MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 734 Rush to the building [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 734 Rush to the building【Ask for a monthly pass! 】

  The biggest event in Canglang City today is naturally Miss Xue's tour.

  The so-called empty alley.

  As a country of wind, flowers, snow and moon, the enthusiasm for dance and music is from top to bottom, and there is a pilgrimage-like enthusiasm for Nanyinfang, a melody resort in Kyushu. Although the disciples of Nanyinfang had never traveled east to this place before, in every election season, a large number of Fuyao people traveled across the ocean to cheer for the Yu Dynasty.

   Now that Xue Lingxue is here for the first time, the Huazhilou, which is in charge of the performance, has opened up all four walls, leaving only beams and columns, and bought more than ten surrounding buildings and then bulldozed them, just to allow more people to enjoy the performance.

  Such a grand scene is rare in the history of Fuyao Kingdom.

   "Didn't expect me to be so popular here, right?" Chu Liang sat on a balcony on the top of a building and said to Xue Lingxue with a smile.

  As practitioners, the eyes and ears are far superior to ordinary people, so they don't need to crowd in the crowd, and they can clearly see the performance in the Flower Building from the surrounding buildings.

   On the tall building opposite, there are already more than a hundred warriors with swords surrounding them, and the Fuyao Monarch will watch the performance there later. In recent years, the monarch who has lived in seclusion has not appeared in public for a long time, which is enough to show his love.

   Xue Lingxue covered her face with a white gauze, looked at the scene, and said softly: "I never knew that Fuyao Kingdom has such an elegant and good melody. In the future, I can talk to the owner of the workshop and add some performances here."

   "It's so good." Hu Saburo, who was wearing a black hood behind him, said, "People in Fuyao have admired Nanyinfang dance music for a long time."

   "Shushan people are too." Lin Bei followed suit and nodded.

   "You can do it." Iron Hammer rolled his eyes at him, "Is it dance music that you admire? I'm too embarrassed to expose you."

  Chu Liang stared in the direction of the palace in the distance, and said, "Here we come."

  A group of chariots and horses meandered out of the palace gate. The lead car was pulled by a strange beast through the streets and alleys until it arrived under the tall building. Dozens of guards lined up like a wall to **** the people in the car into.

  The window sash of the high-rise building has long been tightly covered, and it is impossible to see the situation inside. They didn't rashly use their spiritual sense to spy, so as not to disturb others.

   "Master Fuyao's defense is very tight." Lin Bei looked from a distance and said, "How do you assassinate?"

   "Dragon Dancer's cultivation level is not high, even if she pretends to be Miss Xue and can get close to the monarch, she is unlikely to succeed in assassinating him." Chu Liang said.

  When he heard Tiger Saburo's story yesterday, he had this doubt.

  Fuyao Kingdom's generation of ruler Han Lingshou is over 30 years old. Although he has never asked about it, he has cultivated to the sixth level with sufficient resources. With Dragon Dance Girl's cultivation base, even if she was taken by surprise, it was unlikely to assassinate her.

  But since Jing Wuya asked people to pretend to be Xue Lingxue, there must be a conspiracy, so they still have to wait and see. Anyway, whether it was to expose the fake Xue Lingxue, or to destroy General Yubo's plot, he had to take this trip.

   And in the tall building opposite, where they couldn't see.

Fuyao Monarch Han Lingshou walked up the stairs indifferently. His cheekbones were slightly protruding, his cheeks were thin and his eyes were long and narrow. When going up the stairs, several people need to be guarded.

  Going all the way to the top floor, there were only two old men in black and white hair left behind Han Lingshou, and his expression relaxed.

   "Miss Xue! Miss Xue! Hehehe..." Fuyao Monarch rubbed his hands, and came to the balcony excitedly, "The frost is falling, and the south of the Yangtze River is full of snow!"

   "Your Majesty." The palace man behind him coughed, "Solemn."

   "..." Han Lingshou froze, sat down resentfully, and muttered, "There is no outsider."

  The two palace servants started to move and opened the curtains, and the dustproof cloth covering the screen and table case. When the hula la cloth cover fell, a bright and tall mirror appeared on the side of the screen, reflecting the figure of the people in the room.


   "Xue Lingxue! Xue Lingxue!"

  When the figure on the high platform appeared holding the piano, there were enthusiastic cheers from all directions. The woman on the stage had translucent white skin and eyes like clouds of smoke. Who else could it be if it wasn't Xue Lingxue?

   "It's really the same." Lin Bei exclaimed, looking at the woman on the stage, and then at Xue Lingxue next to her, there was no difference in appearance and body.

   "Otherwise, how could I admit my mistake?" Tie Hammer said, "It's not surprising that she can only disguise her appearance, but she can also pretend to be Ling Xue's piano skills, which is simply unbelievable."

   This is also a doubtful point that puzzles Chu Liang.

  Even if it is possible to change appearance, how is it the magic of piano art? This is almost impossible to achieve with any magical technique.


   A sound of string movement, the performance begins.

  As the rhyme flowed out slowly, the surrounding crowd began to immerse themselves in it. "Xue Lingxue" on the stage played "Pingjiang Night Wind Song".

  When the music is halfway through, even the passing birds in the sky stop and fall into intoxication on the branches.

   "This piano piece..." even Xue Lingxue was a little shocked, "It's obviously better than me, and the sound channel is extremely high!"

   "No." Chu Liang said suddenly: "This can't be the Dragon Dancer, and she doesn't need to approach Fuyao Monarch to assassinate, their goal has already been achieved at this moment!"

  While speaking, his figure has already lifted up, turned into a long wind and went straight to the tall building opposite.

  The rhyme of the Night Wind Song lingers in that building, and the people in it are affected far more than the surrounding audience. At this moment, the guards inside are likely to have fallen into the illusion.

  The assassination has begun!

  Using Xue Lingxue's tour to lure the monarch out of the palace, and then tricking the guards in the building with piano music, and there must be someone cooperating.


  Chu Liang crashed into the top floor, only to see an empty quiet room with a wide balcony in front, and only one chair in the room.

  There was a sudden noise behind him, he turned around abruptly, and saw himself reflected in a bright mirror!


  Chu Liang raised his hand, and a ray of colored light flew out, instantly turning into a mist of seven colors, covering the mirror.


  The mirror immediately turned over, and two assassins in light armor and black clothes sprang out from behind, holding strange double-headed sharp blades, spinning and flying towards Chu Liang.

  Chu Liang was too lazy to waste time here, so he spread his wings behind his back, boom—

  Since proving the Dao with Zhanxu, his previously powerful Shenlong body is not so powerful compared to the way of swordsmanship, so he seldom uses his physical body when fighting against people.

   But the cultivation bases of these two killers are far inferior to his, and it would be worthless to use Zhan Xu's sword. It is better to save the cultivation base of true energy and save it for the enemies in the future.


  With a roar, the attacks of the two killers slashed on the dragon wings, but they bounced themselves out, hit the wall heavily and then fell still, their muscles and bones were broken, and they seemed to be dead.

  Chu Liang's Shenlongfa is weak compared to his swordsmanship, and compared to these two killers, just retaliation is enough to kill him.

  He continued to transform into a long wind, rumbled down, and saw a terrifying scene below the third floor.

  Blood and corpses were everywhere, flooding the entire floor, and there were palace guards everywhere. And a figure in iron armor standing like a demon **** was holding the head of an old man in black with one hand, boom!

   General Miami!

  He did it himself.

  The man in that palace was also at the seventh level, and he was expected to be the most important bodyguard of the King Fuyao, but he lost to Jing Wuya and was finally killed here.

  Another palace official with a lesser state had already died here. In the pool of blood, the terrified King Fuyao was about to break through the wall and escape.

  But when he bumped into it, he was bounced back by a light curtain.

  This building has already been set up with a formation, otherwise this moment of fighting would not have alerted the outside world.

  The blood-soaked Jing Wuya caught a glimpse of Chu Liang, and said in a voice as deep as thunder, "Why do Shushan disciples get involved in this matter..."

   While speaking, he already raised a punch.


  The next moment, the iron armor appeared at the place where Chu Liang had just stood.

  Chu Liang shrunk to an inch and fled ten feet away, leaning his back against the wall of the building, and turned the demon-slaying sword into his palm.


  A flash of sword light surged out, submerging General Yubo's thick armor, and after the wave of sword energy passed, there were only scratches on the armor instead of a deep injury.


  General Yubo breathed a sigh of relief and resisted the sword. Even though he was not injured, it was not easy.

   But when he raised his eyes and looked around again, he found that this floor was empty, and a crack appeared on the wall on the other side. It turned out that that was the real purpose of Chu Liang's sword, he was to cut through the formation.

   Not only did Chu Liang escape, but even the figure of the King Fuyao disappeared.

  General Yubo read slowly: "Chu Liang..."

  (end of this chapter)