MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 68 stay overnight

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On a quiet street, a black car was parked. A gust of evening wind blew outside the window, lifting Zhao Qingying's long hair around her ears.

She stretched out her hand and touched her chest, her heart was beating non-stop. His eyes were fixed on Yu Shu, watching her go around the front and open the co-pilot's door.

As soon as she sat down, she opened her hands.

Yu Shu hugged her tacitly and actively.

The two were silent for a while, and then Zhao Qingying asked in disbelief: "Is what you said true? Why do I feel like I'm dreaming?"

Yu Shu smiled, reached out and pinched her ears: "What do you think?"

"But, what's good about me?" Zhao Qingying asked seriously.

A hint of doting flashed in Yu Shu's eyes: "I like you, of course I like all your good and bad things, this is Zhao Qingying."

"Hee hee." Zhao Qingying hugged her vigorously, then stepped back a little, put her arms around her neck, and looked at her with a smile on her face: "Then can I...?"


"Do you know what I'm talking about?" Zhao Qingying smiled, lingering on her face for a moment, and finally fixed her eyes on the lips that were close at hand.

She swallowed subconsciously, and slowly moved forward, lowering her eyes, a small shadow fell from her eyelashes.

Yu Shu waited quietly, with no intention of resisting in her heart at all, even a little expectant, holding the back of the other's head in a strange way.

Breathing entangled, Zhao Qingying paused when she was about to touch it. Lifting his eyes slightly, a trace of nervousness flashed in his eyes, and he looked at her beseechingly.

The corners of Yu Shu's mouth were slightly curved, and she lowered her head. At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

The two immediately let go of their hands, and sat back in a panic.

Zhao Qingying rubbed her blushing cheeks, then held a small red face and glanced at Yu Shu.

Yu Shu's situation was not much better, her ears were a little hot, but she always controlled her expression, and answered the phone calmly.

"Hello, Yu Shu, where are you?" Zhao Qian's voice sounded from over there.

Zhao Qingying quietly pricked up her ears.

Yu Shu coughed: "I met a friend, do you have any news?"

"Yes, Zhao Lei just called me and said that Yu Zhao has gone back to school. Don't worry, Zhao Lei has gone to find him."

"Okay, that's good, thank you Zhao Lei."

"It's okay, do you need me to find you?"

Yu Shu glanced at Zhao Qingying, who crossed her hands across her chest.

She smiled: "No, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Qingying asked, "What are you doing at Zhao Qian's place?"

Yu Shu lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "My younger brother ran away from home. He and Zhao Qian's younger brother are good friends, so I thought he would come here."

"You still have a younger brother?" Zhao Qingying was quite surprised.

"Well, his name is Yu Zhao."

Zhao Qingying knew that both of Yu Shu's parents had died, so she thought she would be fine as long as she took care of herself, but she didn't expect to have a younger brother. Then wouldn't she want to be a sister and a father and mother again?

But it's so distressing.

She must love Yu Shu well!

"Where do we go now?" she asked.

Yu Shu looked at her feet and said, "Take me home, please."

"No trouble no trouble."

After arriving at Yu's house, Zhao Qingying took a look outside and opened the car door.

After a while, Yu Shu got out of the car and frowned. I didn't feel it when I was running just now, but now I feel the pain belatedly.

Zhao Qingying looked around Yu Shu's house with great interest, and when she turned around, she suddenly noticed that she was not wearing shoes.

"Where are your shoes!?"

Yu Shu thought for a moment: "I don't know where to throw it."

"Why did you throw your shoes?" Zhao Qingying widened her eyes and hurried to her side. Suddenly, she thought of a possibility, "Are you... to chase me?"

Yu Shu looked at her silently without speaking.

Zhao Qingying raised a smile and kept bouncing around with her in her arms: "Oh, why are you so nice! I'm so cute."

Yu Shu carefully supported her: "Take it easy."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm so excited." Zhao Qingying hurriedly let go of her hand and squatted in front of her, "Come on, I'll take you in."

Yu Shu laughed dumbfounded: "Can you?"

"Of course it's okay! That guy Su Qibai used to squeeze me a lot, so I'm so strong."

Yu Shu glanced at the high-heeled shoes on her feet, and walked forward with small steps: "That's it, come and help me."

Seeing that Zhao Qingying couldn't speak, she could only put her arm on her shoulder and walked carefully on the flat road.

After opening the door, Yu Shu found two pairs of clean slippers in the entrance.

"Come in and sit down."

Holding the slippers, Zhao Qingying glanced at Yu Shu's house with bright eyes.

"Wow, I love your home so much!"

Yu Shu smiled, took out the medicine box and walked into the living room. Seeing her walking around wearing slippers, she was already standing in the corridor on the second floor, screaming from time to time.

"Wow, Yu Shu, your study is so big! It's perfect for someone like me who loves to study!"

"Oh! There's also a small gym here! It's perfect for people like me who love sports!"

"Ahhhhhhh! Why is your room covered with my posters and surroundings!!"

Zhao Qingying suddenly rushed out of the room, ran downstairs, plunged into the sofa, lay beside her, and asked triumphantly: "Have you secretly liked me for a long time! You still have my huge poster hidden! "

Yu Shu narrowed her eyes: "Dare to hang out again."

Zhao Qingying hugged her neck and rubbed her cheek affectionately.

"Don't move, I'll clean it up first," Yu Shu said.

"Oh, sorry." Zhao Qingying sat down obediently, "Let me help you, I will do this kind of thing."

Yu Shu raised her feet, holding the wine bottle, and was about to make a move when Zhao Qingying snatched it away.

"I come."

Zhao Qingying pinched her feet, showing distressed expression. Carefully pour alcohol on the cotton ball, and wipe the blood and wound meticulously. The expression was very vivid, as if she herself was injured.

Yu Shu looked at her quietly.

After a long time, Zhao Qingying put down her things, threw herself on her aggrievedly, and muttered: "It's all my fault, I should have waited for you, I didn't know you would chase out with bare feet."

Yu Shu touched her head and said with a low smile, "It's my fault. Why did you fall back again?"

Zhao Qingying caught the end of her hair with her fingers, wrapped it around a few times, and said, "I'm afraid you like him, so of course I have to come back to stop you."

The two stayed silent for a while. It seems that there is nothing to say, and it is good to stay like this.

Time passed by, Yu Shu reminded: "It's getting late..."

"It's getting late, so I'll stay here!" Zhao Qingying answered immediately, "Look at you, you're all injured. It's bound to be inconvenient to move, and you need someone to take care of you!"

"..." Yu Shu looked into her eyes, turned her head to look elsewhere, covered her lips with her fist, and her eyes were erratic, "This is not good."

Zhao Qingying straightened her face with both hands, looked at herself, and said meaningfully: "What's wrong, I will take care of you, what's wrong? Where did you think, huh?"

After Yu Shu walked around for a while, her eyes fell on the other person's face.

Zhao Qingying wrinkled her nose, a little cute.

"I'm not disabled anymore."

"Bah bah! It's not disabled, but you need me now!" Zhao Qingying tugged on her sleeve, "You just let me stay, I really know how to take care of people, Qiuqiu."

As soon as Yu Shu opened her mouth, she covered it with her hand.

"I don't care, I won't leave tonight! You can't drive me away!"

After waiting for a while, Zhao Qingying slowly let go of her hand and asked for her answer.

Yu Shu looked up to the second floor: "Clean up the guest room yourself."

Zhao Qingying was overjoyed: "No problem!"

While taking a shower, Zhao Qingying lay at the door: "Is there really no need for help? Will it slip? I think so, we should be more careful, right?"

The door slammed shut, and she was ruthlessly locked out. Hearing the sound of water rushing inside, I couldn't help but feel charming.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's not good, rich, strong, democratic, civilized, and harmonious..." She ran away while thinking a little bit.

Yu Shu who was inside was relieved to hear the footsteps fading away, and then smiled silently after a while.

Zhao Qingying opened the refrigerator, and in addition to some milk and yogurt, there were some red wine and fruit wine. Her eyes lit up and she remembered Li Cen's method. Then he broke this idea again, after all, Yu Shu was still injured.

Don't worry, there will be a long time to come.

She drank milk and took a tour around the house, which was a two-story villa. Decorated in Nordic style, the living room is large, and the spiral staircase leads to the second floor. There are only a few rooms on the second floor, so the layout looks huge.

She opened the bedroom door again, admiring her poster with an expression of appreciation. The selection of these posters is really good, the beauty from every angle has been discovered! It seems that Yu Shu really loves her so much.

Little sample, she hadn't discovered it yet!

She walked to the desk, stared for a moment, and was attracted by a painting on the desk.

"What are you doing here?" Yu Shu suddenly appeared at the door.

She looked back, startled for a moment. Yu Shu was wearing a white bathrobe, her hair was wet and draped over her shoulders, and her face became cleaner and clearer after the mist and heat filled her face.

Warm and soft.

"You're so beautiful." After she finished speaking blankly, she blushed and immediately changed the subject, "Um... this painting, was it you who drew it?"

Yu Shu stepped forward and was surprised when she saw the paintings on the table. She picked it up and took a closer look to make sure she read it right.

When I saw Yu Zhao's first painting before, it was his painting of Zhao Qingying, and the comparison was the photo of Zhao Qingying and himself in the lounge. But the last time I saw it, there was only Zhao Qingying. At this time, there was an extra her in the painting.

Zhao Qingying, who was wearing a cheongsam, stood beside her, smiling silly, and posing with scissors hands.

It turned out that it was... not finished yet?

Seeing her silence, Zhao Qingying asked suspiciously, "Didn't you draw it?"

"No." Yu Shu shook her head, a gleam of relief flashed in her eyes.

"Who is that?"

"My brother."

"Your brother? Wait, whose room is this?!" Zhao Qingying looked at her in disbelief.


"..." Zhao Qingying looked around, "So you didn't put up these posters?"

"Of course it's not me. I wish I could tear it all up for him."

"...Excessive." Zhao Qingying paused, thinking that this was someone else's room, and immediately went to the door and asked, "I'm so beautiful, why did you tear me apart!"

Yu Shu smiled: "Okay, I won't tear it up in the future."

"Hmph, I'm going to take a shower."

"Well, the things are placed by the bathroom door."

"Okay!" Zhao Qingying quickly ran to the bathroom, and put some toiletries at the door.

She showered happily and smelled her hair and body.

Hey, it tastes like Yu Shu!

She walked lightly and walked to the door of the room with lights on. She saw that the other party had finished drying his hair and was standing on the balcony on the phone. She tiptoed over and jumped behind him.

The wet hair swept across Yu Shu's face, and she looked back before hanging up the phone that no one answered.

"Blow your hair."

"You blow it to me."

"You're so beautiful." Yu Shu took out the hair dryer, "Do your own thing."

Zhao Qingying blew her hair by herself, but kept her eyes on Yu Shu. Once the other party looked over, she immediately greeted her with a smile.

Yu Shu really lost her temper.

It took a long time before the buzzing sound stopped.

Yu Shu opened the door: "I'll take you to your room."

Zhao Qingying brushed her long hair habitually, jumped onto the bed, hugged the quilt tightly: "I want to sleep here!"

Yu Shu: "..." I know you are uneasy and kind!

Zhao Qingying stretched out her long white legs, put them on the quilt, and supported her head with one hand: "Honey, I can warm the quilt for you, come quickly."
