MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 173 Goal Germa Sixty Six (Quad K)

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The Venus is different from the regular ships in the One Piece world. This is a battleship completely designed by Link, with a total length of 300 meters and a height of tens of meters.

The style draws on the battleships of the previous earth, and the overall look is very ferocious and domineering, revealing Link's hard work on it in all aspects.

At the same time, the core power of the ship is the energy technology of the Pirate World. For this, it took a lot of money to negotiate from the Navy headquarters and obtain the technology from the scientific research institute of Vega Punk.

In fact, in the world of pirates, technology is also very developed. If you really think that this is the medieval period of the earth, you are wrong.

It can only be said that because of the appearance of Devil Fruit, the technological tree of Pirate World has climbed a little crookedly, and different results have been developed.

For example, the pistol that Link rubbed out of his hands when he was on the island of Oni is the same as the ordinary revolver. Sometimes the difference is reflected in these places.

And with a powerful power source, the maximum voyage of the Venus has even reached 40 knots, that is, a speed of 40 nautical miles per hour.

In this world, the maximum speed of ordinary pirate sailing wooden ships can only reach 15 knots, and the naval warships and world government ships can reach 30 knots. Link's iron armored warships are not bad!

Although such an iron-clad battleship cannot be compared with Moria's Devil's Spinnaker, Tezzolo's Golden City, and Noah's Promised Ship, it is definitely a giant ship compared to other pirate ships in the pirate world.

The domineering and sturdy iron-clad hull and ferocious weapons and artillery fire can definitely be called a 'ferocious monster'!

Link's Venus, since it was built, can also be called a top battleship in this world, and this battleship has not yet been fully constructed, and will continue to strengthen with Link's ideas in the future.

After all, he has the ability to decompose and reconstruct, and he can operate the battleship at any time.

Of course, I have to mention here. With Link's research, he found that the snails in the pirate world are completely a science and technology, which can be called 'snail technology'. The snails with various functions are beyond his imagination.

Communication, eavesdropping, video, and even cross-sea transportation, you must know that the mobile kingdom of Germa 66 is completely supported by snails.

At first, Link also considered whether to build it like Germa 66, and finally gave up the idea considering his own ability to manipulate.

Daughter's Island is not far from Ruskaina Island, and Link arrived at the newly built tall port on Daughter Island in less than half an hour by driving the "Day Star".

With Link's help, Daughters Island has changed a lot.

The port is wide enough for Link's warships to dock in it, and along the coastline, huge artillery pieces are arranged at intervals. The enemy's nightmare.

Teams of elite female warriors of the Nine Snakes patrol the port.

Looking from a distance, you can see that the opponent is still wearing a light and cool attire, but the bow and arrow behind him have a special transformation, and the arrow has a special structure.

Nets, punctures, signals, high-explosive, ropes, and other types of arrows are comprehensive.

Not only that, but there are also some odds and ends around their waists, such as puppets, gashapons, small iron balls, metal bells and so on.

Don't underestimate these gadgets, these things are special props that have been tested in actual combat and can play miraculous effects in battle.

Some of the gadgets were even tinkered with by Link to become the best-selling products of the Chamber of Commerce.

Link took Lilith and others to approach the battleship, and immediately met the warm welcome of the patrolling female soldiers.

Such a welcome, as Link and his party walked into the town with his men, became even more eager!

Spacious new roads, streets, bright houses and enthusiastic girls in all kinds of tricks.

The whole city is full of the lively atmosphere of festivals. Although it has only been two years, it can still be seen that technology has penetrated into the country, and while retaining the original style and beautiful scenery, it has greatly changed the lives of residents of Nine Snakes.

There are crowds of people on the streets, there are tame beasts carrying beautiful girls listening to the music from the small machine, there are sassy female warriors riding vehicles shaped like motorcycles and motorcycles, and huge video snails broadcast news from the outside world. .

The entire Nine Snakes showed a far different vitality than before. Whenever Link and his party passed by, there were always Nine Snake residents waving their arms and shouting enthusiastically.

"Lord Link! It's Lord Link who is back!"

"Ahhh! Lord Link, I'm going to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Lord Link, Lord Lilith, try these cakes just out of the oven!"

"These are the newly cultivated fruits, baby-5, Lord Luo, you can try it!"

Some people brought food, some flowers, and the crowd enthusiastically gathered to give their gifts, all because of the changes that Link brought to them.

When they came to Hancock's palace, Link and his party were all carrying a lot of things.

Link took a bite of a red fruit similar to dragon fruit in his hand, and the juice overflowed in one bite. He couldn't help smiling and said to Lilith, who was holding the flowers and wearing a wreath, and said:

"The current Nine Snakes are really changing every day. I can't believe that this is the Nine Snakes."

Lilith also chuckled when she heard the words, "That's because you don't come here several times a year, Link, but the Nine Snakes did change very quickly with the help of Melize's Chamber of Commerce. Now the outside world knows that in the windless zone With a daughter island, it is the Amazon and Lily Kingdom of 'Paradise'."

"Hahaha, that's interesting." Link couldn't help laughing happily.

"Lord Link! Lilith, Luo, and baby-5, come here soon. Sister and the others are ready to celebrate in the palace, just waiting for you to arrive."

In front of the palace, she has orange hair, and her figure is different from the fat in the plot. The third sister Marie Groud, who looks like a tall and beautiful beauty, ran to Link and others with joy on her face.

He hugged Lilith, dragged Link and walked into the palace.

As Marie Groud said, everyone in the main hall of the Nine Snakes Palace gathered here.

Seeing the three of them appear, they also screamed and greeted excitedly.

"Ah ah ah Lilith! Link! I haven't seen you for a long time, woo woo hurry up, I brought a lot of things back!"

With a strange cry, he fell into Lilith's arms. Yamato's face was full of joy of reunion after a long absence. He rubbed against Lilith with his pretty face, and started to show off the spoils of his travels.


And Luo, hum hum, this princess is back, happy or not! "Perona is still wearing a dark loli-style costume, holding her arms and raising her little head high.

"Cut, aren't you just going out and playing? What are you proud of? I'll punch you now, and you'll have to bang!" Luo pouted in disdain, and also folded his arms and directly ignored it, causing Perona to glare.


"Okay, Perona, what interesting things did you experience outside this time!" Baby-5 hugged Perona's two girls with a smile on their faces and walked inside together.

"Lord Link~"

A fragrant breeze flashed, and Hancock, who was wearing a black cheongsam to highlight his figure, had appeared beside Link.

As he grew up, Hancock's figure got better and better. When he put on high-heeled shoes, he was almost two meters tall. However, standing next to Link at this time, he still looked like a bird and a man, and there was no such thing at all. The image of the proud queen.

The two Charlotte sisters followed closely, who were different from Hancock's intimacy and eagerness.

They are more mature now, especially after Mei Lize has mastered the Chamber of Commerce, she looks more noble with the temperament of a strong woman, and she especially knows how to use the unique advantages of her two sisters.


The two walked towards Link and called out softly, but the fiery eyes in their eyes and the seductive gesture of biting their lips fully explained their inner thoughts.

Now these two sisters, even if the aunt asked them to betray them, they would not do so.

Because of Link, while giving them freedom, he also gave them unimaginable power, and all he had in his heart for the man in front of him was loyalty and desire.

Link smiled and greeted everyone one by one.

As the personnel expired, the banquet was soon held, and the official celebration officially began in the kingdom.

There were signs of jubilation in the entire kingdom. On the large terrace on the top floor of the palace, Link looked down and the crowd turned into a sea of ​​joy.

As the night came, the bright lights at night illuminated the entire kingdom, like a galaxy, this was a scene that was completely unseen in Daughters Island before. People walked through the streets singing and dancing to celebrate.

In front of the square of the palace, fireworks burst out one after another, blasting splendid fireworks in the night sky, and the colorful fireworks of various pictures ignited the climax of the whole celebration.

Link watched this scene quietly, and by his side, everyone just admired the scene.

"It's so beautiful! The fireworks are so beautiful!" baby-5.

"This picture looks good! This color is my favorite!" Perona.

"What's the matter, and there are no fireworks for characters, that's the real beauty!"

Luo said proudly, when he heard the sound of "Hugh", the cartoon heads of Link and a group of characters appeared in the night sky, and there were even funny expressions.

"Wow ah ah!

! Great! Link look, it's you!

! ' Yamato yelled and jumped excitedly.

"Pfft!" Lilith couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling as she looked at the funny expression in the sky.

"Lord Link, can I enjoy the fireworks with you after my concubine?"

Hancock looked at the splendid fireworks in the sky, and suddenly asked Link beside him softly, with hope in his eyes.


Link nodded solemnly, looked around at his companions, and said in their expectant eyes, "A day like this will not be just a short moment. In the future, we will all watch fireworks for the third time, the fourth time, and the fifth time. time, keep watching!"

"Watch the fireworks together!

' shouts baby-5.

"We have to party together, eat delicious food together, travel together, just look at the fireworks!" Yamato shouted with his head stretched out.

As these words fell, the crowd began to discuss again and again.

Soon, it was late at night.

Everyone went back to rest, and everyone rested in the palace.

It was just that in the dark night, Link slept in the room, and from time to time someone sneaked in, one or two would not come out as soon as they entered.

It caused Link to be troubled for a while.


the next day.

In the living room, Link was sitting on the couch, while Garrett and Melize, two sisters wearing extremely light silk clothes, sat beside him and leaned against Link.

"Master, you are looking for the MADS (Vega Punk's former research team) scientists who escaped from the World Government's arrest and have not achieved much. These people are hidden deep." Melize reported to Link. , she took advantage of the recent situation of what the Chamber of Commerce has done for the other party,

"However, our chamber of commerce has already made contact with the future country, and has reached a friendly cooperative relationship with them through the relationship of Vega Punk. The other party's technology is very powerful, and many of them are of extremely high value. It can be a good commodity.”


Link nodded, "These people are all If you can recruit them, try to recruit them as much as possible. By the way, how is the connection with Germa 66?"

After Link established the Morning Star Chamber of Commerce, Melize and Garrett managed the rapidly growing Chamber of Commerce, making it a strong guarantee for Link's will to be fulfilled, with tentacles all over the world.

Among them, recruiting talents from all over the world is one of the tasks. In the research institute on Ruskayina Island, there are many researchers recruited over the past year.

"King Wensmoke Gage is very unfriendly. We have looked for them several times to negotiate, and expressed the idea of ​​your purchase, the owner, but was rejected."

This time, it was Garrett who answered. She frowned and said, "They seem to have a tough attitude by relying on their status as an alliance country of the World Government."

"Huh? He is a mercenary kingdom with such courage?" Link wondered.

"Actually, it's because of some business of our chamber of commerce that conflicts with them. At present, there are signs that the chamber of commerce has been jointly suppressed in the development. If my guess is correct, the other party is one of them, and the world government is most likely behind it. intervene."

Melize looked at Link and explained.

"World government."

Link nodded when he heard the words. With the World Government as his backing, he could explain why the other party's attitude was so strong.

Link is also clear about this, although the world government has not taken any action against him for two years, secret infiltration and attention are inevitable.

As the situation in the new world gradually stabilized, their attention to Link was also raised.

"But that's fine. After two years of silence, it's also time to show off your strength and tap the claws of the World Government."

Link smiled indifferently, "Just heading to Beihai to meet Vinsmoke Jiazhi in person."

Read The Duke's Passion