MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 48 midnight

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"Believe it or not." Yu Shu didn't bother to talk to them, and went back to the office to have a small talk with Li Cen.

Li Cen was eating, and gave a thumbs up: "The dishes are very rich, when will Zhao Qingying take such a down-to-earth route, my gifts will be compared by her."

"Something to eat, as for what?"

Li Cen shook his head: "No, I don't think she can stop today with her posture."

"Come again? I don't have the stomach to hold it."

But in fact, Li Cen really guessed right.

Since the afternoon, the office has been receiving large and small gifts, ranging from designer bags to hair clips worth a few dollars, almost filling her office.

She had to send a message to the other party and ask her to stop.

Zhao Qingying replied confidently: birthday is to receive gifts! There is always what you need.

There was no further reply.

In the evening, she dragged a cart full of gifts home and found that the house was brightly lit, so she opened the door suspiciously.

There was the sound of ping-pong-pong in the kitchen.

"Yu Zhao?"

"Well, I came back so late again, I prepared dinner." Yu Zhao, wearing an apron, turned around and smiled.

"How did you go home?"

"I'm on leave, don't stare at me, I'm going to school early tomorrow morning, really." Yu Zhao poured the food into the plate, "Hurry up and wash your hands, get ready to eat."

Yu Shu sat at the table, looked at several home-cooked dishes on the table, and looked at him in disbelief: "Is it prepared for me?"

Yu Zhao handed over the chopsticks: "Yes, try it quickly, I have been practicing for a long time."

Yu Shu looked moved, and under the expectant eyes of the other party, she tasted a few dishes and nodded: "It's delicious."

"Hey, of course, I made this." Yu Zhao picked up a piece of meat, and after chewing a few mouthfuls, he found it too difficult to chew. He swallowed it with difficulty and said, "Sister, happy birthday."

"Thank you." Yu Shu's eyes were deep and filled with a smile, "Why do you think of cooking for me?"

Yu Zhao rolled his eyes: "For pocket money?"

Yu Shu smiled and transferred a sum of money to him, then suddenly remembered something, went out to the car to search for a long time, and came back with a small box.

"Here, the cake your idol bought."

Yu Zhao's eyes widened: "For, for me?! No, brother Ying bought it for you?!"

"Well, let's eat."

Yu Zhao clutched his heart, with a complicated expression: "Sister, you are robbing me of women, and women treat you so well, I'm going to be jealous."

"If you're jealous, eat something sweet and press it."

Yu Zhao opened the lid two or three times, salivated at the cute pattern of the pink cake, took dozens of photos and sent them to the fan group to show off, only to get a lot of screams and shouts, and then he put on the candle contentedly.

Yu Shu: "Can't we just eat it?"

"No, you are already thirty, you should have a sense of ceremony."

"Can you not mention thirty, this **** sense of ritual."

Yu Zhao dragged her through the process before continuing this harmonious and warm dinner.

Yu Shu remembered another thing: "By the way, last time I asked an artist to look at your paintings..."

Yu Zhao wondered, "What's so interesting about this?"

"Ask her opinion. She said that you are good at painting and talented, but you don't have systematic training." Yu Shu finished chewing the meat in her mouth with difficulty, and after a moment of silence, she asked, "Are you willing to study art?"

Yu Zhao was so frightened that the chopsticks fell on the table, making a crisp sound.

"You mean, I can study art?"

"Well, maybe it's also a way."

"But... didn't you ask me to do a good job in cultural achievements before?"

"But you don't like it, and it's hard to get results if you force it. I'm just giving you a direction, and the decision is still up to you. You are so old, you have to be responsible for your own choices."

Yu Zhao swallowed: "It's a bit sudden, let me think about it."

After the meal, the two chatted about art for a while, and seeing that it was already eleven o'clock, they urged him to take a shower and go to bed.

After Yu Zhao returned to her room, she began to organize the presents. After a while, there were many items in the room that did not match the style of her bedroom.

She took out her mobile phone and stared at Zhao Qingying's name, struggling for a while, wondering if the other party had finished work at such a late hour.

In the quiet room, the clock turned little by little.

In the past, birthdays were celebrated like this every year. The company and the family had two points and one line, but this year I always felt that something was missing.

She stared at her phone boredly, when suddenly, the phone vibrated, and Zhao Qingying's name came into view.

For some reason, she was inexplicably relieved, a smile flashed in her eyes that she didn't notice, and her voice softened: "Hello?"

"Hey, Yu Shu, come down." Zhao Qingying said concisely.

"Get down?" She frowned slightly, as if she had thought of something, she immediately ran to the balcony, looked down, and saw a black car parked on the side of the road, and Zhao Qingying was leaning against the car, and the evening wind blew her hair.

Zhao Qingying waved her hand and said into the microphone, "Hurry up, it's almost twelve o'clock."

Yu Shu ran out subconsciously, rushed down the stairs in three steps, opened the door quickly, stopped abruptly, touched her hair secretly, put one hand in her pocket, and looked calmly go out.

Before he got close, Zhao Qingying rushed towards him.

She seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and she caught the man steadily, her tone was rather helpless, mixed with an imperceptible pampering: "You..."

"Happy birthday!" Zhao Qingying hugged her neck, smelled the faint fragrance of her body, and her exhaustion dissipated.

After a while, she backed away a little with a smile, and her eyes were shining brightly in the hazy night: "Long time no see, do you miss me?"

Yu Shu lowered her eyes slightly, looked around indiscriminately, and pretended to be disdainful: "What do you want?"

Zhao Qingying stared at her dumbfounded, stretched out her hands to pinch her cheeks, and gently pinched her cheeks upwards, revealing a smile: "Okay, seeing you are so happy, I know the answer, our Yu Shu is love It's hard to tell."

Yu Shu: "..." I'm not, I'm not, you're talking nonsense.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Yu Shu asked, "Aren't you filming?"

Zhao Qingying said with a smile: "Yes, but I won't have any scenes for the next few days, so I can come back to shoot your commercials."

certainly not!

In the past two days, she was frantically rushing to the scene, and she didn't finish filming the next few days of scenes until the afternoon, and then rushed back without stopping. When she thought that this was her first birthday with Yu Shu, she was very happy, and she hoped that she could always spend it with her in the future.

If you can't figure out those entangled feelings for a while, then ignore them. She only knows that she wants to see Yu Shu very much, very urgently.

"Did you drive back?" Yu Shu lowered her head slightly, looking into her eyes, her head shrank back a little.

Yu Shu said softly, "The dark circles under my eyes have come out."

She quickly covered her face with her hands, only showing her eyes: "Ah! Will it affect my beauty?"

Yu Shu laughed lightly.

Zhao Qingying stared at her blankly.

worth it!

"Let's hang out," she said.

Yu Shu looked at the sky: "Now?"

"That's right, in the middle of the night, when the weather is beautiful and beautiful, let's go." Zhao Qingying pushed her into the car.

Yu Shu took the initiative to go to the driver's seat: "Let me drive."

At this time, Yu Zhao, who was not asleep, walked to the balcony and happened to see Yu Shu getting into someone else's car. The passenger seat had just closed the door, and it was impossible to see who it was.

He opened his mouth to shout, but suddenly covered his mouth. After the car left, I looked at the moon in the sky dumbfounded.

Is his sister in a relationship? !

He immediately called Zhao Lei: "Hey! Where's your brother!"

"My brother? He just went out on business."

Yu Zhao was stunned for a moment, looked at Malu, and said dully, "It's over, your brother really chased my sister, right?"

"Really?!" Zhao Lei didn't know what happened, but hearing what he said probably made sense, "My brother is really awesome! We will be in-laws from now on!"

"Your size, in-law!" Yu Zhao cursed, his face paled.

Although he wanted his sister to have a relationship before, it could not only divert attention from him, but also let his sister have a companion. But at this time, he felt uncomfortable again.

"Your brother can't."

"Who do you say can't do it!" Zhao Lei roared, "My brother is a real man, he can do it."

"That's not what I meant." Yu Zhao rubbed his head irritably, unable to even bring up the usual jokes, "Forget it, forget it, let's go to sleep."

Yu Shu was driving on the road, and Zhao Qingying, who was beside her, kept rambling about the crew, and she echoed from time to time.

This kind of relaxed state is very pleasant. For so many years, no one has made her so relaxed except Li Cen.

She thought that a year ago, the two had never met each other, and they still had inexplicable hostility towards each other. But at this moment, the other party came all night long, just to celebrate her... thirtieth birthday?


It's a middle-aged girl's birthday.

Zhao Qingying finally took a break before she asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"Let's watch a movie. I seldom go to the cinema by myself, and I haven't been with my friends yet."

"Me too."

"Then we are destined!"


There were not many people at the midnight show, but there was a movie starring Zhang Yingying, and the time was just right.

After Zhao Qingying bought popcorn and drinks, she saw that it was Zhang Yingying's movie, and muttered softly, "You really like her."

Yu Shu smiled: "I'll see you starring next time, okay?"

"Then you have to book the show!"


"One hundred games."

"Okay, let the employees come and admire your amazing acting skills."

Zhao Qingying smiled and said, "It's settled, the box office is up to you, and it's up to you whether I can get rid of the box office poison."

"Hey, the responsibility is heavy." Yu Shu sighed, "A hundred games doesn't seem to be enough?"

The two went in talking and laughing, and chose the seat in the last row.

Zhao Qingying slumped on the chair comfortably, turned her head and whispered: "I've wanted to do this for a long time, but I always have to maintain the appearance of a goddess in front of outsiders. I'm so tired."

"Oh, am I not an outsider?"

"Of course not."

"Then who am I?"

Zhao Qingying looked at her meaningfully, the corners of her mouth slowly curved into a wicked smile, she hugged her arms with both hands, rubbed her chin, and whispered: "Whatever you say is what you say."

The voice was soft and itchy, lingering in my ears, and the surroundings seemed to be quiet.

Yu Shu moved her eyes lightly, staring at the screen intently, but all her attention was on her arms. After waiting for a long time, the other party did not intend to stop.

...After all, it still didn't push away.

Zhao Qingying kept focusing on Yu Shu from the corner of her eye, and her serious profile made people's heart flutter slightly. She quickly closed her eyes, but her heart couldn't calm down.

The next moment, I felt a shadow appear in front of me.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Yu Shu looking back at her, her deep eyes seemed to have a magical power.

too close. she thinks.

Even breathing is entangled.

As long as she moves slightly, she can kiss those red lips.

She swallowed without a trace, fluttering her eyelashes, and asked nervously, "What, what's wrong?"

"Are you sleepy?" Yu Shu asked.

She stared at Yu Shu motionlessly: "No."

Yu Shu couldn't believe it, and asked again: "Do you want to go back?"

"Do not."

"Then lean against me and squint for a while."

"it is good."

Zhao Qingying immediately leaned on her shoulder, and the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened. As soon as she turned her head, her eyes were attracted by the other's fair neck...

Zhao Qingying, you are finished.

She stood up abruptly and walked out without a word.

Yu Shu froze for a moment, thinking she was going home to sleep, she immediately chased her out.

However, Zhao Qingying walked very fast, and she called out from behind: "Zhao Qingying."

The other party has been striding forward, and absently turned around to answer. He didn't pay attention to the steps under his feet, accidentally twisted his foot, almost fell to the ground, and exclaimed. Fortunately, Yu Shu arrived in time and pulled her back.

"Are you okay?"

Zhao Qingying moved her feet and frowned: "It hurts."

"Let me see."

Yu Shu squatted down, pinched her ankle, saw that it was slightly red and swollen, and rubbed a little bit of skin, and said, "It's nothing serious, remember to disinfect it when you go back, and it won't hurt later."

Zhao Qingying looked down at her, and the warmth from her palm eased the pain slightly.

"I'll take you back."

"No." Zhao Qingying's mother immediately shook her head, "I don't want to go back."

"Why? It's late now." Yu Shu stood up and supported her.

"...I want to go shopping again."

"Are you sure?" Yu Shu looked down at her feet, expressing her doubts.

"I can do it!" Zhao Qingying jumped down on one foot to show her strength, "Look, nothing can stop me!"

"Stop." Yu Shu hurriedly stopped in front of her.

Zhao Qingying said softly, "I don't want to go back."

As soon as the words were finished, Yu Shu sighed and looked at her helplessly. Just when she thought she was going to be taught a lesson, the person in front of her suddenly turned and squatted in front of her.

"Come up."

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