MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 148 Dover's Burst (Quad K)

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Dover's ten holy bullets, which were originally extremely fast, suddenly slowed down in Link's eyes.

He could even clearly see the sharp, ferocious spear tip that was entwined with high-density armed color domineering and slowly rotating.

Under the dazzling moonlight, every path shone with cold light!

Watching all this, everything in the world seems to slow down.

Link was able to see Dover behind him through the attack, and looked excitedly at the bloodthirsty expression that he was about to be penetrated.

next moment!

Everything happened just as Dover imagined!

Ten terrifying sacred bullets pierced through Link's body, slammed on the ground behind him, and exploded.

Boom boom boom boom~

The murderous bullet smashed through the ground, sending countless rubble splashing, and raising layers of smoke.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Dover's previous excitement completely disappeared, the figure that Link was penetrated by slowly dissipated, and what he hit was just an afterimage that remained in place!

"Are you looking for me?"

Before Dover could look for Link's trace, a familiar voice rang from his side, and Link's figure suddenly appeared beside him!


Before Dover could react, the long knife fell, and it brought a handful of sputtered blood!


! "

Time of life and death!

Link's sword light was forced to dodge by Dover, and he retreated half a point out of thin air!

However, the sharp knife light still cut through the shield that Dover was protecting on his chest, and cut a huge wound on his chest. The strong stinging sensation made Dover scream!

The intense pain caused Dover to lose his mind for a moment.

When he reacted, Link had once again appeared in front of him with a knife!

Will die, really will die!


Looking at Link's calm gaze, Dover felt the fear of death for the first time!

This is what he has never felt before!

He couldn't understand, he had exploded before, and he had to suppress the boy in front of him, how could he suddenly become like this!

He is not reconciled!

Jealousy, resentment, anger, unwillingness, pain and all kinds of negative emotions surged like a tide at this moment, twisting and expanding in his heart!

Do not!

How can I die here!

Die at the hands of this kid!


Dover's heart recited an electric turn, but everything was just a flash of lightning, and Link's long knife had already fallen!

Carrying the power of decomposition, the extremely sharp blade cuts through the air as if it is slow and hurried towards Dover!

The blade broke the domineering block of the armed color, and the touch on the skin was clearly transmitted to Dover's mind, and death was in sight!




boom -

In Link's shocked eyes, Dover, who was about to die under his own knife, was wrapped around a domineering thread that was far more tenacious than before.



Link's blade was blocked immediately!

As soon as these threads appeared, they blocked the advancement of the blade, and the huge force swept away the mortal Dover!

While flying upside down, Link noticed that all over Dover's body, clusters of silk threads began to appear around his body, protecting his body!

The layers of silk wrapped around his body formed a pair of well-protected armor almost in the blink of an eye, wrapping him in it.

This is something even Link did not expect!

"Just now, is it a tyrannical entanglement? Is it an illusion?"

Link frowned and glanced at the blade that he was blocked, with surprise in his eyes.

Looking up again, Dover has completely changed his appearance at this time.

His entire body was wrapped in dark domineering silk threads, clusters of dark silk threads replaced the muscles, and the body swelled in a circle. The whole body seemed to be peeled off, and the muscle tissue was exposed to the outside.

His face was also completely covered by a mask made of silk threads. He had no mouth or nose, only a pair of scarlet eyes were exposed.

Dover's appearance was completely gone. Such a shape made Link feel a little like a miniature giant.

But soon, Link felt that his idea was right.


Because he only listened to Dover, who was covered with silk threads, constantly gathering the assimilated silk threads around him. The silk threads swirled around Dover's body like a waterfall, as if to weave to form a giant appearance!


Seeing that Dover was about to transform into a giant, Link was in no mood at all, waiting for him to change completely.



! "

I saw that the giant was not fully formed, but half of its body had been propped up from the ground!

With just half of the body, it has reached a height of more than 30 meters!

The huge body of a giant roared at Link with filial piety, and a huge sound pierced through the sky, resounding throughout Luoyinda City!

The huge palm waved, forming a huge shadow covering Link.

The huge body not only did not slow down his movements, but also made him howling with the powerful wind and the domineering coercion of an overlord and slammed into Link!

"Oh? Looks like I underestimated you, Dover. But do you think you'll kill me like that?"

Facing the waving palm, Link's eyes narrowed, and the long sword of autumn water vibrated, forming a pitch-black blade that charged towards the palm.

"I have defeated giants bigger than you and you!

! "

Rumble rumble!

Because of the convergence of silk threads, the ground was exposed, and as the huge palm fell, it exploded into a huge pit!

With this blow, many cracks spread from the pit, and the entire port became torn apart.

The strong tremor caused the buildings far from the port to vibrate and collapse, and the air waves formed by the shock wave rolled over the docked ships and destroyed countless ships!

And in the smoke and dust raised by this magnificent force, the sword light flickered with Link's figure, leaving dark knife marks in the air!

With the appearance of the sword light, the huge palm, and even the arm, appeared one after another cracks, and turned into broken fragments and fell to the ground!

Link held a long knife and continuously slashed with powerful slashes, dismembering this huge arm on the spot!

With his whole body flashing with thunder and lightning, he turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the giant's body along the giant's arm.

The long knife slashed and slashed fiercely on the giant transformed by Dover!


boom! boom--

Link is holding a long sword, and with an unparalleled attitude, he wields one after another sword light!

The slash fell on the giant's body, and the giant's body, which had not yet completely changed, was cut with huge scars by Link's blade!


! "

The giant controlled by Dover roared with filial piety, and slowly stood up under the entanglement of the white wave!

The huge body of a giant, I am afraid that it will eventually reach a height of more than 80 meters!

Link's every swing of the knife could inflict terrifying damage on the giant's body, but no matter how sharp the slash, it still couldn't stop Dover from entangling silk threads!

The huge wound that Link cut off, the next moment, under the control of Dover, was quickly connected and healed by silk threads, even if Link cut off the giant's limbs, after falling to the ground, it quickly disappeared in the white wave under the giant. Disintegration, followed by convergence on the body of the giant.

As the core Dover, he hid early, in the depths of the giant's body.

Link's slash, every time the entangled giant's body is slashed, the sword light will also be blocked by the protection covered by Dover.

For a time, Link couldn't solve Dover quickly.

It's not that Link can't solve Dover. In the face of this huge giant, Link has already defeated Katakuri, who is far beyond the state of Dover at this time in the new world.

It’s just that this is not a deserted island after all, not to mention that Klaasson and Yamato are still there. Link is afraid that if he wants to use the sword of the gods at that time, he will completely destroy the entire city of Loinda!

At that time, countless innocent civilians will die at his hands.

Link isn't the Virgin, but he's also not a murderer either.

As a sane person, he was still worried at this moment.

"go to hell!

! "

Hovering in the air, Link watched as Dover, the giant in front of him, shot again while roaring.

The giant's huge arm waved, this time it was no longer a complete arm, but turned into a constantly entangled string bullet!

Dozens of line bullets, far exceeding the previous scale, stabbed towards Link.

Link dodged to dodge, but the line bullet was like the cone of the tarsus, tracking his figure.

"What a troublesome guy."

Swish swish!


The sword light flashed, and Link didn't care about the line bullets behind him, rushed to the giant's body and cut off the giant's arm with a powerful blade.

The heavy arms fell to the ground and made a loud noise, but then silk threads were quickly wrapped around the arms to grow new arms.

But before the arm grows, Link's blade comes again!

Swish swish!

With the long knife slashing, Link became ruthless and made a decision in his heart!

Since he couldn't kill the giant in one go, and couldn't find Dover's specific location, he simply dismembered the giant in one go!

See how long you can support such a huge body!


With Link's movements, the surging sword light became more and more fierce, and Link continued to cut off the opponent's body around the giant's body.

The entire port became a battlefield for the two of them, and the loud rumbling sound kept resounding in the night sky.

In the distance, Yamato and Klason left the battlefield after the explosion in Dover. The two watched the battle between Link and Dover from the ruins in the far distance.

The terrifying power trembled the ground from time to time, cracking and spreading.

"It turned out to be so strong?"

Crasson leaned against the ruins, his eyes fixed on the two people on the battlefield, his fists clenched.

The strength of Dover and Link deeply shocked Krasson. He did not expect that Link would be strong enough to fight such a monster in just over a year.

Even watching the whole process, it was almost pressing Dover to fight.

The terrifying power made him tremble.

"Hehe! Yes, Link is very strong. He is my brother... Yes, that's it, beat him hard, Link!"

Hearing Crasson's sigh, Yamato put one hand on his hip, grinned, and waved his fist fiercely, as if she was doing it with excitement.


Crassson glanced at the cute and naive girl beside him, and was amazed.

He thought of how surprised he was when he saw the reward list for the three of Link. It was a reward of hundreds of millions. At that time, he thought that the World Government had made a mistake.

He desperately hoped that Link would not come to Loinda to avoid being targeted by Dover and Crocodile.

But the result?

Not only did Link arrive in time to save himself, but he also showed the powerful strength represented by the hundreds of millions of bounties, which completely shocked him.

He knew that not only Link was so powerful, but the girl beside him and Lilith also had a bounty of hundreds of millions.

Based on this alone, the power represented by Link now is already an existence that will make countless powerhouses, pirates, and even the Navy Headquarters face up to it!

Thinking of his identity as a navy again, Crasson's feelings towards Link became a bit complicated.

at the same time.

The battle between Dover and Link attracted far more than Crasson and Yamato.

In Luoyinda City, many intelligence officers and even CP agents watched the battle with serious faces.

They also had feelings in their hearts, and the one with the most ugly face was Crocodile, who was seriously injured by Link.

After being severely injured by Link, Crocodile abandoned the fruit of the operation, turned into quicksand and quickly escaped from the battlefield, and then let his subordinates treat him for him.

I have to say, Link's knife is really ruthless, and the wound cut by the blade with the power of decomposition is not so easy to heal even if a doctor bandages But Crocodile It can only be said that the man who is cruel to himself is really strong!

He forcibly tore open the wound that Link had caused him, but happened to dissolve the power of decomposition carried by the wound. Although the injury was serious, there was no hindrance from the power of decomposition, but it was not that troublesome.

It's just the fiasco of this battle that makes Crocodile extremely unwilling!

In his eyes, Link is just a junior!

He didn't even hold the opponent's three moves, and he was almost killed, let alone just a face-to-face, and those of his subordinates suffered heavy casualties.

That is, with this strong unwillingness, after the doctor bandaged the wound, Crocodile returned to the periphery of the battlefield again.

And as soon as he arrived, he saw the scene where Dover exploded into a giant. The powerful gesture made Crocodile black.

Especially after seeing that after Dover turned into a huge giant, facing the attack of the sky and the sun, Link still suppressed the opponent extremely domineeringly.

So much so that when he saw Link slashing with a knife, and the whistling blade flashed in the night sky, in the violent shock, he had to dismember Dover's giant body and completely destroy the opponent's powerful posture. Indescribable.

Is this the new generation praised by the old man with Whitebeard?

The Death Omen Star is worthy of being called the Death Omen Star!

Crocodile's right hand stroked the golden pirate hook installed on his left hand, his face was tense, and his eyes flickered as he looked at the battlefield.

this moment.

He recalled the scene when he challenged Whitebeard in the New World, his face was terrifyingly gloomy!

The wound on his body was still stinging him, but the flame called ambition in his chest was even hotter, burning his heart constantly.

After being silent for a long time, his icy gaze turned towards the direction of Crassson and Yamato.

Read The Duke's Passion