MTL - Please Call Me Lord God-Chapter 448

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The sky is full of glory and light, and a fissure is broken in the void. The cottage Godzilla is wrapped in a cocoon of light, and the standing feet are pushed by a beam of light. It goes through the clouds and the night. Lump cracked the black paint and swallowed it.

"This TMD is not reasonable at all! Why can fantasy Godzilla soar in the day!"

"Wait a minute, the world I live in is actually a Xiu Xianxiu novel, so I want to ask the author if I can be a protagonist."

"No, because your character can't survive three episodes."


Regardless of the idea of ​​the devotee team, only a ray of the remaining Yuan God's Yuanmang Zhen is filled with despair.

It ’s okay to destroy the Supreme Master, even this time there is no Tianzun Stone. Is n’t he going to finish it?

He felt ashamed inside, the heart was dusty, all kinds of demons came, and his consciousness was chaotic, as if he was about to disappear.

(No, how can I Chen Chongming fold here ... God will stop me, I will destroy it!)

He condensed the remaining mental power to make the spirit recover less, Chen Chongming drank a cry, Yuan Shen tried to fly out, and at this moment, a weird tweet of "呱", a giant toad jumped from the other side After that, Zhang Tong spit out the remnant of Yuan Shen who was flying to Chen Chongming. Before he responded, he swallowed his brain.

Woohoo! A generation of true kings died of frog belly.


After the cottage Godzilla swallowed Tianzun Stone, an abnormal energy surged from the body, and the Super Live Broadcasting System also detected a foreign energy and quickly made an analysis to help suppress the fusion of this power.

Various energies also converged, trying to fuse the Celestial Stone, this upper world strange treasure from another world soon merged with the Godzilla ontology.

There was a loud noise, and the energy transmitted a glorious divine light. After the combination of the Celestial Stone and Godzilla, the magical energy tore the void, making Godzilla wrapped in light cocoons, breaking away, and being teleported to another One world.


The monster's feet were on a strange land.

This cottage Godzilla's IQ is about the same as a seven-year-old child. It wondered and looked at this strange land, and in front of it was a boundless desert.

"Hosts don't have to worry, head straight northeast from here and you can see rich food."

As an excellent babysitter, the super live broadcast system will reasonably arrange the diet and living of the host, and will not let your host have any worries.


Since the live broadcast is popular all over the country, live broadcast sites of all sizes have been launched in large numbers, a well-known comprehensive video site in the country called "Bull Fighting". This site is a large platform. In addition to mainstream live broadcasts, there are also GIF pictures and short video apps. Under this large website, various anchors, idioms, and yelling madmen gathered under the website, doing their best, and devoting all kinds of eye-catching "strokes".

Someone wants to show their talents and make various interesting passages;

Others may wish to be creative and be able to design refreshing short films;

Others have great singing voices, and there are also a large number of fans. Others are versatile and play various instruments ...

Of course, there are some people who have nothing, so they can't compare with the talented people in front of them, and they can find their own way.

Anyway, as long as it is eye-catching?

Perform it, eat bugs, gnaw rats, chew raw meat, drink feminine jelly, taste dung soup, swallow geckos, it is not scary enough, I ca n’t catch the eye, the upper limit is better than you, then I ’ll compare with the lower limit. ...

Since live broadcasting has become popular, all kinds of speculators have appeared, and in order to gain benefits, there will always be a shot with this group of people and crazy live broadcasters, pretending to be crazy to buy silly.

So, on this day, a certain mysterious force from a different world bypassed the website management and registered an account here, and this website also has an unknown newcomer anchor.

The name of the first video released by "He" is-"Godzilla crushes the realm of repair".


As usual, Xin Wentao needs to transfer to the bus home after work, because this is a long time, he will pick up his mobile phone, go online a little, the same day, he started to browse the app called "Bull" as usual See if you can find interesting short videos and short stories.

He glanced around and found no videos worthy of his attention.

"It's all repetitive things. In the past few years, the Internet has been scanned too thoroughly, and a little heavy taste is gone."

Ordinary life is boring and tasteless. Xin Wentao scratched his tongue. Recently, the Internet has been thoroughly investigated. Various slapsticks and heavy tastes have been deleted. The rest are some uninteresting videos and live broadcasts.

Xin Wentao didn't even have the urge to click.

——Tricky and funny, childish stuff of children, how old people are playing these.

-Literary short film, clear soup noodles, no oil or water, no one sees it.

——Singing and dancing, showing various musical instrument performances, who wo n’t have these things, can a broken radio be able to replace your group of people?

Xin Wentao is dismissive of these, and he likes to watch a variety of short videos with no rhythm and lower limit.

His favorite content is of course the masochistic short films that eat snakes and frogs raw.

Putting firecrackers in the crotch looked super fun to him;

The live cremation of the funeral home is really a bit of an idea;

The lower the bottom line, the more ruined the three views, the more interesting in his opinion.

Unfortunately, several rounds of clearing the Internet, all interesting videos have been emptied, and the famous IPs of those who show up to the lower limit have disappeared one after another.

"Forget it, uninstall this app as soon as possible, there is nothing to see anyway."

He was preparing to uninstall this already boring APP. At this time, Xin Wentao saw a strange title, "Godzilla crushed the cultivation of realism." What a ghost, how a strong YY novel .

He couldn't help but open the video ~ ~ Next, he felt that the angle of the video clip was shaking. In the next second, Xin Wentao saw a giant monster as tall as the pillar of the sky and stretched out one foot , Step on an ancient city.


It was like kicking a building block seriously and seriously, the small city collapsed and rocks were scattered, and a group of costumed people fled in all directions.

"What is the plot of this movie, the picture is a bit rough, and the expression of the group performance is too rigid."

Xin Wentao was bored, and the scene was too boring.

what! Wait a minute, there are really dead people here. Several guards were crushed to death when their walls fell, their heads were smashed, and their internal organs were turned out. This picture is true enough.

The domestic horror movies are all plasma-filled, and the comparison with foreign countries is almost twofold.

"However, this is interesting!"

He grinned and continued to watch.

Read The Duke's Passion