MTL - Players In Marvel-Chapter 1 Suit thug [Black Hand Walloon]

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Downtown New York, Four Seasons Hotel.

This is one of the highest-level hotels in New York City. It is famous for its romance and can enjoy the most extreme service.

The crystal chandeliers inherited from the 18th century, the slightly trembling tassel on the lamp, the floor that can be wiped to reflect the human figure, and the low-hanging velvet blue drapery, this place has an air of luxury everywhere.

On the 52nd floor of the hotel, which is known as the most expensive luxury penthouse suite in the United States, the guests are staggered and lively.

"If the speakers are repaired, let's start quickly, everyone has already arrived."

The wedding host, who seemed to be around 30 years old, patted the man squatting beside the speaker. The man's name was Zhou. He said that he was in charge of hotel maintenance.

"It's all done, don't worry."

Zhou patted his chest and assured with a smile that he had been lurking in for a while, and now is the time for a good show to start!

The music started and the wedding officially started.

The whole wedding was held in the form of a self-service party. The wedding banquet was decorated with various exquisite pastries and feasts. Guests who came to the wedding could choose at will.

Just when the atmosphere reached its highest point, a dull gunshot suddenly exploded.

Panic screams came one after another, and the distinguished guests hugged their heads and ran away.

"Everyone don't move, raise your hands, squat down and hold your head, I'll shoot anyone who moves!"

A Fen, holding a rifle, stood on the table and grinned.

At the same time, outside the gate of the banquet, wearing a dark green straight suit and holding a black and gold walking stick, Wallon walked into the hall gracefully, attracting everyone's attention.

"Everyone, let me introduce myself first. My name is Wallon, and I'm the boss of the Black Hand!"

"You don't have to be afraid, we are just here to make money, only money is what I want, so I hope everyone will not resist, if everyone cooperates, I will never kill, but if someone is dishonest, then Hard to say!"

Wallon took a few steps onto the stage and snatched the host's microphone, with a smile on his face, soothing the terrified people present.

"I have a list in my hand, and the names of everyone present are on this list, so don't think about any chance of opportunism. Now everyone stand up and remember to put your hands above your head."

The guests who were taken hostage raised their hands tremblingly and stood up, none of them dared to make a sound, and none of them dared to be disobedient. Now they only hope that the other party is satisfied, so that they can spend the night safely.

"What happened?"

Outside the gate, a lady in a white wedding dress barged in. This is supposed to be her home tonight, but it's a pity that the protagonist has changed now!

"The future bride, please come to the stage, others please stand in your place and don't move."

Wallon hooked his fingers, leaned on his cane and spoke in a very light tone. Since the trouble of the **** archaeologist was gone, he is in a good mood now.

"Hurry up and stand aside, hurry up, move fast!"

Zhou and A Fen pointed guns at the hostages and drove them to the designated location. Under the pressure of the gun, no one dared to resist, and some people in the crowd sobbed in fear.

"One after the other, hurry up, everyone lined up, come here to get a plate, and then put all the valuables on the plate."

A Fen walked to the dining table, picked up the white porcelain plate, and demonstrated to all the friends present.

"Put the cash in this ice bucket."

Zhou followed behind A Fen and placed a small flag with the word cash on it next to the ice bucket as a mark.

"Put the check here."

The second ice bucket was put down by A Fen.

"The gold ornaments are here."

"Place the necklace here."

"Put the ring here."

"Other gold pens and lighters are all placed in the miscellaneous department."

After waiting to line up all the ice buckets, Ah Fen warned with the microphone in his hand.

"Everyone, listen carefully, if someone puts away valuables and wants to hide them and not hand them over..."

Rasu, who was staring at the hostage, pulled the gun bolt!


A shot rang out.

The white porcelain vase in the corner of the dining table shattered.


Some timid women screamed in panic, and subconsciously hugged their heads and squatted down. The rest of the people were also frightened. Looking at Lasu with a fierce face, they were so nervous that they trembled.

"Boss, get ready."

After waiting for everyone to voluntarily form a line, Ah Fen walked over to Wallon and whispered.

At this moment, Wallon is standing in front of the huge French window, looking at the night view of New York in the distance, holding red wine in his hand, and slowly tasting it with a relaxed expression.

Hearing Ah Fen's words, Wallon turned around, "Now that you're ready, let's start."

Meanwhile, the New York City Police Department.

"What did you say? The mafia is making a big move again!"

"Okay, I see, we'll be there right away."

George Stacy put down the phone and immediately summoned the duty members of the bureau, ready to rush to the scene.

"Dad, what happened? Did something happen?"

In the office, Gwen Stacy looked at her father curiously. She was here to deliver documents to Director George today on school vacation, and she happened to see this scene.

"Well, there was an accident at the Four Seasons Hotel, and the **** mafia is doing it again."

Chief George answered while putting on his coat.

"In the past month, many kidnappings and jewelry robberies in New York have been related to the mafia, and the leader of the mafia is this man-Wallon."

Director George opened a document on the desk, Gwen probed the probe, it was a man in a dark green suit.

"For this reason, we sent professionals to follow up, and just now, the guys from the mafia sneaked into a rich wedding banquet to rob them. This time, they must not be spared!"

"It really doesn't look like he's a robber from the photo, but please be careful anyway. I'll wait for you to come back for dinner tonight, Dad."

Gwen tilted her head and looked at the photos on the table. She had seen many masked thugs, but it was the first time she had seen a gentleman robber in a suit.

"I see, baby girl, wait for me at home, I'll get off work soon."

George smiled and hugged Gwen goodbye, then hurriedly left the office.

"Hurry up, hurry up, one by one, don't bear your jade necklace, put it down quickly."

Zhou kept urging the hostages to move quickly, while warning them not to cause trouble.

"Wife, money is something outside your body, hurry up and give it to them."

"Let him, at least our safety is guaranteed. I'll buy it for you later."

The woman who lost all her jewels was in tears of grievance, while the man in a suit and leather shoes was constantly comforting her, wiping the corners of her eyes with a tissue in his hand.


The woman nodded, her mood seemed to have improved a lot.

But in the blink of an eye, the ice bucket holding the money was already full and was about to overflow.

"Boss, today is a bumper harvest."

"We will definitely have a large wave of [Red Jade] credited in the settlement tonight. Hehe, it's a good idea to earn money and fame."

"Speaking of which, we haven't experienced this kind of happiness for many years."

La Su and A Fen surrounded Wa Long, their faces hard to hide.

"Hey, sir, I don't have anything on me. You can search if you don't believe me."

At this moment, there was a little dispute in front of the dining table where the money was collected, which caught the attention of Wallon. The center of the dispute was the young man who was pointed at by Zhou with a gun.

"Come to a wedding banquet of this level, you said you don't even have anything of value on you, do I look like a fool?" Zhou, wearing sunglasses, said disdainfully, "I warn you not to play tricks, quickly put your body Take out the valuables, if you don't cooperate, be careful that I will cut a hole in your head."

"what happened?"

A Fen came over and asked with a frown.

"This kid said he has no money."

Zhou stabbed the young man in front of him with the barrel of a gun, causing him to stumble slightly.

"The problem is that I really don't have one, sir. If you don't believe me, see."

Peter Parker took two steps back. After standing firm, he opened his empty pockets with a helpless expression. He was just pulled by Harry to join in the fun, and he was a master of eating and drinking.

He really has no money, but the kidnapper in front of him doesn't seem to believe it.

Peter was a little confused. He raised his head and looked at Wallon on the stage.

"Sir, believe me, there is the most sensitive automatic alarm system here. Now the New York Police Department must have got the news, and the hotel will soon be surrounded by front and back. I advise you to give up."

Peter is trying to convince the other party, trying to let the elegant and talkative boss in front of him let go of these people, including himself.


Looking at Peter in front of him, a little interest appeared in Wallon's eyes.

"Young people are very brave. Come, come to the stage and let me talk to you."

Wa Long folded his hands on the black and gold walking stick, and said with a smile, "Since you say you have no money, why don't you talk about how you got into this high-end rich wedding banquet?"

"It's me!" Before Peter could say anything, Harry Osborn stood up behind him and said, "I brought him in, and I can testify that he really has no money."

"Huh?" Wallon raised his eyebrows, "Who are you?"

"Harry Osborn."

"This name..."

Wallon's eyes narrowed slightly, he always felt that he heard this surname somewhere.

"Head, the chairman of the Osborne Group is Norman Osborne. He is on the invitation list for tonight's wedding banquet."

A Fen glanced at the list in his hand and reminded Wallon in a low voice.

"Oh? Little Mr. Osborn is here, what about the president?"

Wallon realized that he had caught a big fish, and glanced at the crowd with his eyes shining brightly.

"Don't look for it, only me and Peter came to the wedding banquet tonight. I used my father's invitation."

Norman Osborn has no time to attend a wedding reception. He is busy checking the scientific research projects of the Osborne Group. Harry took his father's invitation and entered the wedding reception. As for Peter, he belongs to every invitation. Extra girl companions brought in!

"It's a pity, I thought I could see your father. Trust me, we must have a good talk."

Walloon showed a look of pity, and then said to Harry with a smile.

"Then let's see now, what kind of good things does this young man of the Osborne Group carry?"

While speaking, Zhou held the ice bucket in front of Harry.

"Come on, don't make our boss wait."

Harry's expression was a little stiff. Facing the muzzle that A Fen pointed at his head, he fumbled around for a long time before he took out a gold pen and threw it into the ice bucket.

"Are you kidding me? You brought a golden pen with you in such a scene. Your father must not love you!"

Wallon looked unbelievable, and the mockery in his words made Harry blushed.

"It's boring, wait for the eldest young master to eat a shrimp!"

Wa Long held up the red wine glass, took a sip, then waved his hand and said.


Zhou grabbed the ice tray on the table, grabbed a chilled French blue dragon, and stuffed it into Harry's hand.

Harry glanced at Walloon, then at A Fen, who pointed a gun at him, eating a blue dragon sashimi, what kind of punishment.

"Hmph, just eat it."

Harry grabbed the shrimp head and just tore it off, and before he could peel it off, he heard Wallon add at this time.

"I'll let you eat the shell!"


Harry moved his hands for a while, his face flushed red, but he didn't dare to attack.

"Didn't you hear what our boss said?" A Fen tapped Harry's head with the barrel of a gun, completely ignoring the other's angry eyes, staring at him fiercely, "Eat!"


Harry put the blue dragon into his mouth, biting his teeth desperately, staring at Wallon, as if he wanted to remember him well.

"Good eyesight, just remember to bring more valuables next time you go out. UU reading"

Wallon said nonchalantly.

At this moment, the roar of the propeller sounded outside the window, and the searchlight directly penetrated into the room. George, who finally arrived at the scene, was shouting with a horn.

"Black-handed Wallon, you are already surrounded, release the hostages immediately, and capture them!"

"Will you be caught?"

Wallon put down the red wine glass in his hand and turned around with the black and gold cane, as if walking on the red carpet with lights and applause.

"Oh, no, Chief George, if I were you, I wouldn't say that. Besides, you remind me of an old acquaintance, Sheriff Black of District 13, that bald head!"

"You are as boring as he is."

Wallon shrugged.

"District 13?"

George frowned, thinking about the information revealed in Wallon's words.

"Hey, Zhou, Lasu, Afen, are you ready?"

Wallon turned his head to look at the three subordinates.

At this time, the latter had already packed all the jewelry in the ice bucket, and the three of them were all carrying huge bags, bulging.

"Boss, you can leave at any time."

A Fen grinned.

"very good."

Wallon nodded slightly, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at Director George and the night view of New York outside the window, under the blazing white light, he was like the most dazzling central figure on the stage!

"Not only are there no lame old men, no annoying little brats, and no damned archaeologists, but I still have the Holy Master!"

"Oh, I like this wonderful world!"

In the dark corner of the banquet, the dark warrior with the mask slowly stuck his head out, and Wallon showed a cheerful smile, "It's time to leave now!"


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