MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 742 I will not disappoint you! 【2 in 1】

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  Chapter 742 I will not disappoint you! 【2 in 1】

   "Mother, don't fight anymore!" The two "Han Lingshou" urged in unison.

  Liao Yuexian frowned, and said, "Jingyue? Why are you here?"

   "Mother, it's me! I'm here to persuade you not to collude with Jing Wuya again..." The two "Han Lingshou" spoke together again, "Stop helping the evildoer!"

  As soon as the words came out, the two "Han Lingshou" turned to look at each other at the same time, "Oh, don't talk like me!"

  By reason, mother and daughter are familiar with each other, and they should be able to recognize each other as soon as they speak, but Chu Liang's acting skills are too strong, his expression and tone are almost exactly the same as Long Wuji, even Liao Yuexian, the real mother, dare not act rashly.

  Long Wuji was so angry that she stomped her feet. Unexpectedly, Chu Liang even predicted the stomping action in advance, and she did it faster than her.

   belongs to plagiarism faster than original.

   "Alas!" Long Wuji waved her hand, and she directly showed a precious mirror, and she took a backhand photo, instantly fading the light and shadow on her body, revealing her true appearance.

   It was the precious treasure she stole from Mirrorless Tooth.

  Liao Yuexian immediately turned his eyes to Chu Liang who was at the side, his eyes were quite sharp.

  Chu Liang suddenly became the only "Han Lingshou" in the audience, no more disguise. He turned his head to look at Liao Yuexian, and spread his hands in embarrassment, "Senior, I just made a little joke with you."

   "Mother, please stop." Long Wuji persuaded: "Let's get out of here together!"

  Liao Yuexian remained silent, looking at Chu Liang still unkindly, it seemed that he was also entangled in his heart.

   "Jingyue!" Someone called again, and Tiger Saburo rushed over, rushed forward, and hugged Long Wuji, "Why are you here?"

   "Sanlang..." Long Wuji groaned.

   "Boy, you are not allowed to touch Jingyue!" Liao Yuexian moved five fingers, the strings buzzed, and Hu Saburo felt like a thunderbolt exploded in his mind, sending him flying backwards.

   With a plop, Tiger Saburo fell to the ground.

  Long Wuji hurried over to support him, then turned to Liao Yuexian and said: "Mother, you are not allowed to beat Sanlang!"

  Tiger Saburo took her hand with difficulty and persuaded: "Jingyue, don't yell at your mother."

  They had an ethical drama there, and Liao Yuexian looked at Hu Saburo as if he was watching a man who came to steal his watermelon, full of surprise and anger.

  Chu Liang sneaked back a few steps beside him, and found that she completely ignored him.


  I'm redundant.

   I didn't expect Tiger Saburo to be so useful, and he directly attracted hatred.

  He was so happy that someone restrained Liao Yuexian, so he simply stayed away, put his hands in his sleeves, and watched the fun with peace of mind.

   While delaying time here, Empress Feng had already defeated Jing Wuya, and then Daoren Yan cut off half of Jing Wuya's height, which was not rich at all.

  When she landed with the half of the dwarf, Liao Yuexian's attention was drawn away, and his face was slightly startled.

   Unexpectedly, Shushan even dispatched the eighth-level powerhouses, and they came so quickly.

   You must know that the eighth-level powerhouse is a strategic presence in any fairy gate, and will not be easily dispatched. Otherwise, the powerful will act at will, and the world will be messed up sooner or later, and the strong themselves will not be too busy.

  The incident here just broke out, and Shushan has already sent the strong Tianyuan over. This reaction speed is really amazing.

   It is not so easy to get out like this.

   Actually, it’s not her surprise. In the era of Xianyou Circle, information transmission is very different from the past.

  In the past, when practitioners encountered something, most of them might send out a message of spiritual light like Xue Lingxue just now, and it took at least half a day for their own sect to receive it. If you are more cautious and send someone to investigate first, and then send the strong to come, it will take time.

   But now Chu Liang only needs to move his mind, and has completed several rounds of information exchange in silence, bringing in a large number of people. These old-school practitioners are really caught off guard.

   "Yan Daoren, Emperor Nv Feng..." Liao Yuexian looked at the two, and said in a deep voice: "What does this matter have to do with you in Shushan? Why are you stretching your hand so long?"

  She is slightly older than the two, but she can barely be counted as the same generation, and they knew each other when they were young.

   It's just that we haven't seen each other for many years, and the scene is already like this when we meet again.

"If it's just Fuyao's internal turmoil, it has nothing to do with Shushan." Chu Liang took a step forward and said first: "But senior, you pretended to be a disciple of Nanyinfang, colluded with Ying and seduced demons, and intended to plunge Nanyinfang, the sect of ten lands, into chaos. Any fairy gate has an obligation to stop it."

   "Hmph." Liao Yuexian looked at him and smiled, "You are Chu Liang, right? I've heard of your name, and it's really strange to see you today."

   "Senior's praise." Chu Liang replied.

Xue Lingxue stepped forward to look at Liao Yuexian, and said slowly: "According to your seniority, I should call you uncle, but when you failed to compete for the position of Fangzhu, you wandered outside and colluded with demons to do evil. It is really wrong. Even if you fought for the position back then If you have been wronged, you should..."

   "There is no grievance." Liao Yuexian interrupted her suddenly.

   This opening silenced the atmosphere.

   A moment later, she said again: "I was indeed in love with someone from the Demon Sect back then. That was not a rumor."

As she said that, she looked far away and recalled: "I just don't like Yan Yingluo. She has taken everything from our generation of Nanyinfang disciples since she was born. Her admiration, fans, chief, workshop owner, Dao...everything is hers. .”

  Liao Yuexian clenched her five fingers tightly, "For so many years, I just want to take back what belongs to me from her! There is no reason why everything belongs to her!"

   "Mother..." Long Wuji next to her looked at her face, and suddenly felt a little strange, "That's not what you told me before..."

   "I just don't want you to know that your father is a member of the Demon Sect." Liao Yuexian looked at her daughter and said, "It's just that I have to let you know now."

  She raised her head abruptly and shouted into the air: "Lin Poyun! If you haven't made a move yet, when will you wait?"

  Following her call, dark clouds gathered in midair, and a radiant crack opened up in an instant, and a big hand stretched out from the crack!

   This Liao Yuexian should have some kind of magic weapon similar to the walking jade talisman, which can be crushed at critical moments to call for help. And the strong Tianyuan in mid-air immediately came to rescue her.

  The man in the Demon Sect who fell in love with Liao Yuexian, could it be Lin Poyun, the contemporary Suzerain of Pluto?

  As a senior "Pluto sect non-staff member", Chu Liang already knew a lot about this big boss, but he had never heard of his emotional anecdotes.

   Taoist Yan rose up with his sword, and as Xiaoyun's ancient sword roared, there was a mighty sword energy flying away!


  The big hand fell down, grasped the bodies of Liao Yuexian and Long Wuji, and retracted upwards. At the same time, a second hand emerged from the crack, holding a black cloud to block Taoist Yan's sword energy.

  But the black cloud was cut through in an instant, and **** on that hand were cut off, and fell to the ground with dripping blood in an instant.

  The suzerain of Pluto may have a higher level of cultivation than Taoist Yan, but in order to protect the mother and daughter, he descended from a distance, so he inevitably suffered some losses.

   "I will ask you to avenge Shushan's past accounts and this two-finger enmity."

  A slow voice came from the crack, and as the hands were retracted, the dark clouds gradually closed, and then dispersed in an instant.

  Unexpectedly, there would be such an incident, Chu Liang looked at the two disappearing figures with a little regret.

  It's not that he must catch the mother and daughter of the Dragon Dancer, but Liu Guangbaojian is really greedy. I don't know where this mysterious treasure came from. It has never been listed in the Myriad Treasure Record, but it has such magical power.

  However, all of these can be known from this mirror toothless body.

  He looked at the toothless body of the mirror that Yan Daoren held in his hand like a dead chicken. It was the same as the Marquis of Zijin back then. The broken parts of his body kept emitting golden light, wanting to repair his body. But Taoist Yan's sword qi remained white and never retreated, making it impossible for him to heal his injury.

  This man has been operating in Fuyao Kingdom for many years, and has connections with various forces such as Penglai, Yinghuo, and Momen. You should be able to get a lot of useful information from him. Capturing such a person alive is definitely much more valuable than simply beheading him.

  At this moment, there are many people surrounded outside the palace wall, all of them are guards from Fuyao Kingdom and practitioners from Yubo Mansion, but no one of them dared to step forward because they were able to fight each other before.

   Now hearing the yelling outside and Lin Bei yelling, it seems that Han Lingshou has returned.

  Chu Liang suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Yan, take him back to Mount Shu as soon as possible. Let us deal with the aftermath of the matter here."

  Yan Zi wanted to get up and go first when he heard the words.

   But before leaving, I saw a group of colorful auspicious clouds coming from the east, and then fluttered to the ground in a flash.

  The clouds dissipated, revealing a middle-aged man in a dragon-pattern robe, with purple-blue lines on his skin, faintly resembling dragon scales. The vertical pupils of both eyes flashed with fire, shining with a light of abundant spiritual power.

   "Immortal Master Cangqiu!" There was a burst of shouts from the crowd in the distance, as if they were in awe of a god.


   What should come is still here.

  Chu Liang sighed inwardly, the Penglai man came at a good time.

  He had heard the name of Taoist Cangqiu before, he was the younger brother of Taoist Cangsheng, an eighth-level power with a very high seniority in Penglai. The fairy gates and cave heavens and blessed lands of the island countries in the East China Sea are all under his jurisdiction, with extremely high authority.

  Taoist Cangqiu landed, looked around, and then looked at Taoist Yan with a cold expression: "Fellow Taoist from Mount Shu, why did you come to East China Sea to make trouble?"

   "It's not that we are waiting here to make trouble, but that there are people in Fuyao who are colluding with each other and intending to cause chaos. We are just seeing injustice." Taoist Yan also replied flatly.

  Chu Liang didn't dare to interrupt the conversation between the eighth realm powerhouses. You still have to be equally strong to be able to match the level.

   "Fuyao Kingdom is my close neighbor in Penglai, and has always supported my sect a lot. If something happens here, it should be handled by my Penglai Shangzong, and I shouldn't bother you." Master Cangqiu's tone was quite blunt.

"After the fight, you are running around here, what are you doing? Why don't you wait for Qingming to come again, and by the way, you can give your dead wild father and mother a late grave." Emperor Feng took a big step and opened the door directly. spray.

  She dares to intervene when others dare not; she also dares to scold the powerful when others dare not.

Taoist Cangqiu's heart is strong enough. Hearing her sweet breath, he smiled instead of anger, and then said: "It's not so much that I am late, it is better to say that you from Mount Shu came too early. I learned that here Chaos has just arrived, and I have already seen you here, what is the story in the middle, I have to check it carefully."

  The words are inside and outside the words, but I suspect that Shushan is causing trouble in Fuyao Kingdom.

"There is no story, it's just that the younger generation came here to do business, and it just coincided with their meeting." Chu Liang saluted, and then said: "If there is nothing else, we will go back to our own fairy gate first, and don't disturb Penglai Shangzong and Fuyao country affairs."

   "Slow down." Taoist Cangqiu heard his words, raised his hand slowly, and pointed to Jing Wuya, "You can go, he stays."

  Jing Wuya, who had been half-dead all this time, saw the Taoist Cangqiu, and his eyes sparkled with brilliance, as if he saw the hope of life.

  Emperor Feng turned around and glared at him, but he quickly glanced away, pretending to be weak and helpless.

   "We came here to fight life and death for such a little gain, you stay if you say you want to stay?" Emperor Nvfeng looked at Taoist Cangqiu again, "What's wrong, he is also your father?"

"You should not interfere with the affairs here. I don't care about your responsibility for crossing the border. But I, Penglai, must find out the reasons here. Naturally, you can't take away the instigator." Taoist Cangqiu said in a cold and firm tone, "Don't take If he stays, you can't leave either."

   "Hey—" Empress Feng started to roll up her sleeves as soon as she heard this, as if losing her temper.

   "Master, Master..." Chu Liang hurriedly pulled her.

  He can probably guess why Taoist Cangqiu insisted on keeping Mirror Toothless.

   This general Yubo has been domineering in Fuyao for many years, and he is on an equal footing with the monarch, but he has not been eradicated. In this territory under the jurisdiction of Penglai, there is only one possibility.

  That is, he gave enough support to Penglai.

  Although they stand in Penglai's position, they definitely hope that the Fuyao Kingdom will be peaceful, so that they will have a stable source of resources and disciples. After all, Penglai is also a behemoth, and the power structure inside is far more complicated than that of Shushan. It is impossible for everyone to have no selfishness.

For example, Taoist Cangqiu, who is in charge of the immortal sects of the islands in the East China Sea, if Jing Wuya gave him a lot of bribes, on the condition that he also recognized Penglai as his father, Taoist Cangqiu would naturally not mind turning a blind eye. , ignore his actions.

  Even if he really succeeds in usurping the throne, Penglai's control over Fuyao Kingdom will not change.

   Taoist Cangqiu himself has gained a lot of benefits.

  It’s like two worms in a cricket cage. No matter which one wins or which one loses, the owner Penglai will benefit in the end, and they don’t care about it.

  But if Mirror Wuya falls into the hands of Shushan, once these things are known to outsiders, it is possible to spread the dirty news of Penglai.

  Especially Taoist Cangqiu's own.

  But the more this happened, the more Chu Liang wanted to hold this Mirror Wuya in his hands. Now that the relationship between Shushan and Penglai has become stiff, it has almost become obvious, and there is nothing to back down at this time.

  People like Mirror Wuya are a treasure for any orthodox sect. In a sense, it may not be inferior to the previous Yuan Luxian.

So he puffed up his chest and said loudly: "Fuyao's country is in turmoil, the monarch is in danger, but I just happened to rescue the thief. This time I came to the palace to capture the thief and I was asked for help by the Fuyao monarch, so I did it. The East China Sea is the territory of the Shangzong of Penglai. , but Fuyao Kingdom is not your private land after all. If I stand by and watch without teeth, many innocent soldiers and civilians may die. Senior Cangqiu, our intervention in Shushan is to save the lives of these people, not to provoke Penglai Majesty. The power of our actions is not given by Penglai, but by the people of Fuyao Kingdom!"

   "You are eloquent." Taoist Cangqiu stared at Chu Liang, paused, and suddenly shouted: "Han Lingshou, come here!"

   Shouted like thunder, Han Ling, who was watching from a distance and dared not approach, was shocked, and stepped forward in two steps in three steps: "Immortal Master Cangqiu!"

  Looking at his appearance, it is not difficult to see that the fear of the Penglai people is extremely deep in his heart.

   This is not just a disease of the monarch alone. In Fuyao, everyone respects, fears and yearns for Penglai. This is a strange psychology formed under the control of coercion for many years.

  Taoist Cangqiu didn't even look at Han Lingshou, he just listened to him and asked word by word: "Chu Shaoxia said that he saved your life, and you asked for help when he took action. Is there such a thing?"

   "This..." Han Lingshou turned his eyes to Chu Liang and then to Taoist Cangqiu, his eyes were full of entanglement and embarrassment.

  In terms of inner emotions, he naturally tends to be from Shushan.

  Although they met by chance, Chu Liang acted righteously, saved his life, and helped him eradicate Jing Wu Ya, a cancer in the country. He is indeed the savior of Han Lingshou and Fuyao.


  Han Lingshou looked at the Fuyao people on the periphery.

  As the king of this island country, he has no ambitions, so he has nothing to do with Penglai. Once upon a time, was he not a hot-blooded boy?

   But no.

  This is Fuyao Country.

  Too far away from heaven, too close to Penglai.

   But Shushan still has Xue Lingxue's affection, if she doesn't tell the truth, will Miss Xue look down on her?

  Han Lingshou looked at Xue Lingxue, her eyes were also full of expectation.


  His admiration for Miss Xue naturally comes from the heart, but his fear of Penglai is also deeply rooted in his bones. For the Fuyao Monarch, this is almost a hereditary disease.

  The meaning of Taoist Cangqiu's asking him is obvious, even knowing that his monarch is just a loyal dog of Penglai, forcing him to talk to persuade the Shushan people to leave.

  How could he tell the truth?


  Han Lingshou suddenly turned his head back.

   Not far away, Lin Beizheng cast an encouraging look at him.

  Brother Lin Bei and I hit it off immediately and became confidants. Although the time we spent together just now was short, it was like a soul resonance.

  If Brother Lin Bei was here, how would he choose?

  How could he be that villain who is ungrateful, greedy for life and afraid of death!

  That’s right, Brother Lin Bei.

  I will not disappoint you!

  Good brother, show loyalty!

  Taoist Cangqiu originally had a plan for this, and the Fuyao monarch is like a shepherd dog to Penglai, who has never dared to rebel against it. So no matter what the facts are, he believes that Han Lingshou will say what he wants to hear.

   But after Han Lingshou pondered for a while, it seemed that he was about to compromise. But he just turned his head, and Taoist Cangqiu was surprised to find that a fiery light suddenly burst into this fellow's eyes, as if he had been injected with some power.

  Taoist Cangqiu looked over and found that standing there was nothing but a Shushan disciple with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

  What's weird about this guy?

  Seeing Han Lingshou hold his head high and hold his chest high, he replied loudly: "It is true!"

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion