MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 338 trouble

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"Who wrote this news, doesn't it have any substance?"

Qiubai was a little dissatisfied with the reporter who made this report. It may be related to the news control of the Navy, and many more detailed things did not appear in this newspaper.

This kind of major war news must have been occupied by the entire newspaper, and the reports on Qiu Bai’s personal account accounted for a considerable part. At least one reporter has been collecting news about him over the years. All these things have been revealed... I have to say that the timing was very precise. Qiubai can be said to be a pirate who "brings great brilliance" in the war on the top. Countless audiences have witnessed him and his The battle between Whitebeard and the Golden Lion, and visually speaking, the two sides are evenly matched, so he naturally attracted considerable, or even universal, attention.

More importantly, he is a pirate with a mysterious whereabouts. To most people, he is like a strong man who suddenly popped up, so this kind of exclusive report on him is very valuable. Maybe he can get this year's The Zelip Prize for journalism might as well.

"The captain is very concerned about the pirate with the straw hat?" Monet put down the newspaper in his hand... How could someone as noble as Qiu Bai read the newspaper in person? Even Monet's mouth is a little dry after doing this kind of work too much.

"Given the environment on the battlefield at the time, it was probably difficult for pirates like the Straw Hat to survive, right? After all, even people like Whitebeard and Fire Fist died in battle," she added.

The problem with the straw hat is that he is not strong enough but he is too active, so he will naturally become a thorn in the side of the navy, but he can't even fight as a lieutenant general, so his chance of survival is really low if he judges rationally.

But Qiubai shook his head, "The straw hat is a bit different, it won't die so easily."

The death of Ace and Whitebeard is inevitable. The Navy has attacked 100,000 people to kill these two. How could they not die? If this situation is placed on Qiu Bai, who has been "working and not dying", he should go to the street. Also have to go to the street.

The straw hat that was seriously injured in the war was originally saved by Luo, but even without Luo, Luffy would have to die. Given the emergency situation at the time, Qiubai felt that there was a high chance that the straw hat should be with the red hair. At the same time, the former pinned the expectations of the latter, and it was impossible to see death without help when life was hanging by a thread.

The four emperors' ship doctor was probably enough to save Luffy.

Monet didn't know how Qiu Bai came to the judgment, but she was more concerned about another person than Luffy, "I just didn't expect the golden lion to leave the battlefield alive in the end."

She felt that the golden lion was more threatening, and if nothing else happened, the other party would regard Qiubai's group as mortal enemies. After the golden lion regained his freedom, there should be one day in the future.

"'s impossible. After all, if he can fly, if he can't turn around and run, there's nothing anyone can do." For Qiubai, the golden lion's biggest role is to bring the advancing city to Ma Linduo. Now this matter The other party has completed it successfully. As for now... Qiubai has not paid much attention to the golden lion.

After the war on the top, a large number of prisoners of the advancing city ran to the sea. They can basically be divided into three categories. The first is the pirates who have fled or gathered in small groups, and the second is the old pirate golden lion. Begin to form a new flying pirate group, and the third is to indulge in the charm of the big pirate Bucky, consciously included in the Bucky pirate group, since then Captain Bucky has truly become a "big pirate".

Compared with Qiubai's direct display of his strength, Bucky's approach is much more civilized and high-end. He exposed layers of interpersonal relationships in the war on the top, and thus established his prestige - he is indeed Roger The crew member is indeed a good friend of Shanks. When Roger fought with Whitebeard, he did call out to Whitebeard with a fruit knife, "Whitebeard, your head is mine". Arrogant words.

God knows how he got into this later.

However, after the war, he changed his body from "unlucky" to a new "child of destiny". Although he could destroy the Bucky Pirates by picking out a prisoner, these pirates were all willing to become If it was a place where he was looking for beads instead of treasures, Bakito would be "Mr. Satan, the strongest man in the world".

At this time, Qiubai's injury has not fully recovered, and compared to the time, there is still a bandage on his forehead... Their action to intercept the red hair is not a deadly fight, to put it bluntly, it is just dragging the footsteps of the four emperors. Although the slogan of "robbery" was shouted, as long as you have the brain, you can't really expect to deal with the pirate group of the Four Emperors with nine people.

Intercepting the Four Emperors was considered a feat in the tone of the newspapers, but in fact the people who played the biggest role in this operation were Perona and her Ghost Legion, who paralyzed the four emperors' pirate ship's mobility.

"Captain, it's settled..." At this time, Luo came over to report, and then Qiubai stood up and walked towards a warship parked next to the Balubatos.

However, the sailors on this warship are not, but a group of prisoners who escaped from the advancing city. After they robbed the warship, they escaped from Marlin.

This is still the first half of the Great Route, the waters west of the Chambord Islands.

The ship is full of vicious pirates, but now they are all honest, because there is a one-meter-square constantly beating cube on the bow deck. It is composed of small lattices, and each small lattice. There is a heart in it, and even each heart is beating at a different rhythm. This scene is too challenging for the optic nerve. It is so weird and weird. stunned by the scene.

The kind of noise made by a bunch of beating hearts put together, no one can stand alone.

The heart was just sitting there unguarded, and no one rushed over to **** it away—perhaps they were frightened by Luo before and didn't dare to act rashly; or maybe they couldn't tell which heart was the right one. my own.


Qiubai took the bow of the ship, looked down at the group of pirates and said, "I'm sorry to disturb everyone's happy sailing, but there are some things that have to be done."

"My companions should have told me the specific things in detail. I want a group of messengers to deliver some news to the sea, and you are lucky to have happened."

"Please seize the fortune and opportunity. The things I handed you are very simple, please let go and do it. No matter what you do, under the banner of Qiwuhai, you are innocent..."

What kind of fortune and opportunity is this?

This is of course fortune and opportunity, and the reward is very generous. After completing the task, everyone can get a red heart beating as a thank you gift, which is really moving.

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