MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 103 Intend

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The two gradually became familiar with living together and had a deeper understanding of each other. Occasionally there will be inexplicable quarrels, but basically they are forgotten overnight, after all... ahem.

Yu Shu has been a bit busy recently, and the new manager of the publicity department has not long since taken office, and there are many aspects that need to be adjusted. There was also one less person to chat with during working hours, so Secretary Jiang, who was taken advantage of, became the first choice.

"Secretary Jiang, do you feel angry when you get up? How do you think you should cure the angry when you get up?"

"Secretary Jiang, have you ever been in a relationship? What, you've been in a relationship for three years? Oh, it's okay, let's go down."

"Secretary Jiang, will your partner make you up? No, what a pity, my partner will make me up."

"Secretary Jiang, have you watched Zhao Qingying's TV? Is it particularly ugly... Hmm? What do you think is not good? Be more specific."

Secretary Jiang trembled and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, it's very beautiful!"

After get off work, she went to Li Cen's new company for a tour. The new company is operating normally, slowly getting on the right track, and is negotiating a small business.

Li Cen's face was radiant recently, and after communicating with her for a while, he suddenly invited her out for a drink. The two hadn't had a drink together after get off work for a long time, and it happened that Zhao Qingying was going to participate in an event, so she agreed directly.

Once they drank, they got a little heady. The two chatted and drank, and before they knew it, it was almost ten o'clock.

Zhang Yingying called, Li Cen gave the name of the place in a daze, and then hung up the phone after cursing a few words.

Li Cen held his mobile phone and smiled: "Someone is here to pick me up, where's yours?"

Yu Shu blinked in bewilderment: "Fuck your ass, I'll have someone to pick you up."

"Where is the person?" Li Cen lay down on the stage, and Yu Shu also lay down limply, and the two chatted childishly.

Not long after, Zhang Yingying rushed over, stepped forward and slapped Li Cen on the head, and then looked at Yu Shu: "I called Zhao Qingying, and she will come right away. Or, I'll wait here for her. "

Li Cen straightened up suddenly, expressionless: "Who are you waiting for? Waiting for Zhao Qingying?"

"No." Zhang Yingying glared at her and covered her mouth, "You just stay there."

"Dizzy." Li Cen said.

Yu Shu smiled: "It's okay, you go back first, we know each other well here."

"Yes, boss, it's our buddies." Li Cen fell down after speaking weakly.

Zhang Yingying had no choice but to get her away first, and said: "Then I'll send her back first, Zhao Qingying should be here soon."

After the two left, Yu Shu took out her phone in silent mode, and the caller ID showed twelve. Lie on the table and open the phone, the wallpaper on the screen was changed again.

Recently, Zhao Qingying gets more and more angry when she wakes up. When she gets angry, she grabs her mobile phone and changes various emoticons to make wallpapers, so as to remind herself that she is angry!

This time the wallpaper is a silly and cute giant panda, with its back facing the camera, and the wording is - I'm angry, the kind that can't be coaxed well.

She smiled for a while, opened the photo album, and randomly found a picture from the photo album specially created by the other party as a screensaver. Anyway, they are all photos of her, Zhao Qingying.

Not long after, there was a movement at the door, a burst of exclamation, and then a familiar voice sounded: "Hello, I'm looking for someone, may I ask..."

Yu Shu raised her hand, and the other party noticed it immediately, walked to her side in two or three steps, and looked down: "Are you ok?"

Yu Shu subconsciously said, "fihanks, andyou?"

"I'm not OK." Zhao Qingying supported her and put her arm on her shoulders, "You'd better be obedient, everyone is watching."

Yu Shu squinted her eyes, only to realize that she wasn't wearing sunglasses and a mask, and she staggered on her feet, wondering, "Why did you come here like this?"

Zhao Qingying gritted her teeth: "What if you are late? If you are kidnapped, where can I find you?"

Yu Shu smiled, and she lifted her up, leaning on her shoulder, and couldn't help pinching her ears.

There were screams all around.

Zhao Qingying nodded at them while dragging them away: "Excuse me, excuse me."

Everyone gave way one after another, and many took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this scene.

He sent Yu Shu to the back seat, picked up a pillow and put it under her head, and was worried that she would fall, so he took a few more pillows and threw them in the open space in front, so that it wouldn't hurt too much if she fell.

Someone came up to sign, and she hurried into the car: "I'm sorry it's too late, you guys should go home early." After speaking, she drove away in a hurry.

After parking the car, she looked at the people behind and asked, "Are you feeling better?"

Yu Shu frowned and shook her head slightly.

She got out of the car, opened the back seat door, and the evening breeze let in.

Yu Shu became a little more awake, her eyelashes trembled slightly, she opened her eyes, sat up slowly, and looked sideways at her. After a while, he stretched out his hands solemnly: "I want to hug."

Zhao Qingying:? !

She looked at Yu Shu in surprise, waved her hand, saw that she was motionless, hugged her tentatively, and the other party relaxed, and said, "I want to kiss."


So, is this the drunk Yu Shu?

It's surprisingly honest, honest too cute.

She leaned forward and kissed him for a while before carefully leading him into the room. The other person seemed to be deliberately putting all his weight on her body, and the more he walked, the more tiring he was.

When she walked to the sofa, she threw him down, rubbed her shoulders, and asked, "Why did you go to drink with Li Cen? Did you drink until so late?"

Yu Shu put her hands on her forehead to avoid the glare of the chandelier, her eyes were covered with shadows, and she looked at Zhao Qingying, who was still wearing the clothes she had attended the event, and she hadn't had time to remove her makeup.

"You, kiss me," she said.

Zhao Qingying laughed angrily: "Will you kiss me if you ask me? Who are you?"

After finishing speaking, she leaned over and kissed her, and cursed again: "I just saw you drunk, so as not to mess with you."

Yu Shu raised the corner of her mouth, stroked her head with her hand, and smoothed her hair for a while.

Zhao Qingying got excited and stretched out her hand to unbutton her, the hand on the back of her head suddenly dropped.

Yu Shu fell asleep.

She froze for a moment: "Damn."

After taking a shower, he gave Yu Shu a simple wipe. As soon as he took her to bed, the phone kept ringing.

It was Chen Xiaohuan's call, as if she had expected something, she turned off the light, left a desk lamp, and went to the study next door to answer it.

The other party's irritable voice rang in my ears: "I really convinced you, it's only been a while since you left, and you've caused trouble!"

She smiled: "Is it news from the bar?"

"You still know, since you know, why don't you know how to cover it up? Now it's over, the whole Internet is crying for the fairy friendship between you two."


Chen Xiaohuan said angrily: "Why, you don't seem to be satisfied? If I hadn't found out early and sent out the draft of your girlfriend's relationship, you wouldn't know what you would be scolded for. Maybe you would go to the bar again If you get drunk, which man will you meet at night?"

Zhao Qingying nodded and asked, "Did you take a photo of me and Yu Shu? Is it good?"

"...Zhao Qingying! I'm really going to be mad at you!"

The voice was deafening, Zhao Qingying touched her ears, laughed a few times, then calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "Xiaohuan, last time the company told you to take more personal care."

Chen Xiaohuan was silent for a moment, and said: "That's the company's intention. I haven't agreed yet. It's tiring enough to take you alone."

Zhao Qingying paused, sat at the desk, leaned on the back of the chair and said, "It was my suggestion to the company."

"What?" Chen Xiaohuan was slightly surprised, but she didn't know what to think of, and her tone was a little lower, "What are you going to do? Could it be that you will quit the circle after falling in love?"

"Not at all." She smiled, glanced at the selfie photo of the two on the table, and raised the corners of her mouth, "I just want to change, let's go to the big screen in the future, unnecessary interviews, variety shows, shows Cancel it."

Chen Xiaohuan was silent for a while.

She went on to say: "Zhang Yingying's way is very good. He occasionally receives movies and doesn't need to rely on human traffic. The most important thing is that I have too much exposure now, which is not good for my private life. Do you understand?"

"Of course I know, but you have a lot of traffic now, and it's very difficult to transform." Chen Xiaohuan analyzed, "The film industry has been rejecting traffic stars. It's hard to say whether you can get the resources for your sudden transformation, maybe even the original one. You can't keep your position."

Zhao Qingying shook her head: "Why is there such a sudden transformation? Have you forgotten Director Yu's film? It will be released in the summer vacation, and I guess the box office will not be too bad. I have confidence in the director and the two leading actors, this is a stepping stone. Even if it's a small movie, I'm fine."

Chen Xiaohuan hesitated, "Really plan to do this?"

"Well, anyway, I can't starve to death. But you are different. You should think about your career plan. It's best to bring in one or two newcomers. It's better to bring in one or two newcomers. It's better to bring in one or two newcomers." Zhao Qingying said sincerely.

"I'll think about it again." Chen Xiaohuan was a little confused, "By the way, are you holding back something?"

Zhao Qingying said awkwardly: "As expected of someone who has been with me for so many years."

After hanging up the phone, she checked the hot search list on the Internet, and saw the whole process of her entering the bar, including the interaction with Yu Shu, without any surprise.

She found a few photos with good angles and saved them. Turning the phone around, he sent a message to Zhang Yingying to make a meal appointment.

Haven't heard back yet, probably taking care of another drunk.

There was a rustling sound at the door, following the sound, I saw Yu Shu pawing at the door, looking at her drowsily.

"Why are you up?" She walked over, took the other's hand and went back to the room. As soon as she lay down, Yu Shu hugged her subconsciously.

"Yu Shu." She called out.

Yu Shu moved but didn't answer.

"Yu Shu, did I cause you a lot of trouble?" She turned sideways, hugged Yu Shu back, rubbed her head, and said softly, "It's so troublesome to be photographed even when you go out for a drink. Wherever you go, you have to hide it."

Yu Shu opened her eyes slightly: "Huh? What did you say?"

"It's nothing." Zhao Qingying smiled, "Remember to bring me with you next time you drink, and I only go out to drink with Li Cen every time, and I'm not afraid that his girlfriend will be jealous."

Yu Shu hooked the corners of her mouth and pinched her face: "My girlfriend is jealous."

"Yes, I'm jealous."

The weather was getting hotter and hotter. When Yu Zhao was on summer vacation, the Republic of China movie starring Zhao Qingying and Zhang Yingying and Wang Jianshuo was officially released, so he took his classmates and fans to watch several shows.

Yu Shu didn't give in at all, and invited the company's people to watch three shows, and gave ten tickets to each of them, asking them to bring their relatives and friends to watch. After watching it, everyone was asked to submit a review and upload it on the Internet, and bonuses were given out based on the number of likes and comments. Everyone blew rainbow farts desperately.

If it blows into Mr. Yu's heart, there will be a special reward!


Read The Duke's Passion