

"Om" Pei Ziyun felt directly, a faint warm current appeared and quickly circulated in the body, but in a blink of an eye disappeared, and the introduction (incompleteness) of Songfeng Sword became an introduction.

变化 This change was only a moment, but Ye Suer seemed a little confused at this moment, then looked up and looked at Pei Ziyun blankly.

For her doubts, Pei Ziyun didn't say much, but just said gently: "I and the Orion son in the village are brothers. He knows some martial arts and has watched him practice, so I learned some."

Pei Ziyun, said Ye Suer's face.

Ye Suer could not help but tremble, smelling the blood on Pei Ziyun, sticking her face to her chest, feeling the heart and temperature, even though Pei Ziyun said easily, but she was no stranger to Pei Ziyun. Such courage and fierceness are right Love yourself, Ye Suer is speechless.

Silver moonlight illuminates the uneven villages.

When I looked at it from afar, I could see that the Woniu Village is different tonight. The head of the village is brightly lit, and several torches are lit, and people come and go.

"Brother Pei, you said that those aunts and sisters-in-law are so good, how can they suddenly become like this." Ye Suer said softly.

All of them, tearing off the camouflage of peace and kindness, are pushing her to stay in Heifengzhai, she is the sinner of the whole village.

"Brother Pei, I was particularly scared just now, afraid to never see you again." Ye Suer leaned on Pei Ziyun's chest, and said with a look of terror.

"Don't be afraid, things have passed, we will return to the village now." Seeing Ye Suer still a little scared, Pei Ziyun said lightly: "They also live for themselves."

"We can understand, but should not be kind enough to recognize."

"However, now we have to go back. It ’s the same as before. Do n’t be afraid, I have killed these robbers. They will not send you to the Black Wind Pirate now. My teacher also has some influence. You can take shelter. To him. "

"As for anything else, I will naturally solve it." Then, Pei Ziyun reached out and gently brushed Ye Suer's hair behind her ears, exposing the delicate side face under the long hair, the tip of her nose, and her eyebrows crooked, The eyelashes curled up slightly, and the childlike face was helpless.

"Yeah!" Ye Suer responded, and the two went to the village, where the figure sneaked into their home.

Lai Wo Niu Village

In Laoshan, the sun always comes out a little earlier, red and red, gradually revealing the eyes from the bottom of the mountain, the whole world is brought a light, daylight, the roosters in the village, beating the news.

The village chief was a middle-aged man, looking up and down in the middle of forty, and looked at the rice bag. He was carrying people last night. He finally got all the food and goods stolen by Heifeng, and he couldn't help feeling relieved. It can be peaceful for a while.

At that moment, an old woman came in, walked to the ear of the village chief, and whispered to the whisper, the village chief nodded his head: "It's good if you are still there. You can watch her without her. These mountains The thief will not give up, and then a great disaster will come. "

I heard the village chief say that the old woman was startled and nodded quickly.

The sky was gradually getting brighter. The pirates wanted the goods in the morning, but at this moment, they still hadn't come. I couldn't help but feel weird.

At the dawn of the day, many people became daring. Zhang Dashan said, "Village chief, I'll go and see what's going on. These bandits are asking for money. They come to the village to collect food every year, and they don't want to die. Qiu, I will meet with them and see if there should be nothing. "

"Well, these people usually rest in the temple outside the village, and no one goes on weekdays, you go look for it, be polite."

When Zhang Dashan responded, he went out and reached the ruined temple.

Seeing that the temple door was wide open, and there was no sound inside, he stretched his head and glanced into it. At this look, he was stunned. I saw that two Heifeng Pirates had been chopped and one was shot through the chest with a bamboo gun and cut off. On the neck, one head was chopped off with a knife, and the head rolled to the ground.

Zhang Dashan stayed like a wooden man. A cool breeze blowing a small sawdust on his shoulders, he hit a thriller, only to realize that the horrible situation was not a dream, and he suddenly woke up, scared and used it. And climbed out.

When he was outside, Zhang Dashan breathed a sigh of relief, his heart trembled, his ears murmured, his head was dizzy, and he ran back. When he saw the head of the village, he made a strange noise: "It's bad, it's bad . "

Seeing this look, the head of the village village suddenly weakened his legs and asked, "What's wrong, do you want to scare us to death?"

Zhang Dashan was still a little bit clear at this time, pulling the village head to the hidden place: "The village head, those black robbers, can't come, this will all die, and was hacked to death in the temple!"

The village chief was stunned. His eyes were straight and a gust of wind blew. The village chief trembled and said, "This is true? Don't you dream!"

"Village chief, you can go and see." Zhang Dashan glanced at the others and said with a low voice.

The village chief looked at the sky for a long time, and went up without a word, rushing to the ruined temple, only one glance, shaking his body, the purpose was two **** corpses, but he did not see the thief, and only a catastrophe came to his heart.

"The misfortune has come, we are done with the lying cow village ..."

Uh ...

A moment later, the whole village shook, and people came and went. At this time, Ye Suer couldn't even care about it. Ye Suer listened to the continuous discussion and crying outside, her face worried.

"Suer, it doesn't matter, I just saw the dead corpse."

"I'm a scholar. I can't think of me killing in the village, but it won't affect me, but you have some trouble, but my teacher, Mr. Zhao, is teaching in the village Mongolian Museum, and fighting for justice. In this great disaster, I will send you to my husband. Mr. Renyi, we must take care of us. "Pei Ziyun took a bath at this time and came out wearing clothes.

Ye Suer listened, and couldn't help but rejoice, and was a little worried: "If my husband thinks I'm just a female prostitute and I don't want to take shelter, what can I do?"

"If Mr. is not willing, I will take you away from the horizon." Pei Ziyun's eyes flashed with bright light, UU reading said firmly: "It will not let you fall into the hands of thieves."

"Um," Ye Suer answered gently.

Mr. Zhao's residence is in a bamboo forest, some distance from the village, even if the situation is partial, there is no need to hide, carrying Ye Suer's hand, Pei Ziyun strode towards Mr. Zhao's house.

The bamboo forest is vast. From a distance, it looks like a sea of ​​bamboo. Therefore, my husband loves it and builds his own bamboo house here.

Mr. Zhao is having a drink in the hospital.

There is a plate of fried bacon on the small table, without any oil, and it smells good. There is also a plate of tofu, which is sprinkled with a few onions. The fried tofu on the tofu is extremely tempting. At this moment, Mr. Hold a glass of sake, cover it with long sleeves, and drink a glass.

After sipping a sip of sake, he was picking up a piece of bacon. At this time, he saw a man and a woman come in, and looked calmly. It turned out to be his own student and a girl.

"It's Ziyun, what are you standing for? Sit!"

Ye Suer has seen Mr. Zhao a few times. At this time, he was in a different mood and looked carefully. He saw that the middle-aged scholar was wearing a blue shirt, a medium figure, a rectangular face, two black eyebrows, and his eyes flashed, making people not Dare to face it, she could not help but jump.

Pei Ziyun did not sit. He was in a very complex mood and obtained the memory of the original owner. He naturally knew that this person was the elder of Songyunmen. He had many opportunities to practice Taoism, but the original owner was very pedantic and thought that these were "the strange words of the child" Chaos God ", naturally no fate.

Therefore, this Mr. Zhao is also teaching some Confucian books. In the future, the original owner used the plum blossom stealing machine, and still entered the door of this person, but he was just a disciple, one step at a time, one step at a time. Afraid that the cold is deep and difficult to recover, he bowed at the moment: "Teacher, this time I came for help."

Read The Duke's Passion