MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 19 I protect you

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After eating the cake, she went out with a plastic bag and threw it into the trash can. The employees who passed by keenly noticed that Mr. Yu seemed to be in a much better mood, and his face was finally no longer tense.

After returning to the office, she thought about it, and dialed a voice for Zhao Qingying. It rang for a long time before she got connected. As soon as she heard the voice, it was the magic voice.

"Chen Xiaohuan!! Are you going to hit me 800 times! How many times have I told you not to look for me when you are sleeping! If you hit me again, I will drag you out to soak in the pig cage. Do you hear me? If you hear it, squeak One sound."


"Well, then I will continue to sleep...Wait, why did you change your voice?" Zhao Qingying realized something was wrong, rubbed her eyes, and looked at the phone screen seriously. react.

In the next second, she screamed: "Ahhh! Is it really Yu Shu? Am I not dreaming?!"

Yu Shu took the phone a little farther away and replied after a while, "Are you awake?"

"Wake up." Zhao Qingying immediately sat up, straightened her messy hair, and thought that there was no one around at this time, she couldn't help laughing, "What can I do for you?"

"Cake received."

"Is it tasty?"

"What do you think?"

"Very tasty!"

"Have you read the news on the Internet?" Yu Shu asked.

"What news?" Zhao Qingying was about to click on the webpage, when she heard the doorbell ringing eagerly, she hurried downstairs to open the door.

Yu Shu sighed and said, "I think you need to pay attention, don't make headlines so frequently."

"Well, you're right." Zhao Qingying seemed to have a natural sense of identification with Xueba, and she didn't even know what happened, so she responded directly.

"The rest of your agent should tell you, goodbye."

"Ah hello? Hello? Yu Shu?" Zhao Qingying yelled into the phone while walking, "Did it hang up so soon? Or is the signal bad? Can you hear me?"

It wasn't until she opened the door that she confirmed that the other party had hung up the phone. She looked at Chen Xiaohuan dejectedly, and said weakly, "What happened?"

Chen Xiaohuan walked into the living room angrily, and said angrily: "These media are really too much. It is estimated that the paparazzi have settled in your neighborhood, and there are people secretly taking pictures in the middle of the night."

"In the middle of the night?"

Zhao Qingying thought about it carefully, and instantly understood: "Me and Su Qibai?"

"Well, the 'romance' between the two of you is everywhere on the Internet now, and I have already found a marketing account to suppress it." Chen Xiaohuan collapsed on the sofa exhausted, "You really don't intend to confess your relationship with Su Qibai? "

"Don't tell me, as long as I talk about my relationship with him, my dad will also be involved. I don't want his business to be affected by these things, so let's keep it a secret for now." Zhao Qingying said, "But the relationship between lovers still needs to be revealed. Just clarify, otherwise it will affect our future dating."

"Heh, you think pretty well as a single dog." Chen Xiaohuan sighed, "Sooner or later, you will torment me to death. The statement of clarification has been sent out, and imprint has come to understand the situation."

"Imprints? Did Yu Shu ask?"

"What are you thinking, it's Li Cen. Will Yu Shu take care of these things herself?" Chen Xiaohuan looked at her speechlessly.

Unexpectedly, she jumped on the spot: "But Yu Shu came to ask me in person!"

"so what?"

"She told me not to be in the headlines all the time, eh."

"Put away that wretched smile of yours." Chen Xiaohuan rolled her eyes, "Your goddess has already said that, do you have to control it in the future?"

"Well, I'll try my best, but I can't control the paparazzi."

As soon as the words were finished, the phone rang again. She subconsciously thought it was Yu Shu, and looked at the phone excitedly, but it was Cui Xincheng.


"Who is that man?" Cui Xincheng asked straight to the point.

"none of your business?"

Cui Xincheng smiled: "Don't be so fierce, I just want to confirm, although the studio issued a statement, but who knows if it's true or not, you really aren't a couple?"

Zhao Qingying curled her lips: "Yes, we have been talking for a long time, his family is rich, and I want to marry him."


"Goodbye." She hung up the phone angrily, pointing at the phone and cursing, "This man is so annoying, I don't know what the **** he's up to every day."

Chen Xiaohuan smiled: "He is quite straightforward. There are still many people who secretly plot against you, but they are all frightened by your scandals. They are worried that fans will say that they have no eyes."

"Ah bah, I am beautiful and kind-hearted, and they are not good enough for me." Zhao Qingying turned to wash up, and suddenly turned around and asked, "By the way, when is the specific time to join the group?"

"The 3rd of next month."


Zhao Qingying brushed her teeth, thinking about the time, she could still go home. At this moment, Su Tangqing called, she quickly spit out the foam and rinsed her saliva before answering it in a panic.


"Hey, it's still Dad, I think you are almost going to be called father-in-law." Su Tangqing said jokingly.

"Don't tease me, it's all nonsense from the media." Zhao Qingying smiled.

"Aren't you disclosing your relationship with the Su family?"

"I still don't need it. It's not an urgent time now, and I don't have one or two scandals. Just don't get angry."

"What can we be angry about? We wish you had so many boyfriends." Su Tangqing laughed loudly, "Your mother has been asking you about which family's children are not dating."

"Hey don't, I'm so young, let me play again."

Su Tangqing nodded: "Yes, I will help you."

"Thank you dad, I love you!"

She looked at the recent air tickets, planning to go back after a day's rest, and simply bought a ticket for the morning after tomorrow.

After playing games at home and getting fit again, I started watching movies, pondering over the emotional expressions of the characters.

At this time, the mobile phone suddenly received a text message. It was Coach Chen who hadn't heard from him for a long time. When he saw the content of the text message, a light flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at the time, and chose to go out for a breath of fresh air without hesitation.

After Coach Chen finished sending the text message, he went to watch Yu Shu's training. During the break, he asked, "Have you been busy recently?"

Yu Shu nodded: "It's almost there. It's rare that I have time to come and play. I don't know when the next time will be."

Coach Chen saw her start to take off her gloves: "Why, stop practicing?"

"Well, boring, no opponent, not fun."

"..." Coach Chen spread his hands, "How about I find you an opponent?"

"No, people here, men don't dare to hit me hard, and women can't beat me, so it's useless to find anyone." Yu Shu said.

"Not always…"

Before she finished speaking, Yu Shu turned around and went to change clothes.

When I walked out of the boxing gym, it was already dark, and the surrounding neon lights were shining with various halos. This year's autumn came earlier, she took a deep breath and strode forward.

However, not long after they walked, a tall drunk man walked up to him, smiling foolishly, and when he passed by her, he suddenly fell on her.

She quickly dodged to the side, and the drunk man stood still in time, looking at her with confused eyes: "Beauty, are you playing?"


She said coldly, turned around to leave, but her arm was pulled by the other party, and the drunk man's smile gradually became wretched: "What are you afraid of, let's go."

She shook off her hand vigorously, a fist was ready, at this moment, an exclamation came from not far away: "Yu Shu!"

She subconsciously turned her head to look, and saw a tall woman wearing a peaked cap suddenly rushing towards this side, and the next moment, she lifted her foot neatly and kicked the drunk man hard in the stomach.

Yu Shu looked at her speechlessly: "You..."

Zhao Qingying blinked at her, took out a mask and put it on, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Yu Shu raised her eyebrows lightly. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the drunk man behind her got up, and at some point there was a brick in his hand. With a flash in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and pulled Zhao Qingying aside, then turned around and punched Zhao Qingying hard. On his cheek, followed by several strokes.

Zhao Qingying applauded the seal: "Mighty and mighty!"

Yu Shu knocked the man down, and when she was sure that there would be no more attacks, she suddenly realized that she was on the street, and she dragged Zhao Qingying and ran away.

Zhao Qingying looked down at the hands they held together, and there was a burst of warmth from the palms, which felt at ease and at ease. Immediately, she raised her eyes to look at Yu Shu's side face. The flying hair seemed to blow into her heart with the wind, making her feel itchy.

The heart rate also beats rhythmically with the running, thump thump.

Read The Duke's Passion