MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 373 This trade-off

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Against the dark black sky, the steel battleships revealed hideous black-bottomed skeletons, and countless terrifying roaring monster armies suddenly stepped on the side of the ship that covered half of their bodies, like cannonballs falling into the air. Falling down, the black tide dancing on the ground rolled.

boom boom boom...

At the moment when the "cannonballs" fell to the ground, the smoke and dust splashed all over the place, and the black lines tacitly wrapped around them like wriggling black snakes, strangely turning into pitch-black armor that was wrapped around the body, setting off the strange and terrifying monster's momentum. terrifying horror.

In just a few short breaths, the ground was submerged by the black ocean monsters, and Zilai also looked around, the monsters standing upright on their knees surrounded him, bloodthirsty and crazy eyes staring at him, as if at any time. will be slaughtered.

"The only choice?!!"

Jiraiya glared at his former companion, the chakra all over his body was agitated, and a strong airflow swirled between his hands to condense into a spiral pill, and stabbed towards Tsunade and Orochimaru respectively.

If this is the doomsday, then death is the only choice!

The swirling vortex smashed the air, blowing the hair tips of the denomination to reveal the dark seal on the forehead, Tsunade stared coldly at Jiraiya's stupid move, the air trembled violently when he raised his hand, and the surging strange force attacked and was transformed. The transformed body is obviously more capable of exerting her unparalleled strength.

Like a hurricane colliding with a pouring waterfall, dense ripples appeared in the invisible air, like the drill bit of a poisonous dragon piercing the waterfall, Tsunade's palm exploded, revealing the white stubble. But the man was unmoved, letting the sharp stubble pierce the spiral pill and pierce Jiraiya's right hand.

In the splattered blood, Sen Bai's hideous bones pierced through the palm of his hand, then smashed Jiraiya's wrist fiercely, and Tsunade kicked Jiraiya's knee with one kick.

The left knee suddenly made a crackling sound, and the body staggered, and the other palm stabbed the position of Orochimaru desperately.

Staring indifferently at Jiraiya's dying struggle, his memory seemed to return to his childhood. At that time, he was recognized as a genius, Tsunade was a princess, and Jiraiya was just the tail of the crane in the trio, but now... …

"The fate of the ninja is coming to an end. If you don't understand Jiraiya, then I'll give you a push. It's time to return to the team!" Orochimaru knew that Jirai was also determined to die, but unfortunately, his pupils appeared. The scarlet evil light, the body scattered into a black crow in an instant, at the same time a piebald python broke out of the ground, and its ferocious fangs bit Jiraiya's arm.

The snake's body was smashed by the spiral pill, and in the splattered shredded flesh and blood, a pair of dark red pupils reflected in Jiraiya's pupils. The spirit was in a trance for a moment, and in a momentary pause, a snake-like arm wrapped around Jiraiya. The neck suddenly turned outwards.


In the sour rubbing sound, a blue mark of a noose appeared on his neck, and the divine light in Jiraiya's eyes quickly shone on his calf. He stared at Orochimaru at the last moment, as if begging the other party to destroy his body. .

"I'm sorry, the so-called only choice is destined to be unchangeable, and even death cannot escape, because Yaerlin holds the authority of death!"

The grim voice echoed in Jiraiya's mind, and the black line that appeared on the ground instantly pierced his back, entangling the heart that had stopped beating, giving it a stronger power, and circles of black dim light from Jiraiya. Laiye's eyes appeared.

The blood-covered cracks healed quickly, and there were countless black threads woven and stitched in the body, which made his muscles and bones harder, and the Chakra in the fairy mode was strangely smudged with a deep black.

"Yarlin is destiny!"

Jiraiya raised his head and looked at the black ship suspended in the sky, with unprecedented enthusiasm and awe in his eyes. Orochimaru and Tsunade stood side by side with him, the picture was unusually harmonious.

Witnessing the scene where Jiraiya was killed and transformed into a member of the other party, Terumi Mei's heart seemed to stop beating, the kind of palpitations and creepiness were indescribable, exhaustion and despair were like a terrifying palm clutching The chill that penetrated into her soul enveloped every pore.

Next to it, a black-stained two-headed monster raised its hideous arms and grabbed Terumi Mei. The boiling scorching mist corroded and melted the monster's arms, but there was no painful howl, just a dazzling sound. During the explosion, the entire monster immediately exploded into flames.

The impact of the explosion's air waves, Terumi Mei was facing Venus in front of her eyes, and her feet retreated violently. At the same time, her hands were sealed, and a huge water dragon spewed out of her mouth to crush the explosion's air waves. In the corner of her eye, she saw a transparent wave breaking into the scorching mist. middle.


The speed is too fast, as fast as the fangs of a cold poisonous snake shot out of the darkness, there is no way to avoid it, and the long, narrow and sharp blade pierces through Terumi Mei's waist like lightning.

"This is not aggression and destruction, but a ticket to take you to a wider new world. This is supreme luck and glory. Why struggle and resist?"

The deep and meaningful words, the moment the blade was pulled out, Shiliu showed his figure, the blade turned sharply and cunningly in an arc, and penetrated the opponent's heart from the arms blocked by Terumi Mei.

"Ninja, what a weak body!" Shiliu drew his blade.


The heart burst, the corpse fell heavily to the ground and was swallowed by the omnipresent black thread, and then stood up, the body was raised by a head, the originally thin body was filled with fierce steel and cold, and the body was surging with searing waves. It also revealed a gloomy, even more deadly and strange.

In just a short period of your companion will die and become an enemy in an instant. Can you understand the horrific despair?

Two days later, Da Yemu's eyelids twitched, the tip of his huge nose became more and more swollen, and beads of sweat dripped from both sides of his cheeks. Wherever he could see from the corner of his eye, there were routs and deaths everywhere. The entire earth was being eroded by darkness. The ninja suffered heavy casualties, while the number of enemies became more and more terrifying and tyrannical.

"Old guy, distraction is a taboo in battle. Are you in a hurry to die?"

Earl Red could smell the taste of people's hearts. He instantly captured the fear in the heart of Yang Yemu for two days. The whole person immediately deceived and approached, and countless red afterimages converged into a sharp sword that pierced the air.

There was a slit in his chest and blood was flowing. Two days later, Da Yemu immediately returned to his senses, the blue veins on his forehead were twisted and knotted, and a wicked smirk appeared on his face.

With his hands clasped together, a transparent cover shrouded the blood count of the stabbing sword.

"Dust escape? The technique of boundary stripping!"

The invisible cover of the seal shrouded Baroric in it, quickly collapsed and shrunk toward the center, crushing and separating all matter into atomic states...