MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 216 Kill the black charcoal snake!

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"The Arrow of Ink: Ukiyo Shower Drawing!"

Under the superb painting skills of Kanjuro Kurotan, dark ink clouds spread across the entire sky, and dark ink raindrops fell from the ink clouds like sharp arrows, heading towards Yamato and Lilith below.

But before Mo Yu fell to the ground, Lilith let out a coquettish cry.

The crimson flames soared into the sky as if they were about to burn the entire sky.

The ink cloud and ink rain that Kanjuro finally drew with the help of the pen and pen fruit were burned directly.

Luo had sharp eyes and held a long knife.

Faint spatial fluctuations lingered around him, and in the next instant, the whole person disappeared in place, and a sharp blade slashed towards Kanjuro from behind!


Kurotan Kanjuro held a paintbrush, his pupils shriveled and it was difficult to block Luo's blow, but he was kicked and flew away by the following kick!

Before landing, the baby-5's heavy artillery made a huge roar.

In her wild laughter of "Hahahaha~", a cannonball with a diameter of the thickness of a thigh flew straight towards him.

"Be careful!"

The old voice sounded!

In the end, it was the person who had the ability to block the fruit, and Kurotan Chanmaru used the fruit ability in time to raise a transparent hard barrier in front of Kanjuro Kurotan to block the bombardment of the shells.

Boom! !

The cannonball exploded on the barrier with a terrifying explosion, the surging flames exploded, and the shock wave hit the barrier.

In front of the barrier, a huge deep pit appeared in place.

Violent tremors are close at hand!

Kurotan Kanjuro, who was hiding behind the barrier, watched this scene with sweat on his forehead. If Kurotan Chanmaru hadn't shot in time, he would have been killed by this terrifying cannonball.

But even so, he didn't feel well. Although he didn't die, Luo, who followed closely, had already appeared in front of him.

But the soldiers, or samurai, who followed them, the Black Charcoal family cadres, were in a terrible disaster.

A group of black charcoal family cadres and hundreds of samurai soldiers are not one dragon, three opponents at all.

Under the bombardment of Luo, Perona, and baby-5, and the roaring and whipping of the angry dragon, the battlefield was in chaos.

These people, like incomparably weak ants, have almost no ability to resist in front of the real powerhouse, and continue to scream miserably.


The crowd began to collapse!

"Ahhhh~ I don't want to die! I don't want to die, don't kill me!"

"My leg, my leg!! Who can help me, who can help me, I don't want to fight anymore!" A samurai with only one leg left by artillery fire screamed, his hands His face was full of blood.

"Devil, this group of people is the devil! Run! I don't want to die here!"

"My eyes, my eyes can't see it! God, is this your punishment for me?" The blood-stained, blinded warrior threw down the long knife in his hand and covered his face.

"Damn it, I'm a pig! Why is a scum like me still alive in the world, why am I still alive! I should die!" The samurai who lost his will fell to his knees, holding a samurai sword in his hand, ignoring the surrounding battles , with trembling hands, ready to commit suicide.

Just when Link was talking to Komatsu Rihe.

Throughout the battlefield, the warriors who followed the Black Charcoal family were completely beaten and collapsed.

There was blood, black smoke and flames rising everywhere, and many ghosts raging through the crowd.

Just a moment of contact effort.

On the battlefield, there were only a few cadres of the Black Charcoal family struggling to fight with the Black Charcoal Orochi.

And the battle of the black charcoal snake is also the most intense.

The eight-headed snake body, as the eight-headed snake in myths and legends, can be said to have an extremely powerful and magical power in the country of Wano.


General Kuroto, who turned into Orochi, met Lilith and Yamato's alliance against the enemy.

The three phantom beasts with fruit abilities almost contracted the most intense scenes of the entire battle.

The head of the eight-headed snake is constantly spitting out various attacks. After all, it is the powerful ability of the phantom beast. The black charcoal snake can be said to be very crazy in the face of the siege of the two!

Especially when he saw his subordinates, the three little ones and Link's pet angry dragon were like sweeping dust, and they almost completely lost their ability to resist.

He even made various attacks regardless.

Poisonous gas, flames, ice, and even the terrifying sight of petrification were all displayed on his eight heads.

"You **** pirates! Give me all to die! Die! Die! Die!"

The black charcoal big snake with the snake head roared fiercely, and the slender snake head with sharp fangs kept besieging, strangling, entangling, and biting Yamato and Lilith.

Just his attacks!

In the face of the powerful violence of the two women, he was extremely powerless!

Thunder gossip!

Horse magic knife!

A huge mace wrapped around a dense and domineering, waving like a phantom in Yamato's hand, and it exudes an amazing white mist.

That's freezing air!

Yamato's movements are like a nimble butterfly, constantly shuttling through the gaps in the siege of several snake heads of the Orochi, and hammering the snake heads fiercely.

"It's because of a guy like you that Wano Country is in such a dire situation now!"

Yamato attacked, but the pretty face on his face was incomparably angry, and his eyes were burning with anger and constantly counting the evil crimes of the black charcoal snake over the years!

"Secluded from the country! He also arrested slaves to become your miners and mined sea towers for you. You hateful guy is not worthy of being the general of Wano country!"

"If it wasn't for your betrayal at the beginning, Mr. Koyuki Oden wouldn't have been "boiled in a cauldron", killing such a great hero like this! You **** bastard!!"

Yamato turned his anger into power and kept hitting one of the eight snake heads of the Orochi Yachi, attacking like a storm.

He froze the head of a snake spewing this poisonous gas abruptly, and finally hit it with a powerful stick, blowing it up abruptly!

The mace driven by the huge force directly hit a terrifying sonic boom, and even briefly knocked the huge body of the black charcoal snake to the ground!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

When did the black charcoal snake suffer from such a pain, the head of the blown up snake gushed out like a fountain, while the other seven heads roared and roared in pain!

But it's not over yet!

Guarding the Fire Phoenix Spear! !

When the black charcoal snake screamed in pain, and the eyes of the seven pairs of snakes showed incomparable resentment and hatred.

Flying in the sky, it has transformed into a complete phoenix form, with flames burning on her body like a world-destroying Lilith phoenix squinting, dragging her long colored tail feathers behind her.

The stretched and stretched wings were retracted, and the phoenix body seemed to be enveloped in a terrifying flame that could burn through the air and twist the space.

Turned into a peerless gun that fell from the sky!

Go straight to the black charcoal snake!

That moment!

The flaming phoenix seemed to pass a dazzling meteor between heaven and earth!

Fall from the sky to the earth!

Leaving a trail of dazzling flames in the sky, it just hit the huge snake body of the black charcoal snake!

Lilith's powerful strength, combined with her raging flames, was at the moment of contact.

It burned the defense of the Orochi Yachi, and pierced a huge hole in his body!

Like a long snake pierced by a divine spear, the black charcoal serpent that was wailing in pain screamed more and more!

But it has to be said that the strength of the phantom beasts is still extremely powerful.

As a legendary mythical animal, the Orochi Orochi transformed by the black charcoal serpent still did not die on the spot in the face of such a terrifying attack by Lilith.

Just under everyone's attention!

One of the remaining seven snake heads suddenly withered and withered, and his body was originally penetrated, and the terrifying flames directly ignited the huge burning wound. With the withering of the snake head, it miraculously began to grow blood and flesh !

Countless blood-colored granulation sprouted around the wound like small snakes, growing out of the wound that had been burned into pitch-black coke, gradually closing the huge wound.

The terrifying wound that was originally fatal was completely healed and disappeared in just a moment of time.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it's probably impossible for everyone to believe it.

Mythical creatures like Orochi have such powerful healing abilities and strange moves.

Even Link, who was watching the battle with Guangyueri and Quietly, could not help but light up.

"Interesting! It seems that the phantom beast ability of this Orochi Orochi is still worth seeing. There is such a means of life-saving. I wonder if his other heads also have such abilities."

Touching his chin, Link couldn't help but have a passion for scientific research in his heart.

Link, who had no interest in the magical beast ability of the Black Charcoal Orochi, suddenly felt that it might be a good choice to add this ability to the angry dragon.

At that time, maybe I will be able to study the nine-headed dragon?

And just when Link was thinking about something in his heart.

the other side.

Because of Lilith's attack, the black charcoal snake that suffered heavy damage, at this moment, he is really completely crazy!

Without any reservations, only the remaining six snake heads fell into a frenzy!

A terrifying energy attack spits out of the snake's kiss!

Explosive energy surged from his whole body, and the power appeared like destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

Flames, ice, thunder, and storms swirled around him. He didn't care about the general's mansion, which was originally the name of Jiuli, and poured out his own attacks recklessly.

"You forced me! If you want to die, let's die here together!"

Seeing that the surrounding Kurotan family officials were killed by Luo and the other three, even the loyal family members such as Kurotan Kanjuro and Kurotan Chanmaru died one by one.

He was hit hard by the enemy and almost killed himself.

Knowing that he had no chance of winning, the black charcoal snake twisted his huge snake body, and a huge black energy sphere began to appear above his head under the convergence of various energies.

Obviously, he is going to burst out his most powerful moves, trying to die together!

"Lord Link, won't you take action?"

A violent shock wave swept across the battlefield, blowing in all directions.

The dark clouds in the sky began to form vortices, which seemed to echo the increasingly large black energy ball above the head of the Orochi Orochi.

Guangyuerihe looked at the terrifying scene that seemed to destroy the world, raised his hand to shield the wind, and asked Link beside him nervously.


What Koyukihi saw was Link calmly shook his head.

"Don't worry, such an attack just looks fancy and powerful. In fact, I don't need to shoot at all."

Link was still watching the battle, how could he really be like a big snake and let him get his wish.

He just sneered as he watched the jet-black energy **** that began to gradually gather and swell above the black charcoal snake's head.

Just like what Link said, the attack of the Black Charcoal Orochi really made him have no idea of ​​shooting.

Because he knows!

You don't need to do it yourself at all, Yamato, Lilith, and the others, who have freed up their hands, are enough to clean up the black charcoal snake!

The truth is just as Link said.

Under the watchful eyes of Link and others, the terrifying energy ball gathered by the black charcoal serpent had not reached the level he wanted. The phoenix incarnated by Lilith, the true **** of big mouth changed by Yamato, and the attacks of the three little ones had already been attacked. Continuing to come.

It didn't take long.

The battle came to an end with the mournful wailing of the black charcoal serpent.

A battle to change the country of Wano was resolved in such an easy and freehand manner.

And the people of Wano who saw the death of the black charcoal snake almost burst into cheers. They were very excited, and there were tears of joy on their faces.

The eyes of everyone looking at Link and his party changed from fear at the beginning to awe and gratitude.

However, Link ignored these dazed crowds, and extracted the demonic factors from the other party with the thought of research, and entered the general's mansion with a group of people.

Although the troubles of the Black Charcoal family have been solved, there are still some trivial matters to be dealt with in the follow-up of Wano Kingdom, whether it is the samurai who escaped in the battle, or the re-discovery of Kozuki Oden, who is in charge of Wano Kingdom and will face fury in the future. The preparation of Kaido.

A series of things required Link to be prepared.

After introducing Yamato to Hiroko Kozuki, UU reading asked the heirloom, who protected Kozuki Ri and the girl, to summon his loyal followers of the Kozuki family to deal with the follow-up.

Link did not stay in the General's Mansion, but rode the angry dragon to the island of Oni, which was also at the end of the battle.

Link has no interest in Wano Kingdom, and after defeating Kaido, he will only return it to the Kozuki family, and at most conduct some commercial cooperation later.

After all, the famous sword Qiushui in his hand is also the national treasure of Wano country.

He didn't want to return the long sword he had in hand, so handing over the ruling rights after Wano Kingdom should be regarded as a return gift to himself for using Qiushui all the time.

And when Link came to Oni Island, what he saw was an acquaintance - Quinn who was defeated.

Read The Duke's Passion