MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-~ demon!

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, the fastest update Pirates: The latest chapter starts from the decomposition of everything!

Rumble Rumble Rumble! ! !

A terrifying explosion occurred in mid-air, and the collision between Kaido and Moria directly exploded the space.

The dark space black hole appeared briefly, twisting around, and under the powerful hedge of the overlord, the dazzling light of lightning illuminated the entire island.

That moment!

All the sounds around him became silent.

There was a moment of silence.

Only a terrifying shock wave, from where the two collided, continued to expand outward, sweeping the entire battlefield.

Too strong.

Kaido is still too powerful.

Even the long sword that Moria wielded with all her strength was still difficult to resist under the attack of the opponent.

The whole person was smashed and flew out, and slammed into the huge skull of Ghost Island, smashed the thick outer wall, burst out countless rubble, and was deeply embedded in it.

But the same!

In the face of such an attack as Moria, Kaido was not completely intact. A stab wound and faint blood flowed out of his large and thick chest.

The extremely hard dragon scales on it were shattered, and it was obvious that Moriah's knife still left him with a deep wound.


Kaido landed steadily from mid-air, and walked towards Moriah's position. The monstrous suffocating energy on his body seemed to have turned into reality, and the waves were turbulent!

Under the domineering coercion of the overlord, he even managed to deter everyone else present from daring to look at him, and the surrounding members of the Shadow Legion were all momentarily deterred by the opponent's power.

"Stupid guy, do you really think that you can challenge the old man with your subordinates? Who gave you the courage! You gave you a chance to live, now the old man will kill these weak quails with his own hands. you!"

However, Kaido's forward movement stopped abruptly after seeing the figures of Link and his party.

"It's really miserable, Moriah. Old man Kaido, long time no see."

Link glanced at Moria, who was supported from the deep hole in the wall, and turned to look at Kaido, who was approaching, and greeted with a smile.


Moriah did not reply, at this time his eyes had completely turned into pitch black, and a pair of pitch-black pupils stared at Kaido's figure.


"You dare to appear in front of this old man! You traitor, did you give Moria the courage to that waste?!"

After Kaido saw Link, his originally furious mood suddenly soared.

If you look at the measured level, Kaido's anger value at this moment is definitely on the trend of bursting, that is a dangerous state where anger is full and ready to expand and blow everything up.

The old father's eyes were bulging, and he was staring at Link with bloodshot eyes.


With almost no thought to say hello, Kaido's figure disappeared in place, leaving only an afterimage.

boom! ! ! !

His figure suddenly appeared in front of Link, and the ferocious thorny mace collided with another huge mace, making a roar!

A familiar and charming figure stood in front of him.

"Go away! Yamato!! The old man doesn't want to teach you this unfilial son now!"

Kaido struggled with both arms, swept away Yamato's mace, and the overlord made a domineering attack, roaring at his own daughter in front of him.

Now he just wants to teach that kid Link a good lesson. This guy, thanks to himself, regarded him as a candidate to be his son-in-law. He didn't expect that he would dare to trick him and kidnap his most important child!

Simply unforgivable!

He wants to beat the other side down!

Thunder gossip!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Yamato's body changed into a state of eight true gods, and the domineering arrogance on his body also released and collided with his own father, and the mace A Jian in his hand was dancing like the wind.

Crazy bombardment with Kaido, hitting countless dark and domineering thunder!

"Your opponent is me, bastard! This time, I will defeat you completely!!"

Kaido gave a slight pause when he heard his daughter's words after a long absence, because for so many years, since the death of Kozuki Oden, he has never heard him call him "daddy" in his daughter's mouth.

But now!

He heard it!

But what followed was even more anger towards Link!

It was this soulless boy who kidnapped his daughter, and two years later, he brought her to the door to provoke him, this old man!

It's so outrageous!

Kaido suddenly felt a sense of extreme anger at being snatched away from the treasure he had finally raised!

Especially when he saw Yamato defending that kid Link, fighting with himself, while he himself watched with a hateful smile!

Kaido felt that his head was about to explode with blood, and the blue veins bulged on his forehead almost like a python.

"Wow ah ah ah ah"

Thinking of this, Kai Duo Yangtian burst into a deafening roar, and the sound seemed to shake the surrounding space, causing the air to distort with ripples!

"Kid Link! The old man is going to kill you!!!"

"Bastard! They said that your opponent is me!!!"

No waiter Bingya! ! !

However, in the face of Kaido's rage and madness that was completely irrational, Yamato was equally annoyed, whistling out a snow-white cold current from his sharp-toothed mouth.

More than three meters in diameter, the terrifying cold current that can freeze everything along the way, turned into a pale death **** and charged towards Kaido!

The powerful impact and freezing air directly knocked Kaido's huge body backwards.

When Yamato stopped, Kaido's majestic body was covered with ice, and the snow-white freezing air froze his body.

A trail of snow-white frost was left between the two.


Shaking his head, he waved his arms, shattering the ice on his body, and exhaling two hot breaths in his breath, he was about to start again.

Yamato's figure leaping high, already gripping the frozen mace, attacked him!


Ice slash!

clang! ! ! !

From top to bottom, Yamato's strange power was on full display in this blow, and the frozen mace in his hand collided with Kaido's mace.

The extreme cold was passed from the stick to him again.

The ground couldn't bear Yamato's powerful force, and Kaido's feet fell directly into it.

Under the pressure of the terrifying impact, the entire ground was smashed into a huge pit with a diameter of ten meters!

At this moment, Kaido didn't care that Yamato was his own daughter, and when he became violent, he just beat him!

The long tail behind the waist swung like a long whip and hit Yamato in the stalemate between the two.

In his hand is a mace wrapped in a domineering and domineering color, and he swings it out with lightning-fast movements!

Jundali Longsheng Army! ! !

this moment!

Kaido's movements were at the extreme speed of his body shape, and he waved the mace in his hand, and countless stick shadows appeared at the same time as the mess!

With every blow, it carries a terrifying force that is capable of smashing mountains and hitting Yamato from all directions!

Yamato, who had been whipped on his side by the long tail, didn't even have the space to dodge in the face of the countless stick figures that came.

He waved his mace and collided with it, and he was beaten back and forth.

In the end, it was hit by a stick!

Hit the spot directly!

Mirror Mountain!

Fortunately, Yamato used his ability in time to make a hard stand-in armor for defense.

It was just knocked out by Kaido and didn't suffer much damage.

After temporarily repelling Yamato, Kaido was about to move, but his body froze.

Under the perception of seeing and hearing, Moria's figure appeared in front of him again!

It's just that at this time, Moria's body has undergone amazing changes. He was originally covered with shadow armor, but now he has turned into a set of half-body armor with ferocious thorns!

It seems that the original body protection function has been lost, but in fact it not only generates ferocious sharp thorns on the elbows, knees, and shoulders, but also penetrates the original protection into the dark lines of the body, turning it into a stronger defense!

The shadow lines on Moriah's face spread all over his body strangely. His body became stronger than before, his muscles were bulging, and he was even comparable to Kaido's. His arms and feet turned pitch black. And the shadow is like a burning flame.

His originally devil-like face became even more sinister, with sharp teeth protruding, the small horn on the top of his forehead grew into a huge spiral angle, and his purple hair was swaying like a lit flame.

And behind him, the dark shadow of the dark demon had disappeared, or it was merged into one by Moria!

Not long ago, when Kaido was entangled by Yamato, Moria was not idle either.

After seeing Kaido's strength, he incorporated the shadow demon behind him into his body and began to change his form.

This is the powerful ability brought by the awakening of the shadow fruit ability. Combined with the powerful state developed by Moria's own exploration, he did not stop after completely controlling the demon shadow behind him.

Hundreds of members of the Shadow Legion around, the shadows on their bodies separated from their respective bodies as if they were ordered, turned into thick shadows, and flew towards Moriah.

Hundreds of shadows of the shadow legion, because it was his ability to bless, and the reason why everyone in the legion was loyal to Moriah, merged into his body without hindrance.

Moriana's body, which was originally tall and similar to Kaido, was even higher again, and there was such a change as it is now. All the members of the Shadow Legion and their powers entered his body with their shadows like a sea of ​​rivers.

this moment!

Moria's strength has reached an unprecedented level of strength, standing at the pinnacle level in the true sense!

Thick shadows emanate from his body, shrouding his whole body in darkness, even if the sun shines, it cannot expel these shadows!

Incarnate into a veritable terrifying demon! !

He clenched the long knife in his hand and felt the soaring power coming from his body, after Yamato was knocked flying.

Moria chose to do it without hesitation!

Shadows turned into chains, silently attacking Kaido and tying him in place.

And the long knife in his hand, under the domineering look of the overlord and the shadows, turned into a huge pitch-black sword that was three meters long and half a meter wide, and slashed towards Kaido under his swing!

Not only his body!

At the same time, there were also several condensed shadow clones, each of which was like a real person, exuding a powerful momentum, attacking Kaido from all directions!

"Go away!"

Kaido struggled to break free the shadow chains that bound him, ignoring the figure of Moria attacking around him.

The terrifying overlord's domineering arrogance was suddenly withdrawn and suddenly released!

As if it was a spring that was squeezed to the extreme, the already huge coercion, under the control of Kaido, formed a terrifying impact far beyond the past, and the shadow clone collided and collapsed.

As for Kaido himself, his eyes widened and his brows furrowed, holding the mace in his hand and rushing towards Moriah.

Roaring gossip!

Shadow Profound Truth! Ghost cut! !

In an instant!

The shadow clone that had collapsed at this moment condensed into a terrifying sharp blade, which fell together with the long knife in Moriah's hand.

The mace in Kaido's hand exploded into a dazzling thunder, as if he was holding a thunder in the sky, waving the domineering and domineering stick body and slammed into the blade!

The two collide!

It didn't hit Moria with a single touch like before, knocking Moria out.

This clash of swords and sticks seems to have flipped a switch!

The successive collisions erupted between the two of them.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!"

Moriah and Kaido are like wrestling bulls, **** for tat with each other!

Moria's shadow blade fell on Kaido's body, ripping open his dragon scales and slashing wounds.

Kaido smashed the heavy mace on Moria's blade, with a force heavier than the mountain, hitting his body again and again, tearing flesh and blood.

At the place where the two were fighting, the shock wave continued to explode!

One after another turbulent shock wave, like ploughing the ground, blasted the potholes on the ground, and there appeared one after another deep spreading cracks.

The fierce confrontation caused the ground to vibrate, and the coast on the edge of the island of ghosts, because of the collision between the two, stirred up the waves!

Even Yamato has no room to intervene for a while.

Just stand aside!

And soon, there was another change between the two who were fighting fiercely!

With the collision, the shadows emanating from Moria's body began to cover the surroundings!


Suddenly, the surroundings of the two fell into darkness!

Kaido's powerful sense of seeing, seeing, seeing and is also suppressed by Moria's awakened ability at this moment!


Instant Prison Shadow Killing Array! ! !

The dark shadow is like a prison, trapping Kaido in it!

Moria's figure disappeared like a drop of water melted into the sea!

Next up!

Countless figures appeared, and Moria was everywhere, as if countless blades flashed constantly, slashing towards Kaido from all corners!

The terrifying slash, even if Kaido kept waving his mace, launching powerful attacks one after another.

But he couldn't resist it, and the dragon scales on his body were constantly being cut open and shattered!


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