MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 384 The curtain call of the era

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The gully passing through the sky, twisted and meandering "hissing" bites towards the rolling storm, is like splashing ink smudges the rotating eye of the wind, dyeing the entire air black.

Amidst the tingling sound of twisting and splitting, the shattered sword beams shot out from the sky, and the terrifying sword intent slashed even the emptiness of the storm.

Koushiro, who was wearing a black robe, continuously stepped on the air under his feet, crossing the position that prevented the storm from escaping.

In the raging storm, a face covered with tattoos appeared cold and gloomy. He looked at the cloud layer of the sky that was cut off by a sword, and he couldn't help being shocked.


The strange bat phantom adorned the edge of the storm, as if countless split bats were surrounding the storm, and the Blood Count stared at him with an eyeful look on his face.

In this moment of shock, another chain of black-robed apostles rose into the sky, and the whistling black sand covered the sky and covered the ground, turning into countless black chains; the deep thunderclouds overlooked the sky, and countless dark thunder and lightning raged, shrouding this place. Square space; then the black mirrors that surround each other are connected and turned into a strange mirror prison to completely trap the Monkey D? Dragon.

"Each of these guys is dangerous!!!"

Monkey?D?Longhun's bones are radiating cold air, his mind is running wildly and thinking, as if he has changed into a person, Garp, a vice admiral who has been resurrected from the dead, the rebellion of the East China Sea, the continuous battleship, and these strengths Thriller Dangerous... All the clues are linked together, and the design of a "conspiracy" layout is suffocating.

The fleet of the Revolutionary Army on the sea was smashed by the pouring artillery fire, and countless black tentacles floated up from the sea, like a group of terrifying shadows that surfaced from the bottom of the sea. Nails pierced through tangled, shattered boards, and the burning wreck was pulled and sank into the sea.

The pervasive blood dyed the sea red, and against the background were the warships that were crushed by them. Countless elite soldiers shot at the sea with their guns, sweeping the revolutionary army crying for help into broken corpses and broken arms.

The hull of the ship, which was dyed red and white, was churning with blood waves, and the flags of hunting and dancing sailed into the great channel.

Then, a huge black battleship emerged from the abyss, and strangely floated into the air. Behind it, a steel forged battleship floated into the sky and galloped into the sky. The roaring wind was like the roar of a dragon. .

"What is this..."

Monkey? D?'s dragon's eyes were splitting, and the storm that rolled all over the body violently impacted the shrouded black mirror. Then, the mirror surface was quivering with ripples, and black flames emerged from the mirror, like The blooming black fire lotuses drifted away with the rolling air, but strangely ignited the storm.

The dark and cold flames seemed to be able to penetrate the emptiness of the storm and directly burn the soul, and then a strange black robe appeared in the mirror prison. Sen Bai's cold eyes stared at him, and the gravitational force in the air was pulled towards him. The center is condensed, and even the virtual elements are forced to re-solidify the human body under the control of this terrifying gravitational force.

"Yarlin doesn't have time to answer your question, so..." Hodgdon and Gana looked up and watched the shadow of Hades fly over their heads, and they said almost in unison, "Go to hell!"

The moment the voice fell.

The surrounding apostles shot at the same time, and the entire mirror prison was shaking and shattering, along with the closed dark space, or the entanglement and explosion of strange or domineering forces, annihilating all the substances trapped inside. , even the tiniest molecular elements are instantly wiped out of signs of life.

Poor Monkey D? Long, but being beaten and killed by a bunch of apostles is worthy of his identity as the leader of the revolutionary army.

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The ground collapsed, buildings collapsed, dense cracks appeared in the air like shattered mirrors, a terrifying tsunami rolled up from the harbour, and the impact cover smashed into Marin Fando.

As if the power of the sky was falling and the earth was shattering and shattering Malin Fando, half of the entire island had been turned into ruins, and every inch of gravel was wrapped in solidified and turbid corpse flesh.

Hell on earth is not enough to describe this scene. The original solemn and dignified naval headquarters has been turned into a slaughtering field of **** wreckage.

The trembling execution platform, which seemed to collapse at any time, was frozen by ice crystals, and there were piles of corpses frozen by the ice crystals. The road to rescue "Ace" was already covered with bones.

A terrifying giant Buddha emerged from the back of the Warring States Period, and his hands descended from the sky, forcibly suppressing the shattering air tide.

"Is it worth it, the destruction of the entire pirate group is only in exchange for a son of Roger!" Sengoku's pair of frog eyes stared at Edward Newgate.

The latter took a step back to dodge Sakaski's attack, grabbed Sakaski's head with his backhand, and smashed it to the ground like a rag doll. .

Edward Newgate's neck was also surrounded by a circle of violent blue veins, and he was breathing heavily. Obviously, this intensity of attack put a terrible load on his aged body, but his expression was still heroic and domineering. , he said fiercely: "Ace is my Edward Newgate's son."

on Xingtai.

His cheeks were clinging to the icy stone platform, Ace stared straight at the corpses piled up below, the dark lines in the depths of his eyes were sinking in a strange way, and Magellan next to him waved and broke the throat of a pirate who rushed up~www The torn throat was eroded with a black layer of scorch. It looked like the corrosion of venom, but it was actually a trace of burning flames. Unfortunately, no one could notice this detail. .

"Taking everyone's life in exchange for an Ace is really a great fatherly love!"

Sakaski struggled to get up from the ground, blood spilled from the cracked skin on his cheeks. He looked at the white beard, and there was a murderous intent in his fierce eyes.

A pirate under Whitebeard's command suddenly approached quickly from behind. The short knife in his hand was like the fangs of a poisonous snake. It suddenly pierced Whitebeard's back.

The air seems to be still!

All the pirates stared at this scene in disbelief. Edward Newgate, the white-bearded pirate, grabbed the betrayed pirate Scuardo, and then saw the Akainu Sakaski rushing towards him. The molten slurry turned into a fire dragon that devoured everything, smashing heavily on his chest, burning a fist-sized blood hole.

Hot black smoke burned from his chest, and the man who was called the strongest man in the world swayed, collapsed and fell straight to the ground...