MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 54 remind

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Yu Shu returned to the company, just in time to see Li Cen going out.

When the other party saw her, he waved the phone in his hand: "Congratulations, you're on the trending list again."

Yu Shu's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately realized: "Airport?"

"Yes, congratulations to Mr. Yu for mentioning the airport hot search again."

She turned on the phone and found that she had already become the number one, and said, "Suppress it?"

"Don't worry, it's just an opportunity for a wave of publicity, and the department has already sent a message. Zhengchou how to launch the new advertisement, you are here to show the way." Li Cen waved his hand, "I'll go out first, other You don’t need to worry about the matter, there will be other news to suppress, don’t worry.”

"Where are you going?"

"Meet the client."

When Yu Shu returned to the office, she concentrated on her Weibo. Photos and videos of herself and Zhao Qingying were already flying all over the sky.

"Why do you always see her news every time, and you have to go to the trending search for even the most serious things. The cost of emotional search is not expensive, right?"

"Why don't you take the VIP channel to the airport? You don't even have a security guard with you. Isn't that a show of popularity?"

"Is the relationship between Zhao Qingying and Yu Shu so good?"

"Last time, the two of them were also on the hot search together, no, it seems more than once."

"I was wrong, I think Yu Shu is so beautiful! This protective posture hit me."

"Zhao Qingying is awesome, let the president **** her!"

"Yinji posted on Weibo, saying that Zhao Qingying was filming a new advertisement for Yinji."

"The imprint is coming out of the game again?"

""Miraculous Life" is going to unlock new characters! Oh shit, I like this girl so much!"

Afterwards, the topic gradually changed from the photo of the two to the new game. Although some people still speculated whether the two were hyping, the general direction was still the game.

It didn't take long for a new hot search to come up.

Yu Shu put down her phone and started to check the schools with good art students. After thinking about it, it is still difficult to directly enter the attached high school of A University, and Yu Zhao also said that he does not want to go to the attached high school. She searched around and finally decided to go to the best private high school in the local area. Although the cultural performance was not close to that of the attached high school, it was a good choice to study art.

She prepared all the materials of the two schools and waited for Yu Zhao to come back from vacation to discuss it.

In the evening, I sent a WeChat message to Zhao Qingying, asking if she arrived safely, and I received a reply soon.

Zhao Qingying: [I'm on the set! I'm filming Zhang Yingying's scene, and I'll be here soon. Brother Shuo said that I haven't seen you for a few days, and my complexion has improved hahahahaha! 】

Yu Shu: [Brother Shuo? 】

Zhao Qingying: [Wang Jianshuo, don't you know the senior who has acted in many movies? ! 】

Yu Shu: [ I don't pay much attention. 】

Zhao Qingying: [Hehe, you only remember Zhang Yingying as an actor, right? 】

Yu Shu: [Smile.jpg]

Zhao Qingying: [Life is not easy, the fairy sighs.jpg]

After chatting for a long time, Zhao Qingying went to filming.

She looked at the time, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and it was hard enough. After finishing chores, I went to take a shower again, and when I was about to go to bed, it was past midnight.

She picked up her phone and took a last look, only to find that Zhao Qingying had sent a WeChat message half an hour ago.

Zhao Qingying: [Although I will be busy during this time, I will find time to chat with you! Don't ignore me, don't think I'm annoying, just say, good night, sweet dreams. Cheers to our friendship.jpg]

The new character set that was filmed went online not long ago. Players liked this character very much, and they kept playing new copies, and the traffic suddenly skyrocketed and grew linearly.

She had to admire Li Cen's methods. If all the designs were released at the beginning, once the freshness wears off, there will be no more popular trends. But releasing a new character like this from time to time can keep arousing the interest of players.

This newcomer's set photo also brought a lot of attention to Zhao Qingying. The media broke the news that she was filming on the set, and she was still on the set of "Just Now", which has a strong production team, which inevitably sparked a wave of discussion.

Cui Xincheng checked Weibo and found that Zhao Qingying had been trending four times in one day. After thinking about it, he called the director who was filming before, and hung up half an hour later. A calm and confident smile flashed in his eyes, and he looked deeply at Zhao Qingying on the screen.

Soon it was the day of the senior high school entrance examination, Yu Shu took Yu Zhao to the examination room early in the morning, and the parents around were constantly telling their children various precautions and words of encouragement.

She remembered that when she was taking the senior high school entrance examination, her parents sent her outside the examination room, and only said: "Come on, do your best, we will wait for you here."

Now, she gave this sentence to her brother.

Yu Zhao nodded. His indifferent mentality has gradually changed recently. Seeing such a grand occasion, all the students and parents are waiting in full force, and he can't help feeling a bit solemn.

"Sister, I'm going. This time I'm going... It's windy and rusty, Yi Shuihan!"

Yu Shu rubbed the center of her brows: "Forget it, forget it, I don't have any hope, you can do it yourself."

Yu Zhao smiled mischievously, took a few steps forward, turned around suddenly, and waved his hand: "You go back first, don't wait here for long."

She signaled him to go in quickly, but instead of going back to the company, she walked around and suddenly found a familiar boy.

The boy was listening impatiently to the instructions of the parents, standing idly, apparently going in from one ear to the other and exiting from the right.

She smiled lightly and walked forward.

The boy noticed that she was getting closer and closer to him, so he couldn't help standing up slowly, and asked vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

The boy's parents looked at Yu Shu, and greeted rudely: "Hi, you are the parent of that one last time, right?"

"Well, it's me." Yu Shu smiled and walked in front of the boy. She turned her head to look at him, "I heard that you want to be Yu Zhao's brother-in-law?"

The boy was taken aback. He didn't expect her to be so straightforward. Although what he said was an unscrupulous joke at the time, he was inevitably embarrassed when he was questioned face to face by the person involved. He wanted to cover it up and said: "So what!"

"That's right. Come on, I won't marry a poor and low man."

The boy blushed, and his face was red: "Who are you talking about being poor? My family owns a company!"

"It belongs to your family, but it's not yours." Yu Shu shrugged, "I don't like old guys either."

"Hmph!" The boy turned his head angrily and stopped looking at him.

The two parents didn't care, they kept laughing.

"Sister!" Yu Zhao's voice sounded not far away.

He went back and forth, only to see his sister talking and laughing with his deadly enemy, so angry that he walked over angrily, and took her away.

"Wait!" The boy suddenly stopped them and shouted loudly, "Just wait for me, sooner or later I will come to marry you!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a small commotion in the crowd, and the boy suddenly received a fist that was not light or heavy from his father: "You think beautifully."

Yu Shu smiled, followed Yu Zhao to a corner, and asked, "Why are you back again, go in early, so as not to look for the examination room later."

Yu Zhao looked at her displeasedly: "What did he say that he wanted to marry you! Do you really intend to let him be my brother-in-law?!"

"Just teasing him." Yu Shu rubbed his head and said softly, "Come in, I'll wait for you here."

Yu Zhao looked directly at her, and said in a low voice, "Sooner or later you will get married."

"Don't you want me to marry?" Yu Shu smiled.

Yu Zhao couldn't answer.

"Don't worry, you haven't grown up yet."

"So, I still hinder you."

"No, you are cuter than other men."

Yu Zhao stared at her dumbfounded, the sudden words made him at a loss for a moment, it took a lot of effort not to let himself look happy, and pretended to be chic: "I'm not as handsome as me!"

"Yes, our Yu Zhao is the best man in the world." Yu Shu smiled slightly, "If you don't enter the examination room, you will really be uncute."

Yu Zhao pouted: "Then I'll go."

"Go ahead, come on."

After two days of the exam, Yu Zhao didn't say a word about his grades, and asked if he didn't know.

Yu Shu didn't bother to ask any more, anyway, the school had already been chosen, and the rest depended on his own actions. After the holiday, Yu Zhao first went on a trip with Zhao Lei and a group of classmates for a week, and then went back to his hometown to accompany his grandparents.

Because of the company's business, she only took one weekend to send him back, and rushed back after staying for two days.

Before you know it, it's the end of July.

Yu Shu suddenly found that Zhao Qingying seldom sent her WeChat messages. Before, she would come to say good morning and good night every day, like a check-in machine.

This time I haven't checked in for two days.

Is the machine malfunctioning, or is there no emotion?

She clicked on the other party's circle of friends, only to find that Zhao Qingying had posted several updates in the past two days.

Zhao Qingying: [Soon to be another year older! 】

Zhao Qingying: [My mother asked me what gift I wanted, and I said I wanted a rich woman to support me. She didn't say anything, it's just that I'm in a wheelchair now. 】

Zhao Qingying: [I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to grow up! When I grow up, I realize it's all nonsense! You still have to listen to your mother! 】

Yu Shu: ...

She glanced at the calendar.

Oh, it's been 24 o'clock on August 8 for a long time.

Zhao Qingying fell weakly in the nanny's car, and finally stopped work for a break, so she couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and look through Moments, the key point was to check if there were any movements in the few posts that were only visible to Yu Shu.

However, no, no, yes.

She checked it again in disbelief, wishing she could send it directly to the other party, and told Yu Shu loudly: Look! My birthday is coming up!

However, no, no, yes.

Once you find out your crooked thoughts, you become cautious in everything you do. Even if she is bold and thoughtful, she is no exception.

"Xiaohuan, how did you chase after your partner?" She asked Chen Xiaohuan in the front seat in frustration.

Chen Xiaohuan wondered: "What are you chasing after, when did I ever have a partner!"

"Yeah, then you are in a terrible situation." She sighed, "But you will chase others sooner or later, tell me what is the best way."

Chen Xiaohuan said to himself: "Why should I go after others, isn't it good to wait for others to come after me?"

"That's right!" Zhao Qingying was stunned, and sat up suddenly, "I can seduce her first, and wait for her to confess to me first, and then I will reluctantly agree to her."

"...Who do you want to confess to?" Chen Xiaohuan turned her head and narrowed her eyes.

"So do you have any way to seduce her?" Zhao Qingying asked her in an awkward manner, and then twisted her shape, and seductively tore off the clothes on her shoulders, revealing her fragrant shoulders, and winked at her, "Is this coquettish enough?" ?”

"You've got to be flirtatious."

Zhao Qingying stroked her long hair coquettishly, pushed it back to the back of her head, and smiled charmingly: "I can. I can definitely get her."

Chen Xiaohuan: Hehe, **** you.