MTL - Please Call Me Lord God-Chapter 472 Break the cage

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The altar collapsed under the impact of extraordinary energy.

The vast light tore the space and turned it into a white pillar of light, rising to the sky.

At the same time, an arrogant laughter spread through nothingness.

This is not a sound that can be captured by humans, only Master Mitheron can feel it through "psionic energy". On the other hand, the Dagou leader of the New Protoss also heard this sound.

Their common feeling is that the situation is "worse."

The "Suppressor" of the Abyss Seed was destroyed.

It began to expand endlessly, grow, march, and unpredictable forces exploded from a certain point.

"very good!"

Lu Qi is very satisfied with this.

Until this moment, the greatest threat to him was finally eliminated.

"Fortunately, I can open the mark of the abyss, otherwise I really don't know what to do this time ..."

Only he knew how dangerous the dagger was.

The power released by that thing is not so "virtual" energy, and the power that permeates alone is enough to seriously damage one's abyss.

It is conceivable that if the unpredictable energy contained in it is fully induced, it is likely that an energy storm will form.

Fortunately, this group did not know this.

"If this expedition has fully induced the power of the dagger directly on the earth, it can take several months to cover this entire" negation "of all foreign objects and return it to the" origin "energy. It ’s not impossible for the Earth, even for outer space, to spread to my local area. "

At first, Lu Qi, who had just swallowed up the moon, was quite limited in strength. When he really grew up, he still devoured the parallel universe and turned into a suspended continent. At that time, he could not even offset this power.

"To this day, through all-round growth, it's not wrong to say that it is" repair for a great achievement ... "

In fact, it cannot be said to be a great achievement. After clearly clearing the second pulse of Rendu, he directly jumped into the power of the fairyland. This staged jump is almost endless.

Of course, this is only a metaphor, and the change in substance far exceeds this simple description.

Lu Qi believes that now he is growing at a speed beyond imagination. It is only a matter of time for him to cross the eighth stage and become the abyss of the ninth stage. As the suspended continent grows, it is also fast. Growth.

The "Expedition" of the committee members has always been under his surveillance, and even the way they went for the expedition was completely controlled and scheduled by him.

On this way, he used various means to dispel the fighting spirit of this group of people.

This also led to violent clashes among the people who finally reached the "altar", and some were even tempted to give up their "duties" on their own initiative.

Thanks to these reasons, he just flickered the group, letting them scurry in their small planes, and when they reached the altar, they continued flickering for a long time.

As a result, the problem was solved, their opinions were not unified, and each made an unexpected decision.

The important point is that the square mirror designed a situation from the beginning, and the focus of this situation is that he took out the mark of the abyss and made a dangerous design.

The core of this dangerous design is that the mark of the abyss is enough to offset that unusually dangerous "dagger".

No, it is not a countervailing, but the use of the mark of the abyss to transmit that anomalous power to another "pan-universe".

"This stuff is really a big threat, but it has been teleported to another universe, and its effectiveness naturally cannot be exerted."

The mark of the abyss was also destroyed by the force released by the dagger at the same time, but this also meant that the power of the dagger was completely sealed, which was regarded as a joy.

However, Lu Qi couldn't laugh for a long time, and his keen intuition grasped a secret message.

"The dagger didn't appear out of thin air. This thing is a bait!"

Lu Qi bets his eyes on nothingness and time. He tries to bet on the farther end of time, and even wants to break through the absolute material black body, but unfortunately, he hasn't caught obvious traces ... but, even so Qi can also feel that there is an invisible hand in the underworld, and it is all manipulated like a chessboard.

This "invisible hand" is more mysterious and more powerful than the consciousness he bet on. The opponent just left a bone dagger, which made things to the point where it is today. It is really unfathomable.

"The birth of the trapped man is related to the abyss, but in the final analysis, I am afraid that it is also a change made by this 'invisible hand', that is to say, the entire situation began to be controlled by the other party on an early timeline ... "

Lu Qi tossed the entire multi-dimensional space-time line, he realized that this was a huge chessboard, and everything had a doomed meaning.

"This group of people, including the" Expeditionary Forces ", is looming behind them. There are some invisible lines under the control of that big hand ... They don't know at all whether their actions, their free will they think they are right, or some other The influence of these forces ... "

This feeling is really uncomfortable. Lu Qi has long been used to sitting behind the scenes and acting as the final big boss. But at this moment, he realized that there was a larger palm behind it. Everything-among them, may also include itself.

If there is such a terrible existence, then there is another question, what is its goal?

"There are two realms above the crawling realm, including the leap realm and the transboundary. Although I want to use the fragments of the abyss for experimentation ~ ~, even the god-level civilization beyond the transboundary has not manipulated the abyss Qualifications, not to mention, to carry out experiments that go beyond what they can do ... "

Leaping and over-limits, no, it should be said that the god-level civilizations over-limits, although they are also extremely powerful, have the technology and power that the lower bound does not have, but they still know nothing about the abyss fragments.

Divine civilization does not understand what the nature of the "Abyss Race" is, so it will make such low-level mistakes. It will choose to use the "absolute material black body" as a laboratory and conduct experiments in the creeping world.

Divine civilization does not understand what the nature of the "Abyss Race" is, so it will make such low-level mistakes. It will choose to use the "absolute material black body" as a laboratory and conduct experiments in the creeping world.

Because of this, the transboundary and leap boundaries are bound to bear an unimaginable price.

However, these are not important. For now, the "out of bounds" and "leapfrog" are not serious opponents in this game.

"That said, the next thing I'm going to play against is the existence of that anomaly ..."

Turn your hands into clouds, cover your hands with rain, and manipulate the situation in this pan-universe.

No, the influence of the other party may even cross several pan-universes, just like the mother river system, which can affect countless pan-universes.

very good!

This is quite interesting.

But I won't just want to play chess.

He took a deep breath and gathered the dagger and the power of the Abyss Mark annihilation. The next moment, he decided to release this anomalous energy, a mysterious energy far beyond the explosion of the universe and the singularity.

"Absolute material black body", but now he can't hold himself.

Lu Qi smiled suddenly and decided to break the first cage that the other party arranged for himself.

Read The Duke's Passion