MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 65 game

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After hanging up the phone, she waited for the camera on the spot full of energy.

The camera is chubby, so the program team appointed him to follow the flying guests. Because the speed and response of the guests who just arrived are not as good as those of the resident guests, it is not too difficult.

But he never expected that Zhao Qingying, who is soft and charming to the outside world, can run so fast! Look at this posture, if you put a vest on her, she will run a marathon immediately.

The camera catches up panting. In the next second, Zhao Qingying started running again.

Camera: "!!" I quit!

Zhao Qingying really didn't mean to tease the camera, because she saw her teammate Liang Wen being chased and intercepted by the enemy.

She rushed forward to block Liang Wen in two or three steps, one against two, quickly slapped Liang Wen's hand that was about to grab him, and shouted: "Brother Wen, go shopping! I'm here!"

Liang Wen was very moved, but he is a big man, in this situation, can he run away!


Liang Wen immediately rushed to the vendor: "Boss, I want corn, potatoes and amaranth!"

Zhao Qingying saw that he had successfully bought something, and secretly thought that he was worthy of being a top student. Said triumphantly: "Just admit defeat!"

Of course the enemy army was not convinced, and when Liang Wen just got the food, he passed her and rushed over.

Zhao Qingying screamed in pain, and the enemy immediately turned around: "Are you okay?"

Zhao Qingying looked at them with tears in her eyes: "What do you think?"

The two boys of the enemy army immediately fell back, thinking that they were accidentally injured, and their faces were filled with worry. Unexpectedly, as soon as they approached, Zhao Qingying rushed out, snatched the things from Liang Wen's hand, and disappeared into the camera without looking back.

Everyone: "..."

That's right, Brother Camera, he was tired.

After patting a wild horse, he decided to let go of the rein.

Although one camera fell down, there are still thousands of cameras. A lot of cameras were set up in front of her, just in time to capture her victorious figure.

In the first game, Zhao Qingying's team won!

All members, including the program team, have a new understanding of her.

The program team made emergency arrangements. They thought she was a weak woman, so they made the first level so simple. Try not to shoot, reflecting the brains of the guests.

But who knew that Zhao Qingying had no brains, only force.

So the second level increased the difficulty and moved to the indoor swimming pool. Two bouncing settings are set up by the pool. Guests sit on it to answer questions, and if they answer wrong, they will be bounced into the pool behind.

One-on-one PK, Zhao Qingying was placed last to play. The battle ahead is very fierce, she is very anxious, what a brain teaser! She can't turn her head!

The score was two to one in the first three rounds, and the opponent won two people. Even if Zhao Qingying wins this round, it can only be two to two.

She and a boy across from her sat up at the same time, and the program team began to post rush-answer questions.

"Excuse me, Zhao Qingying went to pick pine nuts. She could pick 20 pine nuts on sunny days, but only 12 on rainy days. She picked 112 pine nuts in total for 8 days. May I ask how many days it was sunny and rainy during these 8 days?"

Zhao Qingying immediately pressed the answering machine: "Zhao Qingying, she will not pick pine nuts! This question is invalid!"

"wrong answer!"

Zhao Qingying: "Hey, Zhao Qingying won't pick pine nuts in rainy days!"

"The other team has pressed the button, please answer."

Opponent team member: "2 days are sunny, 6 days are rainy!"

"The answer is correct, please Zhao Qingying get ready."

Zhao Qingying closed her eyes sadly, at this moment, Cui Xincheng stopped the director in time: "Can I dance for her?"

"Yo yo yo~~" booing all the way.

The director was very satisfied with his performance, so he gave Zhao Qingying a close-up at this time, and the pink and bubbling cut would be easy to cut in the later stage.

The close-up of the camera swept over, and Zhao Qingying opened her eyes in a daze: "You go." It's none of your business.

Director: "It seems that you are reluctant to let him fall into the water. I will give you a chance. Do you need Cui Xincheng's help?"

"No need, come on." Zhao Qingying closed her eyes, "I finally emphasized that Zhao Qingying would not pick up pine ... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

She was directly thrown into the swimming pool. Except for the shock at the beginning, she played in the swimming pool like a fish in water, changing several poses freely, and the camera kept showing close-ups.

After a while, she felt that she had calmed down from being frightened, and then she swam to the edge of the pool, stood up, shook her hair, looked at them with relief and smiled.

The exquisite figure is fully exposed, and the face is full of water droplets, which seems to be a water lotus. Many men present can't move their eyes.

The next moment, there was a clean dry towel on top of his head. She looked over and said to Cui Xincheng, "Thank you."

In the end, an overtime game had to be added, and the two teams discussed sending players to participate in the battle.

Zhao Qingying became "The Chosen One" because she is the main guest of this episode. Secondly, it is so contrasting and cute, it almost subverts her goddess image in front of the screen.

One can imagine how high the ratings and topics will be after this episode starts broadcasting.

The other party chose the resident female MC Yu Tiantian, a petite and cute little actor, which does not conflict with Zhao Qingying's positioning.

Before the start, Liang Wen said that both parties should speak harshly.

Yu Tiantian put her hips on her hips and looked at her with her mouth pouted: "Zhao Qingying, today you will bow down under my swim skirt!"

Zhao Qingying had already changed into clean clothes, and upon hearing this, she walked over and hugged her.

Everyone: ? ? ?

Zhao Qingying smiled lightly, and said softly, "Hug the defeated general first."

Everyone: Applause!

Yu Tiantian: What's the matter with being a little shy?

The director started asking questions: "Excuse me, what color does Zhao Qingying's boyfriend like best?"

Everyone was in an uproar, Zhao Qingying looked confused: "What boyfriend?!"

Yu Tiantian rushed to answer: "Blue!"

"If you answer wrong, you have two more chances."

Zhao Qingying: "? Wait, how do you guys know right from wrong? Where did I get a boyfriend! You guys are friends out of thin air!"

The director reminded with a smile: "The time is coming."

Liang Wen urged from the side: "Quickly think about what color your boyfriend likes, only you know the answer!"

Zhao Qingying scratched her head and guessed randomly: "Black?"


Yu Tiantian followed blindly: "White."


Liang Wen started to say something routine: "Zhao Qingying, think about it again, ex-boyfriend, first love, crush, these are all fine."

"How could I!" Zhao Qingying was stunned for a moment.

The person you have a crush on...Damn it, the show crew doesn't know that she has a crush on Yu Shu, right? so scary?

Oh no, she doesn't seem to know what color Yu Shu likes best!

Yushu dbp, I'm not worthy!

Cui Xincheng coughed wildly at her a few times, and she shouted: "Don't gloat here, kid, I... wait, I know!"

"Red!" she replied excitedly.

"correct answer!"

"Ahhh!" Yu Tiantian was bounced out.

Zhao Qingying happily got off the stage and gave her high-fives with the team members. Holding a towel beside her, it was Tiantian. She pulled her up and wiped her hair.

Yu Tiantian let her move obediently, smiled sweetly, and said, "You are so kind."

"So cute!" Zhao Qingying pulled her into the front line.

Liang Wen continued to act as the host and asked, "Qingying, why is the answer red?"

Zhao Qingying glanced at Cui Xincheng: "Red is the color of blood, the color of revolution."

Yu Tiantian immediately reacted: "I know, so the boyfriend is Cui Xincheng, and you are cooperating in a spy war drama!"

Cui Xincheng nodded with a smile, and Liang Wen took advantage of the opportunity to promote their TV, finally completing the task.

The shooting took place at night before the last link—the shooting game.

Although Zhao Qingying's team had already won two rounds, the score in the last round was higher than the previous two rounds, so the opponent still had a chance to stand up.

Putting on a white game suit, the gun in his hand is filled with red powder, as long as he shoots any part of the opponent, he will be eliminated.

The two teams were chasing and fighting in a sports field. At the beginning, the opponent obviously did not list Zhao Qingying as an important person.

Everyone concentrated their firepower on chasing Cui Xincheng. She ducked aside and shot them in the back without any fuss. By the time the opponent reacted, two players had already "died".

In the end, she cooperated with Cui Xincheng. The two had a lot of cooperative gun scenes in the play, so they have a tacit understanding.

Liang Wen and another teammate realized that they were not needed at all, so they simply squatted in the corner, chatting and watching.

At the end of the game, Zhao Qingying's team won a big victory.

The MCs complained incessantly, and after making a lot of noise, they made another wave of TV promotion, and the program for this day finally came to an end.

It was past two o'clock in the morning when Zhao Qingying returned to the hotel.

Chen Xiaohuan was also sleepy, yawned and said: "Today's performance is not bad, I don't know how to cut it in the later stage, there should be no major problems. You can sleep a little later tomorrow, and the plane will be tomorrow afternoon."

"it is good."

Chen Xiaohuan was arranged to share a room with Cui Xincheng's manager. The two checked the itinerary and found that tomorrow's flight was the same flight. And the itinerary has been made public, presumably many reporters and fans will pick him up tomorrow.

But it can be regarded as a wave of publicity. She contacted the marketing account, and it is estimated that she will start to control the review.

Zhao Qingying slept until noon before getting up to put on makeup, and her assistant was packing her luggage beside her.

I met Cui Xincheng at the airport, it was just a flight, and the new drama will start broadcasting soon, not to mention the cooperation was pretty good yesterday. So the two boarded the plane politely and lived in peace.

Two hours later, the plane landed at City A Airport smoothly.

She and Cui Xincheng got off the plane one after the other. Cui Xincheng waited in front, walked side by side with her, and whispered: "It's about to open."

Zhao Qingying said helplessly: "I won't take the initiative to open the business."

The exit was surrounded by fans, holding banners in their hands. The number of fans of the two was about the same, and when they walked out together, there was a sudden commotion.

"Cui Xincheng, I love you!"

"Zhao Qingying, look at me, look at me, look at me!"

"Baby, you have worked hard, you should rest well!"

The two waved to the fans, and the staff led them forward.

Zhao Qingying suddenly heard a hoarse and magnetic male voice, which seemed to be undergoing a voice change period.

"Brother Ying, this is a portrait I drew with my own hands. It's not good enough, so I give it to you!"

She looked back and saw that the boy was much taller than her, and he looked very familiar. She took it with a smile, opened it and took a look at the sketch: "Thank you, I really like it! Come on!"

Hearing this, the boy smiled like a little sun: "Brother Ying, do you know my sister? Her name is..."

Yu Zhao was about to say his name, but was pushed aside by the fans. Standing behind the crowd, he had no chance of getting close.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for his sister to get off work, so he took a taxi and went directly to Yinji.

Yu Shu bumped into him at the gate, and said in surprise, "School is over so early today?"


"Let's go eat first, what do you want to eat?"

Yu Zhao said: "Japanese food."

On the way, she received a call from Zhao Qingying: "Yu Shushu, I'm back, let's go have dinner, shall we?"

Yu Shu glanced at Yu Zhao and said, "I can't leave tonight."

Zhao Qingying said dejectedly, "That's fine."

Yu Zhao played with his mobile phone for a while, and suddenly cursed: "Fuck."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm so **** off!" Yu Zhao scolded angrily, "Sure enough, there has been a **** cp, when will Cui Xincheng let us go!"

Yu Shu blinked her eyes and asked nonchalantly, "What binds CP?"

"Anyway, I don't believe what these marketing accounts say. You're a talented girl and a pretty girl. Brother Ying is so beautiful that he won't fall in love."

After arriving at the eating place, Yu Zhao was still aggrieved: "It is said on the Internet that the two of them fell in love because of drama, and they gave birth to your sister! My Ying brother would not like such a little boy! Her lover must be a hero!"

Yu Shu raised her eyes and glanced at him lightly: "Oh." I disappointed you.

"Brother Ying is just too beautiful to have such an inexplicable CP." Yu Zhao was filled with sorrow, and suddenly remembered something, and laughed, "Even you have CP with her hahahaha."

Yu Shu: "..."

"Sister, let me tell the truth, don't hit me." Yu Zhao looked at her cautiously, "Actually, although intellectually I should stand in Uonuma, but emotionally, I should stand in herring! Herring is so delicious !"

"What the **** is a herring?" Yu Shu suddenly felt that it was not as simple as Li Cen said.

Yu Zhao rolled his eyes and decided to tease her: "It means that you two have a good relationship. Look at the little herring on the table. Isn't it delicious?"

Yu Shu:? ? ?

After dinner, Yu Zhao went to the bathroom, and she went to the parking lot to pick up the car. As soon as he started the car, he looked forward, but suddenly paused.

Not far away came a man and a woman, Zhao Qingying and Cui Xincheng. The two walked over talking and laughing, and then got into a car together.

Her eyes gradually sharpened, and she honked the horn twice, and there was a huge echo in the quiet parking lot, but no one cared. Then, the car drove past her.

She stepped on the accelerator and followed.

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