MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 187 Siege (3)

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ferocious! Bloodthirsty!

The brawny man who fell into a rage, under the effect of the facial paralysis man secretly making him forget the pain, became more fierce and not afraid of death.

The interference of the skinny old man and the blessing of the sonic girl's attack affected Link's mind or affected the battle between him and the strong man.


The whistling fist once again took advantage of Link's unpreparedness, and hit him on the shoulder.

The strong man raised his hand and stretched out his long tongue to lick the blood on the front of the fist, and his arms covered in blood could not tell whether it was his own or Link's.

"Hahahaha~ This time it's the blood I crave! Kill!

! "

Under the stimulation of blood, it made him even more excited!

Laughing wildly, he strode forward to call Link again!

"Almost all right."

However, just when the spirits of several people were lifted and they felt that they could do it again, Link suddenly said such a sentence.

The next moment!

Link, who was still in front of the strong man, suddenly exploded with a dazzling lightning bolt, and the arc of the whole body swam around him, stimulating his strength!

The strong man was dumbfounded to see that his attack was in vain with just a flash in front of his eyes.

Link in front of him disappeared!

As for the man with facial paralysis standing at the back, his eyes were splitting, and Link suddenly appeared in front of him.

The light of the sword that was swung and chopped was close to Chi Chi, and his heart was full of disbelief!

He opened his mouth wide and wanted to shout, but the dazzling knife light came faster!

The blade that cuts through the space has an unparalleled sharpness, and the man with a paralyzed face knows very well that in front of this knife light, he is like an extremely fragile piece of tissue paper!

At this moment, infinite horror emerged in his heart, he didn't want to die!


There is no time to exclaim, and there is no time to consider how the other party teleported in front of him.

At the moment of life and death, the paralyzed man raised his hands diligently, trying to touch the approaching blade.

He tried his best to activate his ability, wanting to make Link forget the purpose of attacking himself at this moment!


The blade is cut!

"This is impossible..."


Before the other three could react, the man with facial paralysis was slashed in half by Link who appeared in front of him.

Even when he died, he stared at him, looking at Link in front of him unwillingly.


However, in the face of the doubt that he was unwilling to die, Link didn't even bother to give an explanation. Instead, he opened his closed eyes and turned his head to look at the remaining three people behind him.

This sudden turn made the three of them unexpected!

Everything happened so fast.

Link's sudden disappearance, and when he reappeared, the paralyzed man who was his companion had already been beheaded, which caught them off guard and didn't even have time to rescue them.

By the time they reacted, it was too late.

In fact, the previous fight between Link and the strong man was not simply dragged by them.

But from the very beginning, Link was looking for an opportunity to kill the paralyzed man with one blow!

The man with facial paralysis is very powerful and can make people forget their thoughts, abilities, and even their identity, but there is no doubt that all abilities are not incomprehensible.

Link began to pay attention to the man with facial paralysis after realizing the ability of the man with facial paralysis.

Soon, he discovered the key to the opponent's ability to display - watch!

The eyes of the other party never left his body, and his attempt to teleport was only a momentary thing, but because of the gaze of the other party, the idea of ​​teleportation was forgotten.

After discovering this, everything became easier!

Taking advantage of the enemy's relaxation, Link's speed soared and disappeared from the vision of the paralyzed man under the stimulation of the arc, and teleport was activated.

Without any eye contact, the enemy's ability to forget, under Link's full conscious resistance, could no longer stop the long knife from falling.

The man with facial paralysis just died here!

With the death of the facially paralyzed man, Link's teleportation was liberated, and no one could restrict his movement. In the realm, the three thin old men were lambs to be slaughtered!

The three of them obviously knew this, and when Link looked back, they each made a move.


Needless to say, the half-beast turned into a ferocious brawny man recovered from the madness immediately. The pain of Link's slashing came like a tide, causing him to smash through the house in the distance, smashing the block in front of him. The building escapes like a bulldozer!

On the other side, the thin old man collapsed under his feet instantly, his whole body fell into the ground, and disappeared underground.

The sound wave girl followed closely and wanted to escape, but unfortunately, her ability was not as decisive as that of a strong man, nor was it as strange as a thin old man's ability.

After the death of the man with facial paralysis, Link's first target!

The sound wave oscillates, and the woman is like an ultrasonic sound source, releasing pervasive ultrasonic waves. Anyone other than Link will be deafened by her ability to hear, and the inner organs will eventually explode and die!

It can be said that it is also an extremely powerful ability, but unfortunately she bumped into Link's hand!

Without the suppression of the facial paralyzed man, the Sonic Girl's ability to face Link's domain and decomposition ability would not work at all.

She only saw a thunderous figure flashing past, and the whole world began to turn upside down.

Even with her desperate explosive ability, she couldn't stop Link's blow!

Immediately killed!

After Sonic Girl died, Link did not immediately chase the thin old man and the strong man who escaped.

Instead, he raised his hand and grabbed the opponent's head, and his ability was activated!

Memory Discovery!

Just as he had manipulated Jiaji, invisible mental tentacles penetrated into Sonic Girl's mind, and Link opened his eyes again in less than a moment.

"Is this your plan? Hughes."

In just a brief moment, Hughes' plan was exposed in front of Link.

Link's gaze turned to the direction of Xiunuo Palace, where there seemed to be a riot, according to Sonic Girl's memory, it was the manpower arranged by Hughes.

"With Lilith in the Xiunuo Palace, it's not a big problem, so now it's time to join up with Yamato and the others to solve these troublesome guys."

Link turned to look at Nancheng District.

During his fight, the neighborhood where chaos erupted before has quieted down.

Link could feel that Yamato and their breath were moving away, and were taken to Nancheng District by the enemy.

It was the slum of the Shunuo Kingdom, which was still in chaos because of the bombardment of the Jerma Kingdom and the turmoil.

And there is also the decisive battle place Hughes prepared for Link in the plan.

This blond old acquaintance, after being brutally stabbed by Link, climbed up from **** to seek revenge on him.


The southern part of the capital city was dark, there was no light at all, only the moonlight scattered in the sky.

The floating clouds blocked the figure of the moonlight, leaving a large shadow here.

No one noticed that a man was standing quietly above this mid-air, where the wind was blowing.

The moonlight shone on him, but it was refracted and decomposed, making it impossible to see the real person.

Link just stood in mid-air, looking at the decisive battle ground Hughes prepared for him below.


"What did you say? You two died and still haven't stopped Link! It's just trash!


Hearing the escaped strong man and the thin old man talking about the situation, Seka's sharp voice seemed particularly angry, looking at the two and shouting dissatisfiedly.


"What, do you think we just catch women like you are like sissies?"

The strong man glanced at Seka coldly, with a fierce light in his eyes, and Scarlet's tone was not good.


"Didn't you succeed in capturing the hostage of Death Omen? No matter what, this shows that we did not fail in delaying each other's mission."

The thin old man smiled and didn't get angry, but the breath around his body began to spread, and he was ready to do it at any time.

"That man is powerful. I believe that Sir Hughes knows better than you. We killed two people in our actions!"

It's just that the two have a tough attitude, and the real attention is still on Hughes.

Because they know that Hughes is the only one who is really in charge here, and no one cares about the rest of them!

"Hoo~ I can't wait to kill, sir, are you sure these hostages are still useful? Why don't you kill them?"

Shiliu of the Rain exhaled a mouthful of cigar smoke, squinting and smiling at Yamato and the others, who were collapsed on the ground weakly.

They were all poisoned by Leijiu, without Leijiu sucking them out, they would die soon!

Beside them, the closest one was Reijiu, and a young man who looked like a nobleman was in charge of guarding.

"What a great proposal, I can't wait to taste these tender flowers."

The man looks elegant, but his eyes are full of lewdness when he looks at Perona and baby-5, and he even looks at Leijiu with malicious intent from time to time.

small book booth

"Okay, Serka."

Just when everyone's mind was floating, Hughes spoke.

His sharp eyes swept the room, making Shiliu of the Rain and your young master suppressed the eagerness in their hearts, and said to Seka: "Don't worry, that guy will definitely come."

Saying that, Hughes looked at Yamato and the others. Although they lost their ability to move because of Reijiu's poison, they were still conscious.

The people around them even surrounded them in the center, and Leijiu and your son were standing beside him to guard them, unable to escape at all.

Hughes glanced at his eyes and asked your son to take out a phone bug and hand it to Yamato: "Send the news to Link, I think he will come to save you. But it's better to let him hurry up, otherwise we will meet. When the time comes, you will only see your corpses."

A perverted smile appeared on your noble son's face, "If you don't want to die, just do it."

Hughes' words were exchanged for the glaring eyes of Yamato and others, when they opened their mouths and were about to speak!



There was a sudden explosion in the sky!

Everyone looked up vigilantly, and the field of invisible fluctuations instantly shrouded everyone from top to bottom!

Hughes suddenly looked at an empty mid-air and shouted sharply:

"Come on! Get those guys under control!"

As a space capable person, Hughes felt the realm shrouded by Link for the first time, and burst out his own space power to block the shroud of the realm.

Under his orders, even if the other people did not see the figure of the person coming, they each took a fighting stance.

However, when Hughes looked out of the corner of his eye, his heart suddenly became extremely bad!

Because the Yamato group that was not far away, including Reijiu, your son, and Yamato, have disappeared without a trace at this time.

There is only one huge pothole left in place!

Far in front of the square in front of the palace, in front of Lilith and the others who were waiting for them, Reijiu and the others suddenly appeared, as well as the only designated victim, the wickedly smiling gentleman.

The moment he appeared in the palace square, Yamato, who had collapsed before Reijiu could move, stood up instantly and punched the unprepared man in the face, knocking him flying.

"It's been a long time since I saw you! You're a pervert!"

Not to mention the battle situation in the Palace Square, at the South City.

Hughes watched Yamato and the others who suddenly disappeared without being incompetent and furious, but tore through the space and forced Link to emerge from the air.

His eyes under the mask were filled with resentment and viciousness, staring at Link stubbornly.

"I still underestimated you Link, but since you're here today. Just stay here!"

"I should tell you this."

Link was still standing in the air, so he looked down at the people below and said softly, "All of you have to die here."


Rumble boom!


Before Link's words were finished, a giant made of earth and stone climbed up from the ground, and the ground of the entire capital trembled because of the stone giant's movements!

A huge stone palm waved at Link, and the huge stone palm was dozens of times his size!

"Link! You traitor, pay for the young master!" Serka's sharp voice came from the giant's mouth.

Not only him!

With Link's appearance, Hughes' power of space showed his side that far surpassed before, UU reading rivaled Link's domain!

In two years, his abilities were also awakened by stimulation!

The space ability stagnated in this space, making Link's domain ineffective.

After Sekar made his move, a gleaming blade of light rushed out from the bottom to the top. Shiliu of the Rain held a long knife and thunderstorm, turned into pitch-black lightning, and slashed at Link with the long knife.

Swish swish!

The giant palm slapped and the sword light fell, but they all failed at the same time!

It turned out that at the moment they started, Link was no longer there, leaving only a phantom!

And he himself appeared on the ground.

Kneeling down on one knee, Qiushui's long knife stabbed into the ground!

"Break it down!"

Link chanted softly.

The next moment!

Cracking and collapsing!


la la la la~

The ground began to disintegrate and collapse from under Link's feet. A wave of shocking, terrifying power continued to pour out of Link's body!

The entire ground was disintegrated and spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the positions of everyone standing were shrouded in the shaking of the earth.

The ground has become a dark black hole trying to devour everything!

Not only the ground, Hughes' solidified space also began to crumble!

Like a mirror shattering, the power of decomposition scurried in the space, tearing apart the dark space cracks.

With the expansion of Link's power, the cracks are getting denser and denser, like a shoal of dark fish devouring food in the ocean, wandering around this space!

this moment!

There is no escape from Link's attack!

ps: Opened a new book "Summoning Xiu Xian: Awakening the Demon Emperor at the Beginning"

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