MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 370 Lift the throne to the sky

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Hei Jue is about to reveal some truth. At the same time, in the dark lair woven by black, terrifying dust roared past, the black tentacles collapsed into black smoke, and a dark and deep black door gradually revealed in his sight. Inside.

The black door stood, the strange darkness surging around, and the countless entwined black tentacles continuously covered it, which seemed to be connected to a dark and unknown black hole.

Not like a world!

The strange and complicated black lines are looming on the door, and the countless black tentacles around are swaying and squirming frantically, as if two days, Onogi and others broke into the intestines of some terrifying monster, and some unknown strangeness is giving birth to breathing. , will break through the door at any time, and bring horrors that do not belong to this world.

"Nara Shikahisa speculated before his death that the apostles had invaded from another world..."

The moment he saw the black gate, Nara Shikahisa's inference could not be suppressed in Jiraiya's mind. At the same time, the prophecy of the giant ship floating through the black gate was also replayed in his mind, and he immediately blurted out his debut.

Terumi Mei had a look of astonishment on her face, and then she returned to her senses the next moment. Whether Jiraiya's inference was true or not, in short, this black door that stood up was indeed very strange, and it was inextricably linked to the apostle.

And everything related to the apostles should be destroyed!

There was no one around the black gate, only endless black tentacles lingered, and then the dust was swept away and melted into floating black smoke.

"Destroy that black gate!!!"

Terumi Mei's hands were sealed, Chakra was like boiling water mist, and the scorching high temperature corroded the surrounding air, like a strange snake with a vague figure hitting the black door.

At the same time, Terumi Mei's feet were also a little bit, and her long brown hair danced to reveal a pair of murderous eyes.

Two days later, Onogi's pupils suddenly shrank, and he stared at the black door, the pattern of wriggling and struggling on the door resembled the legendary ten-tailed body.

Kuromon dragged the ten-tailed body into the door, which means...  

"Be careful, that door is alive!"

Fortunately, Onogi and the others found the black door in the lair, not the refraction hidden in the mirror, but a real black door standing tall!

This is their greatest misfortune!


The hot air wave bombarded the center of the black door, the dull tremor sounded, and the violent roar was echoing, but it was not the door that was trembling, but the whole world was trembling.

Unfamiliar, gloomy, eerie, terrifying, mammoth... The darkness where all the words were woven into a pale gap opened a silent gap, the deep darkness and icy cold instantly covered the black door, and the scorching waves of scorching and pounding mist were swept away. Freeze, an eerie chill spread down the frozen "statue" to Terumi Mei's ankles.

It was just a hint of power leaking out, but Terumi Mei felt that a whole world was pouring over, the chill that shrouded down hit the soles of her feet, her ankles froze with her entire spine, and the chill that penetrated into her bone marrow and soul made people gasp for breath. Can't breathe.

For two days, Onogi saw a strange black light rippling from the black door, and a strange crack opened silently. He didn't think that it was opened by Terumi Mei, only that the darkness on the opposite side happened to be exposed, or was exposed by Terumi Mei. The rashness was called in advance!

The black crack of the door was torn apart, and countless tentacles stretched into the crack of the door. Too many black tentacles were like the black ocean underground. Even the dust of the two-day scale Oh Yemu would never melt away, and they could only stare at the entire building. The black ocean poured down, engulfing the entire black door, and then raised it high.

He slowly lifted it to the sky, like a big hand condensed in the dark, holding the throne where the gods descended, inch by inch to the top of the sky...


The sense of deja vu shocked Jiraiya. He looked up dully and looked at the dark door that was lifted from the ground to the sky. The door was deforming and expanding strangely, as if it gradually merged into the empty sky, and then slowly The ground split open, and it felt as if the entire sky had been penetrated by darkness, and the world in which it was located was finally torn apart by a huge mouth that could not be seen.

"Darkness came to the world, the terrifying gate of Heiyuan opened, the huge battleship floated out of the muzzle, and then..." Zilai also muttered to himself, recalling the picture in the prophecy.

On the side of the two-day scale Onogi looked at Jiraiya, who was as terrifying as a demon, and then looked up at the sky that was completely plunged into darkness, not the kind of black cloud haze filled with lead, but... .....The sky itself is completely integrated into the darkness, as if the eternal night is coming.

Terumi Mei screamed and jumped out of the gloomy and freezing fog. She dodged the body-snap technique. A large piece of flesh was still torn off her ankle and calf. This was just the aftermath of the impact on the black gate. Touching the black door from any part, I am afraid that she is now in ashes.

It's no wonder that there are no guards around the black gate that stands, because there is no need for it at all!

"What exactly is that black door?"

Terumi Mei couldn't care less about Frozen's ripped-off feet, she stared at the sky torn apart by the erosion of darkness in horror, the whole world seemed to have completely changed its color in an instant, the heart palpitations that had been emanating from the soul spread uncontrollably to every cell. Breathing, that is a great terror that has never been seen before this world!


on the ground!

The rolling Kuroshio calmed down, and the ninjas in black stopped their slaughtering movements, all looking up at the sky with fanatical and pilgrimage eyes, waiting for the "Lord" to come.

A series of explosions sounded The terrifying repulsive force and attractive force alternated, surrounded by a restricted area of ​​life, six circles standing, Nagato behind him, manipulating six crazy attacks to the center of the black robe apostle.

In the strange Samsara eyes, a skeleton monster covered with white bones waved a white bone chain, and where the foot stepped on, the ground cracked with thorns and thorns.

boom boom boom...

In the sound of collision and cutting, the white skeleton monster took huge steps, surrounded by a terrifying gravitational force, and that gravitational force actually interfered with the control of Samsara Eye's surroundings. It was... a hanging in the middle of the white bone mask. Senbai eyes.

Just like the Samsara Eye, it also belongs to the eyes of the gods - Tenseisen!

No, from the time he awakened the Samsara Eye, Nagato had already claimed to be a **** in his heart, and then, he saw the man on the opposite side suddenly stop attacking, lowered his head halfway, and stared at him with awe and fanaticism. Towards the black gate that lifts to the sky.

If a god's eyes lowered his head, then... what would it be? ?

Read The Duke's Passion