MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 770 I'm afraid you won't pay it back【Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 770 I'm afraid you won't pay it back【Ask for a monthly pass! 】

  In contrast to Master Wen Yuan, the battle situation was not so smooth.

   After all, he was fighting with one hand against three. After he uttered that shout, he changed his form in an instant, and his body was already outside the Wuliang Palace. This is Hongmeng Avenue directly turning the space, no matter how powerful the three Tianyuan on the opposite side are, it is impossible to catch up with his footsteps.

   But Daoist Cangsheng pressed one arm, light and shadow flashed, and Venerable Wen Yuan returned to the seat just now.

  He enveloped a small world with a boundless avenue, pulled back the flow of time in it for a breath, and Venerable Wen Yuan was pulled back again!

   At the same time, Cang Yun and Cang Qiu also shot together!

   Taoist Cangyun is in charge of the Dao of Sishun, which is exactly the one that Canglong used to be in charge of back then, and it is the way of Yangfeng that is opposite to the Yinfeng.

  The avenue controlled by Taoist Cangqiu is called "Ting Snake", which is the avenue of thunder.

  Yang Lei Shen Xiao punishes evil and suppresses evil, righteousness is mighty, it is the part that is biased towards "thunder";

  In an instant, the Howling Wind and the Platinum Thunder Dragon lighted up from the Infinity Palace together. An Infinity Palace could not withstand this level of bombardment, and the spiritual power almost collapsed the house.


  But all the attacks of the two of them were messed up when they moved forward, cut into two or three halves, and collided with each other and exploded. It seems that an invisible big net appeared in the air, cutting off everything it passed.


   This big explosion directly destroyed half of the Wuliang Palace. It is also fortunate that all the buildings of Shushan Tongtian Peak have undergone special sacrifices, otherwise this explosion can directly turn an ordinary mountain into dust.

  Many Shushan disciples flew up like frightened birds. They didn't know what happened, so they wanted to rush to defend against the enemy.

  Master Wen Yuan waved his sleeves, and all the Shushan disciples on Tongtian Peak were pushed hundreds of feet away.

But these Shushan disciples did not leave after all. At the moment when Cangyun, Cangqiu and Venerable Wenyuan collided for the first time, it was Cangsheng Taoist who raised his hand to sacrifice Yutianhuan, and isolated the entire Shushan Mountain except Hongmian Peak. When in a piece of heaven and earth.

  Wen Yuan was also a little surprised when he found out that the other party had sacrificed the perfect artifact Yutianhuan, but at the same time he was glad that it was not the East China Sea space wheel.

  If the Cangsheng Taoist sacrificed the East China Sea Zhoulun, even he would not dare to show his edge.

  A strong man at the peak of the eighth realm holds a divine weapon that perfectly fits him. The Daze Demon King, who was beaten to the brink of death by a single palm, absolutely understands how terrifying his combat power is.

  But in order to prevent someone from disturbing the situation, Penglai chose to bring Yutianhuan, then the East China Sea Zhoulun must be guarding the mountain gate, and the common people are not exerting their strongest strength.

  Furthermore, Venerable Wen Yuan could feel that Daoist Cangsheng's aura was not a little weaker. He probably lost part of his cultivation while breaking his arm, and he couldn't cultivate back in a short time.

  While he sacrificed Yu Tianhuan, Wen Yuan distanced himself from the three of them, and from a distance, he saw a network of tiny rays of light surrounding his body, which was just the virtualization of his Qiankun chessboard. As long as any person or object passes through this chessboard, each part will be decomposed into different spaces.

   And within the protection of the Qiankun chessboard, Wen Yuan cast another ball of golden light with his left hand, hey—

  With the appearance of this golden light, the sea of ​​clouds on the Thirty-Six Peaks boiled up!

  Heavenly Power Decree!

  That's right, what Venerable Wen Yuan held in his hand was the Heavenly Power Decree seized from Lu Chengchou back then, at this moment, the Great Array of Protecting the Mountain of Shu Mountain was sacrificed, and the spiritual energy of the sea of ​​clouds condensed! This large formation was cast by Wen Yuan, and it was many times stronger than before. The rich spiritual energy was formed by Venerable Wen Yuan as the eyes of the formation, showing seven-colored rainbow lights like swords!

  Cangqiu and Cangyun, one left and one right, launched a fierce attack on Wen Yuan who had opened the big formation at the same time!

  Cangyun set off a shocking gust of wind, which made the peaks crumble, and pushed the gathered spiritual energy far away, preventing the formation of the mountain protection formation. Cangqiu sacrificed ten thousand silver snakes with one palm and poured them into the Qiankun chessboard!


  Although it was cut into pieces by the chessboard in an instant, the power of the snake can be poured into it, which can make all spiritual power stagnate instantly, and the Qiankun chessboard is no exception. As the lightning shone through half the sky, the big net of the Qiankun chessboard also paused for a moment.

   Cang Qiudao turned into lightning, and immediately killed him.

  But at this time, Wen Yuan had just set up the mountain protection formation, surrounded by countless rainbow lights of seven colors, and with a wave of one palm, there was a rainbow light like a sword!


  The huge red light collided with the electric light transformed by Cangqiu, and there was another thunderous roar. The sky was filled with overflowing Dao rhyme and spiritual energy. Tongtian Peak was directly knocked down by several feet, and all the buildings on it were turned into fly ash.

  Wen Yuan relied on the blessing of the Shushan aura mobilized by the order of heaven, and he won't lose the slightest advantage with one enemy and two.

  The reason why Cangsheng Taoist did not participate in the subsequent siege was because someone blocked him.

  White clothes, silver hair, and gold-embroidered robes are like gods in the sky.

   "Bai Ze..." Daoist Cangsheng looked at the mountain beast in Shushan, and probably didn't expect his uncle Lushan Weng not to hold back for even a moment.

   But it doesn't matter.

  He raised one arm, urging Yu Tianhuan to move.


  After the huge white halo enveloped Shu Mountain and isolated it into a secret place, it was not over yet, and began to shrink again with his urging!

  Where it passed was turned into nothingness.

   Those mountains and buildings that touched the edge of Yutianhuan were not crushed into dust, but were divided into hundreds of millions of fine particles and then dispersed to different spaces, completely disappearing in the world.

  If Yu Tianhuan was given a stick of incense time, it would be enough to shrink into the size of a bracelet, and completely annihilate the entire Shu Mountain in the secret realm!

   This is the power of the artifact.

   Almost unstoppable except for another artifact.

  Bai Ze frowned, "If Shu Mountain perishes today, then the Penglai Three Islands will surely die."

   "That's all for later." Taoist Cangsheng sternly said: "No matter what, if Chu Liang is not handed over today, no one can save Shushan!"

  The reason why he is so decisive is naturally not because of previous grudges.

  At his level, he will no longer affect the overall situation just to vent his anger. Even if Chu Liang killed Qi Lin'er and destroyed their hope of reviving Yang Sheng, it would still be due to God's will. Under the circumstance that taking revenge on Chu Liang might harm Penglai's interests, he didn't intend to take action.

   Until Yang Buwei reminded me last time.

  Yang Buwei is in the Temple of the Gods, and can see things that they cannot see, but there are strict prohibitions there, and he cannot interfere in the affairs of the world. If it weren't for the crisis at the level of destroying sects, Yang Buwei would not have taken the risk to issue a warning.

  Yang Buwei's final reminder last time actually hinted at killing Chu Liang.

  The future Shangzong of Penglai may be destroyed in the hands of this young man, this is the only reason worthwhile.

   What made Cangsheng Taoist even more determined to kill was that Chu Liang seemed to really have this ability. With the speed of his growth and the changes he brought to Shushan, the common people are a little afraid. If he is given a few more years, will he really be able to bridge the gap between the artifacts and let Shushan regain its former peak?

  So Chu Liang must die.

  Even if he has been hiding on Shushan, he still has to risk an all-out war with Shushan to kill him.

  Originally, Cangsheng Taoist’s plan was to dispatch five Tianyuan, four of them to stop the Tianyuan of Shushan, and kill Chu Liang by himself, almost without fail.

  However, Chu Liang's body is not in Shushan!

  Who would have thought that the cautiousness of hiding in Shushan and letting the avatar go out for activities is also a disguise, which directly made Penglai come to nothing.

  In this case, the only way to forcibly destroy the entire Shu Mountain!

   Chu Liang, who has lost his foundation, will hardly cause any disturbances in the future.

  As Yu Tianhuan shrank rumblingly, most of the remaining Shushan disciples in the peaks of Shushan began to panic, and some of them attacked Yutianhuan, but it was of no avail.

  How can the power of the artifact be destroyed by ants?

   But they can't intervene in the battle between the Tianyuan here, and only those at the level of Elder Zhenshan can take a closer look.

  Bai Ze wanted to stop Yu Tianhuan, but was stopped by Taoist Cangsheng. Under the impetus of his Wuya Dao, Bai Ze and Cangsheng were in the same slow-motion zone, no matter whether he won or lost the battle, there was no time to stop it.

  Only Wen Yuan, relying on the great array of mountain guards set up by the Tianquan Order, can barely support the shrinking Yutian ring. But the Hongmang Light Wall was crumbling, and Wen Yuan was going to fight against the two powerful enemies, Cangqiu and Cangyun, and the mountain protection array might be broken at any time.

   At this time, there were several meteors piercing the sky outside Shushan Mountain.


  A stream of rainbow lights came from the direction of Tiangangmen, Tianwangzong, Yunque Temple, Shenglong Academy, Jianguofu...they were still the brothers Wen Yuan knew well.

  As early as when Cangqiu and Cangyun confronted each other, Wen Yuan had already launched the Dafa of Shaking People. After having a circle of immortal friends, the speed of delivering news was even faster.

  A fairy circle of friends, thousands of troops come to meet each other!

   "Mangsheng, you are crazy!" Shen Tuyang looked at the scene in front of him and was shocked, "What are you doing?"

   All of this happened so suddenly that even Da Neng had a hard time understanding why the two sides suddenly started a life-and-death contest.

"Chu Liang, a disciple of Shushan Mountain, harbors a different species of heaven-eating insects, trying to provide a carrier for the return of the demon god!" Cangsheng replied loudly in the secret realm: "If the Shushan faction does not hand over Chu Liang, it will definitely not stop today! If you help the Shushan faction , the demon **** will come again in the future, and you are all accomplices!"

   "This statement is absolutely true, you can go to Tianshu Pavilion to verify the authenticity!"

  Hearing this news, all the great masters of the immortal sect who came and the practitioners who were watching from the outside were all shocked.

   They are certainly closer to Shushan, but it is about the demon gods, and no one dares to neglect it. After all, it is a major event related to the human race of Kyushu. Cangsheng Taoist's words really do not seem to be false. Although Tianshu Pavilion's "Omniscience" cannot calculate the location of the demon **** or Chu Liang in vain, it is not difficult to just verify the truth of his words.

   "Anyway, you guys stop first!" The supervisor of the country has also arrived, and shouted loudly outside Yutianhuan: "Let's sit down and discuss how to deal with this matter."

  It is not so easy for them to break into Yutianhuan's secret environment. At this time, it is best to persuade Penglai and Shushan to stop.

  But the Taoist common people heard the words, but not only did not stop, but his eyes burst into a bright light, and he shouted: "I said, if you don't hand over Chu Liang today, no one can save Shushan!"


   With a big wave of his hand, a gap of light opened in the sky, and a huge round wheel rolled out of the clouds.

  Eastern Sea Space Wheel!

  The Daoist Cangsheng actually brought two artifacts here, and did not leave any one to guard the mountain gate. It seems that he has even counted the possibility that Shushan may call someone to rescue him today, and he either does not do it or does it absolutely!

  He has already made up his mind that as long as there is a full-scale war, even if Shushan finally surrenders Chuliang today, it will be destroyed!


  Eastern Sea Space Wheel reflected a cyan light curtain from the clouds, and several eighth-level powerhouses on the periphery retreated one after another, not daring to approach. The light curtain was reflected in Yutian ring, greatly speeding up the shrinking time of Yutian ring.

  At this time, the "cosmic wheels" are conjoined, and the power is superimposed in an instant. At this moment, the Cangsheng Taoist is undisputedly the strongest in the world!

  Even if the eighth-level powers outside have no artifacts, they can only stand anxiously outside the secret, unable to move forward at all. The combat power has been raised to the level of Tianyuan, and they can't change anything.

  Yan Dahu from Tiangang Sect yelled violently: "Wen Yuan, wait for me to go back and ask the Sect Master to bring a divine weapon to save me!"

   After all, turn around and turn into a gust of wind, but if you walk slowly, you may not be able to catch up with the destruction of Shushan.

   But even if the black and yellow battle armor comes, can it stop the current destruction of the cosmic wheel?

  Everyone hesitated.


  With Yu Tianhuan's squeeze, the mountain protection formations shattered one after another, and the seven-colored rainbow light overflowed.

   Taoist Cangsheng shouted again: "Wen Yuan, you still refuse to hand over Chu Liang, do you really want the whole Shu Mountain to be buried with him?"

  Universal wheel, artifact siege. The world overturned, and the disciples panicked.

  Under the combined attacks of Cangqiu and Cangyun, Wen Yuan already had a hard time coping with it, what's more, he had to be distracted and set up a large formation to protect the mountain to resist Yutianhuan.

  Suddenly, Shushan seems to have come to an end.

  Wen Yuan looked at the blinded blue sky in front of him, and the words left by the master suddenly popped out in his mind.

   "Even if there are nine deaths in the world, there is still a life. If Shushan is in danger in the future, remember to live with your heart."

   Live as you live?

  Wen Yuan naturally also saw that the other party was determined to destroy Shushan. If it was just to kill Chuliang, it would be impossible to use two artifacts to stop here.

  Under such circumstances, how can Shushan survive without artifacts?

   At this moment, a group of flames whizzed past in the distance, crashed through the battle circle, and came in front of Venerable Wen Yuan. When the flames faded, it was the Empress Phoenix.

   "It's definitely not for you to intervene in the battle here, don't be impulsive." Wen Yuan opened his hand, separated Cangqiu and Cangyun with the Qiankun chessboard, and temporarily protected the two of them, and said urgently.

   "I'm not here to help out." Emperor Nvfeng handed out an object and said, "My disciple said, if it's really dangerous, I'll give you this object, which can be worth an artifact."

   What she held in her palm seemed to be just an irregularly shaped seven-color stone, and she didn't know what mystery lay in it.

   "Can it reach the divine weapon?" Wen Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

  If someone else says this, he will definitely think that the other party is talking nonsense. There are countless artifacts in the world, so it is so easy for you to counteract them.

   But since it was left by Chu Liang, it might have a miraculous effect.

  He took it immediately, and said at the same time: "Then why didn't you give it to me earlier?"

   "My apprentice said, this is the treasure of our Silver Sword Peak." The emperor Feng said calmly: "I'm afraid I won't return it to you if I give it to you earlier."

  Wen Yuan: "?"

good evening.

   Two is closer to 8,000 words. Today, it is worth a monthly pass.

   (My stomach hurts from sitting, typing so many words a day is really my limit.)



  (end of this chapter)

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