MTL - Pivot of the Sky-~ The double correction is over. Tell us about the completion time and new book idea of ​​Tianshu.

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Recently, many book friends are guessing how much space is left in Tianshu? In fact, there is no need to guess. I am saying that Piaotian Literature has released six novels, including Divine Wandering, Ghosts, Renyu, Lingshan, Earth Master, and Tianshu. They are all independent stories, focusing on different themes, happening in different backgrounds, and even differing in the way they are described. But if anyone has read all the stories in this series, they will find many interesting links, even intricate.

In fact, I have conceived this series of stories many years ago, even before the emergence of online literature. Thanks for the coming of the Internet age, and platforms like Net for giving me the opportunity to write them out. The process of writing and writing is also the process of all kinds of thinking to finally perfect.

Heaven, earth, people, ghosts, gods, and spirits cannot be summarized in one subject matter. What I write is what I see in the world, and then let the imagination fly, the various systems are intertwined and integrated into a world like this.

When "Tianshu" was finished, I finally described this grand idea completely. It is the weaving of knowledge, thinking, imagination, and various story characters over the years. I didn't expect that I would finish it, but looking back it was really done, using words to build a grand world of reality, thinking and dreams.

It contains stories from ancient times to modern times, and it has various sources of thought. There are not only the heavenly realm of heaven, but also the kingdom of spirit mountain, there are stories between gods and immortals, there are also stories between gods and people, and the story of how ordinary mortals become gods and immortals, including the stories of mortals around us, or where they are. Stories that are happening.

Of course, limited by what I see, I just describe it to the best of my ability and express my feelings.

Some readers once asked me why I called the "Goddess of Trinity", "Ghost Share" and "Human Yu" as the "God-Ghost-Man Trilogy" instead of calling myself "The Heaven and Earth Man-Ghost Spirit Trilogy"? Of course, not because they were the earliest, but because the main plots of these three novels are more closely connected, and they take place in the context of modern life. All the other stories in the story are intricate and eventually gathered. among them.

I have also been asked about the age in which the main context of the story occurred. "Tianshu" should be the earliest, followed by "Lingshan", and then "Divine Wandering". Why didn't I write "Tianshu" first?

Because I do n’t want to, if I write "Tianshu" in that order, I may be misunderstood that I have some kind of missionary suspicion, and I have already written the first five books. Only by writing "Tianshu", the described world system can be integrated to avoid such misunderstandings.

And why should I write "Fantasy" first? Not only because that story is the most interesting, but also the foundation for building this worldview system. The most complete macro expression in the conceived world is "Lingshan", and the writing of "Tianshu" is the final success. Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief and make myself a bottle of good wine.

Many readers ask what to write next? First published-Of course I will also write a new writer of astronomical literature, is doing what I like, the new book is expected to be released in late July this year, the title will not be announced for the time being.

I'm sorry to have everyone wait for a while, because according to my habits, I must start writing after the main idea of ​​the story is complete. In fact, this new book was already conceived when I wrote The Earth Division, but it will not be written until the second half of this year, and a lot of materials, substantial content and plots will be added in the meantime.

After the completion of "Tianshu", I will also go to Gusu and Jinling to collect the style, because the main background of the new book story is there.

Regarding the content of the new book, you can also read a little bit about it. It happens in the contemporary world we are living in. It is a bizarre story in an urban context. Around you and me, in daily life, in the streets and alleys, there may be sèsè-shaped "fairies", they are no different from ordinary people, and ordinary people can't distinguish them. For example, the boss of your company may be transformed by some kind of monster, and once you make your **** **** upside down a certain urban tide girl, it may be the legendary fox spirit.

Before the completion of "Tianshu", in accordance with the usual practice, I will post in the book review area to collect new book sets. At that time, please invite interested book friends to register voluntarily.

Maybe someone will ask—is there any connection between this new book and the story of "Heaven, Earth, Man, Ghost, God, and Spirit"? I can answer aloud-the connection can't be said, but there will be an intersection, there will be!

Because the text world that I have framed is the world around us woven with reality and imagination. The world described in the first six books is complete, and I have no intention of doing more weaving. But those who live in modern times may also inadvertently appear.

Therefore, Xiao Youzi, Mr. Zhang, Bai Shaoliu, Mei Xi, etc. may all appear as modern urban identities and do their thing in this brand new story. In modern cities, you or me may also appear, let us all run a dragon set together!

Of course, there is the gentleman who is the most popular and the most controversial. As soon as he appears, it will cause all kinds of **. Well, he will definitely appear, no matter who likes it or not, whether he has time or not, I will invite him out!

Finally, at the time of the doubling of the starting point, just before Tianshu was about to finish writing, I called for the support of all my book friends! Thank you very much! ro! .

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