MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 1 Crossing

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Lai Wo Niu Village

The night was quiet, the moonlight passed through the trees and scattered on the ground.

Zhang Dashan stands on the observation deck, surrounded by fences, thorn trees and mud walls, forming the village's most basic protection. He is wearing a thin coat with a short bow behind his back.

Although it was early spring, but chill was deep in the bones, Zhang Dashan looked at the sky at this time: "Looking at this situation, there will be no rain tomorrow. What should this crop do?"

"And a few days ago, Heifeng Pirates also asked the village to pay for food." Thinking of this, Zhang Dashan's face was anxious.

There was no rain in Hunchun, and the crops were dying. After the black wind thief had to blackmail, how did this happen?

Zhang Dashan was anxious, suddenly burst out, took off the short bow, listened with ears, his eyes exposed with vigilance.

For a short while, a horseshoe came from a distance.

When Zhang Dashan looked closely, he took a sigh of relief, his heart beating, without thinking, he hit a broken clock hanging on the observation deck.

"No, no! The robbers of Heifengling are near the village!"

The bell rang suddenly and broke the tranquility of the village. He poured a bowl of water into the oil pan and boiled. He heard only the chaotic footsteps, the lights were on, and the village was alarmed.

The news of the Laoshan thief's arrival reached every corner of the village, and the old and weak women and children in the village panicked. These bandits only gave food to our village a few months ago, and came again today, while several women whispered and ran away.

"Hide the money, the woman."

The daughter-in-law cleaned the house nervously, and told her children to hide quickly, and the young men gathered with a hatchet towards the village entrance.

除了 In addition to the ordinary villagers, a few people headed towards the village entrance under the leadership of the village head. They were all strong and strong, not holding hatchets but hunting bows.

"Village chief, there!" Zhang Dashan pointed and saw several people looking around. Several robbers outside the wall approached in a hurry and came to the village with laughter and chat.

I was getting closer and closer, and under the torch was the mountain thief on the Heifeng Ridge. These thieves like to wear black clothes and embroidered a wolf on their clothes, so they can recognize people so quickly.

A middle-aged pirate is in the middle, and the two pirates around him seem to be faintly headed by him. He has a thin face and is dressed in a black suit. Even if he jokes at this time, his eyes are cold and cold under the fire Like a knife, it seems that whoever is going to scoop a big piece of meat down on anyone.

"Hahaha, third brother, we have been on the mountain for a long time. We can't come back to this Crouching Village a few times a year. Today, it looks like this Crouching Village is very rich!"

He was talking about a big man. He looked at the villagers who were awakened and climbed the mud wall with a kind of cold eyes. The ones offered last year are far from enough! "

He was just three people, and the entire village was persecuted to face the enemy.

"Who hasn't arrived yet?" The head of the village frowned, glancing around. In this case, it is one thing to fight, and all the men must be out, and it is another thing.

"All are here, except for the widow of the Pei family, who is a child and a scholar, and is still sick."

At this moment, under the mud wall, the middle-aged mountain thief ran out without fear and laughed at the villagers: "You thief village, dare you shoot arrows at grandpa?"

Uh ...

A loud noise rang out in the darkness, and it became clearer and clearer. Someone screamed: "The thief is coming, the thief is coming"

"The people in the village listen, hand over the money and grain this year, and the beauty of the village."

"Where can I still have money after I paid the tax, please beg you ..."

"Shao, either pay for the money, or shoot us to death, and see if the Heifeng Pirates flatten you and kill a chicken and a dog!"

what sound?

The boy opened his eyes, the sky was faint, there was a cantilever beam on the top, old-style earthen tiles, and he quickly scanned the surrounding environment. There were cracks in the adobe walls, some grass was filled to prevent air leakage, and cold wind was poured in. The paper was still in windows Where is such a poor mountain village?

When I think of this, the soreness can't be explained for a while, the brain is hollowed out, and the time is blank ... it is 10,000 times more painful than a hangover, deep into the soul, the whole world is torn and fused like a dough, and the forehead is constantly taking With cold sweat, panting heavily, he just listened to the messages coming from outside.

"Can't fight, can't fight, there are hundreds of people in Heifeng Pirates, just surrender her, Lord Village Chief, she is just an orphan!"

"Hey, hey, old man has no face to see her father and mother ..."

The noise and chaos continued, a feeling that stimulated the teenager's survival instincts, turned over to get out of bed, the movement was not smooth, and stayed in bed for a long time to regain control of his own body. I found that the shoes were cloth shoes, lamellar bottoms, very small, wearing a thin gray Old clothes, the texture is rough to touch, cotton and linen, pinholes are handmade ...

How do you describe it?

The Han Chinese clothing is a strange variant of the minority style. It is a costume, and it is cleaned and quirky.

Thinking of a tingling in my brows like this, the locked things were coming out, and there was still noisy outside.

"Girl Su, open the door! Open the door!"

"Su San! You can't open this door today, you have to open it. Pei Ziyun next door can't protect you from illness ..."

The hustle and bustle of the sound gradually came to the next door, chaotic and noisy, babble, and the words spoke with a taste of Southwestern dialect, but the teenager could instinctively understand it. A figure swayed through the crack of the door. The sound of footsteps sounded about two or three. Ten people were in a mess, and he frowned, "... are you filming?"

I didn't want to understand the situation. I heard the door clapping outside. The teenager opened the door and felt his body recover. The signal came from the muscles of the limbs. Raising his hand and throwing his feet has a long-lost vitality. The strange thing is that the vision is clear ... it seems gray. Take off your glasses to see the world of rain.

At this moment, I remembered that the teenager looked down at the shoes under his feet ... The feet in the shoes, Bai Nennen, are not their own feet, but seem to be women's feet.

"I go……"

I subconsciously touched my chest, relieved slightly, my face looked weird, and raised my hand to look in front of me. This is a teenager's body, stronger, has done farm work, has cocoons in his mouth, or has held a knife ... Seconds, looking over the firewood pile, a hatchet was inserted in the firewood, the sharp edge of the blade sharp.


I pushed the door open and saw the distant mountain faintly. This is a small village built on the back of a hillside. There are running villagers everywhere. The villagers are clapping at the door next door. They are persuading a woman to come out, but she does not come out.

Aunt auntie persuaded: "Ye Suer, when you go to Heifengling, you are fragrant and spicy, don't be afraid"

怎么 "Why no sound"

"Small nonsense with her. The surname Ye is unrecognizable. Migrant households have died at home and no one else, just hit the door and tie her out!"

呦 "Oh, she still holds scissors inside!"

嘘 "Shhhh, do n’t be surprised by the next door. The kid and Ye Suer have a little personal relationship. They can do everything when their brains are hot. They are a boy, a scholar!"

"Crossed?" A small worm dropped down between the bamboo leaves and crawled over the juvenile cheek of a humanoid sculpture. He did not treat him as a living person, and his brain was buzzing.

At this moment, it seemed that the crowd was talking about stimulating the girl next door. She wailed, her voice was very soft, but her voice was so familiar that she walked through the crowd and the bamboo forest, and fell so clearly in the ears of the teenager: "Brother Yun ... "

声音 This voice becomes the key to unlock the treasure of the original owner's memory.


"I wish—to protect the one I love, to take revenge from all the enemies who have seized myself, and to restore peace to this troubled world ..." Someone said quietly, "He who inherits all my namesake, the system in your mind is very Interesting, if you want to get my plum blossoms, just complete my task! "


There was a sting in the brows' heart, her body was stiff, and her breathing stopped. The moonlight hung down the faint bamboo leaves and shone on the juvenile's full forehead, and a transparent plum blossom ghost appeared in the brows of the heart of the eyebrows. One of them was looming and looming.

"No!" Memory, so familiar and unfamiliar, countless memories swarmed until a **** light.

He shook his body, and the boy subconsciously touched his neck and sank into his memories.

This is a long dream, a person's life.

I, like myself, is called Pei Ziyun.

This is a world with dharma. The original owner was born with a spiritual treasure, but for five years because of ignorance, weakness, and infidelity, he finally entered the Tao, but was betrayed by his beloved master ... Countless memories continued to flow. UU Reading

"Born of Lingbao? I have been robbed of golden fingers, and some spiritual roots are left? Wishing to be born again? So I made a wish and came to the original owner more than ten years ago?"

"Go back in time!"

The body is very sour, the head hurts, and the pain is about to crack apart ... Numerous memories are constantly reorganizing, and a soul is formed, one by one, with love, hate, despair, and expectation.

In front of me is Ye Suer.

"Awakened by Ye Suer now?"

Ye Ye Suer's childhood sweethearts ... Separated for many years, good-bye in the door of the strict rules, unforgettable to each other, the teenager was afraid and trembling to accept such an emotion ... her past and future, her body and soul

The memory continued to advance, and finally solidified at the moment of death. At present, the enemy was connected to the root, and the plum blossomed in front of him, and the thunder light exploded, and everything turned into a void. He ... No, the original owner made a wish.


Suddenly, a small white plum appeared in front of the eyes, and quickly zoomed into a semi-transparent data frame, floating in the field of vision with a touch of light, and the data appeared in front of the eyes.

Name: Pei Ziyun

Permission: None (parasitic)

种族 Life Race: Human

Occupation: Tong Sheng

The juvenile looked at the skills and was vague, but when he stared, it became clearer and clearer. It was two gray and white symbols, which looked like a book and a sword.

The moment the symbol appeared, a line of words naturally appeared in my heart.

"Four Books and Five Classics: An Introduction (Incomplete)"

"Songfeng Sword Techniques: An Introduction (Incomplete)"

Then, a line of red text appeared on the data frame: "Task: Save Ye Suer."

The transparent imaginary plum blossom was motionless between the youth's eyebrows, and the moonlight between bamboo leaf slits moved away slightly, and the plum blossom disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Read The Duke's Passion