MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 145 snatch

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Link's words were a slap in the face to Dover!

Is this guy kidding?

While Link said those words, everyone present looked at Link in a daze, as if looking at a monster.

His eyes were full of disbelief, and even Crocodile's expression became weird.

Because what Link said was too light, the contempt in his eyes could be seen by anyone. In the face of Dover's overweight, he raised his hand as if he was understatement, and told the other party.

Your chips, in my eyes, are simply trivial!

Not only that, I saw that Link met Dover's fire-breathing gaze, and continued to speak with a heart: "Also, I can guarantee the whereabouts of Hades' design drawings, even if it is the information you get from the World Government, it is only It's just a guess."

"If the existence of such a secret is really known, how could the world government hand it over?"

This sentence Link said to Crocodile, he was reminding the other party that it is not so easy to get Hades.

But to Link's disappointment, Crocodile was clearly aware of this, and the words he said did not make the other party react much.


Seeing that Link said this, Dover couldn't bear his killing intent any longer. He looked at Crocodile and said with a bad look:

"Sand Crocodile, don't force me. Do you think I only got the news of Hades from the world government? I also know very well about you. If you don't want to be removed from Qiwuhai, you'd better agree to my conditions! "

Crocodile was startled when he heard the words, but he obviously thought of something, and his face became gloomy when he stared at Dover.

"Threat me?" His eyes narrowed in danger.

"Kill this kid, we can cooperate. Otherwise, you will have a hard time!"

In the face of Crocodile's killing intent, Dover didn't care at all, and without waiting for the other party to make a move, he was the first to attack Link!


As soon as Dover started, he went all out, and the overlord's domineering aura exploded instantly, surging to suppress Link, and the terrifying coercion would suppress him!

Thousands of arrows pierce the heart · feather strike · line!

Immediately after, thousands of white lines covered with domineering armed colors shot out from the ground between Dover's wave!

These domineering, tenacious white lines are shaped like flamingo wings and surround Link on both sides, trying to pierce his heart with ten thousand arrows!

A sudden shot is a lore!

Link had been closely watching Dover's actions.

At the moment when the online bullet hit, the flashing electric light burst out on his body, Link's pupils shrank, he slashed with a knife, and his figure turned into lightning and rushed out!

He waved the long knife in his hand, and all the white lines in front of him were cut off by him. The extreme sharpness made Link's movements unstoppable!


The line bullet fell and exploded with a loud roar on the spot, but soon everything on the ground was assimilated by Dover's ability and turned into white lines.

Form a turbulent wave, chasing Link's footsteps!

What everyone didn't expect was that Link cut off the obstacles in front of him, and when he rushed out of the attack range, he did not go towards Dover, but went straight to Crocodile!

Dover's threat made Link immediately realize that it was not good. He did not wait for Crocodile to make a decision. He made a decision almost instantly.

In any case, grab the fruit of the operation from Crocodile first!

Seeing Link coming straight at him, he was threatened by Dover, but the angry Crocodile laughed!

There is no hesitation at this time, and I immediately start at Link!

He is also a strong man. He realized the danger before Link approached, and with a grin on his face, he stuffed the fruit of the operation into his body that turned into yellow sand.

The raised left hand raised a handful of yellow sand to his face, and at the same time, his left hand turned into yellow sand and grabbed Link with a golden pirate hook!

The scorpion venom needle in his hand is extremely poisonous under the twisting of the mechanism, and even if it is only lightly hooked on a small wound, it can cause people to die instantly!

The yellow sand hit his face, obscuring Link's vision, hiding the hook behind the yellow sand, like a needle in the back of a sand scorpion's tail, extremely insidious!

However, Crocodile still underestimated Link, and the boy's expression remained unchanged, and he still calmly raised his hand to block.

The water vapor in the air was instantly condensed and sputtered out by him. As soon as it touched Link's palm, it solidified into a ball, and then slashed with a knife to directly make way for a path.

Before the golden hook could touch Link, his figure phantom broke through in front of Crocodile, and he was cut down with a savage sword!

Crocodile was taken aback by Link's bizarre method. How could he have imagined that it would be like this. His pupils shrank and his whole body melted and fell backwards. While avoiding the knife, he slapped the ground heavily with his palms!

Erosion cycle!

The ground beneath the two of them shattered with a bang, turning into yellow sand powder, and Crocodile's arm merged into it, and a desert sword on the sand rushed out from in front of Link!

The sharp and huge desert sword seemed to pierce his whole body and split him in half!

But too weak!

When such an attack does not even cover the domineering, it is impossible to hurt Link!

Link's footsteps!


The desert sword was directly smashed by him, and the shattered and swaying ground was rebuilt into a solid ground The speed increased again and came to Crocodile!

"grown ups!"

Bowness, who was next to him, saw this scene, with a look of fear in his eyes, his arms turned into blades and subconsciously slashed at Link, trying to buy time for Crocodile!


The wind whistled, and Link's eyes didn't even deflect in the slightest, and Bowness's blade-wielding body froze in place.

Several wounds suddenly appeared on his body, and blood spurted out. This tough guy-like man was just beheaded by Link!

The movements in Link's hands kept going, and while the palms were spinning, the hilt of the knife was about to stab at Crocodile with the hilt facing down!

Sandburst Funeral!

Crocodile's eyes were spitting fire, and this kid Link seized a flaw in himself and suppressed him, making him furious.

But seeing the long knife stabbing, and seeing the knife that cut through Dover's 'Wild Wave White Line' before, he didn't dare to use his own body to try this knife.

The body lying on the ground sank directly into the sand, and the yellow sand gathered around, slammed into Link and squeezed him into the yellow sand coffin!

However, this scene made Link's eyes suddenly bright, and the power of decomposition exploded in an instant!

The sand waves attracted by Crocodile not only failed to entrap Link to his funeral, but instead exploded suddenly under the influence of his decomposition ability!

The blasting sand waves pierced through Crocodile's men directly, and blocked the line bullets that Dover Biao shot and killed behind Link!

The autumn water in Link's hand stabbed straight down, holding Crocodile's body that was trying to avoid it in place, and let out a mournful howl! Mobile users watch Pirates: From the decomposition of everything, please visit https:// for a better user experience.

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