MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 755 Seal [Thanks to the leader of "Doraemon O" for the reward

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  Chapter 755 Seal [Thanks to the leader of "Doraemon O" for the reward]


  Excited roars resounded throughout the arena, but it wasn't the twelve Jinfeng beasts that made the roars, but the iron-eating beast "Ba Tiansha" who was surrounded in the middle.

  Following Chu Liang's gesture, the little guy's fighting energy seemed to be raised several levels out of thin air, as if a turbulent arrogance was about to rise from behind.

   "Roar—" The response of the twelve golden peak beasts also shook the surrounding area, reverberating throughout the entire Black Iron Mountain, and the terrifying shadow once again shrouded the iron-eating beasts.

  But the Iron Eater didn't just yell loudly, it also made a movement at the same time - digging out its left ear socket.

   Of course, this is not because of itching, but because there is a dark red elixir hidden in its ear socket. The iron-eating beast took out the elixir, swallowed it, and quickly crunched it into pieces.

   Bamai Tongshen Zhuangxue Pill, one of the representatives of Shushan Dandingtang, belongs to the super-powerful Great Pill. Its main function is to boost qi and blood, and its effect is even as good as Chuliang's Shenlong Burning Blood Dafa. The disadvantage is that a person can only take it once, and it will not have such an effect if taken again.

  Chu Liang would bring all kinds of pills and talismans with him every time he left the mountain to prepare for emergencies. Like this Eight Meridians Tongshen Zhuang Xue Pill, he himself has never had a occasion to take it, but this time it came in handy for the Iron Eater. Before playing, he told the little guy that if he couldn't beat him, he would take the pill in his left ear. The iron-eating beast kept it in mind. Seeing the sharp increase in the number of opponents at this time, it ate it.


  After swallowing this great elixir, the iron-eating beast's soft hair stood on end suddenly, its small fleshy body suddenly became like a hedgehog, and Doudou's eyes glowed brightly with blood.


  When Jinfeng Beast's encirclement attack came, it just turned into an afterimage and disappeared. The speed is more than ten times faster than before, almost teleporting.


   Its basic tactics have not changed. It has come to the back of a Jinfeng beast and attacked with a gold brick, but this time the gold brick is more than just a blow.


   After the energy and blood were boosted, the speed and strength of the iron-eating beast had increased significantly. This time, it found the right time and directly hit the Jinfeng beast under the brick with ten consecutive blows!

  The bricks are smoking.

  The back of Jinfeng Beast's head was smashed until sparks shot out.

   Just this set of combos caused a Jinfeng beast to stagger and fall to the ground. The iron-eating beast made a backflip and landed, facing the remaining Jinfeng beasts, and made a gesture with its left hand in front and right hand behind.

   A posture of a master.

   bang bang bang—

  Jinfeng Beast is not afraid, and still pounces on it. It's just that although the large size has advantages, it also has disadvantages. Compared with the iron-eating beast, the size of the iron-eating beast is too small, and two Jinfeng beasts rushing towards it at the same time will collide.

   And the Iron Eater was dodging between a bunch of big guys, and when it caught the opportunity, it would be a small combo, and it would directly destroy one of them. After a while, there were already ten Jinfeng beasts that fell under the gold bricks.

  At this moment, there are only two Jinfeng beasts standing in front of the iron-eating beasts. The ones who are afraid now have become these two big men. They looked at the little meatball on the opposite side, but they didn't dare to take another step forward.

   But at this moment, the iron-eater's aura suddenly weakened, the little meatball relaxed, and the light in his eyes dimmed a bit.

   The spectators above can guess what happened at once, the potion has expired!

   Moreover, this kind of elixir that boosts qi and blood in a short period of time will inevitably bring about a side effect, that is, there will be a period of depression after the effect of the medicine wears off. Even the powerful blood of the iron-eating beast still needs to be weakened for a short period of time.

  The current little guy's combat power is not half of what it was before taking the medicine.

  But it still faces two enemies.

"A fetish like an iron-eating beast is brought up by you like this..." The priest of Jiuli hesitated for a long time. He wanted to say some bad words, but because it was an iron-eating beast, he didn't dare to speak, so he held back for a long time and only said One sentence: "Tricky."

  Although he didn't know this elixir, it was not difficult to guess the effect of the elixir by watching the battle situation on the field. He even felt it was an insult that the majestic Jiuli fierce beast wanted to take drugs to enhance its combat power.

   "It doesn't matter if you can win or not, you don't care how they won?" Chu Liang smiled lightly.

   "Win?" Priest Jiuli sneered, "What else do you want to win? Can you still take such a pill twice?"

  His cognition is indeed correct. It is indeed impossible to take that kind of elixir that boosts qi and blood twice in a row, but his vision is really thousands of years behind.

  The limp iron-eating beast dug out its right ear socket again, and took out a purple-black gilt-patterned elixir.

  The latest masterpiece of Shushan Dandingtang, a new type of Great Dan developed under the strong request and investment of Chu Liang. The inspiration still came from the night attack on Yanbo City in the Fairy Gate Conference. He first used Scattering Beans to form a large number of troops, and took turns throwing Thunder Fire Pills into the city to achieve firepower coverage.

   Later, Chu Liang had a whim, is it possible to achieve firepower coverage by one person without making such troubles? Can you compress the power of those countless Thunder Fire Pills to the maximum?

  After a period of intensive research and development, Dan Dingtang gave an answer that satisfied Chu Liang.

  Nine Palace Thunder Dragon Fire Cloud Pill.

  Although this elixir is in the world, it has no promotional value at all. Because this is the cost of thousands of Thunder Fire Pills in exchange for hundreds of times the power of Thunder Fire Pills, few people can afford it. And those who can afford this elixir probably don't need it.

  The first time this Dan was used in actual combat is here.

  I saw the iron-eating beast take out the elixir, and then threw it forward without any fancy, as Chu Liang taught before.



   "Is this the practitioner of the new era?"

  Old Tan looked at the ruins under his feet, and suddenly felt disillusioned.

  If it is said that supernatural powers can be multiplied by one's self-cultivation, magic tools can be multiplied by one's self-cultivation, and Dao can be multiplied by one's self-cultivation, then is there any way to directly burst out a power that surpasses oneself by a thousand times?

   Burn money.

The little iron-eating beast threw out the Nine Palaces Thunder Dragon Fire Cloud Pill, and the sky and the earth flashed light in an instant, as if a thunder dragon really descended from the sky, and a fire cloud rose from the ground. swallow everything.

  The mushroom cloud is about to go to the sky.

  Needless to say the quality of the Black Iron Mountain cast by Jiuli, the elixir exploded, directly flattening half of the Black Iron Mountain, and by the way opened a huge hole in the ceiling.

  Surprised, several adult iron-eating beasts came to watch.

  Chu Liang and the others knew what was going to happen, so they dodged in time and backed away when the little guy threw the elixir. But when they retreated together, no one informed the priest of Jiuli.

   When he got up from the ruins, his face was extremely black—this time it was literally black, and it seemed that he had been blasted severely.

   "You guys..." He pointed at Chu Liang angrily, "You all gave something to the iron-eating beast! I'm going to ask the high priest to judge you and put you..."

Before he could finish his words, Chu Liang had already picked up the iron-eating beast. The iron-eating beast that had just won was not excited, and its eyes were blank. It seemed that it was also frightened by the explosion just now, as if it wasn't the one that detonated it. the same as myself.

   Priest Jiuli faced the little meat ball, but he didn't dare to have any more anger, so he could only suppress his anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Master Batiansha has passed the adult experience, I will report it to the high priest!"

   "It's awesome." Chu Liang smiled and handed out a spiritual plant, and handed it directly to the mouth of the iron-eating beast, just like feeding a piece of bamboo.

  The iron-eating beast finally showed a happy expression, finally tasted the fruits of its own victory, and its eyes were full of complacency.

  As long as the spiritual plants are in place, all Jinfeng beasts will be crushed.

   Not long after, everyone followed the black-faced priest to the foot of the Bronze Mountain. There was a hideous bronze temple there. He stopped outside the temple and called out: "High Priest, we have ushered in the adulthood of a master iron-eating beast."

  After coming to this ancient city, I realized that for the Jiuli tribe, the iron-eating beast is not just a mount for a leader, but a township beast similar to Shushan Baize.

   Moreover, most of the mythical beasts have rare bloodlines, but the iron-eating beasts have a large ethnic group. If the scale was larger, the iron-eating beast clan could stand shoulder to shoulder with the real dragons and divine phoenixes in the world. It is a pity that the demise of the Jiuli tribe stopped the development of the iron-eating beast clan.

  In this era, the iron-eating beast is the sacred beast of the Jiuli tribe. The adulthood of each iron-eating beast represents a new level of strength for the tribe.

  After the black-faced priest called, a Jiuli giant who was more than five feet tall walked out of the temple, also wearing a beast robe, with a painted face, and holding a black-painted bone staff in his hand.

   This is naturally the high priest of the Jiuli tribe.

   "Is that Ba Tiansha who just returned to Jiuli City?" When the high priest came out, there was a little doubt in his voice.

   When he saw that Lord "Ba Tiansha" was the little meat ball in Chu Liang's arms, he also fell silent, and asked after a long while, "You said this is an adult?"

   "Master Batiansha has indeed passed the adult experience, this is absolutely true." The black-faced priest bowed his head and said.

  He was still looking aggrieved just now, but suddenly lowered his eyebrows and looked pleasing to the eye, without any doubt about it.

   "That's right." Chu Liang nodded again and again: "Our lord Batiansha looks young."

"..." The high priest was speechless for a moment, but he could only say: "According to the rules of the Jiuli God, every adult iron-eating beast should go to meet the God, Lord Batiansha, let's go up the mountain, you guys Several human races..."

   "The high priest Ba Tiansha is very kind to these human races, let them accompany you." The black-faced priest said.

   "Hmm..." The high priest glanced at him, nodded and said, "Okay."

   "Thank you, the two priests." Everyone immediately thanked and saluted, then walked around the temple and boarded the majestic Bronze Mountain openly.

   Only after they passed by did the high priest look at the black-faced priest: "Do they have enmity with you?"

  The black-faced priest frowned and said: "These lowly human races are extraordinarily arrogant with the support of iron-eating beasts, and they should be punished."

  The high priest slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of the climbing road.

  Every adult iron-eating beast has to go to see the God alone. Besides, any creature who dares to step on the Bronze Mountain rashly will be crushed to pieces by the divine power of the Jiuli God. Even he himself dared not set foot on this road without a summons.

  Those humans will all die.

   But it doesn't matter, no one cares about these humble human races like ants. As long as the light of God shines for a day, this world belongs to the Jiuli tribe alone.


   "There is no Jiuli God in this world."

  After everyone walked up the Bronze Mountain, they felt the solid metal full of spirituality under their feet, and there was a resonant sound of the avenue every time they took a step. Elder Tan looked up at the top of the mountain and said suddenly.

   "In the era of the Jiuli tribe, not to mention the lowly human race, even if the Jiuli tribe ascended the Bronze Mountain without authorization, they would be punished by the gods. We are now unscathed, which is an ironclad proof that the God of Jiuli is not here."

  No one was too surprised by his words. Regardless of whether this world is a man-made illusion or an entity manifested for some reason, it is impossible for any power to create a true ninth-level sacred.

   Only here can we find the real flaws in this world.

  Even the Jiuli tribe, few people can climb to the top of the Bronze Mountain, but today Chuliang and the others have the opportunity to glimpse this scene that has disappeared in history.

  When they climbed to the top of Bronze Mountain, what they saw was a huge pothole. It turned out that the shape of this mountain was like a crater, surrounded by steep peaks and surrounded by a hollow in the middle, and there was something beneath it.

   There is a thick white barrier above the pothole, and there is a sense of power with a prehistoric atmosphere.

   "This is... a seal?" Chu Liang said.

   "This is the seal of Shenxu Temple!" Jiang Yuebai said suddenly, his pupils trembling slightly, "In the ruins of the ancient dragon's nest, there is also a remnant of such a seal power."

  She followed the Whale Riding Immortal traveling all over the world, and she was also working hard to collect information about the Shenxu Temple, and she also had some understanding of it.

   "Could this be the seal that Lu Cang arranged?" Xu Ziyang stared and thought.

   "We should not be able to open the seal arranged by the power of the eighth realm." Chu Liang said, "Go back and inform the elders of the division."

  The purpose of their trip this time was to make a general investigation, but now that they have come to the end, it is considered to have completed the task. In fact, Chu Liang may not be unable to break this seal, but he is unwilling to use it.

   Shaking people directly is the best way.

  But at this moment, Elder Tan suddenly said: "I have a way."

   "Huh?" Several people looked up at him.

  Not to mention that he was seriously injured at this time, even when he was healthy, his cultivation was only at the seventh level, how could he be able to break Lu Cang's seal?

  Seeing Elder Tan put the iron-eating beast on the ground, stretched out his **** and pointed at the forehead of the iron-eating beast, a divine light suddenly burst out from his eyes: "Open!"


   Dazzling white light burst out from the top of the Iron Eater's head, and a terrifying spiritual power burst out!

   This is also a seal!

  The three of Chu and Liang immediately saw the clue. It turned out that there was a seal in the body of the iron-eating beast, which suppressed most of its power. And when Elder Tan opened the seal at this moment, the spiritual power of the iron-eating beast suddenly soared, reaching a terrifying level!


  The originally fleshy little iron-eating beast sprang up in an instant, turning into a huge monster occupying half of the mountain peak. Chu Liang was really right before, this Jiuli "Ba Tiansha" is really an adult iron-eating beast, and it is a stronger one of its kind!

  The Iron Eater revealed its original cultivation, with a bloodthirsty light in its eyes, as if its nature had changed with the return of its power.

   It turned out that it wasn't a wild degeneration, it was simply sealed along with its power. The great murderer of Jiuli has been like this since ancient times!

   "Ba Tiansha!" Elder Tan roared, "Open this seal!"

  Only he knows that Tyrant is not some soft and cute cutie, it is almost the most brutal blood descendant of the iron-eating beast clan. It killed its sibling brother on the day it was born, and killed two other iron-eating beasts that were much bigger than it within ten years. Because of its ferocious nature, the Tan clan had no choice but to impose a powerful seal on it while it was young, sealing its soul and soul, which weakened its ferocity. But what followed was a slight suppression of intelligence.

  This is how she looks cute.

   But as long as the seal is broken, the soul and the powerful bloodline spiritual power will return at the same time, and it will instantly become violent!

  Although the iron-eating beast with soaring spiritual power does not reach the level of the eighth level, it is absolutely not inferior in terms of strength. It roared to the sky, and raised its gnarled right arm high.


good evening.

   Thanks to the leader of "Doraemon O" for the reward, and thanks to my good brother.



  (end of this chapter)

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