MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 280 Ouranos

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"Mr. Magician, what am I going to do now?" Bai Xing whispered next to Qiu Bai's ear, as if trying to avoid Joey Boy who was walking in front of her hearing her words.

A serious and rigid old man with a high position and a straight face always makes people feel timid, not to mention that this five old star is an old man who has lived for 800 years, and Bai Xing is only a 14-year-old introvert. little daughter.

"Go to see an old friend named Ulanus." Qiu Bai's answer was not shy about Joey Boy.

Now Joey Boy is leading the way for Qiubai and the two of them, and their whereabouts is the most powerful weapon in the world, the King of Heaven "Uranos", made by the Grued people 800 years ago.

Judging from the principle that the nuclear bomb on the launcher is the most deterrent, the reason why the Tianlong people are still the biggest reliance of the Tianlong people to this day.

As long as Uranus still exists, no matter to what extent the World Government controls the entire world, it will still be an organization that completely obeys the Heavenly Dragons. In essence, the treatment of the Heavenly Dragons is the treatment of the genuine creator.

With the "spies" and "leaders" of the level of the Five Old Stars, Qiubai is naturally unimpeded in the Holy Land Marlene Joya, and perhaps no one will be more familiar with this kind of city than Joyboy.

The three went straight to the location of Ouranos... or the location of the Uranos control center, perhaps because Joey had made arrangements in advance, or perhaps because he chose to go where no one was, in short, the road seemed very quiet, They didn't meet anyone else.

Of course, with the Five Old Stars standing in front of you, it doesn't matter if you run into ordinary guards. Qiubai is still a good friend of the Tianlong people. What's wrong with entertaining him?

"The cultivation method of devil fruit...does it really exist?" After walking in the city for more than two hours, Joey suddenly stopped and asked.

"How is it possible, do you think the Gruid people will leave this kind of thing to you? What exactly is Ralph Drew, you must have guessed it?"

"It's just a mountain full of devil fruit trees. As for how this tree was cultivated, it has long been buried by history." Qiubai said, I believe it will not take long for the world government to obtain this kind of tree from other places. There is a method, but in any case, it is better for the World Government to know about this kind of thing later than other organizations - after all, if the World Government wants to plant trees, it must be faster than all other organizations.

"But don't worry, don't you have Vega Punk?" Qiubai said with a smile, hundreds of years ago, the world government knew that Devil Fruits could be made, so how could they not conduct research in that regard? It's just that the gap between them and Gruid is too big, and there has been no success.

But now it is obviously different. The world government has finally obtained the coveted talent, even Dr. Vega Punk, the strongest brain in human history. There is no reason for this genius not to carry out research in this area.

Some scientists far inferior to him can create pirated "artificial devil fruits". By comparison, it is conceivable that Vega Punk's devil fruit research has definitely reached a very profound level.

"Even so, why did you release all the Devil Fruits? Do you know what kind of impact that would have on the world?"

"Will it be? Then what kind of impact did you have back then? How many Gurid people were slaughtered in one hundred years, hundreds of millions? Several billions? Tens of billions?" Qiubai would not accept the other party's words at all Accused, he never felt that he had done anything bad. Humans would kill each other, but he had never done such a thing himself.

Joyboy turned around and stared at Qiubai with a rather deep look, "You have no idea what kind of pressure and fear that powerful country brought us back then!"

The mighty Gurid Kingdom may be a good choice for other small country nationals to merge into this country, and some people even want to immigrate to get "Guka", but for those countries, it will never be the case. think.

Would the king of Zimbabwe want to join Uncle Sam, and the king of the Korean Empire willing to join Mao Xiong? Regardless of whether the country is strong or weak, as long as it is a ruler, he is not willing to give up his ruling position, and would rather be a chicken head.

It is naturally difficult for people in later generations to imagine the scene at that time. Good and evil are not so universal. When to make a choice, only the person at that time has the most say, so after thinking about it, Qiubai said, It's hard to shut up.

"The place you're looking for is ahead, and I'll stop here. The next step is up to you." Joyboy pointed to the huge temple-like building in front of him with his crutches and said, because a certain For some reason, he could no longer move forward.

"Really?" Qiubai nodded, and then without much doubt, he really continued to move forward with the white Who is the king of heaven, who is or can be a Tianlong person, Joey Are you so reassuring to hand over such a big killer? The answer is that there is no other way for him to be at his best.

The world government controls Shiroishi and Shirogane controls Uranus. This is the best result. However, this is also a state that can only be achieved in an ideal state.

Is the sea king who has awakened his power so easy to control? Even if Bai Xing is really controlled, and Bai Xing controls Tianwang, how does the world government deal with the combined resistance of these two ancient weapons?

No one can stop it, so it's better to just give up Uranos. From an emotional point of view, this is the best judgment. At least the mermaid princess is more credible than the Tianlong people - more than one generation of mermaid princesses have owned Posse. The name of Dong, but they have never used this power to cause a war. Although there is no absolute, but if the two are weighed, the princess holding the sea king is much better than the dragon people holding the sea king.

The world government must have had enough of the Tianlong people. Now the form of the revolutionary army is intensifying. What kind of ruling method is the best, the supreme ruler of the world government can never be mindless, but the dragon people make them unable to take that method.

There was no defense on the periphery of the building, because other than the Tianlong people, contact with other people would cause great hostility. However, at this time, no one except Joey Boyle probably remembered it. Only one person who is not a Tianlong person has. Like the Celestial Dragon... no, the "privilege" far above the Celestial Dragon.

The great mermaid princess... Mr. Mount under the tail, pushed open the door that had not seen the sun for a long time.

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