MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 267 Boarding (below)

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The shaking of the ground became more and more violent and frequent, and the huge historical text in this space even bounced back and forth like fried beans in a hot pot.

Monet started to take the opportunity to get out of here, and in this inexplicable situation, Jinweimen had no time to take care of her... He couldn't even stand firm, and at this time, it would be difficult for him to chase a natural system that can float. .

Something is hitting the underwater base plate of this island... Monet thought so as he quickly returned to the ground. It was already early in the morning, and the sun cast a slanting and icy morning light, covering a huge shadow. over the entire city.

A sea king five times the size of Godzilla emerged from the sea, and with the tremors caused by the footsteps, its entire body was exposed from the sea little by little. Visually speaking, this thing is not human at all. Victory, just this one sea king is enough for the people on the island.

But what is "Sea King" Poseidon? Will there be only one of the sea kings who responded to her call? At least one legion's sea kings are approaching and are preparing to land.

If Bai Xing is willing, in fact, she can pull all the sea kings in the two windless belts out and walk on the runway.

"This, what is this!"

At this time, the mood of the pirates naturally needs to be said, and their mentality has already begun to collapse. In terms of purpose, the former group of pirates who came to this island is to fight the Guangyue family, and the latter group of pirates came here. The thieves were there to fight the former pirates, but none of them had plans to transform into Ultraman to fight monsters.

Monet also expressed surprise at the power of the sea kings, but the surrounding exclamation made her come back to her senses in an instant. She looked at the pirate closest to her with the logo of Bucky, so she took the lead and shouted:

"Don't panic, everyone, this is the battle force summoned by Captain Bucky to help us!"

"Captain Bucky? Where is Captain Bucky, I haven't seen Captain Bucky since the war started!"

"Me too..." Then there were countless agreeable voices.

Of course they couldn't see Captain Bucky anymore. After finding that he couldn't run, Captain Bucky had long been hiding in a place where no one could find him. Anyway, how did he get here safely.

"Captain Bucky came to this island for his own purpose. He was to retrieve the weapons left in this country when he sailed with Captain Roger - the scepter and trident that dominated the sea. This is what Captain Bucky has always done. Because of his disappearance, he must have gone through many obstacles alone to get back his power!" In an instant, Monet made up a story and buckled the appearance of the sea kings on Bucky's head. It is a measure to avoid associating the sea king with the word "sea king".

"The emergence of sea kings is the most striking evidence."

Maybe this kind of myth-like statement seems naive and childish, but...the rumors spread are the truth, who can be sure that Captain Bucky can't dominate the sea kings?

Don't talk nonsense about things without evidence. Do you know how to brag about the Basic Law? Do you know what is not absolute?

"But... is there such a thing as a trident, what is that, I have never heard of it."

"Idiot, it's impossible to put it on others, but is Captain Bucky the same? Captain Bucky is a legendary pirate!"

"Yes, yes, this must be the power of Captain Bucky, who can do such a thing except his old man?"

"...I'm such a bastard. I was still guessing whether the great Captain Bucky escaped. Sure enough, I can't guess the thoughts of such a big man."

"Don't say that, or I'll be an asshole..."

The image of Captain Bucky's Yingming Shenwu has been reversed, and everyone likes to add fuel to the description and brainstorming of the "witnessed" story, especially for the admirers of Captain Bucky, Captain Bucky With this enormous power, they are honored.

The story of the legendary pirate Captain Bucky and the Trident of Wands quickly spread throughout the battlefield, and in the process of word of mouth, the story gradually became fuller, and it didn't take long for someone to see it with their own eyes Captain Bucky defeated how many powerful enemies, and took back the trident in a blood-soaked posture. How did Captain Bucky use the scepter to summon the sea kings, and what a stalwart tone he used to command the sea kings to take action, and they even learned the tone vividly.

Who else is dissatisfied? So many people have seen the process of Captain Bucky's summoning of the sea kings, and the sea kings placed here are iron-clad proofs!

So far, Captain Bucky has been officially crowned as a legendary pirate, and his "legend" is unshakable at all.

"For victory! For Captain Bucky!"

Just how scared the pirates were, and how arrogant they are now, the pirates once again replenished their morale and rushed towards the stupid beast pirates - once it was determined that this power was on their side After the helper, the pirates became different in an instant. Look how cute this sea king looks, with its fangs and claws, and the indestructible skin color of the armor, don't you like it?

Of course, these are things to follow a little later, and Monet didn't expect that the legend of Captain Bucky would be brewing so quickly, she just made a head and then quickly evacuated.

Monet moved quickly to the seaside. At this time, she had already obtained what she should have, and the main goal of coming to this country had also been achieved. In fact, the Cauliflower Pirates can already evacuate this country with peace of mind, but the problem is It seems that the battle between Qiubai and Kaido is not over yet.

And it doesn't seem to be over for a She glanced at a certain part of the city with some worry, but because of the isolation of the inherent barrier, the battle situation inside is completely invisible.


Maybe it was because of the emotional agitation, maybe because of the suffocation caused by the atmosphere of the battlefield, maybe because of the desire to stop and end the war early, or maybe because of the stimulation of Monet's words before, in short, Shirahoshi really showed a part of her power... ...oh, now that's "turned into" Bucky's power, congratulations and sadness.

From the point of view of safety, Bai Xing himself should not bear excessive attention. Since Bakiken shares this pressure, it would be great... Although he is passively sharing, it is no problem, for everyone It's good isn't it?

This extremely rare large-scale landing of sea kings in history was later called "Baki's Syndrome Sea King Rampage", which caused very serious consequences. Although the country of Wano was not destroyed, but because of the island base damage, the island began to suffer from geological disasters.

Since then, Wano country has become a country with frequent volcanoes and earthquakes.

Read The Duke's Passion