MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 8 team up

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  Chapter 8 Team Formation

  Kyushu Wind and Cloud Policy describes the major events that happened in the world of cultivating immortals.

  The most important event that happened in the last month was Wuyin Immortal Mountain’s head teacher Jiuyi Immortal who came out of the customs, and fought against the guardians of the Pluto Sect in Yanlu Mountain.

   As one of the giants in the magic way, the Pluto Sect has been developing more and more in recent years, and once had the intention of stepping onto the stage. Immortal Jiuyi's outrageous attack this time can be regarded as a major blow to him. I just don't know how the mysterious suzerain master of the Hades sect will respond.

  Then there is Sanjue Valley, one of the ten sects, who recently produced a female disciple named Luo Yao, who is extremely ruthless. Walking in the Southern Territory, three witches and gu evil sects have been slaughtered within a month.

  The key point is that the Sanjue Valley itself relies on the Three Jue of Witch, Gu and Poison to gain a foothold in the world, and belongs to a faction that is both good and evil. This Luo Yao is so jealous, she wonders if her fellow disciples will tremble.

  Shushan faction also appeared in this month's Jiuzhou Fengyunce, but it was only a touch. The master of Yujian Peak of Shushan faction, Wang Xuanling, killed a Jiaolong in the East China Sea the day before yesterday that caused troubles and endangered fishing boats.

  Chu Liang suddenly felt worried when he saw the news. Her master has always been at odds with Wang Xuanling, according to her temper, it's no wonder she can hold back what Wang Xuanling did to show his face.

  He is not worried about the safety of Master, but he is a little worried about the ecology of the East China Sea...

As if there was a feeling in the dark, as soon as this idea came into being, a flame shot up into the sky not far away and went straight to the southeast, and a sound transmission came in the wind: "Go out for a few days as a teacher, take care of yourself !"

   "..." Chu Liang was silent for a while.

  Master who wants to be strong all his life.

  Finally, there is the "Anecdote of Rivers and Lakes" that is most popular among the people.

  Compared to the serious and serious "Kyushu Wind and Cloud Policy", "Jianghu Anecdote" is more entertaining, mostly belonging to the category of lace and gossip.

  For example, the first news is that His Majesty the Emperor of the Yu Dynasty visited Shenglong Academy, during which he intended to let his youngest daughter, Princess Jingyang, enter into a marriage contract with Zhang Chen, the chief disciple of Shenglong Academy, but was rejected by Zhang Chen.

  The reason he gave was that the personal relationship between children will affect reading.

   Shenglong Academy is the first academy of Confucianism, backed by the imperial court, and it is one of the best among the ten sects. As the head of Shenglong Academy, Zhang Chen can already be sure that in the future, he will have a bright future no matter whether he devotes himself to practice or enters the court as an official. With this refusal, the future suddenly became a little unpredictable.

  The emperor is not the only father who worries about his daughter's marriage.

  The owner of Thunder Fort, one of the sects of the ten lands, also sent a message that he would use ten treasures as an offer to recruit a good son-in-law for his only daughter, Huang Ling'er.

   Of course, there are hidden secrets in this.

  This is the son-in-law of Thunder Castle, even if he is a son-in-law... He will never be short of young talents who are both talented and talented.

  The reason why no one dared to come was because Huang Ling'er had already uttered cruel words that anyone who wanted to marry her had better have a higher cultivation level than her, otherwise she would become the ration of her dragon-toothed mammoth on the first day after entering the door.

  Among many anecdotes, Shushan still has only one news on the list.

   It was Jiang Yuebai, who was known as the Jiang Fairy on Mount Shu, who was seen having a dinner party with Feng Chaoyang of the Heavenly King Sect at Zuiyue Tower in the south of the Yangtze River, and was suspected of having an affair.

   Of course, Tianshu Pavilion will not make up rumors. Before the relationship between the two is confirmed, it will only use "suspect" to explain.

  However, it is conceivable that this news alone is enough to break the hearts of many Fairy Jiang fans.


   "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

   "It is absolutely impossible for my family, Jiang Jiang, to be abducted by a bad boy from the Heavenly King Sect!"

   "Fairy Jiang! Please! Keep the love in Shushan School!"


  In the huge white square in front of Wuliang Palace, one or two desperate roars could be heard from time to time.

  Occasionally there will be rebuttals from female disciples.

   "You guys like Fairy Jiang, so there's no need to belittle Feng Chaoyang, right? He's a hardworking and kind-hearted human ideal!"

   "Yes, yes, the nineteen-year-old is the most favorable competitor for the head of the Tianwangzong. When will you sour lemons catch up with half of others?"


  The joys and sorrows of people are not connected, Chu Liang only thinks that they are noisy.

  He passed through the crowd calmly, across the entire square. The four entrances of Shushan Mountain are all on the edge of this square.

  Among them, apart from the "Silutang" which is in charge of the sect's criminal law, the "Chuanjiantang" is in charge of magic weapons and weapons, the "Guardiantang" is in charge of supernatural powers and spells, and the "Dandingtang" is in charge of pills and talismans.

  There will be many listed items at these three halls, which can be purchased with sword coins by the disciples of Shushan.

  Chu Liang has already saved 20 sword coins for the few tasks he is doing now. Of course, it is not enough to buy magic weapons or classics, but you can buy some pills for auxiliary cultivation.

  He came to the Danding Hall and bought four "Shengao Pills" of the Divine Artistic Realm. With the assistance of these pills, he believed that he would be able to break through to the middle stage of the Divine Artistic Realm soon.

   Compared with other disciples, he can save all the sword coins in exchange for pills, which is also of great benefit.

  After coming out of Dandingtang, he came to Changjiange again.

   The pace of doing the task of eliminating demons still cannot be stopped. Since the White Tower is in hand, it must be fully utilized.

   It’s not easy to ask Mr. Shen to help choose tasks every time, this time he plans to choose by himself. In the lobby of Changing Jiange, there are several jade slabs hanging high, and the task signs on them are changing rapidly. Especially in the part of the divine artistic conception, there are so many tasks, it is dazzling to see.

   Didn’t take a few glances, and heard someone yelling over there: "Plucking human face jade essence flowers! The reward is generous, and you are short of a god, so let's go immediately! With Jindanjing seniors leading the team, it is absolutely safe!"

   "Picking human face jade essence flowers..." The one who shouted was a young disciple dressed in black brocade clothes, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, exquisite eyes, and a strong yang energy at first sight.

  Behind him, there were three other male and female disciples. It seemed that the four of them were together.

  Human face jade flower...

  Chu Liang pondered for a while, he didn't quite know where to pick this thing. But he knew that tasks that generally required more than one person to complete meant that the task was more difficult, or that there were many monsters to face.

   A mission with many monsters is a good mission.

  So he took the initiative to lean forward and said with a smile, "Hi, I can join you."

  Although he didn't know these people, they were all Shushan disciples, and they were as close as a family, so there would be no barriers.

   "Huh?" The black-clothed boy was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately pulled Chu Liang towards him with a smile, "That's great, come on, let's sign up for the task first. My name is Lin Bei, what's your name?"

   "Chu Liang."

   "Brother Chu, let me tell you, this task is very urgent."

  When the number of people was gathered, Lin Bei went up to help a few people to get the task sign, and then came back to distribute it to everyone.

  After he handed it to Chu Liang, he asked enthusiastically, "Brother Chu, we are from Yujian Peak. Which peak are you from?"

  Chu Liang replied: "I belong to Silver Sword Peak."

  (end of this chapter)