MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 335 Sasuke's death

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The black robe is the standard of the apostle, and the white cloak is the most dazzling cold in the dark.


Like falling into an ice cave, the chilling chill seemed to penetrate every cell in the body directly from the top of the head, and desperate fear was eating at Sasuke Uchiha's soul.


"Aren't these monsters in the village, were they not dragged by Jiraiya and Tsunade? Why did they appear here?"


Sasuke couldn't understand, he was so despicable and shameless to get rid of his companions, the first to escape, he has been struggling very hard, and even opened the kaleidoscope in despair, which is the glory and recovery of the Uchiha family. Hope, but...why is this ending!


The icy rain drenched his body, but it was not as cold as one ten thousandth of his soul. He was unwilling, angry, desperate, and a touch of remorse!


"Naruto and the others are already dead, so they caught up with me, or... Oh, the blood of my Uchiha clan is indeed a cursed fate!"


His face was grimly distorted, strong resentment and monstrous hatred were swallowing his soul, the surrounding air seemed to be infected, and a vague voice seemed to emerge from the depths of his consciousness.


A muffled voice like a murmur of a dream, an illusory and blurry image like a reflection from the water waves... It stopped abruptly!


The illusion was blurred and fragmented, or it was too late to emerge, and the deep darkness had already invaded this world, completely drowning Sasuke Uchiha.


The kaleidoscope is spinning frantically, the black ripples seep out the gloomy black fire, the resentment and hatred weave and twist the shape of the black fire, the chakra that has been consumed in the body at the bottom seems to rebound from the bottom, and it seems to be bred in despair. The new born, a more cold and evil force breeds in the "calling".






The voice that sounded in the darkness suppressed everything, and the extremely strong malice icy frozen Sasuke Uchiha's soul.


"Gana, don't waste your time!"


The indifferent voice echoed, like a judgment urged by fate, a real reminder!


"Yes, Arlin!"


At the same time as the voice fell, there was a cold light, which was a mirror-like cold light flashing on the fingernails as thin as paper, splitting Sasuke Uchiha's eyelids from left to right.


Black blood spurted out from the cracked blood mouth. The cold and evil chakra seemed to have been torn off and leaking. "Zizi" gushed out. The muscles and meridians at the bottom of the eyes were cut cleanly, and the two rotating The kaleidoscope stopped running immediately, like two glass balls, dripping from the eye sockets with the gushing blood.


The distorted black flame in the air dissipated unwillingly. Ganato caught two blood-stained eyeballs in his hand. He looked at the eyes that were gouged out in front of him. Ha Sasuke sneered: "So, isn't it good to agree with my proposal from the beginning?"


"I don't bother you to show me the pupil technique in your eyes. I will study it myself slowly!" Gana held the two eyeballs with residual warmth in the palm of his hand and let the icy rain wash away the blood stains on them. and temperature.


The beauty against black and red has a sinful beauty, which is really intoxicating.


Gana took a deep breath of the remaining **** smell in the air, and the kaleidoscope in his left eye was also spinning faintly. He stared at the two eyeballs in his hand, and suddenly felt that Sasuke Uchiha's mourning was a little harsh.


"It's your own fault that you can live, but you have to choose a dead end!"


Gana was a rare kind of kindness, but he was rejected for no reason at all. He gently stroked Sasuke Uchiha's neck with his five fingers, and there were fine goose bumps on it.




The neck was cut, the wound was smooth like a mirror, and a section of the head fell down, and then the body that lost control of consciousness fell vertically to the ground, falling from a height to the ground and smashed into a pool of blood.


The annoying sound is gone!


A mirror emerges from the rain screen, Gana looks at himself in the mirror, the left eye in the mirrored mirror, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is spinning faintly, exuding a deep and evil light.


The ghostly Gana's fingers grabbed Sasuke's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and stuffed it towards the eyes in the mirror. The mirror showed subtle ripples, and then a pit was hollowed out, like a strange opening in the pupil. , eat another eyeball into it.


In the fusion of darkness, red and black are blending with each other, and the phantom shadows of windmills are overlapping, and the kaleidoscope wheel eye on Gana's face exudes a strange and evil light.


The strange pupil power dissipated in the air, and there was a real evil and gloomy aura rising from Gana's body.


"Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes!"


Gana muttered to himself, the kaleidoscope of solid precipitation flashed with a faint luster, he grinned at himself in the mirror, and at the same time some evolutionary information of Sharinyan appeared in his mind.


The eye of the writing wheel, the pupil of the portrait of the soul!


The advanced path is single-gou jade - double-gou jade - three-gou jade - kaleidoscope writing wheel eye - eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.


The opening of each kaleidoscope Shaker will awaken a specific ability. The ability basically comes from the desire in the heart when the eyes are opened. However, the excessive use of the pupil power of the kaleidoscope will cause blindness, but it will evolve into eternity. After the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, this side effect will disappear, and the pupil power will be greatly improved.


And the ultimate evolution of Sharinyan is the legendary Samsara!


In Gana's mind, the pair of eyes of the leader of the Akatsuki's thoughts drifted away for a while, and the eyeballs twirled, revealing a thoughtful look.


"It's a very beautiful eye, and there's one left, do you plan to embed it between your eyebrows?"


Anilu stared at Gana and said that it was a lie that there was no covet in her heart. After all, these eyes are quite beautiful.


"The fusion of two kaleidoscope writing wheels can evolve into an eternal kaleidoscope, then..." Ganama rubbed the only kaleidoscope writing wheel left on his fingertips, but he did plan to open a hole between his eyebrows and fuse it in. But at this moment, my mind suddenly changed...


"A single kaleidoscope writing wheel hangs solitarily between the eyebrows, so it is better to continue to integrate..." Gana's eyes burst into a mysterious black light, and the information that emerged in his mind did not tell him the three kaleidoscope writing wheels. What happens with eye fusion, no one has ever done that in history.


"However, no one has done it, so that doesn't mean it's impossible!" Gana licked her wet lips, and held another kaleidoscope writing wheel with her right finger and stretched it out towards the eye socket in the mirror...