MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 7 Berserker's Dilemma

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"If a swordsman's attack is to be effective, it mainly depends on two aspects, the first is the swordsman himself, which can be attributed to internal causes; the second is to see what the target of the attack is, and the way to connect the two, that is, the sword The movements of the soldiers are the so-called moves.”

What Ryoma said seemed a bit like nonsense. In fact, it was nonsense to ordinary swordsmen, but since he told it to Qiubai again, it meant that it really wasn't nonsense.

"Qiubai, for you, it seems a bit biased to focus on the inside and ignore the outside in terms of overall consciousness."

Compared with teaching Qiu Bai's tricks and tricks, Ryoma is explaining something more essential... It's just a "form" that turns the other party into a copy of himself, and only the worst instructors will do that.

However, Qiu Bai did not understand the meaning of the other party's words for a while.

This has nothing to do with whether his intelligence level and comprehension are flawed. He just didn't respond to the question of which aspect Ryoma was talking about for a while.

At this time, the two of them were standing indoors, while Ain was kneeling a little far behind Qiu Bai... Ryoma's house has been transformed into a very simple kendo.

Seeing Qiubai was a little unclear, so Ryoma decided to explain it in practice. He swept a roll of grass for swordsmanship and hung it on the ground, and then stretched out his hand towards Qiubai.

Qiubai naturally understood, the slender blade appeared in his hand, and then he singled out a sword and easily broke the straw mat into two pieces.

Ryoma glanced at him, didn't say anything, just then replaced the grass swept with a hardwood stake of the same thickness.

But this also didn't hinder Qiubai's arrival. The lower half of the stake didn't move, while the upper half fell to the ground with Qiubai's knife. He didn't seem to have any problems, except for one thing...

"The strength of your sword swing has increased." Ryoma said.




Qiubai blinked, why is there no need to ask this?

"Because the things to chop are different, the stakes are much stronger."

"So, why is there such a judgment as 'to chop hard things with more force'?"

"..." This, eh, isn't that the case? Is there any deviation in Qiubai's common sense?

"This is your characteristic, and it can also be said that your basic way of thinking as a swordsman... relies too much on your own arm strength. If you use the right way, the same strength can be used to cut wood or cut wood. To split the stone and divide the gold."

As he spoke, the dragon horse took out the autumn water and stroked gently, then the straw mat was divided into two, and then he chopped the stake in the exact same way. Compared with the two, he really did not have any added strength.

Now Qiubai finally understood what Ryoma was talking about.

Whether it's his long-standing habit or the blind spot of his personal thinking, he never thought that he could still operate like this before.

And for Qiu Bai, although he didn't realize it, it was a fact that he relied too much on his own arm strength. No matter what he wanted to chop, he always put his strength first.

He can even do things like "cutting iron", but he is definitely slashing wildly, without the pleasure of swiftly slashing in two - fundamentally speaking, although there is no physical manifestation at all, he actually walks. It is the way of the "Berzy Swordsman".

In other words, rather than looking for the opponent's weaknesses, Qiubai is more accustomed to strengthening himself and then confronting the opponent's strongest part. This is his habit of doing things, and at the same time, it also more deeply reflects some of the problems of personal character. It is okay to say that the sword is as good as the heart.

If it is explained in a more concise, non-water-free, popular and scientifically logical language, that is... Qiubai likes to be tough.

If something is chopped with a ton of power, he will habitually increase the power to two tons, instead of seeking a more delicate solution with a ton of power.

This is Qiubai, a high-mountain flower blooming on Qiongya...that is, a wonderful flower in the academic sense.

He didn't deliberately ignore the opponent's weaknesses, but he was accustomed to staring at the opponent's strongest point. If he faced such an enemy and the opponent was strong in one aspect, Qiubai would habitually think "he Let him be strong, I have to be stronger than him." In this regard.

This is not a problem of swordsmanship, but a more basic and deeper battle thinking problem other than swordsmanship. If you keep fighting in this way of thinking, two situations are likely to occur... Either you will directly overthrow the enemy, or you will clean it up. Neatly knocked down by the opponent.

Head-to-head, head-to-head, there will always be times when you hit a hard rock.

Of course, this may also be related to Qiubai's lack of actual combat experience. Even without Longma's teaching, after a long time and more experience, he will begin to realize this problem.

However, this is the meaning of the existence of the instructor. Perhaps it is the most appropriate for students to discover, analyze and grow themselves, but Ryoma obviously doesn’t have that much time.

After these remarks, Qiubai suddenly felt that the toilet hole was open... He was still a little ashamed of being seen through, but he knew the difference very clearly, so he quickly commanded the girl who was watching:

"Ain, take notes quickly."

Ain glanced at Qiu Bai, although it was only a single instruction for him, but she directly organized the notes as required... She had a hunch that even if Qiu Bai wrote down, she would never read it a second time, and always There was a sense that the note was going to get wet soon after.

Ryoma ignored Qiu Bai's words to Ain, and he continued, "Perceiving weaknesses and finding weaknesses is one of the foundations of swordsmanship, and it is also the basic requirement for swordsmen. According to rumors, swordsmen who can reach the top can do to 'listen to everything', but unfortunately I've never been to that point..."

"However, there is nothing wrong with turning this kind of practice that emphasizes the swordsman's spirit, energy, and spirit into 'listening to all things'..."

This statement made Qiu Bai stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, and then he said, "Yes... Is it domineering?"


"You know 'domineering'?"

Well, Qiubai was a little anxious, he was still too far away from that level.

Does Qiubai know domineering? In fact, it should be counted as not knowing, "I only know that everyone has a peculiar power called 'Domineering', and the rest is unknown."

This should be a fact. If he knew domineering, he would have started training long ago.

"Let's talk about domineering things later, let's talk about the problem at hand..." Ryoma pondered for a while, and then changed his statement, "But since you mentioned this, let's explain it by comparison."

"For the time being, the technique of finding weaknesses is called 'listening to all things', and its focus is on the word 'feeling' itself, which is simply 'listening'. And then react, UU reading that is, instantaneous 'feedback' is particularly important, so the two are not on the same level."

It has nothing to do with domineering, and what Ryoma said is completely different from the rumored One Piece "listen to the voice of all things".

Qiubai is undoubtedly more interested in the magical power of domineering, but he still understands the truth that haste is not enough. First of all, making up for his long-term shortcomings is the current top priority.

"So now your next assignment is... Breaking stones with the power of breaking wood."

"Or to be more direct, cut the stone with half of the strength you originally needed, and then repeat with a quarter of the strength. If you can do it, you will have the next step of cultivation." Ryoma said.

"Although I don't have much time, the things I want to teach can only be carried out one by one, so... Whether you can learn what you want to learn depends on you." Where did he hear about domineering, and he was quite interested in that kind of high-level power, but Ryoma would not skip the middle teaching link.

That can't be skipped either.

Hearing what the other party said, Qiu Bai's face was a little bitter. This requirement is really a bit high. In such a short time, it is almost impossible for him to pass the customs.

"About the current practice... any hints?"

Qiubai rubbed his hands together, and said somewhat indulgently.

There must be none.

Ryoma didn't pay any attention to him at all, but directly started teaching another student... Although Ain seems to be just an add-on, since he decided to teach, Ryoma has no reason to be biased.

The pressure is all on Qiu Bai alone, so...what are you doing? He went straight out to chop stones.

Read The Duke's Passion