MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-~ Three hundred and forty-eight sheets progress

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"Haina's various theoretical data are supported. All the alternative products have been adjusted in the laboratory and have reached a preliminary fit. At this stage, there is only enough Hailou stone to complete the final experiment!"

Adams put the experiment notes aside, raised his head and stared at Yaerlin with a burning gaze, and complained, "The experimental environment here is really rudimentary, not comparable to the underground base provided by the mother hive."

"You miss those transformation warehouses. After all, without the help of the transformation warehouses, no matter how talented you are, there is no way to put them into practice!"

Yaerlin grinned. The biochemical fluid and transformation chamber provided by the mother hive are like a scalpel given by the devil, which can dissect the body that binds life and death, so that these scientific lunatics don't have to worry about the failure rate, so that all kinds of unbelievable absurd ideas can be transformed. The derivation is verified by experiments over and over again.

Yaerlin opened his palm, and countless black threads gushed out of his palm, quickly weaving into a seed of a mother's nest, whirling strangely in the air and releasing a dark black light.

Coquettish, mysterious, full of black light that devours people's hearts, the black lines entwined with "hiss" can't wait to touch the breath of the world.

"Plant this seed on Livas Mountain!"

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The greenery is full of greenery, the roots of the plants seep into the depths of the mountain, the black silk threads "hiss" into the ground, and the deep darkness expands underground, forming a hidden cave in the deepest part of the mountain, with countless black silk threads running along the ground. The roots of the plant spread down, cutting the ground into areas.

On the surface, the mountain has been reinforced, and there are traces of black markings on the arched green door. The green quilt texture veins of the rock climbing on both sides of the upside-down waterway also turned strangely black.

"Using the Upside Down Mountain as a bunker and the greenery as a decoration, the entire Upside Down Mountain will be gradually eroded into a camouflaged fortress..."

A dark "coffin"-like transformation warehouse emerged from the black carpet, and the area was cut and separated, and the mother nest thoughtfully built the laboratory area.

Even the factory that made the "Pluto" was divided, and Frank and some boatmen were placed inside. The entrance and exit of each area were connected to the maze of monsters to ensure that no intruders would come in and disturb their work. , also ensuring that no one escapes from here.

"Is this lair built like this? It's unbelievable!"

Adams suppressed the exclamation in his heart that such a huge and strange mother's nest is actually... a seed borne from Yaerlin's body, which is simply incredible.

"I will solve the problem of Hailoushi, and I want to see the birth of Heina as quickly as possible!" Yaerlin patted Adams on the shoulder and glanced at the "shipyard" Sensen Road, which was isolated by the maze. : "Supervise their progress. If there are crew members who are slow to work, you know what to do!"

"Of course!" Adams had already put on anatomical gloves on both hands, and was gesturing with the sharp scalpel in his fingers.

Time flies by.

A week later.

No wind belt!

The two warships were sailing out of the edge of the windless belt and smoothly entered the waters entering the East China Sea.

On the deck of the battleship, Vergo, who was wearing a plaid suit and a navy cloak, turned to look at Doflamingo who was walking out of the bottom of the cabin.

Following Doflamingo were the core members of the Vincent Mock family in combat uniforms. Obviously, the Germa Kingdom could not cross the windless belt. Fortunately, only the most elite members came to board. Navy battleship.

"If that Lieutenant General Yarlin is as weird as you said, I really want to see it in person, and the transformed monsters you mentioned..." Gage stared at the East China Sea in front of him.

"The weird change in Niji's life card is somewhat similar to the change in Garp's life card that he inquired about. It may be the same principle, and the answer is hidden in the East China Sea." Jiazhi thought so in his heart. It was also an important factor that finally drove him to agree to form an alliance with Doflamingo.

"Young Master, there are warships over there!" Vergo put down the telescope and realized that something was wrong.

On the surface, Vergo is the lieutenant general of the navy stationed at the G5 base, but secretly he is the core backbone of the Don Quixote family, a spy placed in the navy by Doflamingo.

The windless zone is the nest of sea kings and sea beasts. Generally speaking, the area near the windless zone is also a dead and no-man's land. There will be no naval warships patrolling this area, but... Several warships with seagull flags were quickly approaching, as if they had been waiting here.

"Something is approaching from under the sea!"

Vincent Mock Leiju, who was dressed in pink, touched the earphones on her head, and there was a noise of radio interference. She looked down at the sea, as if a huge black shadow was rapidly rising.


The sea cracked open, and countless terrifying fleshy tendons spun and volleyed. The pouring sea water fell heavily like a sea wall. In the dripping water curtain, a huge and hideous overlooked, and the huge and terrifying body floated. out to sea.

The hull swayed violently, and the dense tendons were entangled like iron cables on both sides of the front of the ship. With a bang, the ship's boards on both sides were torn off, and the mast was bent upside One by one, one by one was unstable. Navy soldiers, their bodies were chopped and shredded, and the splattered flesh stained the deck red.


A piece of hideous tendon was covered with crawling rust, piercing the chests of several soldiers like lightning one after another, overturning the heavy iron cannon, dyed with a piece of sticky flesh and rotten bones, winding like a The terrifying python shot at Doflamingo's back.

The enemy is very jealous when they meet!

"It's that monster!"

Doflamingo's eyes flashed thick bloodshots in an instant, countless white silk thread hooks restrained the tendons, and with a sudden pull, the tendons shattered and blood splattered all over him.

The next moment!

The overwhelming tendons were like countless steel cables, shrouded in all directions, and began to rotate violently, shrinking the area, wrapping Doflamingo in the center, and the whistling sound of "chichi" cut through the air.


The center exploded with a white wave line, piercing the rotating black cable muscles, and countless broken pieces fell on the deck. He got up and charged towards the floating monster.

The warships in the distance galloped over, blocking them in the middle in a triangular siege situation, and the pouring artillery shells pulled out dazzling sparks in the air, roaring and crashing down.

The warships of the headquarters opened fire quickly, with intensive artillery fire, the shells collided and shattered in the air, the crimson fireworks reflected the sea water red, and several gunfire intercepted by the black robes ripped and fell on the blood-stained deck. superior……