MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-~ One hundred and ninety-one. The Promise with the Dragon Goes to the East China Sea

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"Brother Link is back!"

Seeing the familiar figure flying towards the palace with three people in the sky, Lilith smiled.

"Look, he's back."

He said something to Yin Wankov who was beside him, and Lilith and the others excitedly greeted him.

She saw the tired state in Link's eyes, and as the maid of the other party, she naturally had to take good care of the other party.

And Yin Wankov looked at Link's figure and looked at each other in disbelief. The other party actually did it.

Defeated all the spy squads alone.

I'm afraid that after getting this news, the five old stars of the world government will not be able to sit still, right?

I can't imagine what kind of expressions they would have.

But soon, they stopped thinking about it, because they saw the dragon flying behind Link.

They also greeted them, and Yin Wankov opened his mouth and asked, "Long, did you see it before? What happened?"

"How did Link manage to beat those guys? It's incredible, beyond my imagination!"

"The truth of the matter will only be more outrageous than you think Yin Wankov."

Long looked at the group of people around Link in the distance and said, "Because I can't see how he defeated the enemy in the end, but it doesn't matter. Let's go,"

After saying that, the dragon turned and left.

"Ehhhh! Dragon, don't you want to talk to each other? Are we leaving now?"

Yin Wankov used his big head to glance back and forth between the dragon and Link, with a blank expression on his face.

He didn't know what was going on and why he was about to leave.

"Ha ha ha ha."

However, in the face of his doubts, Long laughed loudly, "No hurry, let's find a young man tomorrow. Tonight is already lively enough, let him have a good rest."

"Are we going to keep them?"

Attentive Lilith saw the three who left, and turned to ask Link.

Link shook his head, did not speak, but walked straight to the palace castle with everyone.


the next day.

There was too much movement in the capital last night. The battle between Link and the special agent team left the entire Nancheng District in ruins, and the two street blocks were even destroyed by the battle.

King Shunuo was extremely troubled by this.

Fortunately, Link also knew that this was a problem for himself and others, and asked the two Charlotte sisters to discuss it with each other.

The Morning Star Chamber of Commerce will help Xiunuo Kingdom rebuild these buildings, and their cooperation will have greater benefits, which will allow Xiunuo Kingdom to quickly recover its economy and develop better.

As for the members of the secret service team, those who died had disappeared when Link sent people to collect their bodies.

I think they were all taken away by the CP agents. As for the three people that Link brought back, they were arranged to be sent to the Venus.

For the three of them, Link still has experiments to be done.

So far.

The trip to the North Sea has come to an end. The only thing left is the revolutionary army who took the initiative to come to him.

The sun was just right, and there was no threat to Yamato and others, and they started sweeping and shopping in the capital.

in the palace gardens.

Only Lilith, the maid was left, and she still stayed by Link's side to meet the people of the Revolutionary Army.

Lilith, who is wearing a maid outfit, has truly acquired the temperament of a maid after several years of study, and personally served tea and snacks for Link and Long.

"So, does Mr. Long have anything else to do with me?"

Looking at the dragon on the opposite side, Link said bluntly: "I remember that I expressed my attitude yesterday. It is impossible for our Qixing family to participate in the affairs of the revolutionary army."

"There are no absolutes in the world. I think that Link, you did not reject my request to meet, which means that you did not reject us so firmly in your heart."

Longchong Lilith nodded gratefully, took a sip from the teacup and said, "I think you should agree with the revolutionary army's philosophy."

Link didn't say anything, and was noncommittal about it.

Long didn't care, and continued: "You said that you want freedom and want to be unfettered, but obviously there is a world government, and you can't achieve what you want."

"And I know that you are planning something yourself, sitting and preparing for a certain moment. I think there will be no conflict between us until we reach the ultimate goal, which is the key reason why I think we can cooperate."

"Cooperation requires the efforts of both parties, but I don't see anything in the revolutionary army that can bring me benefits."

Link spoke with little interest, and seemed very indifferent to Long's words, "And on the contrary, contact with the revolutionary army will only bring me trouble. And what I hate most is trouble."

The dragon was silent.

To be honest, he also knew the current situation of the revolutionary army.

And Link's current status and status are improving step by step, and he can't bring out the things that can impress the other party, so he can only be silent.

Link's gaze saw that Long was silent, and then he said, "So, why should I have any interaction with the revolutionary army in this case?"

"Well, I admit that the Revolutionary Army needs your help."

Long nodded, sighed helplessly, and admitted frankly, his eyes looked directly at Link, "Tell me what you think, if you really don't want to cooperate with the revolutionary army, you won't cooperate with me either. meet."

"It's important to emphasize that it's not cooperation, it's investment!"

Long nodded without arguing.

"Make this clear, then we can have a good chat."

Link nodded in satisfaction and smiled.

Since it wants to have a relationship with the revolutionary army, then the primary and secondary status must be set.

In other words, what the revolutionary army did was to help him and act better in the name of the other party, otherwise, would you really think that Link was interested in the revolutionary army?


He had thought about it from the very beginning. The revolutionary army was a big tumor in the eyes of the world government. Compared to him, who was powerful in force, this kind of political revolution was what they feared the most.

So there is no doubt that the dragons can be the biggest draw to the world government's attention, instead of letting them meddle in their own business.

In addition, the world government has already attacked him, do you really think that Link is stubborn and won't fight back?

Two years ago, because his strength was not strong enough, he chose to develop temporarily and develop peacefully.

Now, two years later, if you feel that you can deal with it with your hands free, then I will tell you again.

I, Link, are not something you can provoke!

And Link has already decided this time that he needs to hurt the world government and teach them a sufficient lesson.

The revolutionary army led by Long was his chosen target!

Link's conversation with the dragon went on for a long time.

As for the help the revolutionary army needs, Link is very clear that what they need most now is not material help, but to open up situations in various countries.

Only when their ideas spread quickly can they cause enough trouble for the world government.

Why is the Revolutionary Army mentioned at the World Conference in the plot?

The reason is that with their help, the thinking of the people in some of the world government countries has changed.

Those nobles who are like blood-sucking worms find that they are somewhat unable to control the rise of the people.

Aristocratic nobility is no longer the reason why they can oppress rudely.

For the revolutionary army, what Link did in the Kingdom of Shunuo became the best window.

He decided to arrange for the revolutionary army to contact King Shunuo, control the kingdom of Germa, and have the support of the kingdom of Shunuo. The idea of ​​protecting the revolutionary army will quickly spread in those kingdoms that have not joined the world government and are oppressed.

Starting from the North Sea, it blooms everywhere.

At the same time, Link's Morning Star Chamber of Commerce will become the best link connecting these kingdoms.

With Link intervening, the revolutionary army will expand at an unprecedented speed.

But since it is an investment, it needs to be rewarded.

"Advance City? There are some vicious pirates in there. What do you want to do?"

Long frowned and looked at Link, unable to understand each other for a while.

He even asked him to send someone to enter the advancing city on his own initiative, and cooperate with his arrangements when necessary.

"You don't have to know, Mr. Long."

Link did not answer the other party's meaning, shook his head and looked directly at the dragon, with a strong pressure in his eyes: "You just need to prepare as I said. I think I made it very clear."

"Do you want to release all the criminals who pushed into the city? Link, you need to know what those people represent."

However, Long's attitude was also very serious, and he still wanted to persuade Link.

"That's my business. Well, that's it, I'll wait for your news."

Link smiled at Long, got up and left without explaining anything to Long.

Only Long frowned, looking at the young man's back with deep eyes.


Long felt the unpredictability of the man in front of him.

Is he really the D family?


Long's question is destined to be unanswered.

three days later.

Link took his partner and drove the Venus to leave the North Sea.

After making an agreement with Long, they had nothing to treat in Beihai.

The Kingdom of Germa will also help in the affairs of the Revolutionary Army, which is an order he left to Gage.

The current Jiazhi has become Link's most loyal subordinate. His research ability and his status as a member of the world government will be a nail in the world government and will play a great role in the future.

For a long time to come, the situation in the North Sea will be under Link's control.

And his secret war with the World Government is not over yet, and now he will go to the East China Sea with the whirlpool.

In this sea of ​​beginnings, there are strong men who are worthy of him to meet in person.

It is worth mentioning that Reiku was also aboard the Venus, and she completed her promise with Link.

It's just that this little girl did not choose freedom in the end, but chose to stay.

She will gradually succeed Gazhi in the next few years as the queen who manages the kingdom of Germa.

But before that, she made a request to Link, wanting to know where her younger brother, Sanji, who didn't live up to his expectations was.

So Link generously took her to the East China Sea, which was considered to satisfy the little girl's wish.

On the Venus.

Everyone is discussing the next trip to the East China Sea.

"I haven't been to Donghai yet! Is Link really as interesting as you said?"

Yamato was lying on the edge of the boat and asked Link beside him.

"Hey! I know, this is the hometown of One Piece Roger. We can go to Roger Town to see where One Piece was once executed!"

baby-5 shouted excitedly.

"What's so interesting, why don't you find a place to eat delicious food?" Yamato wasn't interested in these things, so he couldn't get excited.

"Don't worry Yamato."

Link looked at Yamato and smiled, "This time we will meet some people in the East China Sea, and the first thing we will go to is a restaurant open on the sea. The belief of the chef there is to satisfy every diners who board the ship. I believe you will taste it. Good food.”


! Really? I can not wait any more. "Yawa's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he began to look forward to it.

"Not only that, we will also meet some interesting people. If my news is correct, the current world's largest swordsman, Joracol Mihawk, who is also one of the Qiwuhai, is in the East China Sea." Link continued with a smile.

"The world's greatest swordsman?"

Luo's eyes widened, UU reading looked at Link: "Link, are you serious, Eagle Eye is actually in the East China Sea?"

Link nodded, "But it's hard to say where exactly, it depends on luck if you want to see him."

However, Luo no longer cared about Link's words, but his eyes lit up with burning intent, "Oh oh oh! I must challenge him. To be able to become the world's greatest swordsman man, how good his kendo will be. powerful."

"Not only him, there is also an old senior in Donghai."

Seeing Luo's appearance like this, Link became interested, "The legendary pirate who broke into the naval headquarters alone to fight with the admiral and was imprisoned in the Pushing City, which was said to be no one could escape, was the first to break this title. The legend of escape from the ascension - Golden Lion Shiki!"

"Golden Lion!

! "

"That legendary pirate who disappeared?!"

"The golden lion is actually in the East China Sea?! Is this true?"

As soon as Link's words came out, all the friends suddenly took a deep breath.

They are also very concerned about this legendary figure who can be as famous as One Piece.

He was obviously intrigued by Link's words.

"In addition to him, there are some interesting guys. We will all meet them in the East China Sea, how is it now, do you feel looking forward to it?" Link laughed.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Link, do we need to prepare anything?"

But compared to the excitement of these guys, Lilith was more concerned about Link's purpose of going to the East China Sea.

"Need not."

Link looked at Lilith, shook his head, and reached out to caress the white-haired girl's cheek.

In fact, he didn't say a word.

There is another real reason for this trip to the East China Sea.

That is to learn about Lilith's past!

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