MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-~ 211. The chapter of the war begins to visit Whitebeard!

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Charlotte Lingling can become the Pirate Emperor, but it's not just because of her strength.

After seeing the power shown by Link.

She knew very well that the next battle might not start.

Because once the battle begins on Cake Island, with Moria's help, even if the Big Mom Pirates can defeat the opponent, they will suffer heavy losses.

There are even cadres attrition.

It's not worth it for her.

Not only did they lose the originally expected support of Moria, the new world overlord, but also pushed them directly to the opposite side.

In the face of the next attack of the naval fleet, then the Big Mom Pirates and Wan Guo may really have no idea what the ending will be.

How can Charlotte Lingling accept such a situation.

But if there is no war, what is the majesty of her Pirate Emperor?

I lost face directly because of Link's appearance. You must know that there are still many pirates watching!

For a time, she was also a little difficult to get off the tiger.

Holding the emperor's sword high in his hand, he was silent.

Fortunately, Charlotte Lingling's embarrassment, as her son, Perros Perot, is in the eyes of her.

As a smart person in the Big Mom Pirates, he naturally saw his mother's dilemma, and knew that the current situation was not the time to easily take down Link and his party.

Immediately, he gave Katakuri a wink and motioned for the other party to stand up for comfort.

After all, Katakuri and Link still have some friendship no matter how they look at it. In addition, the two younger sisters, Melize and Garrett, are still by Link's side. As long as they don't completely tear their faces, there is still room for turning around.

To say something bad, what if you tear your face?

Judging from Link's current level of strength, as long as he is willing to co-exist peacefully with the Big Mom Pirates, even an alliance on an equal footing is acceptable.

In the new world, everything is based on strength!

With strength, everything can make way for what you want.

What if the Big Mom Pirates are cheeky?

The strength of the big pirates present is not as strong as that of the Big Mom Pirates, and it is not that they have the final say.

In other words, Aunt's prestige was swept away, but with Link's powerful strength, who would dare to shout?

It was nothing more than taking the initiative to admit it and making Link the fourth emperor.

With this thought in mind, Katakuri stood up at Perospero's suggestion.

With Katakuri coming forward, Link finally decided to stop after thinking about it.

On the one hand, Kaido's Hundred Beasts Pirates is coming. Once he and Charlotte Lingling start the battle, they can't go according to the plan they expected. Maybe they will detonate a fierce battle ahead of schedule.

At that time, it was the wedding dress for the naval fleet and Kaido's Beast Pirates.

On the other hand, his strength was still showing, and Moriah's alliance with him was solid.

The two daughters, Melize and Garrett, were still the daughters of the Charlotte family after all, so she still had to give some face.

So there is no idea of ​​continuing to fight.

However, Link directly refused the cooperation proposed by Perospero, and left Wan Guo with Moria and his party.

The Beast Pirates are about to arrive, and the battle between the naval fleet and the nations will also begin. What are you still doing on Cake Island?

If I really want to meet Kaido, then maybe Kaido and Charlotte Lingling will join forces again to clean up this guy who has been unhappy for a long time.

Link and Moria left with their subordinates, and it was not so easy for the remaining big pirates to leave.

The group of them witnessed the brief fight between Charlotte Lingling and Link, and they were completely on the ship of the Big Mom Pirates.

Want to go?

Don't weigh your own strength, can you go?

In the end, I can only obediently belong to the command of the Big Mom Pirates, even if there are so many careful thoughts and ambitions, they are still in the bottom of my heart.

After Moria left the Cake Island, he was arranged by Link to return to the base camp in the Mormon Islands to start reorganizing his staff and prepare for the next battle.

The battle between Link and Charlotte Lingling not only surprised a group of big pirates at the banquet, but Moriah also felt the pressure. Link's strength is really strong, and he is definitely a real monster.

The most critical problem is that he is not at their age, just in his early twenties and still very young.

Can you imagine how strong the opponent will be in a few years?

Not to mention that there are members like Yamato, Lilith, and Luo.

One is too young.

Fortunately, his relationship with Link is still close, and with Perona, a junior he cares about very much, at Link's side, he doesn't have to worry about turning his face with Link.

Thinking of the opponent's next plan in this battle, Moria suddenly felt that as long as he was more firm in Link's footsteps, he might as well take the position of a Pirate Emperor!

He knew that that fellow Link was not very interested in the position of the Pirate Emperor.

Thinking of this, Moria's heart became more and more hot and excited.

Not to mention what Moriah was thinking, and actively preparing for the battle.

After Link left IWC, he fought against Charlotte Lingling, showing that his strength was not lost and reached the peak level and spread in the new world.

It also made Link the most famous pirate in the New World for a while, and the name of Death Omen was resounding in the New World again.

That is to say, the incident of the naval fleet attacking is too nervous, otherwise it is really possible to publicize the prestige of the fourth emperor.

And when Link was in the limelight for a while, unsurprisingly, Charlotte Lingling of IWC and the Kaido Beast Pirates chose to join forces.

The news also spread quickly as the naval fleet was approaching.

The two pirate emperors join forces to battle the naval fleet!

The Whitebeard Pirates are also not to be outdone as the pirate emperor, and there are also explosive news.

The legendary big pirate, the golden lion Shiji, appeared in the new world, suspected of fighting with Edward the Whitebeard at sea!

for a short period of time.

All kinds of news in the new world are flying all over the sky, which can be said to be extremely lively.

That is, under such chaotic news.

The second detachment of the Navy Fleet, Admiral Akainu led 38 naval warships to smash the thirteen kingdoms controlled by the Big Mom Pirates like a broken bamboo, and cleared the pirates under the Big Mom Pirates, officially starting the Navy Fleet and the Pirate Alliance All-out war!

The whole new world exploded like boiling water.

When he received this news, Link's eyes also flickered, and the battle he was waiting for finally officially started.

But this is just the beginning. As he knows how resourceful the old man of the Warring States period is and how tyrannical the navy is, he will not join the war so eagerly.

He has other things to do.

For example, see Whitebeard!



When the war officially started, Link didn't go to join in the fun, but drove the armored battleship Daystar to see Whitebeard.

Link's purpose when he saw Whitebeard was also very simple, so he naturally attracted him.

As early as in the previous arrangement, he asked the redhead to stare at the Whitebeard Pirates. After all, as one of the pirate emperors, he was about to discuss his personal strength, and the Whitebeard might be better than Kaido and Charlotte Lingling. To be more powerful.

It was just that Link was a little disappointed. The red hair obviously had no intention of getting involved in this war. After talking in the Momen Islands, he chose to leave.

Even more did not find Whitebeard as Link thought.

Fortunately, although the redhead didn't follow Link's ideas, he still had another backer, the golden lion Shiki.

I have to say that Whitebeard, as a remnant of the previous era, was the overlord of the same era as Roger.

Now he is much older than Kaido Charlotte Lingling, about the same age as the Golden Lion Shiki, and also an old man.

As time passed, the stubborn ailments on his body naturally followed.

In the plot, a few years later, the white beard has reached a disease-ridden level, and his strength has dropped again and again, and he even shaved his hair for treatment.

But it's different now.

When the Golden Lion appeared on the Mobenik in a peak state, with his body intact, Whitebeard and his sons knew of Link's miraculous abilities.

It was also learned from the golden lion that Link was willing to come to treat Whitebeard.

After learning the news, the sons of Margo, Joz, Saatchi, and Bista were not to mention how happy they were, and even Titch, who had not yet obtained the dark fruit, was excited.

They were all thrilled that their old father was able to return to a healthy, peak body like the Golden Lion.

At this time, Titch still admired Whitebeard very much in his heart, and even if the dark fruit had not really appeared at the beginning, he would have made a plan to faithfully follow Edward Whitebeard's father.

It can be said that Whitebeard is definitely a great pirate full of charisma.

This is also one of the reasons why Link will take the initiative to come and treat Whitebeard.


His treatment is not free, the golden lion was treated by him for the breakthrough of kendo and his floating islands.

Helping with the treatment of white beard naturally comes at a price.

He wants Whitebeard to join his side!

With that purpose in mind, after ten days away from Cake Island.

Link arrived at Whitebeard's station and boarded the Mobenik.

The arrival of Link and his party was warmly welcomed by the Whitebeard Pirates, and a lively welcome banquet was held directly.

Sitting upright on the large chair, bare chest and overcoat, Whitebeard looked at Link and his party with a big smile with a bowl of wine in his hand.

Beside him are the golden lion Shiki, who is full of blonde hair and grinning, and a group of officials of the Whitebeard Pirates, Margo, Joze, and the others.

"Guhahahaha~ We meet again, boy Link."

"I haven't seen him for more than two years. I didn't expect that the young boy who followed us and stirred up the wind and rain has now become a sea powerhouse that can compete with us."

Whitebeard looked at Link, his eyes swept over him and Yamato, Lilith and the others who followed behind him, and nodded in approval.

"Jie Hahahaha! This kid is incredible, his ambition may be to become a Pirate King even stronger than Roger!"

The golden lion on the side listened to what Whitebeard said, and also followed suit.

Listening to the touts of the two legendary pirates, Link just smiled without defending.

Lively chatting started.

Yamato, San Xiaozhi, who followed Link, were also very excited when they saw a legend like Whitebeard.

The host is warm, the guests are happy, and the atmosphere of the party will naturally become more lively.

It didn't take long for Link and his party to mingle with the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Link even enjoyed the superb cooking skills of Saatchi, the white-bearded ship's chef.

Just eat and drink like this, after a while.

Under Margo's questioning, Link still started talking about business.

"Dad Whitebeard, I don't know what you think about the battle between the naval fleet and Kaido and Charlotte Lingling Pirate Alliance this time."

"View? It seems that Shi Kee is right. You want to participate in this battle, are you planning to take this opportunity to become the new Pirate Emperor?"

When Whitebeard heard Link's question, he looked at Link seriously and said, "It's okay if you want to be the emperor of the new world with your strength. It's no problem if you think about it."

However, as soon as Whitebeard finished speaking, he saw Link shaking his head.

Hearing Link smiled, he said, "I don't want to be the new Pirate Emperor, I want something purer than this. I want to be the strongest in the world and be the full king!"

As soon as Link's words came out, the originally lively and laughing voices of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly froze.

The presence instantly quieted down, and all eyes turned to Link.

"Jie Hahaha~ Did you hear Newgate? I'm right, this is the new generation of Pirates, and his ambition is to become a stronger and more illustrious king than you!"

In the silence, the loud laughter of the golden lion broke the silence at the banquet.

"Guohahahahaha~ I really have ambitions!"

After hearing the words of the golden lion, Whitebeard also laughed, not only did he not feel that the other party was arrogant because of Link's words.

I didn't even feel offended by it.

"So, you asked me for your opinion on this war, and you even brought the Mobinick to say that you would treat my body for me. Do you want the help of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

After Whitebeard laughed out loud, he looked at Link and asked bluntly, "Kid Link, tell me what you want to do?"

And as soon as Whitebeard's words came out, the expressions of the cadres of the Pirates who were drinking and eating meat became solemn.

They all waited for Link's next words.

Obviously, these sons also knew that Link's willingness to treat Dad would come at a price.

However, Link's conditions, according to his father's temperament, may not necessarily agree with everything.

They were also a little nervous for a while.

Glancing at him, seeing everyone nervously and solemnly looking at him, Link nodded, and spoke directly without concealing anything.

"I hope the Whitebeard Pirates can join my alliance and become my assistant!"

Read The Duke's Passion