MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 84 flatter each other

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Yu Shu: "..."

Yu Zhao's eyes lit up, he pinched his arm hard, and screamed: "Ah! It hurts so much, it's true! Have I seen Brother Ying alive!"

Yu Shu couldn't see it: "Shut up, if you can't speak, don't speak."

He immediately stood up straight, walked two steps cautiously, but didn't dare to get too close, and asked stammeringly, "Brother Ying, you, what are you, you're here?"

Yu Shu smiled slightly and muttered, "Well, it's indeed a big wedding."

She walked downstairs and heard Zhao Qingying say, "I'm here to eat hot pot."

"Ah! I know, you like hot pot the most, and you also like cakes, ice cream, milk tea..." Yu Zhao is like a treasure.

Yu Shu paused slightly: This fool actually knows more than she does.

Zhao Qingying laughed: "You know all this, the identification of true fans has been completed."

Yu Zhao was praised by the idol himself, and he was so happy that he was boundless. He beamed and said, "I know a lot, and you still like it..."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and mop the floor, and see if you spill it all over the floor." Yu Shu pointed to the coffee stains on the floor, saw that he was still in place, and coughed dryly, "You don't like to look clean, I want to be seen by your brother."

Shocked, Yu Zhao quickly rushed into the toilet and started mopping the floor with a mop, but his gaze was still on Zhao Qingying.

Yu Shu silently rolled her eyes, turned to look at Zhao Qingying, pointed to her younger brother and said, "Do you think he looks like a fool?"

"Sister!" Yu Zhao shouted, winking desperately, "You should give me some face."

Zhao Qingying stood up straight obediently, and glanced at Yu Zhao from time to time: "No way, he is so cute and handsome! Your genes are so good!"

Yu Zhao: Don't wake me up! Today is also a day to scream for Brother Ying!

Yu Shu said, "His name is Yu Zhao."

Zhao Qingying nodded: "Hey, brother."

Yu Shu: "..."

Yu Zhao: Brother Ying is so gentle, so cute, so beautiful, so generous, I really want to marry her!

Yu Shu raised her chin to Zhao Qingying: "Who is this, don't I need to introduce it?"

"Of course not, this is my goddess!"

Yu Zhao wished he could turn 360 degrees on the spot and get up on one knee to confess his love, but no, this is his goddess. Be reserved and be a gentleman.

So he showed eight teeth and looked at Zhao Qingying with a standard smile: "Brother Ying, you are my little star."

Yu Shu slapped him on the forehead: "Stop talking nonsense, we are going to the supermarket to buy something, are you waiting for us at home, or go together?"

Yu Zhao immediately dropped the mop: "Let's go together!"

After finishing speaking, he ran upstairs: "I'll change into some clean clothes first." The key is to be handsome!

Yu Shu looked at Zhao Qingying helplessly, and Zhao Qingying burst out laughing, "Your brother is so cute."

"You didn't see it when you were annoying." Yu Shu said disgustedly, glanced at her from the corner of the eye, and asked in a low voice, "Why, do you like him?"

"I like it, of course I like it." Zhao Qingying took her hand and found that she was not looking right, so she whispered in her ear, "The one I like the most is still his sister."

Only then was Yu Shu satisfied, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

Yu Zhao quietly opened the crack of the door, saw the two people downstairs acting intimately, and closed the door behind them. Then he opened the fan group, lowered his voice, and said excitedly: "Friends, guess who I saw?"

—Who is it, a puppy love?

—It can’t be Brother Ying, right?

- Are you picking up the plane again? Brother Ying seems to have no schedule these days?

He gritted his teeth and was excited for a long time, turned around a few times before pretending to be calm, and said firmly, "Yes, I am having a cordial meeting with Brother Ying. My sister finally took me to see her. crazy."

—You are too cool! Woo woo woo tears of envy!

— Excuse me, does your sister still need a sister? !

—Brother Ying meets your sister whenever you are free? This is too good to play, right?

"That's right, they're having fun, like real sisters. Let's not talk about it, I'll go shopping with them first." He hurriedly opened the closet and went downstairs after a long time.

Yu Shu and Zhao Qingying had been sitting on the sofa waiting for a long time. When they heard the movement, they looked back and wanted to beat him to death.

"You wear so little, do you want to engage in performance art?" She asked coldly.

Yu Zhao patted on the thin autumn coat, and said firmly, "It's not cold, I'm not cold at all."

Yu Shu: "What did you smear on your head? What kind of ghost hairstyle is this?"

Yu Zhao patted the hair that had been styled: "This is a popular hairstyle, so handsome."

Yu Shu: "I believe your evil, what kind of pants are you wearing, and your ankles are showing?"

Yu Zhao stretched out one long leg: "I have long pants and short pants, can't I?"

"Are you going to change?"

Yu Zhao put his hands in his pockets: "Don't change, I'm not cold."

Yu Shu looked at Zhao Qingying: "Do you think he is annoying?"

Yu Zhao shrank suddenly, and looked at Zhao Qingying nervously: "Brother Ying, I..."

"How handsome." Zhao Qingying laughed, walked up to him, and looked him up and down.

Yu Zhao stood stiffly, his legs were a little weak.

Zhao Qingying turned her head back: "Look at this outfit, it's so stylish, it's much better than your water-black dress."

Yu Zhao was slightly surprised, as if he had found a backer, he stood up straight and looked up at his sister: "Brother Ying is right!"

"..." Yu Shu narrowed her eyes.

Zhao Qingying sensed a hint of danger, and her heart pounded: Mother, my partner and brother-in-law fell into the water, which one should I save first?

She immediately turned around, looked at her brother-in-law and said, "But it's really cold outside, this outfit doesn't fit well. How about I help you match it again?"

"!!" Yu Zhao looked at her in shock, "Really, really?"

"Really, go, take me to see your clothes."

Yu Zhao bowed and stretched out his hand respectfully: "This way please."

Yu Shu patted her forehead helplessly, and watched the two go upstairs. Zhao Qingying was walking behind, suddenly turned her head, made a heartfelt gesture to her downstairs, then immediately turned back and pretended nothing happened.

She blinked, put her fist on her mouth, and laughed secretly. After a while, bursts of laughter sounded from the second floor.

She glanced over, pursed her lips, and went upstairs to urge her.

The two people in the room were gesticulating their clothes, chatting happily, and they didn't feel unfamiliar at all, they looked like brothers and sisters.

Holding a suit of clothes, Yu Zhao smiled and said, "Then I'll change into this one! Brother Ying must have chosen the right one."

"That's right, go and change it." Zhao Qingying patted him on the shoulder.

"Ahem!" She coughed to show her presence, but no one paid attention to her. She knocked on the door and urged, "Hurry up."

"Understood, what is fierce? Brother Ying, look at my sister, is a thief like a tigress?" Yu Zhao complained to the backer.

Zhao Qingying smiled slightly: "Your brother is right!"

Yu Shu: "..."

After changing clothes, Yu Shu was satisfied. It was warm anyway. As for whether it looks good or not... After so many years, I can't tell whether it is good or not. Since Zhao Qingying said it looks good, it must be good-looking. Who calls someone a fashionista? .

When going out, Yu Zhao followed Zhao Qingying as stupidly as possible.

Yu Shu regretted letting them meet like this, it was a shame.

She secretly pinched Yu Zhao, glared at him, and warned: "Be careful, don't jump up and down like a monkey..." You don't want face, I want more!

Of course, she swallowed back the latter sentence.

Yu Zhao dared not speak out, and looked at her aggrievedly, and then saw the tigress sister put a coat on Zhao Qingying with her own hands, and said: "Give me thicker clothes, all of them are shameful, what kind of demeanor do you want?"

He was slightly surprised, and condemned: "Sister, you speak more enthusiastically, why is your tone so stiff and rigid? How do you treat the guests? If you scare our brother Ying, how dare she come in the future."

Yu Shu said coolly: "This is my guest, I am willing."

He curled his lips: "Then Brother Ying is still not happy."

Zhao Qingying opened the door, turned around and held Yu Shu's hand, and smiled playfully at Yu Zhao: "I am willing, your sister is so gentle."

Yu Shu raised her chin slightly, and led the people out.

"Gentle fart, brother Ying, you are just too kind, you are nice to see anyone."

Yu Shu ignored him, pulled Zhao Qingying forward, and whispered to her, "This is your fan."

Zhao Qingying laughed: "Who are you calling a fan of brains? This is my brother-in-law. Be careful what you say."

"Yeah, you're both stupid."

Yu Zhao, who was following behind, scratched his head, looked at their backs, and immediately chased after them, and said with a smile, "When did you guys meet? How did you play so well? It looks like Zhao Lei and I have been together for so many years." Brothers are dear."

Zhao Qingying looked at him sideways, smiled without saying a word.

"Brother Ying, you look so beautiful when you smile! Ah! Brother Ying, sign your autograph for me!" As he walked, he habitually walked towards the door of the co-pilot, but suddenly he stretched out another hand.

The two were taken aback, and put down their hands at the same time.

Zhao Qingying said modestly: "Come on, brother, sit down."

Yu Zhao quickly waved his hands: "No, brother Ying please."

"No, no, brother, you come."

Yu Zhaozhang and the second monk were puzzled, they turned off each other, and glanced at his sister.

Yu Shu: "Go to the back."

He had never felt that his sister had said such beautiful words, and he said with relief: "Look, my sister has already let me go to the back, brother Ying, you go and sit."

Zhao Qingying bowed politely, and opened the door gracefully: "Then respect is worse than obedience."

Yu Zhao sat in the back seat and still sighed: "Brother Ying, you are really a goddess, you are so gentle even in a car, how can you look like my sister..."

Receiving Yu Shu's sinister look, he swallowed back the words, and changed his words: "How can you be so majestic and imposing like my sister?"

Zhao Qingying nodded fiercely, and turned around to flatter her brother-in-law: "That's right, your sister is a thief with arrogance, just like that Pangu opened the sky, Kuafu chased the sun, and Houyi shot the sun, right?"

Yu Zhao nodded, and asked again: "So the sun was chased to death by Kuafu, or shot by Houyi?"

Zhao Qingying frowned: "Brother, you are so smart that you actually asked such a philosophical question. I'm thinking about it, it should be..."

Yu Shu interrupted abruptly: "You two are so stupid, fasten your seat belt."

The life supermarket is not too far away, surrounded by villas, not too many people. Just in case, Zhao Qingying put on her sunglasses before getting out of the car.

Yu Shu walked to the side, glanced at it, and lifted her scarf up a little to cover the lower half of her face.

When Yu Zhao got out of the car, he came across this scene, closed the door excitedly, leaned over and laughed a few times: "It's great that you two are so close! By the way, Brother Ying, you don't know, my sister used to hate you." gone."

Zhao Qingying:? !

Yu Shu: ...

"Why do you hate me?" Zhao Qingying looked up at her.

Snowflakes fell on her head, Yu Shu touched her head, turned around and walked forward: "Go in, it's very cold outside."

Zhao Qingying followed and kept asking, "Why do you hate me?"

Yu Zhao looked at his sister deflated, and he was happy, and said, "Because she always thinks that I chase you, wasting my time and delaying my study."

Hearing this, Zhao Qingying stopped in her tracks.

Yu Shu immediately looked back at her, opened her mouth, and reached out to grab her arm. Then I heard the other party say righteously and solemnly: "Your sister is right, chasing stars will delay your studies, so don't chase after me in the future."

Yu Zhao was dumbfounded: "Why can't I chase you?"

"Because I have someone, it's useless to chase after me." Zhao Qingying raised her chin proudly, and gave Yu Shu a sneaky look.

Yu Shu was very satisfied.

But Yu Zhao was dumbfounded and heartbroken.

"What? You're in love too? This must be an auditory hallucination!"

Read The Duke's Passion