MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 740 Close the net! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

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  Chapter 740 Close the net! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

  When Jing Wuya re-entered, Chu Liang was sitting in front of the case, and everything seemed to be the same as before.

   It's just a little more crowded under the bed.

   "General." Chu Liang instantly replaced No. 1 fake monarch and stood up to greet him.

   "Yes." Jing Wuya glanced at him, and said, "Before you said you wanted to see Xue Lingxue, I sent a letter for you, and she should arrive later."

  Chu Liang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he suppressed the surprise in his heart, and said, "It's a great honor for the general to accept the opinions of his subordinates."

   "Although this matter is related to your suggestion, it is not entirely because of you." Jing Wuya's voice was full of gloomy anger.

"The daughter of the person who pretended to be Xue Lingxue for me is my adopted daughter, Longwuji, who stole my very important treasure to keep the precious mirror." He said to Chu Liang: "I don't know that Longwuji has I didn't look for her. If I call her to Yubo Mansion, I might scare the snake. So I use your plan to let her come to the palace to meet you. If she is still willing to come, it means that their mother and daughter have not met yet .”

   "Even if she comes later, you can test it out for me to see if Liu Guang Bao Jian is in her hands."

   "The subordinate understands." Chu Liang said repeatedly.

  They were trying to find that Liao Yuexian to solve the matter, if Jing Wuya could call her here, they would just come over and catch them all.

  But the Dragon Dancer under the bed was a little anxious when she heard this. She was worried that if her mother came here without knowing the truth, she would be murdered by Jing Wuya.

   Before she could make any sound, Xue Lingxue had already quietly pressed her shoulder, a burst of true energy came out through her body, and Long Wuji immediately fell asleep.

   "I'm just hiding in the dark, and I can strike at any time." Jing Wuya looked around, looking at the underside of the bed, and was about to walk there in big strides.

   "General..." Chu Liang hurriedly called out.

   "Huh?" Mirror Toothless looked back at him.


  There is already a table of mahjong squeezed under the bed. If you go in like a big iron, how can you stay there?

   "Under the bed is cramped and dusty, which may damage the general's majesty." Chu Liang pointed to the back of the screen, and said, "The general might as well withdraw the screen and hide here."

   "Yes." Jing Wuya didn't say much, and moved the screen to the back, hiding his breath behind it. His heavy armor was indeed difficult to lie down, so he didn't feel any difference.

  Chu Liang only felt a headache.

  This room... the oxygen is thinner.

   Fortunately, as soon as Liao Yuexian appears later, he can close the net. He has already contacted the master in the circle of immortal friends, and the emperor's daughter Feng and Taoist Yan have come to wait near Canglang City.

   As soon as the news from Chu Liang came out, the two of them would immediately come to collect the net.

  Since Jing Wuya is confident that she can deal with Liao Yuexian, her cultivation is at most the peak of the seventh realm, and she will not reach the Tianyuan realm. Two female thugs from Shushan came over, and it was more than enough to arrange for them.

   After waiting for a while, another guard announced from outside the door, "Your Majesty, there is... a strange thing."

   "Oh?" Chu Liang responded, "What's the matter?"

   "Miss Xue Lingxue came to the palace, saying that she was summoned by His Majesty." The guard hesitated and said, "But..."

   "Please come in quickly, don't be a fuss!" Chu Liang said hurriedly.

  If Jing Wuya heard that there were two Xue girls coming, he might become suspicious, so he quickly interrupted the guard.

  As the bedroom door was pushed open again, the familiar face of "Xue Lingxue" reappeared.

  Chu Liang's spiritual consciousness immediately sent a message in the circle of immortal friends.

  【Chu Liang】: "Close the net!"


   "You want to see me?" The new "Xue Lingxue" looked at Chu Liang, "Han Lingshou" with a smile, and asked, "Only you?"


   I alone am an army.

  Chu Liang smiled wryly in his heart, but he still replied with fear on his face: "Yes, it's all to complete the task assigned by the general, that's why this subordinate wants senior to come here."

   "Hehe." Fake Xue Lingxue smiled, "You have done a good job. Since you have taken the place of the monarch, you should put his thoughts into his place so as not to leave any flaws."

  This senior is indeed speaking from experience. The Xue Lingxue she pretended to be able to deceive the iron hammer who has been with him for many years.

  Chu Liang nodded when he heard the words, and said at the same time: "It's just that I don't know when I will be able to recover my real body."

  Fake Xue Lingxue's eyes were full of sarcasm, and he seemed to see through the fate of this little man who would be wiped out by Mirror Wuya sooner or later, and sighed: "Just wait until we control the domestic situation."

   "If you want to restore your original body, do you still need the precious treasure?" Chu Liang said: "I don't know where the treasure is at this time."

   "Liuguang Baojian?" Fake Xue Lingxue frowned, and said, "Isn't that the treasure of Mirror Wuya? Where else can it be?"

  At this moment, Jing Wuya behind the screen was sure that Liao Yuexian's mother and daughter hadn't met each other. Just as he was about to show up, he suddenly heard another announcement from the guard outside the door.

   "Your Majesty!" The guard's voice was full of tears, "A woman with fire all over her body came in. She said she was from Mount Shu, and she wanted to see Your Majesty immediately!"

   "A woman with fire all over her body?" The face of the fake Xue Lingxue changed, "Could it be the Phoenix, the emperor of Shushan? What is she here for?"

   "I don't know." Chu Liang shook his head again and again.

   "That person is a lunatic, it's best not to provoke her. You let her in, and I'll hide for a while." Fake Xue Lingxue looked around and looked under the bed.

   "Hey—" Chu Liang hurriedly stopped, "The bed is cramped and dusty, I'm afraid it will damage the image of senior."

   "Hmm..." The fake Xue Lingxue put his gaze behind the screen again, and Chu Liang hurriedly said, "Stacks are piled up behind the screen, I'm afraid seniors won't be able to settle down."

   "Hmph." Fake Xue Lingxue snorted displeasedly, jumped up onto the beam, restrained her breath and concealed herself.

  Chu Liang shouted to the outside of the palace: "Tell her to come in, don't stop her!"

   Almost before the words fell, the guard who sent the message screamed, and the door of the bedroom was smashed down.

  The visitor is tall and slender, with flaming red lips, and a pair of divine phoenix fire wings flying in her hair.

  Di Nvfeng rushed in, looked at the "only" person in the room, and shouted: "Signal!"

   This was also agreed between Chu Liang and her, otherwise, with such a public face, it is inevitable that there will be some misunderstandings.

  Chu Liang said loudly: "Pay back the debt!"

  The emperor's daughter Feng immediately replied: "It's only right and proper!"

  The two masters and apprentices confirmed their identities after completing the agreed code. Immediately, Di Nufeng raised her hand, and a cloud of samadhi divine fire swept out.


  The ball of divine fire was like a bird with spirituality, and it burned the entire palace in a lingering manner, leaving no ashes.

  A palace as big as it was originally, including all the decorations in the palace, disappeared in an instant.

   And all the people who were originally hidden here were exposed. Especially Jing Wuya and that fake Xue Lingxue, both had a bit of astonishment in their eyes.

  Jing Wuya was behind the screen just now, and hadn't been stained by the divine fire yet. The fake Xue Lingxue was hiding on the beam, and was almost swallowed by the divine fire. Thanks to her quick response, the brilliance fell to the ground in a flash, but the light and shadow of her body was touched by the divine fire, and immediately turned into nothingness, revealing her true face at this time.

  Seeing her appearance, she is a beautiful woman in her thirties, with a glamorous charm in her eyebrows and eyes.

  Only one person, Chu Liang, knew everything here, and he immediately pointed at the two of them and said, "Don't let them escape!"

   With one order, the wild phoenix is ​​unleashed!


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion